Chapter 5 - Ant Nest

Rema first saw ants around the tree, they came from a small hole. It was close by the branch where Rema is residing. Rema moved towards there by crawling. She didn't use the Spirit Arms skill since it consumes too much Spirit Energy.

After three hours of crawling, she managed to arrived close to the hole. She can see many ants surrounding the ants. She didn't approach immediately but instead she waited for the right opportunity to use parasitism on an ant.

Hours passed until a single ant wondered a few distance away from the hole. Rema moved, and waited for the right opportunity to use parasitism on the ant. She surveyed the place, and made sure that it was safe to attack. After making sure that their are no danger nearby, she quickly crawled towards the ant.

The ant noticed Rema but before it can react, Rema used her Spirit Arms skill and pierced the ant on the stomach. The ant tried to struggle, and was about to bite Rema as a sign of retaliation but failed to do so. It noticed that Rema was gone. It tried finding Rema but didn't manage to find her. Soon, the ant lost consciousness.

'Thankfully, I managed to possess it's body easily.' Rema said.

That's right, Rema is already possessing the ants body. Rema managed to do this when she pierced the ant's stomach. She then went inside the ant's body by using the wound of the ant and then proceeded to possess the ant.

Earlier while Rema was walking towards the tree's hole, she started talking with Psyche about how to possess a different body using parasitism, and she learned that it was needed for her to get inside the body of the one she wanted to possess. And after being inside the body, she needed to go inside the brain and control it using her Spirit Energy.

She also learned that she will retrieve every memory of the one she's possessing so that she can completely act like the person she is currently possessing. Now, Rema is currently having an headache since she gained a huge amount of information from the ant.

After an hour of arranging the information she got which was completely useless, the only useful information would be how to use this body, and how to communicate with the ants.

'Won't this ant die with the wound it has?' Rema asked.

'It would so I think you should command this ant to go towards it's nest, and possess another ant. But before possessing another ant, I think you should first suck up this ant's Spirit Power.' Psyche said.

'Right, but can there be another method for me to do parasitism in an ant without giving it a big wound?'

'There is no other method since your body is almost the same size as the ants. You're only a bit smaller, and usually a parasite monster will use parasitism with bigger bodies like the rabbit you saw the other day.' Psyche replied.

'Hmm, fine.' Rema said, and commanded the ant to walk towards the ant's nest. The ant she possess was not commanded manually but more like automatically. She only needed to say what she wants, and the ant will follow.

The ant went towards the wall, and the other ants didn't stop it, and let it inside.

"What happened to you?" An ant asked when it saw the wound the ant, Rema was possessing. Rema was not surprised that she understood the ant, she already gained every knowledge that the ant she possess has. So naturally, she will also learn and understand how the ants communicate.

'Say that you fought with an ant from a different colony.' Rema commanded the ant.

"I saw an ant from a different colony, and fought with it. I managed to kill it but I was severely wounded." The ant, Rema was possessing replied.

"Great job." The other ant said, and moved away.

Rema's ant then continued moving, and soon arrived inside the nest of the ants after a few minutes of walking.

'How much Spirit Power will I get if I manage to eat everyone here?' Rema asked.

'You won't manage to do that since you have a small body, and you'll only manage to consume a small amount every day.' Psyche said.

'Wait... if I can only eat a limited amount every day then I will rank up slowly. Is there any other way for me to consume huge amount of ants?' Rema asked anxiously.

'You don't need to worry since parasite monsters have the ability to multiply, and when you do multiply you'll be able to have many bodies. But multiplying your body has a huge disadvantage which is also dividing your Spirit Power. Currently you have 10 Spirit Power so if you divide yourself into two, you will only have 5 Spirit Power for each body.' Psyche explains.

'What will happen if one of my bodies die?' Rema asked since if one of her bodies die, will the Spirit Power inside that body be gone.

'Don't worry when one of your bodies die, the Spirit Power inside that body will come back to you but only 25% will comeback.' Psyche said.

If that is the case then it's okay since some Spirit Power will at least come back to her.

'How do I multiply, Psyche?' Rema asked.

'You'll need to be parasitizing a body and using that body to make an egg inside. The stronger the body is, the more eggs you can make. The egg will take a day before hatching and will then need to eat immediately. This is the reason why you will need to lay your eggs inside a body.'

Rema was bothered by the thought of laying eggs, it was like she was giving birth to a child and that child was also her. She then shook that thought away since this is the only way for her to get stronger quickly.

'Oh, I also forgot to say that making a clone of yourself has a limit which is 10 for your current strength. When you rank up a tier, it will multiplied by 2 so in your next rank up you'll be able to make 20 clones.' Psyche said.