Mercenary Operation, The Massacre Part 2

In the Main base of the terrorist, It was in the darkest night. For some unknown reason the Lights of the base turn off making the whole terrorist in panic. Explosions could be heard, Shouting was also heard, Gunshots flew through the area, Smoke were flowing towards the sky.

When this was happening, Leo was in the center of a big platform that was completely surrounded by bodies. He looked around and saw that this bodies were from the terrorist, He sighed at the seen but he was already adapted to this.

"The sight is not good, I guess I'll clean it up." Leo said, A Red Scarlet Magic Circle activated in front of him. The Bodies around him slowly burns into ashes by the Fire that was produce by the Red Scarlet Magic Circle.

After cleaning the whole platform he continued walking towards the next building and began his next massacre. While he was walking towards the building, He saw a group of terrorist gathering and was currently heading towards his direction.

The Terrorists notices Leo and points there gun towards him, They already know who the one that was causing the chaos and most of them are surprise. Meeting someone that could do unnatural things must be new to them and meeting someone like that coming for their life is the worse.

"Stop! Stop Right there!" One of the terrorist inside the group said, He points his assault rifle towards Leo who was staring at them. The Terrorist are just like ants they keep appearing somewhere, Killing them one by one is not a good idea.

The Terrorist who shouted at Leo was shaking as he was afraid at the monster that was in front of him. He saw what this monster could do from burning the bodies to the ground or the Flying daggers that are currently killing terrorists in the base.

"Why are you blocking my way?" Leo said with a cold voice, He was pissed off for some reason. He felt that something not good will happen today and he absolutely knows that it is not the Terrorist.

"Stopped, You fucking monster. I'll shoot you in the head." Another Terrorist said as he pointed his assault weapon at Leo. He was pretty much angry and didn't believe at what his terrorist friends are saying. He was acting arrogantly in front of Leo thinking that Leo was just a kid, He must be either Crazy or Dumb with the IQ of -1.

"Unlucky they say, What about we solve the problem in a Civilized way." Leo said while smiling at them, His cold eyes were much different than his current expression. The Terrorist who were listening to Leo was happy, The Civilized way or the Negotiations. This was better than fighting a monster like Leo without help from others.

"Then we can talked about the Negoti-" The Terrorist who spoke got his heart stabbed through by a flying dagger, He slowly turn his head downwards and saw a hole that was in the spot of his heart. The Terrorist who was happy slowly fell down with a face asking WHY?

"There is no such thing as Civilized way in a fight of death -Sun Tzu." Leo said coldly, To think this bastards really thought that he was willing to have a negotiations to them. How Naive are they, Do they really not want to fight Leo by themselves.

"You Bastard!" The one arrogant terrorist got angry and pointed his gun towards Leo, After pointing his Assault Rifle he then fired the gun. The Group of terrorist followed the way of the Arrogant Terrorist and also fired at Leo.

"Wrong Move." Leo said, Thousands of Daggers appeared behind him staring menacingly at the Terrorist. The Bullets stopped in mid air when a weird magic circle appeared in front of Leo, It control the Law of Force and Gravity.

The Terrorist were very shocked when the bullets stopped in mid air, It was shocking for the Terrorist to see this kind of thing. All of them were shaking while some of them peed on their pants. The Arrogant Terrorist was afraid but seeing the smirked face of Leo he just spoke his death.

"You Fu-" The Arrogant Terrorist shut up before he could complete his sentence, There were a lot of holes in his body and his whole body was bloodied. The Arrogant Terrorist already died but the Flying Daggers didn't stop and kept stabbing him back and forth.

"It your turn." Leo stares at the remaining Terrorist with a Cold Azure Blue eyes, The Terrorist knew they were fuck so they just did what they can do. Shoot Leo with everything they got, All of the bullets they shot were easily deflected by Leo.

"Let's continue on our way." Leo said as he continued walking towards the something that was waiting for him. The Bodies of the Terrorist Leo currently killed were burned by Leo, Burnt body could be seen everywhere.

Leo continued on his way, He killed many Terrorist in his way with his Dagger that was levitating in the air. He also burn their body after killing them, Ashes were flying through the air and it was pretty shocking sine Leo's flame was very powerful although not powerful than Alex's Dark Flame.


Leo was currently walking on the hallway of the Last Building, He knew that the thing he was finding was supposed to be in this building and this whole side of the Terrorist Base was already destroyed by Leo.

Leo didn't know what was happening on Alex's side but he was confident on Alex's power. Alex was very powerful although not very powerful as him, She could rule the world if she wants to but she needs to learn what Leo wanted to teach her. Even if an Individual is powerful, They shouldn't stopped improving themselves.

"Where the hell is it." Leo said, He slowly turns around the corner and saw a door that was totally suspicious. He was thinking if he should enter the door or not but why is he even in this place if he stops without investigating the thing that he wanted.

After a while of thinking, Leo decided to enter the door. He opened the door and entered as silently as possible. He saw a weird staircase that was heading downwards, He remembered the time where he found Alex.

Leo walked inside and head towards downstairs. He saw one door that signifies that this was only a small basement unlike the Izan Underground Base that he found in the orphanage.

Leo opened the door and saw something or some ball on the table. He entered the room and found that it look liked some sort of a laboratory. The Ball inside it was very weird and this was the thing that was calling him since the mentioning about the Terrorist base.

