
Alex POV

My life was the best, I had many friends while my family would always take care of me. I manage to eat a lot of food without worrying about not having to eat tomorrow but as always all happiness got an ending.

it was the same day as always but I felt that the atmosphere was different, I notice my Mom and Dad never talk to each other while the two of them were at the table. I thought it was weird since many would assume they were just a happy couple when you look at them at first glance.

"Mom, Dad what's wrong with Mom," I asked my father, I found mom looking at me with cold eyes, It was my first time seeing Mom looking at me like that. I stared at my father and found him doing the same thing as Mom.

I felt scared when I saw the both of them looking at me as if I'm a stranger. I look around the table and found the maids lowering their heads and not speaking. A man appeared out of nowhere and with him was A group of men wearing black suits.

"Mom, who are they?" I said while pointing my finger towards the men in suit, I was nervous about what they are here for. I just stared at my Mom hoping she could answer my question. My mom looks at me with her cold eyes, I back away from my Mom in fright.

"Don't call me Mom, Devil" She looks at me with her cold eyes, While I back away from fear. Dad was looking at me with the same look Mom had and I ran away from them. I couldn't help but cry since I never thought my parents would hate me.


"I'll take care of her" Alex Father said to the leader of the Men in suits, The leader just nodded while Alex's Father got up from the chair and head towards where Alex ran to. Alex was Running in the hallway and when Alex saw her father walking towards her with a scary face. She ran away from him and shouted for help, No one help her as they just ignored her shouting.

She didn't know what to do and hid in her hiding spot, It was in the Attic. She thought that she would be safe from her father who was chasing her until the door towards the attic slowly opens.

Alex holds her mouth to stay quiet so that her father wouldn't discover her but in the end. it was all for nothing since she saw the head of her father peeking at her, Alex scream but her mouth was covered by her father. She looks around the attic and saw a sharp glass on the floor.

She picks it up with great difficulty and Thrust it towards her father with great strength, Her father couldn't help but be shocked as he looks at his stomach who was now stabbed by Alex his daughter.

Alex was shocked when she saw her father who stumbled on the floor while still holding his stomach in pain until he went unconscious. She couldn't help but cry when she saw her father dying and as she was crying the door open again as she saw her mother.

Her mother runs towards her Father that was holding his stomach so that only a little blood would leave his body but the effort was nothing since Alex unknowingly. Her mother looks at her with a crazy face as Her mother walked towards her father and was holding her father.

"You shouldn't have been born, You Devil. I would give this world a favor when I kill you" Alex's mother run towards Alex and choke Alex. Alex couldn't help but use her small hands to give her time to breathe but she didn't have the strength to defeat her mother.

She looks around the floor and saw the glass she stabbed her father with. She wants to reach it but strength was leaving her body. Alex's consciousness was beginning to disappear but when she felt the glass on her hand she quickly stabbed her Mother's head without thinking.

Her mother was shocked when she saw her daughter stabbing her with glass but the glass pierced through her head and she was dead before she even knew it. Alex looks at the two bodies and begins to cry out loud.

Alex was still 7 years old so this was a great trauma from her mentality. The men in suits went into the Attic and saw a girl crying over two bodies in front of her. They quickly arrest Alex and knocked her out unconscious.

"Are they still alive?" The leader of the men in suits asked his subordinate. When his subordinate heard him he checks the bodies and shakes his head in disappointment.

"The man's body lost blood for some unknown reason but the best thing we can say is that his stomach was stabbed and he died due to losing blood too much. The woman's body on the other hand had no chance for recovery due to being stabbed on the head" The Subordinate explains, The leader couldn't help but be shocked.

"An 7 years old girl killed two people" The leader muttered.

"Leader, It seems that the father and mother tried to attack the girl but failed," The Subordinate said after checking the bodies and took out a file.

"Destroy the evidence of them attacking the girl, Proceed with the containment procedure," The Leader said.

"But why would we destroy the Evidence," The Subordinate said while looking at the unconscious Alex.

"Are you disobeying my order" The Leader stared at the Subordinate with cold eyes, The Subordinate for some reason felt a chill from his spine. He looks at his leader's eyes and followed his orders on destroying the Evidence.


Alex POV

I woke up in a dark room, I couldn't see anything and tried shouting for help. A door opens as the light passes through it, I used my hands for cover since it was too bright.

