Chapter 1

Jay Karris was a man on a mission.

No he wasn't some mafia boss or a gangster, his job was much harder than that. He was a hit man, an assassin. Being a mafia boss was too cliche, he prefers to act solo and in the dark, secretly.

Since he was 10 he knew how to work with a gun, a knife or practically anything that could kill. His job was hard, risky, but he likes the thrill that comes with it. He takes on dangerous missions with the help of an ally who connects him with the underworld.

Jay was known as JK to the outside world, his name held importance as he was known as a killing machine, a predator who never misses his prey/target.

All his life he depended on no one but himself, even the occasional one night stands he had were held with a lot of caution. Who knows when someone might send a person to kill him secretly just like he killed others? That was the reason he trusts no one, talks to no one and counts on no one. He doesn't care about others either. People were a weakness and so indulging with them can lead to unwanted troubles. He never had a girlfriend/boyfriend before. Never felt like wanting one. His needs were satisfied just fine by hookers, no strings attached. The last thing he wanted in his line of work was attachments and feelings.

He was a rude and an arrogant person. That requirement was necessary in what he does for a living. He had no morals, no shame, nothing. He was a free man. At least that's what he likes to believe.



Sam's ringtone blasted loud in the silence of his room. He didn't even have to check who was calling as there was only one person in the whole damn world who had his number. His only friend, his ally, Chris Wilson, also known as 'Ci' in the underworld.

"Shoot." He spoke as soon as he picked up the call.

"Indoor private underground swimming pool, not the public one. Target's gonna be there with 6 other people, his men probably." Chris informed him.

"You sure? Have you hacked the cameras and everything?" Jay asked while picking up the weapons from the table and checking the bullets.

"Yes everything's in order. I need you to repeat the plan again." Chris asked so that he can check if they're on the same page.

"I walk into the hotel at exactly 8 pm, book a room, order a room service then go for a swim in one of the private pools. 209 private pool to be exact. Hide and wait for the target to appear, shoot the mf down along with his men and get the fuck out of there. You'll be waiting for me at the airport. We board the plane and leave this hellhole until next time." Jay revised the plan casually like it was the easiest thing to do. Well forJay it really was easy.

"You're missing one main point." Chris sighed.


"The target won't go down easily! Jay you're so fucking casual about it. It's not some petty businessman we're dealing with. He's a fucking gangster with lots of connections. He's the man we've been chasing forever! You can't let this opportunity slide." Chris raised his voice.

The thing is that the target they were both talking about was a big criminal. He was also the one who killed Jay's brother and almost killed him too. It was a personal mission to Jay, bringing down one of the most known criminals of the underworld. It was a mission he never took before as it was always about money but this wasn't about it at all. It was about revenge. Revenge for killing his brother and almost getting him killed too.

Jay would be damned if he let this opportunity go.

Tonight was about killing or being killed. There was no way out of it alive if he missed killing even one of them.

He was never nervous on a mission before but thinking about this one left a sour taste in his mouth. Maybe because he was about to die tonight, he thought.

"Ci I know the importance of this mission. I won't let Choi go. It's either him or me tonight." He answered confidently despite having a bit of anxiety crawling at his heart.

"You've got your guns ready?" Chris questioned again.

"Everything. I'm leaving now. I have attached the microphone I'll keep filling you in." He cut the call and placed all his useful items in the black bag, swinging it on his shoulder, leaving the current hideout, making his way to the hotel.

The plan went smoothly initially. Jay booked the room as planned, speaking on a microphone attached to him in a low whisper then closing it after delivering his information to Chris.

He made his way towards private pools. There were 6 of them.

"209 209 209", he kept repeating, passing through the doors and reading the number plates, finally stopping at 209. "Bingo. I found 209. I'm going in." He informed through the microphone.

He opened the grand door of the pool and went inside.

"Rich mf bastard." He chuckled watching the magnificent interior. The pool was big enough to cater 100 people. Only crazy rich people would book it only for themselves.

He made his way towards a pillar that was at the very corner of the hall, huge enough to hide 3 people behind it. Placing his bag down he arranged the items neatly on the floor that would come handy. He knows he'll have to be very quick. Lucky for him his reflexes were the best plus point about him. He took out a drilling machine first and started drilling a small hole in the pillar to help him see through without being noticed.