He touches it the and felt some kind of force repelling him, He force his hand and the force can't even stopped him. A weird bubble appeared and slowly broke off, Leo was very shocked seeing the bubble.

"Isn't this some sort of Force field." Leo squinted his eyes. This Technology isn't supposed to be in this world. The Force Field was good but it was penetrated by Leo's hand easily but considering his power the Force Field is powerful.

[You have unlocked the Ancient One's Force Field or Shielding Technology] Charlotte said with her monotone voice. This was very surprising, What is special about this planet that he keep finding Ancient Alien Technology in left and right.

"What does this mean Charlotte?" Leo asked, Why did Charlotte turn it into a some kind of notification. He was curious on what this technology was and would probably help him in the long run since Charlotte looked at it highly.

[Leo, You have activated the Quest. Will you Accept?] Charlotte said with her monotone voice, Leo was very confuse how the hell did this turn into another quest. He sighed and just said to himself that every quest would make him powerful.

"Accept" Leo said towards Charlotte, He accepted the quest since he knows that the quest would give him rewards and could possibly help him in anyway.

[The Lost Ancient Alien Technology: This is a very long quest and would take a long time to complete. The mission will be about acquiring the 5 important Technologies about the Ancient One's. Rewards: 100 Levels, Information Manipulation skill. (Leo has only got the 2 pieces of technology)]

[Trivia or Information: The Third Planet of the Sol System was used as an outpost for defending the Milky Way Galaxy. The Defense failed and only humans are left in this Dead Galaxy, This is why there are many Important Technology on this planet.]

"What?" Leo was very curious on what was happening but it seems that he got something similar to a 100 year quest but it is more tone down than that. He was also surprise at the rewards that are given but it is probably hard getting this Technologies.


Alex was on the other side of where Leo was, She was currently surrounded by Dark Flames and there were many ashes of nothingness flying through the air. She looked around the Area and found no one, It seems that all of them died.

"I'm done here, Let's continue." Alex said as she walked towards the Last building on her side. She was very curious on what this building was and she planned to destroy everything here.

Alex entered the building and looked around, She saw some weird room and slowly entered it. When Alex entered the room she was surprised at what she saw, She saw woman that was turn into a Sex Slave by the Terrorist.

Her eyes turn cold and she slowly walked towards the Female that was probably dead in the inside. She crouches at the front of the Woman and looked at her, She saw the dead eyes that were similar to her although the situation was different.

"Hey, Do you want to live?" Alex asked, The Woman that had many bruise on her body slowly turns her head. She saw Alex and was very shocked although she didn't release any emotion, She was already dead and at the same time she could feel that she was dying.

The Woman in the room smiles at Alex and felt that this young girl in front of her killed the one's that Damn her. She was happy that all of them died and she was also sad that she couldn't do the revenge by herself.

"Please kill me." The Woman said as she smiled gently, She didn't get her revenge but in the end it seems that the blade that killed her enemies was also the blade that she wants to kill herself.

The Old Life she got as a normal citizen, A normal girl in the village that was good to her. It all Change when the Terrorist Attack. Most men were either killed or turn into one of them, The perfect Village she had disappeared into puff smoke.

"Why?" Alex asked, Why does this woman want to die. Isn't there another change or make a new life for her, Why is she throwing the opportunity. This doesn't make sense for Alex but the way Humans think is too complex and would always be different from each other.

"It seems that you have your own savior, I am not lucky like you little girl. I hope you take care of the one that save you because if not for your savior you would be like me." The Woman sighed as she sadly smiled. The girl in front of her was very lucky and the only thing she could do was send regards for her future.

Alex gripped her Katana and she was currently gritting her teeth, The only woman that was similar to her. Abandon by the world, She was very lucky when her brother found her.

"Ahhhh!!!" Alex shouted as the Dark Flames on her Katana was dancing widely as if it was in the most powerful form. She swings the Katana and cuts of the Woman's head, The Black Flame instantly engulf the woman's body quickly turning it into ashes.

The Ashes flew throughout the room and the woman disappeared completely forgotten by the world. Alex was just standing at the room and was in silence, It was as if the time freezes itself.

Alex slowly moves and kicks the wall that was next to her.

"Fuck!!!!" This was the first time Alex cursed out loud, She was completely angry. Not because of the terrorist but because of how weak the woman was. Why did she surrendered to fate and ended herself for no reason, She could have a good life with a good family.

Alex then remembers the words that came from the woman, She was just lucky that her brother found her. If it was not for her brother she could be trapped in that dark room devoid of light forever until the day where she decides that she wanted to end herself.

To be honest, Alex wasn't angry because of the woman decision. She was just angry on how the woman represents her past self, The moment her brother said to move on from the past and wait for the future she decided to abandon her past but it just slowly creep out on her legs.

"I should not let my Emotions control me, My brother taught me how to control my Emotions not the opposite." Alex sighed, Her Emotions were out of control. She said Fuck for the first time in her life, She was disappointed at herself when she let her emotions take control of her.

Alex then saw this as a warning for her. The Obsession would be seen throughout reality, Her Love would be accepted and she would do anything for this to happen.

"He's mine, Only mine!" Alex said as she smirked, It was as if she was cursing her past self. The Obsession is slowly showing itself and would face Leo later in the future but what would he do? Accept it of course!!!!