
"Who is it" Leo asked, He didn't know who the one that knocks the door but he had a habit of asking. Alex was playing some kind of First-Person shooter game in the Ipad, The current technology of this world was more advance since the technology was like 2020 although it was still 2012. This hypothesis proves that Leo was probably not on his original world or maybe he was in some kind of Alternate timeline. (My words is History, From Author)

"Room service, Sir" A woman voice was heard from the door, The woman was a hotel staff. It was heard that two people bought the most expensive room. Many people thought it was impossible since there was nothing impressive about the room, The manager was already expecting Leo and Alex to be angry but hours passed and still Leo didn't complain so the woman was asked to meet them.

The History of the Inn was date back to before the world war 1, which makes this Inn very old but through renovations it survived. The Owner of the Inn priced the room so high and told the staff to not touch anything from it and just clean it. Many tried to buy the room but in the end all of them complained on how the room was unreasonable with its price. The staff tried to tell their manager to renovate it and still the Manager didn't agree since it was the wish of the founder.

"Can you come back Tomorrow instead." Leo said, He really wants some kind of rest since he didn't have any sleep when he was transported by Charlotte. His first night was exciting although he didn't need some kind of sleep since he could choose not to sleep for a week and still be energetic. But Leo really needs some kind of rest for just an hour since his mental health was a little bit weak maybe due to the Transport or other things.

"Okay Sir" The woman replied and left, Leo closed his laptop and looks at Alex who was currently playing a game that shoots people. He walked towards the bed and laid on it, Leo closes his eyes and after seconds he was finally asleep.

Alex won the game she was playing and saw Leo asleep on the bed, She couldn't help but smile when she saw the Sleeping face of her brother for the first time. She stops playing the game and turns off the Ipad, She slowly heads towards Leo and stood in front of him. She stared at him straight at his sleeping eyes.

"Thank you" Alex said, She was grateful for Leo. If not for Leo she could be imprison on that darkroom for the rest of her life and be alone without someone to talk as she will be trapped in a room devoid of light. She wants to protect him and the two of them will always be together and nothing can stop them.

'From today on many things would happen and judging Leo's character he would always be in danger. I don't want to be a burden of my brother I want to protect him by myself and anyone that touches him would die' Alex thoughts was first sweet but the last part was obsession, How will Leo handle her on the future? Of course Leo would pay her in interest of her Obsession.

She stops looking at Leo and laid down on his bed as she closes her eyes in order to sleep, The room was in silence as the two had the sleep of their life.


It was currently 4 pm at the afternoon,

The two was still sleeping until Leo moves his arms as he woke up. He looks around and saw Alex who was sleeping with him, He was hungry since he didn't eat any food during the morning. And Leo also knew that Alex has not yet eaten during the night and the morning.

"Alex wake up, Its now afternoon we have to eat" Leo stands up and shakes Alex, Alex was still in deep sleep since the look on her face felt like she was in a dreamland full of foods. It took a lot of shaking until Alex woke up.

Alex was currently rubbing her eyes while Leo was preparing some clothes of his since he didn't like the original clothes he had from the Orphanage.

'Speaking of Orphanage, I wonder what they are doing right now. The Explosion was strong so the authorities is probably investigating the explosion.' Leo thought to himself when he remembered the Orphanage but there was no reason on reminding the past so he won't bother with it.

"What, Brother where are we going?" Alex said while still rubbing her eyes, She was still in a half asleep state so it was no wonder she was like this. Leo seeing her appearance couldn't help but think that Alex would be a beauty in the future and it was up to him to protect her from men.

"We are going to the Restaurant, Get your clothes" Leo answered, He was smiling at her meanwhile Alex walked out of the bed and putting her clothes on. As she was still naked with underwear in front of Leo but Leo ignored her and told himself that FBI would get him if he dared to do things that are forbidden. But still Alex was cute the only thing holding her back was that she wasn't embarrassed being naked with underwear.


The sound that came from Alex stomach, Leo couldn't help but chuckle when he heard it and instantly forgot the crisis he got from the situation.

"I'm just hungry" Alex said while blushing, Leo couldn't help but facepalm himself. Alex was to weird why would she embarrassed on such things and when she was naked with underwear in front of Leo just keeps acting normal.

Leo sighed, and waited for Alex to finish putting her clothes on. After a minute later Alex was finally done and the two left the room as Leo locks it.

The two head downstairs and saw many people as always, Leo plans to go on a restaurant that was popular on town. The duo left the Inn and heads towards the Most popular Restaurant for grilling meats.

"The Restaurant is really popular considering the amount of people it has" Leo said while standing in front of the restaurant door. He looks inside of it and saw many people ordering the waiters, The smell of the Meat that makes someone's stomach grumble for it.

