Mercenary Escort, Tokyo

"It is nice to meet you." Vankia said but she didn't know the name of the Japanese escort that was in front of them, The escort quickly knew that Vankia didn't know his name so he spoke to Vankia with a smile.

"My name is Tanaka Kenji, It is nice to meet you." Tanaka said as he proceeds to shake Vankia's hand, Vankia nodded and shake his hand. The two talk each other and the mercenaries who were left to fend of on their own.

"So what do we do?" Hilda said while looking at her mercenary friends. All of them shook their heads since they didn't know what to do, All of them except Jake who was thinking about many things in the Capital City or Tokyo.

"Maybe, Split up and take our own business elsewhere." Jake said to Hilda who was thinking about what he said, A while later she nodded towards him agreeing about their own business. Since it was still not time for the mission why not roam around the city and find something new.

"Okay, So I will just go to the Entertainment part of this city." Jake maliciously smiled and quickly disappeared, The whole mercenary team thought that they were played by Jake but since they wanted to split up why not?

"I will go to the mall and take a shopping there." Hilda said and quickly run off, The mercenary team was still thinking about where they would go. Vankia who was talking to Tanaka notice that some of them already disappeared and warn them.

"Come back to the hotel we are staying, before 5 am early in the morning or else." Vankia warned them with cold voice. The mercenary team nodded aggressively while Leo and Alex was looking around the hangar.

"I heard about rumors that the food here are great so." Arnold said as he disappeared, Tania was looking around the spot and notices that she was alone. She then looked at Vankia and followed her, The only ones that were standing in the Hangar was Leo and Alex.

"How about we roam around the city, We may find many interesting things while roaming around." Leo said towards Vankia, He was curious about this place since this was the first time he entered and Eastern city.

During the apocalypse he was only staying in the western part of the world or Europe, Although the communications were now established around the world at the last part of the apocalypse. Travelling was still hard due to the Beast and zombies on the way to the east or Asia.

"Ok-" Alex was about to say okay but her stomach grumbled before she could complete the world, When she heard it she was very embarrassed and she quickly covered her stomach with her hand.

Leo who heard the grumble of Alex's stomach chuckled and notices that they didn't eat that much today so Alex was probably hungry. He then stared at Alex right at her eyes and spoke to her.

"How about we go eat first." Leo said with a smile, Hearing him Alex slowly nodded while trying to not show her face to Leo since she was very embarrassed by her stomach. Seeing her nodded, Leo holds her hand and the both of them left the Hangar.

The two of them left the hangar and went to find a restaurant for the two to eat. While walking around the city to find a restaurant that isn't full, Leo describe the city of Tokyo as the city that is full of neon lights and a lot of tall buildings.

They were also a lot of people walking around the side walk while there is a lot of cars in the road, Most of the people here doesn't talk while walking that much and kept focusing on their phones.

As they walked and found out that most of the restaurants were full of people, Leo then activated his skill in order to found a perfect restaurant the is low on people and has a good food for the two of them to eat.

'Eh? The restaurant is in the outskirts or in the neighborhood of the city.' Leo thought to himself, He then took Alex hand and the both of the ran in a ninja way towards the neighborhood.

Alex was curious why her brother was going away from the city but she trust him since her brother was known to her as something that do things in a weird but good and best way, The both of them continued to run towards the neighborhood and 5 minutes later they finally arrive at the place where they were supposed to eat.

'Wow, The food here must be good.' Alex thought as she smell that aroma in the surroundings, The sound of the chef cooking the food was heard and the Restaurant looked very weird and was completely ugly on the outside.

"Let's get in." Leo said towards Alex, They were entering the restaurant called Ramen shop. The food here was obvious since that was the name of the shop and Leo also wanted to taste Ramen.

The both of them entered the Ramen shop and took a seat there, The owner or the chef of the ramen shop saw two kids entering his shop. The other costumers of the shop were old people and all of them were shocked to see foreign kids entering the ramen shop.

The Chef knew that they were foreigners so he decided to speak English, He was good at speaking in this language and he was also smart but fate didn't help him on his journey resulting on his current life.

"Kid, Are you lost?" The Chef asked, The parents of this two kids must be careless. No matter how secure the city is, it is not good for kids to travel alone. The Old costumer looked at him and the kid trying to get what they were speaking.

