Chapter 28

In the end Zhi Ruo did not go and pick out a cultivation scroll in the library, she opted to leave the place as soon as she could. For the rest of the day she took some books and ended up pretending to study in her room halting anyone who tried to approach her.

Including the new servants that was assigned to her.

She holed herself up in the room pretending to study, but she adeptly cultivated all day long at the end. Ravel had to pretend that he had delivered the meals to her, because Zhi Ruo forbid him on disturbing her when she was cultivating.

Within just another night, Zhi Ruo broke through Gathering; Concentration rank 5. The servants were tactful enough to notice that there was something going on with their young miss. But they did not feel that was anything bad so decided to silently do their job.

Which Zhi Ruo appreciated. Because she was in that zone where she currently does not care if she was acting out or not.

On the other side, Yu Zhúlín already heard that news about Zhi Ruo's participation approval. And was now doubting his ears. He even went as far as to wash it in his bewilderment.

Within normal circumstances, he would've wanted to avoid Zhi Ruo as he was now very iffy around her. But he wasn't thinking straight, so after he had finished his breakfast, he went and go to Zhi Ruo's courtyard.

A very curious mistake on his part, but who can blame him?

His subconscious would, but it's not like it wasn't also telling him to meet the, now very, infamous young miss.

Which brings them to the current situation.

"May I know who I can redirect Brother Yu too?" Translation; what the fuck are you doing here and who are you looking for? Did you go to the wrong house?

Zhi Ruo crossed her arms, and as her business pants and blazer wrapped around her snuggly as she clearly just showered. With her legs and arms crossed she looked at Yu Zhúlín's face who was stuck between a smile and curiosity in Zhi Ruo's clothing.

"I came here to congratulate the young miss in participating on the tournament." Translation; I came here to check on you because I am a curious person.

"Aa, yes. Thank you." Translation; Thank you, but you can go fuck off now.

Both fell silent as they waited for the other one to talk. Silently, the more Yu Zhúlín stayed in Zhi Ruo's presence, the more he realized that Zhi Ruo's aura was different. It was more than different, her aura surged. One might not notice, but he certainly did. As he was keenly aware of the awkward atmosphere around the room.

In the beginning, Yu Zhúlín wasn't a patient person. He wasn't then, and he isn't now. So naturally, he was the first one to fold.

"Did senior brother Tiān give you a leeway? Or a pill? Maybe a drought even?"

You see, Yu Zhúlín has this uncanny ability. You know when some things are better left unsaid? Yeah, he realizes that right after he had said those words. Way too late, and he only knows now that he fucked up some shit when Zhi Ruo did not even need to talk as he can practically feel the displeasure she emitted.

Zhi Ruo smiled at the question that Yu Zhúlín asked. She could not tell if he is careless, or fearless. Either way, she doesn't particularly favor this brother of hers if his mouth acts up.

"Brother Yu was there remember? Does brother Tiān Dì look like the type of person who would favor someone in some matter like this?" She shook her head as her voice reached Yu Zhúlín. "And further more..." she pinned him with her stare. With it she did not even have the need to continue her words anymore.

As embarrassed as he was, he could only maintain a wry smile. He feels like talking to Zhi Ruo is like walking around in eggshells. Though, he should probably watch his mouth of that mouth of his will really land him into trouble.

It was the knock of a maid servant that saved Yu Zhúlín from further embarrassment. With Zhi Ruo's permission, another person came in.

The air was accompanied by the smell of bamboos as Kohaku stepped in the room. It was Zhi Ruo's eyes that he met first, and Yu Zhúlín next. He paused not expecting a person with Zhi Ruo. Then his eyes narrowed at Yu Zhúlín's smile, he really does not like that smile. Or the person in particular.

"Senior brother Kohaku, it's nice to see you again." Yu Zhúlín opened his mouth to greet Kohaku while Zhi Ruo gave a nod.

"Sister Zhi Ruo," Kohaku nodded towards Zhi Ruo, idly taking note of her odd way of clothing. "Brother Yu," Crossing his arms he reluctantly turned his nose to greet Yu Zhúlín.

"Please sit senior brother," Zhi Ruo motioned to the empty space next to Yu Zhúlín. Noting how his face scrunched up before returning to a odd monotonous expression as he sat. "What brings you here?" She asked.

"I came here to take the plaque, as it was completed by brother Biān not too long ago. I took it upon myself to oversee it as I was free." He explained, why taking a sip at the tea that Yu Zhúlín poured. Though Zhi Ruo wasn't sure if he actually tasted it noting his expression towards Yu Zhúlín.

"I take it that brother Kohaku already has some people putting it up?" Zhi Ruo inquired

"Yes that is correct." Kohaku nodded.

Humming the only girl in the room replied, "It was faster than expected." Taking a sip from her tea she eyes the two men in front of her.

The temperature in the room turned stale as Kohaku tried to meet Zhi Ruo's eyes behind her veil. He was failing though, but at least he succeeded on making his stance.