After 10 minutes he was able to set everything up.

Now he only had to wait. Half an hour left and Choi will arrive here.

The door to the pool opened and Jay stiffened. Choi wasn't supposed to come before 9. "What the hell Chris Wilson!" He whispered in the microphone.

Jay very carefully peeked through the hole he just drilled, prepared for any kind of attack. If Choi was here before the schedule then it means he definitely found out about his plan and is here to kill him.

When he peeked through the hole he expected to see bulky men with guns, anything, but definitely not a gorgeous girl covered in a robe, standing right near the pool with her back to Jay. Even though Jay couldn't see her face he could tell just by her frame that the girl was gorgeous. Jay didn't have much time to ponder on the identity of this girl especially when he saw her dropping the robe, pooling at her feet.

The girl was oh so beautiful. Her small naked frame, unmarked, untouched just out on the display for Jay's eyes to feast on it.

He eyed her up and down. The long neck, her smooth tan skin, jungkook could tell just by watching it that it was soft as silk. His eyes raked over the dip of her back, her slender waist and finally those plump hips. Those mouthwatering ass cheeks that he would love to take a bite of. The fuck is wrong with you Jay, focus! He scolded himself.

However the girl turned around, this time revealing her face to Jay for the very first time and Jay's breath was caught in his throat. Gorgeous is a small word, he doesn't know what to call this beauty right in front of him. A goddess probably.

The face so perfectly structured like it was sculpted by an artist. The light brown hair that was giving her a soft look, the almond eyes that were so pretty but looked sad, those lips, those plush lips. Jay imagined biting on them. Shit. He cursed his hormones. The girl looked young. Way too young Jay noticed once he got a good look at her face. Almost a teenager. Dammit he was ogling over a teenager for fucks sake!

That being said Jay still didn't miss the pink nipples that were slightly erect, maybe due to the cold. That soft tummy and those damn long legs. And of course other body parts too.

He needs to control his hormones right this instant! He was on a mission to kill not to fuck. This brought him back to the situation in hand. Who the fuck was this girl and what the fuck was she doing here?!

"Jay what do you see?" Ci's voice pierced through his right ear.

"A naked kid."

"The fuck?? Are you playing with me?" Chris sounded mad.

"No I'm serious. There's a fucking naked kid right at the edge of the pool." Jay replied just as mad.

"Is she with choi? Maybe his whore or something?" Chris asked the questions one after another.

"Maybe. Can't tell. Choi is not here though. She's alone. And she doesn't have the looks of a whore. I mean she's stunning but she looks innocent. Like really innocent innocent."

"That's how they all like it jay. They like their whores to be innocent looking but they're really not. They're just good at acting." Chris spoke through.

"Well then let me just wait and watch." Jay answered then closed the mic.

The girl, Emma, stood near the edge of the pool looking at nothing in particular. Her mind filled with a lot of thoughts. She was stark naked in the private pool ready to jump in. She never did anything like this before. Never dived without clothes in the pool. But tonight she wanted to. She wanted to just wash her troubles away. This was a perfect opportunity. Her last day in America. Maybe the world too. Even though she was all alone here she felt like someone was watching her. She shivered at the thought. Not possible though. She booked this private pool, meaning it's only hers' for the time being.

She took a deep breath then dived backwards in the warm water.

Jay watched as the girl dived into the blue water beautifully. Her body flexible and now completely drenched in water.

When the girl emerged from the waters jay couldn't help but appreciate the masterpiece in front of him. The kid looking fine as fuck with her hair wet and drops of water tickling down her face onto her shoulders and stopping at the perky nipples. Her face had zero makeup and jay wondered if someone could look this ethereal so effortlessly.

If this girl really was a whore then she was the sexiest whore out there. Jungkook wouldn't mind having a taste either. He's a guy after all and a guy has needs. Needs that could only be satisfied by this particular girl.

Sad that she had to die. Anyone associated with choi deserves death.

Jay watched as the girl again dived into the pool again. 10 minutes left then her owner will arrive, Jay thought. Maybe fuck her too and let jay have a live porn show. He ain't complaining.

Jay waited for the girl to appear again from the water but nothing. The girl didn't come up to take a breath even though she had been underwater for 2 minutes straight.