"Its really good" Alex couldn't help but said in excitement since this was her proper food since the imprisonment and her first food was really good since the Smell was nice.

"You're saying its good, We haven't even ate one of it yet" Leo said while the both of them walk towards the Restaurant. As expected the Restaurant was really noisy but it was expected since it was popular. He saw many people smiling while eating their own food and couldn't help but think how different it was from his world.

'The people from the apocalypse kill each other for a piece of bread while people before the apocalypse just throws it, But the word apocalypse came from the word called suffering. The pain, The hunger, The fear and many more that could break someone into killing other humans. To be honest its still better from dying, In order to survive many people resorted to cannibalism and was cursed by other people for doing it. The world before the apocalypse was really the best and my job is to survive the apocalypse with Alex and possibly conquer the world if it is possible, I will just let the Future decide it" Leo thought to himself.

The two entered the restaurant and found themselves a table, Alex sat on the sit while Leo ordered for food.

"Alex what do you want" Leo asked Alex because he knew that this was the first time Alex ate a food other than bread or rice. Alex looks at him while smiling and told him the food that she wants to order.

"This, This, This, This, This, This, This, This, This, This, This, This, This, And This" Alex pick many things that would make Leo regret that he asked her, He was lowering his head in sadness while checking the food that Alex wants to eat.

When the Receptionist heard what Leo wants she couldn't help but be shocked but when she saw that they could pay all of it she just decide to ignore her shocked. But looking at the young man in front of her, she blushed when she saw how handsome Leo was. (Leo is currently projecting himself as a young man so that no one would bother him, The only one not affected is Alex and Alex is also projected as a young woman with Leo's illusion.)

The receptionist told the chef the same thing Leo said, While the people inside the kitchen were shocked.

"Are you sure about that, Did they pay all of it?" The Chef asked, The receptionist hearing the chef nodded while the whole kitchen staffs was depressed. All of them were wishing that it was not true but after hearing the Receptionist confirmation this made their moral lower. The chef on the other hand felt the depression coming from his staffs, He turns and looks at his staffs as he stared at them menacingly.

"Aren't you the staff of the most popular Restaurant in town?" The Chef asked his staff.

"Yes!!!" The kitchen staffs shouted together.

"Then the battle that we experience everyday hone our skill, This small orders can't destroy us. We make food for hundreds of costumers everyday and we always survive. Do you think this one time order can defeat us?"

"NO!!!!!" The staffs shouted as all of them got revitalized.

"So work hard and show the ones that ordered the food that we are not the number one restaurant for nothing." The chef shouted with full of pride.

"UURRAAAAAA!!!!!" The kitchen staffs and the chef shouted full of vigor as they began to cook Leo's and Alex's food. The receptionist on the other hand shakes her head when she saw the man acting as if they were going to war.

Meanwhile on some table. "Brother, Why are they shouting?" Alex asked, Leo looks at her and shakes his head as he didn't know the reason the men inside the kitchen began shouting.

An hour later, all the foods were now cooked by the restaurant and it took an hour for the food to finished cooking. Leo didn't complain considering the all the food Alex ordered, He was even impress by the kitchen staffs for making many foods for only one hour.

Alex began eating the food at a fast speed without caring for her appearance since it was her first time eating a food like this for 2 years. The only things she only ate was bread and mostly the bread that were given had a bland or No flavor which made eating it very gross but she didn't have another food to eat so she just considered the food as her Life support.

Leo on the other hand was eating the food calmly without any trace of hunger at all, He was just looking at Alex who was eating a lot of food on the table. Many costumers were shocked at the amount of food but they were more shocked when they saw Alex eating eat all. Some of them even wondered if her stomach was some kind of Abyss.

It took 20 minutes for Alex to eat all the food she ordered, Although he didn't know what just happen and the food that Alex ordered just disappeared. Leo just decided to not judge her since He also considered seeing this when it was during the apocalypse with Alex. Leo also accepted her as not the woman he met during the apocalypse and he just wants to make Alex as his own lover but he didn't want any forceful act so Leo would just wanted make the feeling known as love grow onto her. It doesn't matter if it takes decades, as long as he can have her.

The two left the restaurant while the Kitchen was full of dead bodies on the floor, Even the costumers felt pity on such People since the staffs were having a war and won but still the effort made them so tired that one of them can't even pick up a frying pan.

When Leo and Alex left the restaurant, Leo notices that it was now night. The two continued to walk on the sidewalk until some thugs block their path.

"Why not come with us little missy" The thug said while looking at Alex, He was under illusion that Alex was a young lady. Leo eyes became cold as Alex was looking at them the same way as Leo.

"Oh, Are you scared. Just come with us and we will take care of you" Another thug arrive in front of them, The thug was looking at Alex on a lustful eye which was spotted by Leo.