"I heard that you participated at the tournament?" He furrowed his brows as he asked. "Would you like to have access to the treasury? I would not like to hear that we are treating our young miss that badly." He lightly said.

Translation: ' Go to the treasury and take some pills and droughts, so when you participate in the tournament you at least won't lose that badly and they won't say that we did nothing. As you are our young miss after all.'

Zhi Ruo smiled, but somehow it wasn't a smile at the same time. "Does brother Kohaku know what realm I am?" She copied the light tone that Kohaku used on her. And if Yu Zhúlín was staring longingly out of the window then it is no one's business but his own.

"..." Kohaku stayed silent, but his look told Zhi Ruo that he does not.

"Tell me brother Kohaku, when you first met me. What realm did you think I was?" Zhi Ruo asked, as she continue to use the light tone. Slowly enough, it was grating on Kohaku's ears. But Kohaku stayed silent. "Was it Gathering; Concentration rank 1? 2? Can you still remember brother Kohaku?"

With Zhi Ruo's tone, it suddenly dawned upon Kohaku that he wasn't actually that slick with his wordings when he asked Zhi Ruo. As he could hear the anger in Zhi Ruo's voice under the light tone of hers. He realized that Zhi Ruo was mad at how he had unconsciously undermined her abilities.

Seeing Kohaku's expression Zhi Ruo eased up a bit. "Have some faith in brother Tiān, he won't allow me to participate in the tournament if I'm not qualified enough." Her voice returned to the normal airy one.

"Then what realm are you really?" Yu Zhúlín could not help but ask. As he could feel the atmosphere in the room slightly easing up.

In some circumstances Zhi Ruo would not reveal such a fact. But right now she could care less if they knew or not so she answered. "Gathering; Concentration rank 5," She could feel the smirk tugging on her lips when she saw the physical recoil that the men did when they heard the words from her mouth.

It gave her a huge boost of serotonin that she could scare this two prideful men in front of her to the point that they physically recoiled. It stroke her ego quite a bit.

"In just a few days?!" Kohaku could not help but shout in bewilderment.

"A few days enough." She answered.

"No pills no aids?" Yu Zhúlín leaned.

"No pills no aids. Just observing." She answered again.

Kohaku pinched the bridge of his nose when he heard Zhi Ruo's answer. He leaned back to his seat as he processed what to do or say next.

"Who else knows of this?" Forgotten was the tea in front of him as Kohaku asked.

"You, brother Yu and brother Tiān." Zhi Ruo shrugged. "Worry not, I'm not such a chatter box and I'm not that dumb to publicly announce my realm." She quietly said as she supped her cooled tea. She clicked her tongue silently, preferring coffee in the situation.

Kohaku was still having a hard time trying to fit the words of Zhi Ruo in his mind. Maybe because he was originally unconsciously undermining Zhi Ruo, that the news of her ground shocking rise in her cultivation by just observing shook him that hard. But the fact that he did not notice the rise even after all the times that he was with her did the damage.

As for Yu Zhúlín, he already had his doubts. As he was the only person that to see Zhi Ruo as the young miss that gave him the opportunity to watch his mouth and think through this words. If a person can do that to him, then that person is not a normal one.

"Speaking of which," Zhi Ruo began, as the thought came up to her. "Is there any ways that I can train by myself? I don't do well with others you see." She asked. Her shoulders moved to a shrug.

Kohaku pursed his lips, his thoughts momentarily stopped. "I can recommend to you the hunting grounds, but I'm afraid your realm is barely passable enough for you to enter." He uttered slowly.

"The hunting grounds? We have those?" Zhi Ruo repeated, her tone asking for more information.

"The whole sighted Valley is a hunting ground." Yu Zhúlín huffed a bit amused. "Did you know? They said that this was a dimensional zone but our ancestors cleared the zone and it became one of our territories now." He continued.

"Yes, I've heard about it from one of the maids talking outside my room." Zhi Ruo stopped as she took a look at Kohaku's expression. Having the thought that he already heard the fact that she locked herself up in her room in a excuse to study.

"I've heard about dimensional zones, and I've also heard that dimensional zones in particular cannot be cleared." She said while looking out the window. "How did our ancestors clear the dimensional zone if it cannot be cleared?" She have always wanted to ask that question ever since she had read about it on one of the books that she had been given.

Kohaku smiled a bit when he heard the familiar question. Instead of answering, he instead brushed it of to another person. "If the young miss is that curious, then the Patriarch could answer it for you. I'm sure he would provide a much more clear answer for the Young miss." Is what he said.

Yu Zhúlín snorted at Kohaku, and the guy barely held back from smacking the person beside him. Zhi Ruo visibly shrugged keeping a little note in her head for later.

"Alright," Her hand traced the sides of the exquisite cup, her whole aura at ease. "Let's get back to the topic shall we? What does brother Kohaku mean about my realm barely passable enough to enter the hunting grounds?"