Mercenary Operation, The Rescue

(First Person POV)

My name is Hilda, One of the best women mercenaries all around the world. I was proud of this fact and title because it took a lot of hard worked or a lot of lives to get where I am. Anyway I was told to attack a warlord or a terrorists with a group of people like me, It was very shocking when I heard it since all the people I met were incredibly weaker than me.

The Mercenaries group that I was supposed to get in came from around the world, The one who asked for the attack was a very rich group. We aren't assassinators and we aren't law enforcers, We are just mercenaries. People who kill people for money or people who do jobs for people for money.

The First time I heard the mission, I was thinking if I should accept it or not. My instinct is telling me to not join but I'm curious about the mercenary team the Mercenary Union assembled. So I agreed on there request and flew towards Iraq thinking that this was only a vacation for people like me.

This was what I though before getting ambushed by the bastards, All of us numbered in 20 people which came from around the world. The moment the terrorist attack as if they knew where we are, We knew that the information was leaked or the whole information was faked.

The News was shocking since the Mission came from the Mercenary Union, The One that gave the mission only gave the money but the information about the mission is given to the Mercenary Union which is why this situation is shocking.

The Mercenary Union is an International Mercenary Agency with a trusted reputation from its employers and mercenaries. Selling a Fake information to them is like putting a gun on your mouth and asking the Mercenary Union to pull the trigger for you.

That guy that sold the information is probably tortured and got fed to the dogs, I don't know him but he mess with the wrong organization. Anyway, We were very lucky that we got supplies and ammo crates from our cars.

This supplies was bought by many other mercenaries expecting something to go wrong, As top mercenaries their instinct is probably stopping them like mine. The Ammo that was currently with us can take us until early in the morning. We just hope that the rescue wouldn't be too late before rescuing us or it would really be very ugly.

"Where are they?" I heard a man's voice that came from the right, I turn my head and saw a man holding a submachine gun. His name is Jake, He was a top mercenary that came from the North American Branch.

I heard that the North American People were very patriotic for some reason, And I heard the the North America was basically like the European Union which was very big. The United North America or U.N.A, the country was very big since the history about it originated from the Union between Canada and the Old United States of America.

"We will just have to wait." I said towards Jake as I point my rifle towards the distance that was the opposite of us. Hearing me, Jake sighed and took out a cigarette from his pocket. He was just looking at the sky and wandered about how much time he had left before dying in this kind of job.

"Oi, Are you okay?" A burly man could be seen holding a machine gun with one hand, He was speaking towards the both of us with a Russian Accent. The burly man's name is Arnold, He was the heavy guy of our groups and he literally loves anything that is big and could fire an Explosive.

I stared at Arnold and Nodded, This guy in front of me holding a machine gun was a very weird guy but I still talked to him since he was very chill. seeing my nod he then smiled and left my position.

Most of us were currently guarding the chokepoints so that the terrorist cannot enter the compound, Of course this planned almost failed when something surprising happen. There was a time when a semi tank vehicle almost got through the compound but we were lucky since Arnold had a Rocket launcher and used it to destroy the semi tank vehicle.

I looked at the distance, It was currently quiet and most of use knew that wasting bullets isn't professional. The Terrorist stopped shooting at us and the two groups were having a waiting game, All of us knew that the terrorists had no choice but to push through since their mission would fail if not one of us were killed.

While looking at the distance I notice something weird coming from the terrorist in the opposite direction. It was as if they were panicking but why were they panicking, according to our specialist. The Mercenary Union would send reinforcements and rescue us in 6 to 12 hours but it was still an 5 hours after we were ambushed so it was still too early.

"Jake, Look aren't they acting weird." I said towards Jake who was smoking next to me, He raised an eyebrow and took out his binoculars. He looked at the terrorist in the distance that was doing something weird.

"You're right, They are doing something weird. Contact the other members and warned them." Jake said towards me, Hearing him I left the my position and head towards my Members position.

"Why are you here?" One of the members said, I turn my head and saw the semi leader of our team. She was the temporary leader due to her leadership skill which was very useful. Even I was surprised on how she manage to efficiently placed our position that was perfect for our weapons.

Her name was Vankia, The leader of our team. I looked at her and spoke the same words Jake told me to say.

"The Terrorist on our side is doing something weird, I hope you could tell us what they are doing." I said towards Vankia who was looking at me with a furrowed brows. She then sighed and head towards my position, I just followed her and after a moment later the both of us arrive at my position.

