Special Chapter Babylon

(During Chapter five)

A helicopter was flying during the night, The moonlight shone as the figure of the helicopter was seen. It was an NH90 specialized helicopter, They were five of them maintaining their formation and heading towards the Underground base.

"Where are we going, Captain?" A soldier said while sitting on his seat, He was curious about what their mission was and asked his captain.

The Captain looks at the soldier and found that the other soldiers were looking at her in anticipation since they really want to know where they are going.

"Mission Brief, We will raid a branch of the Izan terrorist. Retrieve the target and any information about the main base, The others will also raid the branches around Europe. This is a big operation and most of it are done swiftly, The Izan spies are all around Europe and can hear anything that can be heard. This is why the operation is kept secret until all the personnel will be inside the transport" The Captain said with a serious voice, Hearing her the soldiers got serious as well.

"This operation would either eliminate the Izans off the continent or make them hide again for decades. Failure must not be allowed, I hope we will survive as a whole after the operation" The Captain continued. An alarm was heard signifying that they have arrived, It was not expected when all they heard was silence they knew that those rats would never be an idiot when the helicopter was this close to the underground base.

"For Babylon!" The Captain said, The hatch of the helicopter opens as it hovers around the mountain that contains the underground base.

"For Babylon!!!" The soldiers shouted when they heard their captain, The Captain was about to jump until something unexpected happen. It was not an attack but what made them shock was that a light could be seen coming from the underground base and it was slowly rising up.

"Quick retreat!!!" The captain shouted frantically at the pilot but it was too late.


A huge explosion appeared in front of them, The bright light that was blinding them and causing the helicopters to malfunction. The shockwave was very strong that a part of the helicopter was ripped apart.

"Mayday!, Mayday!, Mayday!, Mayday!" The pilot just repeated the word while trying to land the helicopter as safely as possible but it was all for naught. The helicopter was spinning and it was very hard to control, The five helicopters crash into the forest.

They were lucky that when the explosion happened they were hovering on top of the forest. The impact was not too strong but it was not weak either, Some soldiers died while many of them were seriously injured.

On the crash site was fire, It was all around the broken helicopter as it spreads around the forest. The explosion was very unexpected that even the higher ups didn't expect it. The raid failed before it even started, The helicopter was ripped into many parts while the soldiers were unconscious and some of them died.

"W-what the fuck happen, Wh-y did it explode my soldiers were injured before they even started." The Captain was on the grass laying on it. On the transmission, a voice could be heard.

"Hello? Hello?, Captain are you there? What happen?" The voice asks many questions, The captain on the other hand looks at the phone and slowly picks it up. She was holding her sadness and rage, But it was impossible for her to hold it down.

"My soldiers died before we even started, We need help please send the medical teams. An explosion appeared on this branch and exploded on its own, The battalion is wipe out most of them are unconscious. I repeat We need help please send the medical teams. An explosion appeared on this branch and exploded on its own" The captain said towards the phone, After that she drops the phone and her consciousness slowly disappeared.

Half an Hour later, After the call the captain made. Many helicopters could be seen everywhere and rescuing the fallen soldiers. Many tried to get the dead bodies and it was very hard, some of the seriously injured had a burnt skin. It was the worst time for the soldiers, Some of them even lost a body part.


The Captain was laying on a white bed in a white room, Seconds later her body moves as she slowly wakes up. This was the first operation that she had failed, It made her sad when she remembered the soldiers who died during the crash and those that were seriously injured.

'Where am I?" Jeanne thought while looking around the white room, she was curious on what happen after the crash. She smiled in sadness after looking around the room, She was called a genius by her superiors and was called the youngest Captain Lieutenant in the history of the European Union.

She was promoted by the general when she was 19, It has been 2 years after her promotion she took care of her subordinates and the raid was her first big mission but it ended as a failure. Many died while some can't continue their career as a soldier anymore. Does she deserve to be a captain when her first big mission was a failure with a massive amount of casualties.

As Jeanne was having a existential crisis the door opens and a woman in a lab coat entered, The woman was holding some kind of file and stared at Jeanne.

"Captain Jeanne, Are you okay? Is something wrong with your body?" The woman with a lab coat asked many questions, Jeanne tilted her head as she was confuse on what the woman was saying. The woman realizes that she was confusing Jeanne and sighed, She called many staffs and the Visitors since Jeanne was alive and just happen to wake up.

"It has been 3 days since the Crash, You manage to call for help but the doctors identified a piece of debris stuck on you heart. We needed to do all we can to help you so-" The Female doctor was cut off by a serious cold voice.

