After the Fight

Leo left the base and walks towards the forest. It was still midnight and many animal sounds were heard. Leo was just smiling at what He got as the reward of the Second Quest he did. His first day of being transported by Charlotte was very exciting.

"Charlotte, Where is Alex?" Leo asks, He was currently finding Alex but still cannot find her. He gave up on his pride and Asked Charlotte for information.

[Leo, Alex is probably northwest from you. She is currently hiding in some Cave waiting for you] Charlotte said with her monotone voice.

"Alex waited for me? We have no time 15 minutes has passed since I left the base. I need to be fast" Leo was happy when he heard Alex waiting for him but was worried since time was running out. He took out his flying knives as he used this to instantly travel towards Alex.

1 flying knife appeared between his fingers as Leo threw it towards the northwest of his position. The flying knife was thrown at a fast speed that was comparable to Mach 1. It didn't produce a sonic boom since it was small or probably hard to notice.

The flying knife continued its way at a fast speed until it hits a wood. When Leo felt the knife hit something he immediately teleported towards it. The knife that deep in the tree disappeared and was replaced by Leo.

He looks around and saw a cave nearby, He was worried that Alex wasn't okay but still he is powerful so if only minor injuries happen Alex would still be okay.

Leo slowly walked towards the cave and found it too dark but the second he was about to use a flashlight the moonlight shone through the trees and shines the cave brightly. He couldn't help but find it beautiful especially when he saw Alex sitting and was currently sleeping on some rock.

Leo looks at her and smiles. He walks towards her and saw her sleeping but he frowns when he looks at her. Alex's body was shaking due to the cold, Seeing this Leo took out a cloth and puts it over Alex's sleeping body.

He was in front of her until Leo kneeled and carried Alex's body in a princess carry. It was weird for a kid his age carrying a girl but Leo was strong enough to do that. Like really strong but it is only for normal humans.

20 Minutes has passed since Leo left the base, He was walking in the forest carrying Alex with him. He found a paramount group marauder(Search it in google), Leo puts Alex on the sit and saw her still in deep sleep.

Leo went into the Armored car and sits on the driver seat. For some reason, he couldn't see the window of the Armored car but when Leo remembered that He was still 10 years old Leo facepalmed himself.

He took out a wooden box and sat there, The Marauder Engines roared loudly in the silent forest until it took off. Navigating in the forest with a car is hard but thankfully it is a Marauder, It took 30 minutes for Leo to find the road. The road was not a highway, It was a rural road but still heading towards the highway.

Seeing that they're no trees left in front of his car, Leo smirked and accelerated the Marauder as if it was a sportscar. As he was driving on the road a bright light came from the base. When he exited the base Leo found out that it was 100km far from the Orphanage but for some reason, it took only 10 minutes for Leo to arrive at the Underground base.

Leo stared at the bright light using his side mirror, Seeing the explosion Leo just smirked as he continued to drive the Marauder.


(Flashback in the base or after the Boss fight)

[Leo has Completed the Second Quest] Charlotte's monotone voice could be heard when Leo finished the fight with the boss.

[Rewards gain: 1 Level, Mind control skill, 3 Skill points]

[You have Level up]

[Please choose a skill that Leo wants to upgrade]

Leo chose to put 4 skill points to his Creation skill, He founds the skill useful especially in emergencies. One skill point came from the Level up while 3 skill points came from the quest rewards.

"Upgrade the Creation skill" Leo spoke to Charlotte.

[Creation has been Upgraded]





A warm feeling engulfs Leo's body when he upgraded his Creation skill for 4 times. His skill just receives its own description. He opens the notification and saw the Description of the Creation skill.

[Creation: You can create anything and everything as long you understand it]

He couldn't help but smile when he saw the Description, He stretches his arms as Leo yawns.

"It's a long evening," Leo said, but after saying it he heard a notification that came from Charlotte.

[You have reached Level 5]

[Leo will now Rank up]

"Wait what... The hell is Rank up." Leo said but after a while, he felt a pain coming from his heart. He fell down the floor and felt his body breaking apart while his mind was having a huge headache.

"Ahhhhhhhhh...." Leo screamed in pain as his body was slowly transforming, The pain arrives out of nowhere and when it hits Leo the pain was so much that it would make a normal human knockout or be unconscious.

Leo laid down on the floor as his body was shaking violently, He was still screaming, and 1 minute later. Black liquid with a foul stench went out of his skin as it was slowly dripping on the floor. (AN: Cultivator bullshit)

He was laying on the floor in a pool of black liquid, The pain was slowly disappearing from his body. His headache was now calming down as it makes Leo feel softheaded.

[Rank up process now complete]


Name: Leo

Rank 1

Level 0


STR- 6.1->12.2

AGI- 7.4->14.8

VIT- 7.1->14.2



Average man-1


Gun Mastery(D), Special Forces Techniques(D), Academy Mastery(E), Dagger Mastery(E). Creation(A), Flying knives teleporting skill(D), Mind control(E)

Money: 1000(Came from the Ranking up Bonus)


"C-charlotte wha-t the fuck ha-ppen" Leo said while panting, His whole body was sweating as the Black liquid was still dripping down from his body. The pain he felt was just out of nowhere, this was the first time he felt this kind of pain. A pain that came from inside yourself and not from the External Environment.

