TA: Skill Training Part 5, Combat Skills Part 2

The sound of punching and kicking could be heard on the Background, Leo was currently fighting all around the Platform that was full of Wooden Dummies that Moves on its own. He dodges, Blocks and attacks with this bare hand and fought the Wooded Dummies for hours.

Leo was panting very hard as he readies his stance with his arms and legs, Sweat could be seen dripping from his body. The Wooden Dummies starts spinning for the 5th time during the day, Leo dodges everything the wooden dummies could throw at him.

Sometimes the Wooden Dummies could hit him and the power of the Wooden Dummies makes Leo gritting his teeth as he continued to dodge and block ignoring the pain that was given to him by the Wooden Dummies.

The most worrying things about the Wooden Dummies is that they could understand Leo's moves and make unpredictable spins which would always hit Leo. This made Leo learn to use and make strategies during the battle.

After 30 minutes of torture, The Wooden Dummies finally slowed down. Leo falls to the floor of the platform panting heavily with his tired eyes. He uses his hands to stand up and left the platform.

"I don't really want to do this again." Leo sighed, He needs to dodge and use his hands to block the Wooden Dummies which was very painful. Leo took out his towel and use the towel to take the sweat of his body.

Leo walked out of the Training Hall and continued walking around the Hallway, Leo founds a door that was supposed to lead towards the Research Center which where he would study and advance the current knowledge he had.

He entered the Research Center and walked towards the Monitor that represents the Map of the entire Research Center. Leo looks at the Monitor and found the room he was finding, It was the Library.

"It is time to increase my Academic Mastery skill" Leo said as he walked towards the Library. It took 5 minutes for him to arrive at the Library and found himself in front of a Beautiful Wooden Door that was carved nicely.

Leo opens the door and saw the Library which was home to hundreds of millions of books or Digital Knowledge, He couldn't help but be amaze at the sheer size of the Library and the design of it was very nice.

"This Library is totally different from a futuristic design that was all over the Command Base, Instead of it looking Futuristic it looks ancient instead. This makes the Library more beautiful since the knowledge we had now a days were founded by the ancestors." Leo said as looks around the Library, He was amaze by it and appreciates the who Library.

"Charlotte, Can you guide me towards the topic I want?" Leo asked Charlotte, He didn't have time to travel around the massive library and just asked Charlotte so that he could just say the Specifications of the books or knowledge that he wants to read.

[What do you want to learn Leo?] Charlotte asked with her Monotone voice, Leo puts his hand on his chin thinking about the subject he wants to read. The knowledge of a subject that he really needs to know.

"What about Science" Leo said towards Charlotte, The Technology he wants to build could only be connected in science and he wants to know everything about the science that is currently given in this Library.

[What Branch of Science does Leo want?] Charlotte said towards Leo with her emotionless voice.

"What do you mean" Leo was confuse, He wasn't a nerd or some intelligent guy on his old world. He just did his best when he was surviving and before the Apocalypse of his old world, The only thing he did was watch Anime and Novels all around google.

[There is Three types of Science]

[The Formal Science, The Natural Science, and The Social Science]

[There are many branches in this Types of science do you want Charlotte to explain?] Charlotte asked Leo with her monotone voice.

"No, Just Take me to science and I'll take it there" Leo shakes his head, He didn't need an explanation. What he wants is just for Charlotte to take him towards the Science section and he could just take it there.

[Understood] Charlotte answered with her emotionless voice.

Leo was led to the Science Section of the Library and Stayed there to read all the books that is available. He walks around the bookshelf and stares at the books which were just resting in the Bookshelf. As he continued to walk he founds a book that peak his interest, He walked towards it and picks it with his hand.

(Science of Technology and Physics) Rank S knowledge

He opens it and found that the Technology and Physics of this book is much more advance than the current Era. Even this book is too advance on a Scifi civilization but considering that this book was possibly own by the Ancient Ones which could move the Galaxies and Combine them.

"This is Interesting" Leo smiles as he reads the book that was on his hands.


In the Dark Library Leo in front of the Table and was reading books that were recommended by Charlotte. There were books all around him which where thousands in numbers but that is only a small part of the books that is currently on the Library.

Leo reads the books very fast due to his High Intelligence and His WISDOM skill which was in max ranked. He was like a machine that in every 1 second he could finish a book and continue on the other one.

After A long time of reading Leo finally stops reading the books and stretches his body and arms. The long time of sitting on the chair is finally over and it is now time on doing research about the Pistol that he wants to build.

Leo left the Library and didn't clean his mess, He walked all around the Research Center trying to find the room where they built the new machines that is currently in research. After an hour of looking around in this Large Building which was the Research Center he finally founds the room where he would build his pistol.

The door was an automatic door which opens when somebody is in front of it, This door only opens if the person it identified had an Authorization but if the person it identified does not it would not open and would send a message to Charlotte.

"What I wanted to create was a Pistol that can penetrate a 10 meter concrete easily and had no recoil." Leo said while preparing to build the Pistol that he wants to build, He also wants the Fire Rate of the pistol in a quarter of a second in each time it fires. This was why he overdid himself and continued reading a part of the Science section but when he said part of the Science section this means that he literally just read thousands of books in one day.

Leo then began to build the Pistol he wanted to use. The lights of the blow torch and the sound of metal cutting through was heard, The first one he was currently building was the prototype and he would create the Pistol that he would use with the same specifications as the prototype but more perfected.