"I will explain all of it Doctor, Return to your station" A burly man with a military clothes said towards the doctor. The doctor bowed towards the burly man and left the white room.

Jeanne and the Burly man was staring at each other for a minute, With how the burly man looks it was surprising for him to see Jeanne unfazed of him. The man had many scars from his chest to his face, It was the result of the Civil war that happen decades ago. Many would say that the people that live the age of civil war was old but seeing the Burly man healthy was surprising for normal people.

"You died Jeanne" The burly man said without caring for Jeanne's feelings, Jeanne on the other hand was confuse. What did he mean? How is she dead when she is here alive and kicking.

"We experimented on your dead body for 3 days and resurrected you yesterday, I will be honest. Many generals were angry of you being experimented since you were a great soldier but the Mad Scientist manage to convince the higher ups on agreeing since many of them want to see you alive especially your guardian Odin" The burly man said, Jeanne was shocked on what happen but before she could say anything the Burly man continued.

"After three days of experimentation the lab exploded on its own causing the whole 1 kilometer radius around the Lab to make its own crater. We found your body safe and surprisingly alive, The whole research the Mad scientist made was unfortunately destroyed." The burly man shakes his head in disappointment.

"What do you mean? What happen to me" Jeanne ask the burly man.

"Well judging from the X ray scans your body seems to have gotten stronger but we need more test for us to confirm it" The Burly man answered. He turns his body and head towards the door, He notice that Jeanne was still in her bed and looks at her.

"Come with me" The burly man after saying that opens the door and left the white room. Jeanne was frantically trying to catch up on the old man and found her body a little bit weird. It was as if she was very energetic and very healthy even though she just escape from the hands of death.

Following the Burly man, Jeanne arrives at a hallway. In front of them is a vault door that was sealed very tightly by pistons and more bigger pistons. Jeanne was curious on what it was but she just waited for the burly man to explain it himself.

"Europa, open the door" The burly man said. The hallway was field with silence until a cold mechanical voice was heard.


"Admiral Neptune from the 69th fleet of Babylon, Authorization has been accepted. Opening the Vault" The mechanical voice said, Jeanne was shocked when she heard the identity of the Burly man in front of her.

The 69th fleet or the Specialize fleet that was very strong and had a strong influence around the world. It was respected by many agencies from many nations and nobody would want to touch the fleet unless they were asking for death.

She was very shocked and couldn't help but gulp, The man in front of her was the Superior of her Superior. It was very scary especially the rumors about the admiral of the 69th fleet being the Poseidon of the seas.

The Vault door opens and inside of it was a very long tunnel but luckily there was a train right beside it. Neptune walk towards the train and didn't wait for Jeanne to come with him, Jeanne panics and ran towards Neptune at a fast speed. Jeanne hit him but she was thrown back as Neptune didn't even move, Her body was shaking due to her fear when she just hit the Admiral for no reason.

This was her first time being flustered but considering the Admiral identity it was acceptable, Neptune stared at her then uses his hand as he took her hand for Jeanne to stand again.

"Be careful" Neptune said as he went in the train, Jeanne was at daze but she followed Neptune into the train. She looks around the train and found a seat for her, She sat on the sit while Neptune appeared in front of her and took a sit there as well.

The train moves at a fast speed that after 10 minutes later, the two has arrive at their destination. Neptune and Jeanne went out of the train and continued walking until they arrive at some door.

"This is top secret I hope you won't tell anybody about it even if they were your family" Neptune reminds Jeanne while looking at her with a serious face.

"Understood" Jeanne replied, Although she acted like a flustered girl when she was around Neptune she was still a soldier and a Captain. A promised must be held when someone speaks a state secret to you.

The door opens and a light shone through Neptune and Jeanne, Jeanne squinted her eyes due to the light but after a while later the light slowly disappeared.

"What is this?" Jeanne said while having a shocked face, What she saw was the impossible it was very weird and it looks like it came from a fantasy novel. It was a metal structure that was similar to a gate but what made her shocked was the light or some kind of portal that came from it.

It was purple in color and kept pulsing, The portal was very beautiful and they were some kind of writings on the Metal structure that kept flickering.

Neptune looks at her and smiled, This was also his first reaction when he saw the thing in front of him. But after the explanation of his higher ups he understood what it was for.

"This is the GATE, The Gate of the OTHER WORLD" Neptune smirk when he repeated what his superior said to him.