Chapter 35

Zhi Ruo had walked for a while before she had stumbled upon a wolf, it was sniffing the ne of the herbs that she had been interested in. If she knew that the wolf was in a pact, and would have called reinforcement when it saw Zhi Ruo.

Then she should've have turned a blind eye at the herb, and walked away.

But how could she have known that the wolf was a coward, she could not stop the howl that ripped from it's throat. And even more she could not stop the packs of wolves surrounding her in a short notice.

That was roughly 50 minutes ago.

Zhi Ruo glanced at the floating window in her vision, red seeped through her clothes and it dripped on the forest floor. The blood got under her nails but she did not seem to care for it. Though she did grimace at the uncomfortable feeling it brought.

'Thank my lucky stars that they were only level 2 on the system's standards. Or else other than this injury, who knows what could've happened' Zhi Ruo thoughtfully huffed.

She sat tiredly on top of a corpse, the beast was a large wolf. Even after death, it released an aura that still lingered to those who ever had the chance to gaze upon at it.

The wound on Zhi Ruo's stomach was disappearing at a visible rate. But not only did the wound disappear on her stomach at a visible rate, but also her MP was depleting in concerning amounts.

⟨⟨MP: 15/310⟩⟩ →⟨⟨MP: 10/310⟩⟩→⟨⟨MP: 5/310⟩⟩

[MP has reached 5/310, MP capacity has been added with 10 points.]

⟨⟨MP: 5/310 ⟩⟩→⟨⟨MP: 5/320⟩⟩

[Congratulations! You have completed the second level of the series mission!]

[Congratulations! You have received extra 20SP!]

[Congratulations! You have earned 800EXP!]

[All stats have risen by 1!]

[Congratulations! You are now level 6]

[Status is now updating....]

[Tip: earn skills, and collect cores for SP to will help advance the host's body.]

Zhi Ruo observed the notifications that popped up rapidly, and watched as her status window update. She took note of the tip that the system had put. She glanced at the pile of cores that she had harvested beside her with a complicated look.

Because she had the lotus mark, that can store an infinite amount of resources and can duplicate such resources and even grow said resources. The first thing that Zhi Ruo does when she sees something valuable, or something of use, is to hoard it.

She'd put the item on her dimensions, and she'd let it multiply. So what if she may have a slight hoarding addiction, to her, a thousand is better than one right?

She had just finished cleaning up all of the cores, and had gathered them into one spot. As much as she would have liked to put the cores into her lotus mark. Her injuries and her depleted reserves left her with little to no choice at all.

Putting the cores to her ring had been a thing she had considered. But she had realized that even the ring she cannot open without wasting MP. Although it doesn't take much, it was still a but too much for her.

So putting, never mind opening the lotus mark for her would be like instant coma and goodbye world she would be. She'd only ever had herself to blame if that ever happened, and she won't be that stupid.

One of her hand played with the core of the wolf under her. She understands that she really should hurry up and recover because she was currently sitting at the dead leader, of a wolf pack of fifty to hundred with numerous dead wolves surrounding her. Not to mention the pile of cores beside her that was twinkling almost mischievously.

Having this as a base picture, if Zhi Ruo doesn't move now. Then she'll only die at the hands of the beasts that is attracted to carcasses of the wolves around her. Or by the hands of some beasts that are rather interested at the pile of cores beside her.

Either way sounds trouble.

Zhi Ruo took a breath and her focus shifted from the core to her hand, to the system inside her head.

"How do I convert the cores into SP points?" Zhi Ruo asked aloud. It wasn't like anyone could hear her or judge her of she did so, she is literally at a desolated forest.

[Please say 'convert' mentally or verbally.] Came in the system's voice.

Zhi Ruo may be tired but she doesn't think she is that tired to practically imagine— heaven forbids, hallucinate, the happy tone that the system had produced when she asked the question.

For the second time, Zhi Ruo swears that she will sue whoever made the system. "Convert." She had to breathed in the shame of uttering the words out loud. It wasn't that bad, at least she doesn't have to scream the words for everyone to hear.

The core on her hand disappeared, and because her status window was open she could see the numbers of the Stats points rise up by 5, and oddly enough, her strength stat also rose up by a number. Now equaling to her stamina.

She jumped down from the gigantic corpse, and headed for the pile or cores. Her hands hovered above the pile— "Convert." With her face dead set, her eyes was the only indicator that she was pleased when she saw the numbers rise on her stats.

She laughed silently, delighted at the cores that she had absorbed.

Her MP had been restored almost fully, and her injuries are now merely some minor scratches on the outer layer of her skin. It was a rejuvenating process she doesn't mind doing again.

Her agility, speed and stamina had jumped by two to three points. She concludes it must be the fact that the wolves she had fought had the innate technique to manipulate it's body's muscle to gain momentum to be faster.