"Vankia, The Terrorist are planning something." Jake said as he throws that binoculars towards Vankia. Vankia got the binoculars with her one hand and used it, She observes the terrorist for a minute then spoke.

"It seems that the terrorist is retreating." Vankia said as she continued looking through the binoculars. Hearing her, Jake and I furrowed our brows and was curious on what was happening. I was regretting on picking this mission as if I was picking my vacation, I just hoped I get back alive after this event.

"Why are they retreating, The Mercenary Union needed 6 hours minimum before reaching here." Jake said, He was very confused on what was happening. He stared at Vankia who was still on the binoculars for explanation.

"Another Army, A third Party, Or Just the Mercenary Union, Which of these 3 is the best situation that could happen." Vankia said as she puts the binoculars on the ground, She stared at Me and Jake waiting for our answers.

I was just hoping that this was the Mercenary Union and wasn't someone complicated. Jake on the other hand was getting serious as someone tried to sabotaged them but isn't using the terrorist enough.

"The fourth option is that their Main base is probably under attack." A woman's voice could be heard. All of us turned our head and saw a normal looking girl that you could see in your everyday life. It was Tania, One of the top 3 assassins all around the world which makes her very valuable.

"That is possible, But the one attacking them is probably one of the 3 options I gave." Vankia said, Hearing her explanation Tania nodded in understanding and left the position. All of us were in silence due to us processing what the fuck just happen, She just left when here option was wrong and didn't even stay here.

"Anyway, We need to get ready. We need to prepare for something unexpected, Jake tell the other members that there will be something surprising or unexpected that would happen within this hour." Vankia said towards Jake. Hearing her Jake nodded and left the position, After Jake left Vankia looked at me and spoke.

"You stay here." She said towards me, I nodded at her and stayed at my position. Vankia smiles and just leaned on the wall that was near to us. Her black hair and black eyes was waving through the air, I couldn't help but be surprised when I saw the womanly side of my Leader.

I couldn't helped but gulped, I just stared at her until a bright light came flashing through the both of us. Vankia quickly furrowed her eyes and Jake quickly got into cover, She then shouted at the both of us with a loud voice.

"Get down!!!" Vankia shouted. Hearing her Jake and I quickly hide into some walls and laid down our body to the ground. The Bright light was still shining through our compound and a loud sound could be heard.


It was the loudest sound I have ever heard, This was the first time I experience something like this. It was as if the end of the world was coming, After the sound a strong shockwave went through the compound destroying some trees.

We were very shocked on the things that is happening, The Shockwave didn't stopped going through the compound until 15 seconds later. Dust could be seen everywhere, Uprooted trees were stuck on the roofs of the houses that was around the compound.

"What the fuck happen!" Jake cursed out loud, I looked at him and shake my head as I didn't know what was happening. I then noticed that he was at the back when the explosion happen, I hoped that he manage to warned our teammates. I then looked around the area and slowly stand up, Seeing me Jake also stand up. We were very lucky that no one was hurt in our location, I saw Vankia next to me and she spoked with a serious voice.

"An Explosion, That was comparable to a 1 megaton explosive. We didn't even hear the bombers heading here and isn't it very dangerous to drop such thing." Vankia said as she cleaned herself, She was very angry at whoever thought of something dangerous.

All of us looked at the distance and found something very horrible even for our standards, It was currently at night. The sky looked the same as always but the area where the blast or explosion happened was very shocking to see.

A crater could be seen coming from that area, We are very lucky that we manage to survive in this explosion. A mushroom cloud was seen on the dark sky and the houses around us was destroyed into dust.

"Jake, Check our teammates." Vankia quickly said towards Jake, Jake hearing her run towards the other position to check if our teammates are still alive. But thinking that we were in the front of the compound that face the explosion, Most of them are probably alive.

"Hello." I heard a voice coming from the roof of the compound, I turn my head and saw a White Silver haired young girl carrying a katana. Her hair was fluttering due to the winds and next to her was a young boy that had a Pitch Black hair and Blue Azure Eyes.

I then saw the young boy spoke towards Vankia who was staring at them with a serious eyes, I didn't know what was wrong but I just followed what Vankia did as I trust her so I looked at them with serious eyes like Vankia.

"Hello, My name is Leo. The reinforcements has Arrived" Leo said as he chuckled from the looked at the mercenaries were giving towards him. He could totally understand them since seeing a boy near you after a 1 megaton blast was literally weird.