Chapter 1


Zhi Ruo disappeared only to re-apear on a whole new universe.



Zhi Ruo's POV

The searing headache was not yet dissolved, even after that strange flash of light. The light sucked me in before I could even go to my dimension. I let out an audible groan and sat up.

I let my hands wonder around me, seeing that I can't open my eyes yet without flinching. I felt a flimsy clothe covering me and my weakened body. I opened my eyes to try and reach for the phone to call my secretary.

When the sight greeted me was a rundown ceiling, holes littered the flimsy wood. I was surprised was an understatement, I was panicking, losing my composure.

I bolted from the place where I have been laying, but before I could register anything. Memories flashed through my mind, memories that aren't mine.

Then realization dawned on me. I have been transmagrated in a different world.

"Liu... Zhi Ruo.... Urgh.." I muttered to myself. As events keep passing through my mind.

Finally about half an incense later the pain had subsided. And I was able to regain my bearings.

The body that I have been transferred to was called Liu Zhi Ruo. She had been the eldest Xiaojie of the General Lui of the west. But despite having the tittle of an respected eldest Xiaojie of the Liu's, she has been bullied, tortured and made slave by her step mother the concubine of General Liu, or should I say father.

She- I have been the daughter of Ye Yu Yan. Who was the second daughter of Ye Gu Shi the head of the Ye clan, a fairly neutral clan who was been around long before Guan Wie empire has been built.

Ye Yu Yan had died due to unknown reason leaving me to a man she had fallen in love with. That man was my father Liu Wu Yin. She also left me with her dowry, but the dowry that was said to be mine was in the hands of Liu Su Yang, my step mother. And I never saw the light of the riches.

It was obvious that the love of my mother and father was one-sided. Right after my fathe- no General Liu married my mother as the head wife he took Liu Su Yang as his concubine is less than eight days.

"Tch," I looked around me to see that I am laying in an sorry excuse of an bed. In a room that only consist of a desk and a chest.

Liu Su Yang has two daughters named Lui Ya Ren and Liu Qi Sen. But despite being born as Shu daughters, they were given the luxury as the Eldest Xiaojie should have. They were pampered and spoiled unlike me.

It irks me that I have been reduced to this low life.

I stood up from the itchy bed and staggered to the desk. I pulled out the drawer looking for the copper mirror that the me had stolen. I saw it. It was wrapped in a clothe hidden on the back side of the drawer. I hummed in satisfaction.

I had my engagement broken not long with the son of the right Minister. The reason? I was said to be too ugly, and weak to be his bride, he declared that without even meeting me. Wu Ling He is seen to be one of the best, and supposedly I was unfit for him.

And the Liu Fu celebrated as if it was an holiday.

I took out the mirror and held it with my bony hands. The arm that was supporting my hands was covered in bruises both big, new and old. Luckily there was no injuries just bruises that turned yellow and purple.

But fortunately, from what I have gathered. And the reason why I have been too accepting of this situation was because, I was transmigrated in a world of Wuxia.

"Heh," I examined my face. It was the exact replica of my face back then. The lotus was also glowing brightly on my forehead. The only difference was I was more skinny, more pale and more of an corpse than anything.

"Hmmmnn things aren't so bad." As long as I can cultivate everything is fine.

It was said that I was a trash that was unable to cultivate a single Qi. But clearly they didn't look closer. My meridians were blocked, with poison.

A glint flashed through my eyes. As I was about to head to my Lotus Dimensions.

[ Permission for unblocking the meridians. ]

A voice echoes through my mind. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, I readied myself.

{ Who are you?! Show yourself! }

Visibly shaken I shouted in my head in hopes of easing a bit of tension that my body right now can't handle.

[ Permission for unblocking the meridians. [Yes] [No] ]

But the voice just repeated what it said. But after hearing what the voice was saying I narrowed my eyes. After a while, red lines started forming before my eyes. It formed words, or specifically the question.

[ Permission for unblocking the meridians. ]

[YES]        [NO]

"Is this....what they call...the system?" I can't help help but mutter, the mirror on my hands was safely put back to the drawer. Before I avert my attention back to the floating words.

Contemplating of it for a bit, I finally raised my hand and hit yes. My fingers surprisingly did not pass through. I touched a glass like texture.

[ Affirming...]

[WARNING: intense pain, continue?]

[YES]   [NO]

I raised my hand against and tapped on the glowing red yes.


[ Progress...1%]

Right after I glanced at text that was now hovering above me, a numbing pain attacked me. If I was weak minded person I would've succumb to death a moment ago. But the business world do not accept people who are weak, so here I am suffering.