[Leo that was your body ranking up]

"What the fuck is ranking up?" Leo couldn't help but cursed when he asked charlotte.

[Ranking up will purify your body so that it could continue to level up]

"So this Rank up is cultivator bullshit," Leo said while trying to stand on the floor.

[Searching Cultivator Bullshit] Charlotte said with her monotone voice, She was curious about what Leo meant.

After a while silence filled the room as Leo was waiting for Charlotte's answer.

[Yes, It is Cultivator Bullshit...]

"Pffftttt...." Leo couldn't help but laughed when he heard Charlotte cursed, It was really weird when she said bullshit with her monotone voice.

After the duo conversation, Leo stands up and walks around the base. He saw a huge door with the Bold name of COMMAND. It was obvious that this is the room where all things that are happening inside the base are Recorded or Explained.

Leo opens the door and saw a lot of computers, He slowly walked into the room as he looks around. He squinted his eyes when he saw something on one of the Monitors.

When he gets near it, Leo saw a lot of people that were imprisoned. He couldn't help but be shocked by the types of people they Imprisoned.

"Wow..." Leo couldn't help but praised as he looks on the screen, The people on the screen were divided into two types of prisoners.

The Crazies and The Silent Crazies, The Crazies were basically crazy people they were running around their prison cell or dancing without reason. The Silent Crazies on the other hand were just quiet but Leo knew that they were dangerous for normal people. Many would just assume them as humans who you would see in your everyday life but when he heard the description of each Silent Crazies he couldn't help but be shocked.

These types of people exist mostly on the New world or Apocalypse world, They are the one that survives the whole starting point of the infection and they were known as Legends or leaders of each Community, But Leo just assumed that they exist after the Infection due to the human mind being incredibly fragile.

"It seems that I was wrong, They exist before the apocalypse and These people are crazier before the apocalypse. Maybe they manage to release all their crazy pent up feelings, Most of the People I met were Crazies but they limit themselves." Leo said while holding his chin with his hand.

"I'll need to create a USB for the files inside the computers," Leo said as he Activates his Creation skill.

A light appeared on Leo's hand as it absorbs the air around him, After 5 seconds late the USB slowly started its formation. This feeling of creating something is really good since you get the power of not worrying about your life anymore.

Leo holds the USB and slowly put it in the USB port, The USB flash drive slid through it. The USB automatically copies the files inside the CPU, Leo was just waiting for the Copying to be completed.

Since he didn't have anything to do, Leo checks everything in the room. He founds many things such as Money, Credit Cards, and Id Cards. After checking the whole room he looks at the computer and saw the Flash drive done copying.

He walks towards the CPU and took out the USB flash drive. Leo didn't know what space the USB has but it has to be big. As he was about to put the USB onto his bag Leo saw an Incredible option on the Computer.

"Self Destruct? This shit is real..." Leo couldn't help but chuckle when he heard the Self Destruct manual. For something like this to exist, The Underground base must be rich or full of dark activities.

"Let's check the USB out later, This Self Destruct would make my job easier" Leo grinned. When he said the elimination of all People in the base, that doesn't mean the Guards or the Boss.

All the people inside the base must be eliminated.

"So I need to find 5 keys, and put them in together and turn them all in order," Leo said while reading the manual, The Manual had many details that it would make someone's head who knows nothing explode.

"Charlotte, How the hell does this work?" Leo asked Charlotte.

[Just create the keys using Leo's Creation skill]

"Wow, you really are smart. Or maybe I'm just not thinking outside the box" Leo praised her.

[I'm just Smarter than you]

"What the-" Leo couldn't help but cursed, His System is a narcissist but what she said was true.

Using Charlotte's advice, Leo created the 5 Keys using his skills. All he had to do was look at the manual and use the picture of the 5 keys and just copy and paste it.

The 5 keys appeared on Leo's hand as he puts it in the Keyhole.

"Aren't you thinking about how evil I am Charlotte" Leo couldn't help but teased Charlotte before turning the keys.

[Anything that can hurt Leo's life must be Eliminated] Charlotte's said, Hearing her Leo raised an Eyes brow. Charlotte's voice was different than normal, It was a little bit Cold.

"You are right.." Leo smiled when he heard Charlotte, He turns the key as the whole base electricity automatically shut down as it was replaced by sirens and rotating red lights.

The countdown was 60 minutes so Leo got to be fast. He walked out of the room and runs towards the exit, He looks around and saw a fence and a gate.

After Leaving the Underground base, Leo then proceeds to find Alex.

(AN: It's the Chapter Five of my story, This story would be very long so the Zombie apocalypse would be 60+ Chapter or More. I would not use Time skip so often and Alex would be his Lover, It's Obvious. But I will take the realistic way of having a Romance.)