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Yoongi opened his eyes noticed that his in a dim light room, he saw some red substance was everywhere...yes, a blood and two bodies lying on the floor which are dead with their eyes still opened and then he saw a guy appeared in the light but his face was blurred.

"It's been ages since I last met you."

A voice echoed in Yoongi's ears he felt someone's behind him...a person exact, placing a blood stained knife in his throat feeling the blood drips on his shoulder. "W-who are you?" Yoongi's shaking voice left his mouth the unknown male remove the knife in his throat.

"You know me well...yoongi." Yoongi can't help but tremble he turned around a male was smiling...widely, rising the knife he holds ready to stab him.





Yoongi got up panting heavily he looked up seeing his members looking at him with worried faces on them. "What is it?" He wiped his cold sweats on his forehead. "You okay?" Namjoon said and he nods. "You've been like this since our concert was finished." They said while Yoongi get up. "I'm just having nightmare."

It's been days since he had that nightmare his mind can't stop thinking about it, his guts telling that something's is coming he's 'true nightmare' will come back and put his friends in risk, he hides it to his members not wanting to worry them.

Yoongi is not the only one who also feel like something's wrong, taehyung also too he sometimes felt chilly in sudden and sometimes having a nightmare that a guy appeared in front holding his hand...gripping it tight with his creepy smile.

The boys are currently rehearsing their next concert, blasting music, squeaking shoes was heard inside the dance room they keep practicing even though the dance was perfect until they seemed to noticed that yoongi was just standing looking at his reflection through mirror they asked him what's wrong instead telling the truth he only say 'I'm tired.' 'I'm okay.'


Ara set the chessboard. "How's your life?" [Name] said looking at the black king piece. "Dad was again abusing mom again..." She sighed rubbing her temples when she suddenly flinch looking at the male who's widely smiling.

"Want me to cut his head off...ara?" He lean at the table locking his gaze onto her? "N-no [Name]." He sit back taking his first move in the chess and followed by ara, the game continues ara and [Name] fighting to win the throne.


[Name] flick down the white king and look at the girl. "You always win [Name]." Astonished ara said. "I always win Soo Ara...I always win." He said grabbing the king. "If my enemy thinks he had a chance of winning, i take my final blow taking them down...I'm a ruler after all." [Name]'s voice change staring at the king he holds.

Chess is like a war, you must crush the opponent's mind. Like Vladimir Kraminik said 'I am convinced, the way one plays chess always reflects the player's personality. If something defines his character, then it will also define his way of playing' [Name] defines a