Mercenary Exam Part 2

Alex and Leo were currently on their seats in the Office of Gustav that was on the top floor of the Mercenary Union. Alex was cleaning her Katana or just showing it off, Her brother taught her of the Art of Intimidation. Leo was currently seating on his seat calmly while drinking Coffee, But why would a kid drink a Coffee.

Gustav was staring at the both of them with a serious eyes but inside his mind he thought of many things. 'Why is a little girl cleaning a Katana and why the fuck is this guy looking at me with a smug face while drinking coffee?' Gustav thought, After a while of silence Gustav finally spoke.

"The Signatures you gave me is True but let me asked a question, Why would you join the Mercenary Union and be a Mercenary? There are many better jobs and being a soldier or law enforcer is better than this." Gustav said towards Leo, He was confuse since this kid manage to have the signatures of the generals why would he choose the profession of being a mercenary.

"There is only one thing I want." Leo said as he put his Coffee on top of the Table, Gustav was focusing on what Leo was about to say since this kind of kid was supposed to not be in the Mercenary Profession.

"What is it?" Gustav Asked, There are many reasons of being a mercenary. One of the main reasons is Money, Glory, and Power. What does this kid want in this kind of job, Dead bodies is what you see in this job everyday.

"What I want is Experience, Experience is what I want. This will teach me many things and would strengthen my Will and Resolve. And being a mercenary is the most best job for my situation, I don't need to be in the public unlike the army which would cause many people looking at me." Leo said with a straight face, Hearing him Gustav couldn't help but be in thought.

'Experience? This kind of thing would strengthen any person Will and Resolve. Being a soldier is not a good job for gaining experience when this Kid in front of me is right about what he said. He would need years of training but considering the kid in front of me, My gut is telling me that this guy is powerful.' Gustav thought to himself.

"So that is what you want, You can't just enter here and be automatically a mercenary you need to do the test first." Gustav said to Leo, Leo thought about the test and nodded towards Gustav.

"I understand, What do I do?" Leo asked.

"You need to beat the most powerful inside this building." Gustav smiled, A Woman in black suit opens the door and talked to Gustav.

"Sir, I have brought the Top Mercenary that is currently near us." The Secretary said, Gustav nodded at the worked of his secretary and couldn't help but feel how lucky he was to find her.

"Get ready kid, The Top Mercenary is comi-." Gustav didn't continue his sentence as he found a Katana that was very near on his throat. He stares at Alex and couldn't helped but be shocked, She manage to sneak attack him and he couldn't even sense her.

"What are you doing!" The Secretary said, Seconds later a Katana was on her boss throat. The shocking thing is that she knows that her boss was very powerful and could sense any sneak attack that would attack him. Her Boss could even sense the danger before the Attacker could even attack him.

"The most Powerful individual in this building?" Leo who was sitting on his seat smirked at Gustav and his secretary. He slowly stands up and slowly walked towards Gustav who was frozen due to Alex's Katana that was on Gustav's throat.

"Gustav, Your name sounds very familiar. Where did this name came from?" Leo put his finger on his chin pretending to be thinking about the name Gustav.

"Thinking about it, The Soviet Federation's top ace that was lost during the second frost war. Wasn't he name Gustav?" Leo smirked towards Gustav who was looking seriously at him. The Current Gustav seems to be different from the Head Master persona he had before.

"Dora! Leave here and don't disturb our discussion." Gustav said coldly towards the Secretary, The Secretary couldn't help but feel a cold sweat coming from her forehead. She quickly gave a small bow and left the room in a fast speed.

"Now, Can you take this Blade out of my neck." Gustav smiles and look towards Leo who was still smirking at him.

"Alex stand down." Leo said, Alex quickly put her Katana on her sheath and sat back to her seat. She took out a biscuit and eats it as if forgetting that she almost slice someone's head.

"How did you know kid?" Gustav asked, To think that a kid knows his past. Most of his acquaintance already forgot him or thought of him as dead.

"You are asking me how I know your secret about your past life being the most strongest soldier in the Soviet federation. The Soldier who died sacrificing his life for his fellow comrades. Well that's a secret." Leo said as he spreads his hands as if he didn't know anything about the thing that Gustav asked him. Gustav seeing him smiles and sighed as he shakes his head.

"It is not like I hated the country, I just don't want my every move taken into a book as if I was some sort of prophet." Gustav said as he shakes his head, When he was a soldier his moves were recorded on a book and this made him very knowledgeable on how the country was obsessed of him. The day he died was created into a national holiday he was to be honest surprised on how the country treated him after he died.

The Moment of his death was when the Fort that was in the Southern Soviet Federation territory, The Celestial Army attack the fort and he died at that day which was a faked death but stopping an Army alone was really hard for him, Gustav then remembered that the test he gave was completely useless and it seems that they are now accepted in this organization.