I can feel all my meridians being stretched, pulled and ripped apart. Then it was rebuilt again, which was worst than being destroyed.

I flppped to my knees with a thud, my eyes wide open.


I just sat there for what feels like an eternity. Before feeling that something was going out of my body. I hugged my body feeling the sticky substance.


I can feel it all. The world to me was spinning, I felt as if I was being played with like a ragdoll. I willed my body not to collapse. The floor beneath me was soaked I can feel it. But if I took a chance to look down I would've seen black goo all over.


[ Removing successful.]

[ Casualties : 0%]

Finally when I thought I was about to die, from all the pain that was wrecking my body. The voice and the flickering red lines before me announced me back my life.

I gasped, I spasmed, and I breathe in air as much as I can. I can feel my body falling forward, I weakly put my hands up to stop the falling. My hands twitched from the aching pain that I felt.

I vaguely felt refreshed but weak everything was clear and not as foggy as before. And I felt tremendous Qi surrounding me. So I did what I had to do. I sat in a lotus position, and guided my Qi to my dantian encircling and flourishing my meridians in the process.

It was like a dam let loose in flowed through my empty dantian then it weaved through my limbs strengthening and hardening it, it was  reconstructing my tissues creating new ones. It was replenishing my body, I did not have the feeling that I was being eaten alive.

Honestly it was nice.

With Qi humming through my veins the pain and the bruises altogether did not feel that much anymore. The Qi was comforting, reassuring almost. Thought it did great in healing my bruises it did nothing to my famishment.

Now did I notice that the power that I held once on my other life did not transfer here, the only thing that transferred was the lotus dimensions. That was enough for me.

Now that I have gathered my bearings , put myself back together, made this life back on the track I felt nothing but pure excitement. I didn't felt this rush for a while, it was like knowing I can cultivate all over again. It was beautiful .

My pale lips formed into a sinister smile, as I declared to myself.

"Who dares hurt me shall pay a hundred fold! I Zhi Ruo! Shall eat your skin and and drink your blood!" I looked into my bony hands, and I muttered to myself. "Do not worry Zhi Ruo, I will take it from here. Go rest in peace."

And finally then I felt myself whole again. The remnants of the past Zhi Ruo disappeared, and I was me again. And this time, I will take on this life for my past self. She can count on that.

Thank you.....

I smiled.

But first things first. I need to eat. And maybe a bath.

I looked around the room to see that it was bare as before, of course was I hoping that it would change? Silly me.

I went outside, and it was as gloomy as the inside. There was a big tree providing shade in this courtyard and the house, and that big tree was the one providing all the leaves on the ground that looks like it was no difference of that a forest floor.

And at the entrance of the courtyard was a sign. A tattered sign that simply  said • Zhi courtyard • no fancy calligraphy was seen, no nothing just that.

Now moving on to the house, from what I got in my memories. The house consist of two rooms a receiving room, the master bedroom and a small Dusty never to be used kitchen. The floor boards were falling apart, but not as much as the ceiling, the walls were sturdy though, ancient architect at it's finest.

I need to eat, I closed my eyes and mustered up my flimsy Qi. The lotus on my forehead glowed bright.

And when I opened my eyes, I was inside the dimension. I looked around. This dimension I call, food dimension. The name suck but it represents the dimensions finely.

This is the place where every food exist. I was fighting this big glutton Lord Yao and it dropped an never ending food Horn generator. It was a blessing and a curse, I had nothing to do with it so I tossed it in a empty dimension. But when I went to see what happened to a few weeks later, I found out that it was filling the dimension with food.

The next day I went and donated all the cuisine. But the next week I looked to check it again, it was still filling up the dimension. I shrugged and let it be, it can't fill up the dimension, and I can't just donate all the food all at once. I remembered that it was annoying me that I just left it.

And now I never been so thankful that I have it.

I quickly looked over all the food and pick up a random platter. And ate about five other, after that I was ful.

I went back to the real world and looked at my reflection to see any difference. The only difference was my bulging stomach and I don't look that pale anymore, but still looks like a corpse.

I went outside behind the house where I usually take a bath. I looked to see a big tub and some buckets, now usually I would fetch water bypassing the main house and too the river outside the Fu all the while suffering the humiliation. They never let the outsiders know though, not for my sake but  in order to protect their reputation.

After a few rounds the tub would be fourth full only. And that would be enough. Without any products for cleaning, my odor would reek. Making me more of an laughing stock. They then would refuse to send me any clothes and in the end I would wear rags, they would send me less food every month. Till now, I died.

But now....

