Mercenary Escort, Port Manila

Leo was currently waiting on the port for the crew to come back from their mission, This wasn't a vacation so most of them was just waiting at the Port for them to come back. Guarding the ship was very boring.

"I wonder when the battle will start." Leo muttered as he looked around the port, This was very boring for him that even he wanted to go back on his Dimension and do some fun stuff there. But for the sake of Alex he stop himself from going back to the dimension.

"Leo what's wrong?" Alex asked, She was confused on why Leo would asked about a battle. She thought that all their going to do was just roam around the sea and get into cities undetected. Hearing her, Leo turned around and patted Alex.

"There's nothing wrong, I am just bored." Leo said with a smile, Alex finally learned how to call his name. He waited for this moment or time his whole life although losing the brother title was very saddening it was still better for Alex to call him in his name.

Alex didn't mind Leo's pat as she was used to it and she also developed a habit of liking it, No one knew the reason but she was still cute. Leo who saw the cute Alex was feeling refreshed and the boredom that hunt him slowly disappeared.

While the two were doing there own thing, Jake and Arnold were talking to each other. It has been days since the Karaoke and the both of them manage to solve the problem, They also had a new friend which was Tanaka. Tanaka is currently with the other crew as he was the diplomat of the whole group.

"Look at them." Jake sighed, He manage to see Leo and Alex doing there own things like always. He was jealous at them but he knew that his personality was to incompatible with any girls. He already accepted this fate when he was beaten to death by the leader or Vankia but still he really can't helped but stare at them.

"You jealous." Arnold smiled, As the both of them manage to solve their own problems. The Friendship of the two deepen and you could say that they call themselves as Best Friends also with Tanaka onboard. Hearing Arnold, Jake didn't speak and just continued doing his own work.

"You'll never get a girl if you keep acting like that Jake." Arnold grinned as he said towards Jake with a teasing tone, When Jake heard his voice he was incredibly angry and turn his head towards Arnold and spoke with a angry tone.

"No U!!" Jake shouted and left, The whole area was filled with silence and Arnold who was silent finally made a move.

"Hahaha!!!!" Arnold just laughed his ass off and after laughing he continued doing his own work, Although the both of them were doing there own thing. Leo and Alex heard them from afar as their hearing was more better than normal humans.

"Leo, What are they doing?" Alex asked, She was curious at the things the two of the did. She thought about it and manage to remember a book that she read from Hilda. It was given to her by Hilda and Leo agreed to it since it was not harmful, It was also good for Alex to learn more cultures and knowledge.

"They are-" Alex answered her own question but before she could complete it, A hand covered her mouth. Alex was confuse and turn her head as she saw her Leo gently smiling towards her. She also notice that this smile was different from normal and it was a little bit weird for her to see Leo smiling like this.

"Dear Alex, Where did you get this knowledge." Leo spoke with a gentle smile plastered at his face, When Leo did this smile an Aura came out of him threatening the whole port on their own death. Alex didn't notice this but the pressure on this area clearly change when Leo gentle smile was plastered on his face.

'What the fu-' This was the thought of the people that were around the area, They just felt that they gained weight for some reason and some even fell down the floor. Leo's aura was very powerful that it could make a heart attack to normal people if he uses it in its whole power.

"I got this from the book that was given to me by Hilda." Alex said with a smile, She was clearly oblivious of Leo's aura and just answered him like normal. Leo finally got where she manage to get that whole knowledge and it seems that Hilda was corrupting Alex.

'It was my fault that I lowered my Guard, That bastard teaching her this kind of shit while being young.' Leo thought, The Aura that was surrounding him disappeared at a fast speed. The pressure on the port was lifted but Leo wasn't finish until the suspect was caught by him.

"Alex, This is called friendship not the thing that you were about to say. You must not believe what other people say as humans are corrupted, You and I are also corrupted but as long as we know each other nothing would go wrong." Leo wanted Alex away from that kind of culture and wanted her to learn to observe people before making decisions.

As the two talked to each other, Vankia and the group was in the other side. Hilda who was right next to Vankia felt a chill which cause her to look around, Vankia notice what Hilda was doing and asked about it.

"Hilda, What's wrong?" Vankia asked, She was worried on Hilda since she was sweating and was looking around for no reason. There must be a problem in Hilda since her body was possibly in danger so Vankia ask about the problem.

"Nothing." Hilda just smiles towards Vankia, Vankia who saw her back into her original condition just sighed and continued to do her worked. Hilda who saw Vankia worried about her was happy when she saw it bust she was also encountering a new problem.

'A bloodlust that was very strong was directed towards me for a second.' Hilda thought, She was confuse at the bloodlust and she was also scared since the bloodlust was powerful. It also manage to leave undetected by the top mercenaries other than her which made it more complicated than normal.