"I want to eat here." Leo said towards the chef, The both of them were sitting on their own seat. The chef furrowed his brow when he heard what Leo said, Is it mistranslation? Is he very old that he forgot the language he was taught on his childhood.

"Where are your parents?" The Chef asked, It must be a mistranslation of him or maybe the kid just wanted to eat here. Regardless of the reasons he must bring the kids back to their own parents and warned them about being carefree.

'Oh fuck, I forgot that I was still a kid. I probably need a reason but let us just alter their mind for a little bit.' Leo thought, He stopped at making the other people perception change since it was weird.

He remembered the time when he change the other people's perception into seeing him as a young man. It was very weird that every time the people talked to him they would be looking at above his head which makes him pissed off.

"Can you give two ramen, Please." Leo said, Alex was looking around and was surprised that the people were looking at them anymore. The old people in the ramen shop continued eating their own food and ignored the both of them.

"Okay." The Chef said and began cooking the two ramen. Alex was currently looking at Leo and was thinking that her brother was very powerful, She was even thinking that her brother could rule the world if he wanted.

"What are you looking at?" Leo said while smiling towards Alex, Alex quickly got up and was embarrassed and lowered her head, Leo saw it in the wrong way and put his hand on Alex's head.

"I am sorry." Leo said while softly patting Alex, Alex who was getting path quickly knew that there must be a misunderstanding but before she could tell Leo that it was a misunderstanding. The Pat that Leo gave was too powerful that even Alex cannot think straight while her brother was patting her head.

It took a while for the food to be ready but it was still very fast according to Leo's standards, The chef brought the two ramen in front of them and Leo payed him. The chef nodded towards Leo and Leo nod back, The chef then left in order to attend the other customers.

The two then began eating their own food, The both of them were eating very softly and the warm feeling of the ramen made them very relax. The Ramen was very good and with the noodle which was very soft made it delicious to them.

After the both of them finish eating, The two of them left while the Old people and Chef didn't care about them and continued their business. The two were currently outside and it was night, Leo looked around and found that the streets in the neighborhood was empty of people.

"Let us get back to the hotel." Leo said, Alex nodded hearing him and the two of them left the neighborhood. Leo and Alex head towards the 5 star hotel where the mercenaries were staying.


Meanwhile during the night in the Capital of the Empire or Tokyo,

Inside an Alley that is between two buildings was a weird way towards the ground, By the looks of it. This seems to head towards a club of some sort, In this weird club is where Jake was staying.

These club was full of strippers and it was very weird, Jake who was alone in his own seat looking at the stripper in front of him dancing with a weird but good clothes.

"This is the good of my Life." Jake smiles as he took a drink of another alcohol that was in front of his table, The stripper was still dancing while Jake was drunk.

"Here, Let me give you heaven!!" The Drunk Jake shouted and throws a lot of cash to the stripper, The stripper was dancing in the heaven of money while Jake was continued to throw money to the dancing stripper.

"Hell yeah!" The Drunk Jake shouted as he took another drink of alcohol, It was incredible noisy due to the sounds of the club but still. The Drunk Jake was in his VIP room, It make sense since he was one of the top mercenaries Jake must be very rich.

Being a mercenary was incredible stressful, Jake was one of the oldest mercenary and many things happen in his life. His friends died, His lover died, And his only Family died. Depression was hard to counter and if Jake tried to kill himself, He would remember the sacrifice pf his friends life to his pitiful life which make him stop killing himself.

Jake was just finding a way to die honorably for his friends, He didn't know if he would die in old age but he would enjoy his life before dying which was why he was currently in the entertainment of the city.

He was about to take another drink of alcohol but before he could take another shot, An Explosion was heard in front of the door and he heard something shouting.

"JNP open up, Raise your hands and don't move!" The Japanese Swat entered the scene, The weird people inside the club quickly took their guns but before they could fire. The Swat already fired a Taser rifle towards the one's that were holding a gun which resulted of them being electrified.

The screams and cries could be heard anywhere in the club while the door of Jake's VIP room open.

"Raise you hands!" The swat shouted while pointing his taser rifle towards the Drunk Jake, Jake seeing the Swat stands up and walked towards the swat and spoke.

"It's okay, I am n-" Jake didn't complete his sentence because he was electrified by the Taser Rifle. He was shaking like he was in a stroke and the Japanese swat apprehended him.

'Fuck!' This was the last thought Jake have before he was took out by the Swat guy.