What the fuck is happening? He cursed mentally. Did the girl die or something? Did she drown? Shit what if she committed a suicide? THAT WAS NOT ON HIS PLANS!

But if the girl really is trying to kill herself then it only means one thing. She's not linked to Choi! And jay has exactly 5 minutes before the devil himself makes an appearance. If this girl isn't a whore then she'll definitely become one if choi catches her in such a sexy state.

Jay doesn't want any obstacle in his way when he gets to kill Choi so without wasting a single second he plunged into the water and grabbed the girl who was floating peacefully under water, probably dead.

The girl opened her eyes frantically.

Okay so NOT dead.

She looked at jay and screamed under water but her voice was muffled. Jay dragged her towards himself and resurfaced from the water. Both of them panting harshly.

"Wh-wh-", Emma wanted to scream but got quiet when Jay placed a blade on her neck.

"Quiet. Listen to me quick and listen to me carefully. Don't utter a single word if you don't want to be murdered in cold blood. Follow me and do not try to cause any problem." He pressed the blade on the shivering girl trying to get the message across that he's very serious and can kill her with a single movement.

The girl nodded quickly not wanting to die brutally.

Jay dragged her out of the pool and behind the pillar. He pressed her against the cold wall, waiting for choi to show up any minute.

The girl was so close to him, no gap between them. Jay's hand on each side of her face, holding her hostage. No sound was heard from anywhere. It was eerily quiet. Jay's gaze landed on her again and the girl covered herself with her hands but Jay didn't wanna take any risks. He still wasn't sure if the girl was a threat or not so he took her hands and pinned them against the wall. The girl naked, helpless and vulnerable in front of him.

"Who are you? Please let me go." Emma asked in a soft quivering voice. She was never this embarrassed before, fully naked in front of a stranger. She wanted to die from shame. She has no idea who this guy is and what he wants from her. What if he's a rapist? Oh God no! Just the thought of being raped made her eyes water and she started sobbing silently. "Please mister let me go."

Jay saw the way the girl's body was shaking. It was cold and the girl was wet and very much still naked. But that's not jay's fault. Plus he was very much enjoying the close proximity of the naked girl. His own manhood wanting to come to life.

"Who are you?" Jay asked in a firm voice instead of replying to the questions.

"E-Emma. Emma White" The girl answered weakly.

"Emma who?" Jay questioned again.

"" The girl answered.

"You're not very funny Emma. Don't tease me." Jay honestly wanted to just kill the girl right now. How dare she tease him with that innocent face!

"What are you doing here Emma?"

"I-I came here for a swim. What are you doing here? I booked 206." Emma asked confused because she was pretty sure she booked the pool privately.

"This isn't 206 love. It's 209." Jay smirked.

Emma's eyes went wide and mouth open to say something but jay quickly kept a hand on it and asked her to be quiet this instant.

Choi was here.

Emma froze when she heard a couple of footsteps. She would have screamed but jay's gaze warned her not to make a sound and something about the way jay was looking at her dead serious told emma that something wasn't right.

"Mr choi. You can relax here. Two of the men will be with you here while 4 will be outside guarding the door. Do you need anything for now?" The man asked choi.

"Just a girl to impress me. I'm stressed out, I need to release some steam." Choi answered.

"I'll arrange one for you boss." The man said and left.

"Play the music boys." Choi ordered and one of his men quickly turned the tape on.

"What's happening mister?" Emma stared at Jay and spoke in his ear waiting for an answer. The music was too loud so she knows they won't be heard.

"This is a life threatening situation kid. You need to understand this right now that what's happening here is not to be taken lightly. We both can die here and no one will ever find our bodies." Jay whispered back. His face full of firmness, his voice void of any emotion.

Emma was scared to death. What was this man talking about?

"You wanted to die didn't you? I saw you trying to drown yourself." Jay smirked again, watching the girl loosen up a little.

"No. I was just-swimming." Emma pouted.

"Is this a hobby of yours? Parade naked for men to stare at you?" He chuckled at the angry look emma gave him.

"I came here because I thought I was alone!"

She looked like a kicked puppy and jay wanted nothing more than to kiss those pouty lips and run his tongue on that naked frame.

"How old are you Emma?" Jay asked.

"Um..20." Emma spoke, shuddering a little when Jay pressed a little closer. The guy was too handsome, dangerous but definitely handsome. His sharp jaw line and intense gaze made Emma's inside churn beautifully. She wasn't a virgin by no means. She had sex. Twice. Better than nothing no?