"You killed your family, And now you will be the youngest criminal in this organization"

I heard a voice that was coming from the door as it slowly closes When I remembered what happen with my family. I cried in shock, I just killed my Mother and Father. It was my fault that my family died, It was me becoming some Devil they are talking about.

It took a lot of time to regain my attitude as I look around the room. It was full of darkness that I couldn't even see if there was a wall or not.

My eyes became Emotionless or Dead as time passes, The door would sometimes open when somebody comes to clean this room. I was given food to survive every day but it was not enough for a kid my age.

I was just sitting in the darkroom that was a cage for me, As two years passed. My body was still small for girls my age but it couldn't be helped since my food was too small for me and was already enough for my body to survive.

I lost hope when one month passed since my imprisonment and when Two years passed, I didn't care about my freedom and do all I can to survive. I didn't see daylight for years and I wondered what was happening on the outside.

It was just a normal day for me, but I notice something different. I heard a little noise coming from the door. It took a lot of time for it to stop and the door slowly opens, I look at the boy who was in front of me. He was probably older than me since I could guess from his appearance.

The boy picks up the file and reads it, I already know that he would hate me after reading it and would leave me in this dark room. but my guess was wrong, The boy looks at me with pity and slowly walks toward me as he said.

"It's time for you to be free"

She didn't know what to say about the boy, She was just staring at him silently but many things pass through her brain when Leo was in front of her.

Many years ago before her imprisonment, she asked her mother what a brother is like. Her mother answered patiently that a Brother is there to protect you and He will always be with you.


Leo saw Alex staring at him in dazed, he holds her hand and proceeds to leave the room. When the both of them were about to leave the room an alarm was heard. Alex couldn't help but feel nervous and looks at the boy that was in front of her.

[Leo has Completed the Quest]

[Rewards gain: Glock 19 with unlimited ammo, 1 Level]

[You have Level up]

[Please choose a skill that Leo wants to upgrade]

When Leo heard the notification, Since he only has a gun its logical to pick his Gun Mastery for Upgrading.

"Upgrade the Gun Mastery"

[Gun Mastery has been Upgraded]

[Gun Mastery(D)]

Leo felt a warm feeling coming from his heart as it went through his head. He knew that the Upgrade affected his Dexterity and Agility. He saw Alex looking at him in a nervous expression, He smiled at her as if saying it will be alright.

After dealing with Alex, He says in his mind 'Status'.


Name: Leo

Level 2


STR- 1.1->2.1

AGI- 1.5->2.9

VIT- 1.1->2.1



Average man-1


Gun Mastery(D), Special Forces Techniques(E), Academy Mastery(E), Dagger Mastery(E). Creation(E)


It seems that his Status went stronger, Each level would give him 1 average man's attributes. At the same time, he will be given a skill point that would level up his skills. Leo didn't know if training the skill would make it Level up by itself but he decided to ask Charlotte after getting out of the Orphanage.

"Wait a minute, About the Orphanage. Now that I think about it why is there an Underground base below it." Leo thought but all the answers that he could come up with were Experiment or Secret Prison of some sort.

Leo was still holding Alex's hands tightly as the Alarm or Siren were heard all around the Underground base. Alex was Nervous but after feeling Leo's hands holding tightly hers, she felt safe for some reason.

Leo took out the Glock 19 that had Unlimited ammo, This was useful for the two's escape since anything that comes after the Alarm is bad.

The two ran into the hallway as they saw a window that was open at the end of it. When Leo saw the window he sighed in relief as he carried Alex over to the window.

"W-what are you doing" Alex was surprised when she felt Leo's arm as he carried her over the window.

"No-no I won't leave you," Alex said without thinking what ever the thing she said, Hearing her Leo just smiled at her as he was happy when Alex said about not leaving him.

"Just wait in the forest, I'll come after you" Leo just smiled as he closes the window, Alex was shocked but she did what she was told to do. She didn't know if Leo was powerful but since he can enter the Underground base he could probably get out of it.

Leo seeing Alex running towards the forest smiled, But his smile turns cold as Leo's eyes were cold-blooded like a killer. Footsteps could be heard from the corner as Leo prepared his Glock 19 to shoot down the Guards.

The Guards saw a boy holding a pistol, The Guards use their rifles and point it towards Leo. When Leo saw this he just smirked and stared back at the guards

"It's been a day since I last fired a gun but it feels forever, Be my Target Practice"