The sound echoed, and Zhi Ruo's head instantly snapped to the direction to where the sound had been made. Her eyes narrowed in reluctance at the dead wolves carcasses. Because it seemed like she had to leave.

She touched the head of the leader of the pack, and the body of the wolf disappeared into her ring. She doesn't spare a glance at the other carcasses at the sight before she bolted straight at a random direction. Her wound on her stomach opened, but she ignored the pain and continued on.

The sound of a bird's flapping could be heard. It was one at first, then, numerous flapping wings could be felt, that's right, felt, even after Zhi Ruo had left the scene with haste. She could only imagine how many birds it would take to create such a thunderous sound with only flaps of wings.

The air around the scene vibrated as she could practically feel the birds descending from the sky, called by the bird that had seen Zhi Ruo , and that alerted Zhi Ruo.

The birds were gigantic in size compared to the wolves laying on the ground dead. Zhi Ruo watched with rapt attraction from afar when one of the birds let's put a scream. The horns on its head extended and the bird plunged it's extended horn into a carcass of a wolf.

As if waiting for the bird to make a move, the other also extended their horns and followed the bird's actions. Each of them found great delight on choosing their own wolf carcass.

One of the birds suddenly shrieked excitedly, it took two wolf carcass with it. The first bird that got the first pick, roared half shrieked when it saw the other bird's actions. This almost made Zhi Ruo jump in surprise.

It seemed like the bird was the leader, Zhi Ruo wouldn't have noticed as it was the same as any of the flock. But the way the other bird's display made Zhi Ruo feel certain that the bird was a very special one.

The air trembled again, and Zhi Ruo held on the tree she was behind in with her one hand. As the other was holding on to her injured stomach.

The flock was furiously flapping their wings at the bird that had two wolf carcass on its extended horn. As if feeling intimidated the bird also flapped it's wings furiously. But it soon realized that it should koy have done that. Because the next second it's head rolled on the ground without much resistance.

The wolf carcasses in it's horn fell along with the bird's head. A feather floated beside the severed body.

Zhi Ruo concealed a gasp from behind her only available hand. The attack was very efficient and silent. It made Zhi Ruo gasp in amazement.

She had saw who the feather had belonged to, it was the birds leader. Zhi Ruo imagined that this was the attack pattern of the group. She watched as the birds continued to eat, ignoring the corpse of it's kind.

The leader was concealed by the flock of it's kind, it would be a very nasty surprise when suddenly one of them would attack with it's feathers.

Zhi Ruo had a greedy thought of taking in the corpse of the bird when the rest flies away. The thought was instantly erased when one of the birds viciously ate the bird's body. Leaving nothing but the hallow bones of it's kind. The bird even had the audacity to gnaw on the dead bird's horn.

She reluctantly turned around and walked away after witnessing that scene.


The capital of Guan Wei empire. In the gazebo of the floating palace.

Ye Gu Shi, the Patriarch of the great Ye clan faced the father of the ex fiance of his granddaughter Zhi Ruo. The right minister of the court, minister Wu.

Ye Gu Shi drank his tea in a slow manner, he seemed like a peaceful old man that was enjoying his afternoon tea. His expression was neutral and relaxed, but it seemed like it wasn't the same for minister Wu who was in front of Ye Gu Shi.

"I should congratulate Patriarch Ye for finally reuniting with his granddaughter." Minister Wu, raised his cup and took a sip. His eyes betrayed what he was feeling at the moment.

Ye Gu Shi stared at the minister in front of him with a feint pondering expression. "That's right, I couldn't have done it without the minister Wu's son engagement annulment announcement." Ye Gu Shi said straightforwardly.

Minister Wu's façade remainded the same even after Ye Gu Shi's blunt statement. So The Patriarch continued idly, not bothering on pointing out the tightened hand on the the minister's cup.

"I have been secluded for years cultivating, and only went out to see the news of my subordinates as to where the whereabouts of my granddaughter is who I never got to see. Nevermind the annulment of my granddaughter's engagement. This old man didn't even hear that my granddaughter was already marrying at the ripe age of 15." Ye Gu Shi shot a pointed look at the right Minister.

Minister Wu ignored the implications that was hidden under Ye Gu Shi's blunt statement. "Well, 15 is already considered the border of being ripe and old. Marrying at 15 is already very late." The man hid the sneer behind his cup as he raised it to take a sip. "My son, Wu Ling He is a promising young man. Your granddaughter was delighted when she heard that she was marrying my son."

Ye Gu Shi shook his head, "For a cultivator such as yourself. You should know that 15 is still considered very young, my granddaughter is also a promising young lady. Marrying now is something that could've been a disastrous choice for her." The Patriarch lamented.

This time Minister Wu did not even bother to hide or conceal the sneer that he had on his face. He looked at Ye Gu Shi as if he was looking at an idiot.