Emma trailed her eyes at the muscular chest, wet underneath the black shirt. She could see a few tattoos through the soaked material of the shirt.

"You're a fucking kid jesus!" Jay spoke a little too loud, clutching Emma's shoulders a little too tight.

"I-I'm not a kid. How old are you mister?" Emma winced a little from the grip.

"Does it even matter?? Do you have any idea what the man here could do to you if he sees you?" Jay was no saint, if he could he would have sex with this girl too no matter the age. His line of work doesn't really care about this stuff but jay didn't want this one to be captured by Choi. That disgusting pig.

Their conversation was interrupted once again when the door of the hall opened and a slim woman walked inside in a short dress and high heels.

"Ah. Siri, my favorite girl." Choi spoke when the woman walked towards him seductively.

She sat on his lap and placed a loud kiss on choi's lips.

"I missed you daddy." Siri spoke slutly in his ear. The music stopped so everyone was able to hear him clearly including jay and emma.

"Show daddy how much you really missed him." Choi brought her to his knees and let the other do his job.

The woman knew what to do so she quickly shred her own clothes off and got to work.

Emma was red in the face when the loud moans reached her. She lifted her eyes to meet Jay's and the latter was already staring at her with narrowed eyes.

She suddenly started feeling hot, the close proximity not helping a bit. Jay's hand on her waist holding her in place started burning too. The way Jay was looking down at her sent chills down her spine. The filthy noises in the background making Emma flush with embarrassment.

"Oh yeah." Siri's voice echoed in the silence along with the sound of skin slapping indicating that they were both very busy now.

Emma didn't have the guts to look Jay in the eyes. She looked everywhere but at him.

Jay was no better. Those noises were making him hard and having a little unprotected girl naked in his arms wasn't helping either.

He dipped his head in Emma's neck trying to control his raging hormones.

Emma froze when she felt something hard pressed near her abdomen. Something big.

She gulped, not mentioning it to Jay though she knows that Jay was also aware that she could feel it.

Involuntary Emma leaned closer.

Jay paused not expecting this reaction from the younger. He inhaled the girl's sweet scent, and experimentally started trailing his lips from her neck to her ear, dropping soft kisses on the skin that was shivering under his touch.

He leaned back a little to watch the girl and the expression she was sporting. The younger looked so lost and so turned on. Unable to resist any further jay covered emma's lips in a warm kiss. He'll think about the consequences later. Might as well have some fun with the young girl who was more than willing to let him in.

Jay controlled the kiss from the beginning. He could tell that Emma wasn't much experienced. He molded the soft lips with his own, tongue nipping at the bottom lip seeking entrance which was granted easily. He felt every corner of her mouth with his long tongue. The girl was delicious.

Her soft moans were drowned by Jay's lips and the vulgar scenes happening near the pool.

Jay wanted to see the girl beneath him but that wasn't possible for now.

Emma's breath hitched when Jay teased her tongue with his own.

When they parted the girl's eyes were filled with tears. From pain? From pleasure? He couldn't tell.

He felt a little guilty for doing this but his guilt went out the window when emma pulled him back for another mind blowing kiss.

Emma closed her eyes, brows furrowed, looking even younger than she said she was. Jay watched her carefully. Not missing a single expression on her face. The girl was breathtakingly beautiful. Jay wanted him.

So this time he kissed emma's neck and bit down a little hard.

Jay had never felt this guilty in his life before. Even though Emma consented to it he still felt like a jerk to take the girl this way.

Emma's insides were too hot, burning from pleasure.

She was practically about to faint from the intense kiss that Jay just freed her from but the man pinched her hard to bring her back to her senses.

"You can't faint on me emma. You'll die if you do that." Jay warned her and watched her cute pout.

Cute. Jay thought. The innocence reeking from the girl was too much for her own good.

"What's this!?"

Their sweet moment was interrupted when they heard the loud voice of Choi pierce through the silence.

Jay pressed closer to Emma to look through the hole in the pillar to see what Choi was talking about.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck. He knew he shouldn't have helped Emma!

Choi was standing there. With Emma's robe in his hands.

"Emma your fucking robe!" Jay spoke through gritted teeth.