"Well, Please tell me your biography so that the Organization could accept you and that girl who almost sliced my throat." Gustav said towards Leo. Biography was important in each mercenaries that they take in the Mercenary Union.

"My name is Leo Sinclair, My age is 12 years old, Occupation is a Killer, My skills are about Guns and Hand to Hand combat, And I'm a guy" Leo said.

"My name is Alex Sinclair, Age is 11 years old, Occupation is a Killer, My skill are Melee skills at most and I can use a gun very easily but not as skillful as my brother, And I'm a girl" Alex said.

"Siblings?" Gustav asked, The both of them had the same Last name so he was curious of these kids are Siblings.

""No"" Leo and Alex denied the fact that they were siblings in a speed of light, They weren't siblings and the reason Alex call Leo brother was because he was a personification of a Brother in her heart.

"Let's continue, Yo-" Before Gustav could talked, The door opens and the secretary that was outside was running at Gustav in a fast speed. Alex and Leo was just in silence and observe the two without getting in the current situation.

"What's the matter?" Gustav asked. He really didn't want someone to disturb them for no reason.

"One of the top mission failed, Our teams that is currently in Iraq are under heavy attacked by the terrorists. The information was wrong, There are 5 Terrorist Organization that was waiting to attack us." The Secretary said. This was the first time an Information sold was faked since the Mercenary Union was known for torturing Information Brokers who sells faked information.

"Those Bastards, To think they feed us wrong information. I will torture and burn them once this problem is resolve." Gustav said with a cold voice. The Information that was sold to them was faked, although this was normal the consequence of selling faked information is torture and death.

"It seems you got a problem Gustav." Leo said as he smirked towards the two people that was talking to each other. Gustav who heard him looked at Leo and spoke.

"What do you mean?" Gustav asked, They really need to be fast and take out the Terrorist before they could wiped out the whole team that was sent there. The team that was sent there was the Mercenaries that could be considered top in this branch.

"How about Alex and I save them, The Terrorist Organization you spoke of is giving me a weird feeling. It is like they stole something from me." Leo said, Gustav was very confused. Most of their top mercenaries was in that team and who do they send to helped that team. Assembling an Army takes a lot of time.

"Okay, Be ready and take your weapons. Dora give them the permission to enter the Armory." Gustav agreed, Alex almost sliced his head off so he knows that this kids are very powerful than normal. The Secretary was very confused on what Gustav said.

"But Why would we send them?" The Secretary thought that this mission was too important to be given to someone who was not in the Mercenary Union.

"Who do you think should we send, That top mercenary that you brought and was about to go here already left and took off towards Africa right?" Gustav said. The Secretary after thinking about it realize that they had no one to send.

"Understood." The Secretary said, She then went out of the room and walked towards the Armory that Gustav was talking about.

"Follow her, You can take your weapons there." Gustav sat on his sit and took out a cigarette. Problems were hitting him left and right, How unlucky could his luck today.

Leo nodded and signaled Alex to follow him, The two left the room and walked towards the Armory with the secretary.


Meanwhile, In the Military base that was near London.

10 helicopters was currently on its helipads and was preparing to liftoff, They were heading somewhere that was told to be important by there superiors.

"Where are we going?" Jeanne asked, She didn't know what this mission was about and where it would happen so she asked Neptune who was standing in front of her and was currently telling them about their mission.

"You will go on the Central Allied Nations Territory, The Destination is Iraq. We manage to pick up a GATE Energy in one of the areas that was own by a Terrorist Group. Your mission would be about retrieving the thing that was giving off the GATE energy. I hope you won't fail." Neptune said, The doors of the helicopter closed itself and the helicopter flew heading towards the area that was about to be raided by them.

'I hope that Gilgamesh wouldn't be worried about me' Jeanne sighed, It has been months since she adapted Gilgamesh although the first time they met was awkward since Gilgamesh would rarely talked.

The Effort of Jeanne paid off when Gilgamesh asked to sleep with Jeanne since it was currently raining and thunder was occurring on the background that day. Jeanne couldn't helped but remember the Cute and pitiful Gilgamesh.

"Captain" One of the soldiers said, Jeanne was cut off from her day dream and saw the soldiers of Babylon staring at her. She couldn't help but be embarrassed but her face change into a cold one in order to hide her embarrassment.

"We are going to a Terrorist infested area, Ready your weapons. Kill anyone who hold a gun or any weapon that could hurt a human." Jeanne said with a cold voice.

"""Understood!""" The Soldiers in the helicopter shouted, Jeanne sighed and continued to think about Gilgamesh while the 10 helicopters were heading towards Iraq.