Chapter 11 - Ant Domination

After Rema was done rechecking her skills, she continued training while waiting for tommorow to come.

She can't eat more ant eggs now since she already reached the number she allowed herself to.

Also for the past few days, she has finally mapped the whole ant nest. She found the 14 remaining rooms of the ant eggs while also being able to find 2 more rooms which has the ant eggs of the ant fighters.

When Rema tiers up, her next plan was to dominate 6 more rooms, and then letting four extra clones to go outside of the ant nest and explore the surroundings.


The next day, Rema ate her usual meals which are the ant eggs.

After eating a certain amount of ant eggs, Rema felt the surge of power she felt before when she tiered up.

She again felt her skin harden and she then tried using her Spirit Arms and she can see that the piercing power of her arms strengthen.

Her physical appearance didn't change. Rema's thoughts was then interrupted by Psyche.

'Congratulations for reaching tier 2, host.' Psyche said.

'Do I have a chance to face a human now, Psyche?' Rema asked curiously.

'With your current strength you'll be able to face an average human on even grounds but you can't overpower them.' Psyche said.

'Is that true?' Rema asked excitedly.


'Then I'll change my plan of dominating 6 more rooms. I'll change it into parasitizing the ant queen. With my strength, I can surely kill the ant fighters without a problem.' Rema said excitedly.

Rema then immediately executed her plan. Since she has 6 clones going to the ant queen's room, she swiftly ordered them to parasitize the ant fighters and the ant queen. She also commanded 5 more clones to go towards the ant queen's room.

She remembers that there are ten ant fighters inside so she'll need to even out the numbers so she can kill everyone in the room except for the ant queen.

Rema didn't bother to parasitize the other 14 ant workers going inside the room since she'll just simply kill them.

After Rema's preparation are done, she quickly ordered her clones to quickly get the job done.

Her clones barged into the room, and swiftly killed the 10 ant fighters. The ant fighters tried to resist but they where immediately killed by several Spirit Needles that Rema created.

She then created strings with the help of her clones. She used those strings to tie up all the ant workers and the ant queen.

The ant queen tried to resist but failed to do so. Rema then quickly commanded one of her clones to parasitize the ant queen.

One of her clone went to the ant queen's head and opened a wound inside for the clone to enter.

While this was happening, she controlled her other clones to kill the remaining ant workers.

Soon the ant queen was in her control, and she then learned new informations such as how to give birth to ants and how to control the ants.

Her clones then ate the remaining bodies of the ants. Rema didn't need to hide anymore since she can just order the other ants to not kill her clones.

The ant queen then gave a screeching sound. This sound was actually a call for the ant fighters to assemble.

The ant nest currently has 200 plus ant fighters. Soon 20 ant fighters that was twice the size of the usual ant fighter came. Rema learned that this ant are like generals so she'll just call them ant generals to be organized.

"Why did you call our queen." One of the ant generals said while vigilantly staring at the clones of Rema. It was afraid that the ant queen was currently a hostage to the ugly creatures it was seeing.

"I have a few announcements to make. Firstly, treat this creatures you see in front of you like how you treat me. They will have a higher position in the colony, and what they order should be followed without questions. And lastly, I order you to find other colonies of ants. We'll start dominating other ants from now on. Quickly, spread my word to the other ants." The ant queen said.

The ant generals was surprised but didn't question there queen. They quickly left, and did what was ordered from them to do.

Rema was happy to have achieved her goal of dominating the ant nest. Now that she has finished her goal, her next step was to survey the place outside the ant nest, and increase her number of clones.

'Since I currently have 20 bodies and minus the one controlling the ant queen, I'll have 19 clones. Next, I'll assign four clones to go with the ant fighters in surveying our surroundings. Then, I'll assign 5 clones in researching a new type of skill. Another 5 clones that will practice with my current skills. And lastly 5 clones that will help me manage the ant nest.' Rema arranged, and her clones immediately complied.

Four of her clones went towards the ant generals, and told them what was happening. The ant generals complied and let the four clones to each ride an ant general.

10 of her clones ordered the ant workers to create two rooms which are for researching of skills and practicing of skills. The ant said that it will be finished by 5 days.

While the last 5 clones went close to the ant queen to manage the ant's nest.

For now, Rema planned to be passive and create more clones, and then increasing her Spirit Power while searching for other preys she can parasitize.


Days quickly passed, and currently Rema has managed to increase her clones to 40 while her Spirit Power is currently 35.

Her number of control of Spirit Arms continued to increase while the range of Spirit Eyes increased. She can now control 15 arms with ease while her range increased to 12.5 millimeters. She also managed to make her Spirit Hemisphere to last for 16 minutes while the defense has the same effectiveness. She also lessened the Spirit Energy cost of using Spirit Wings. It was now 0.9 Spirit Energy per usage. Unfortunately, she didn't manage to upgrade her Spirit Needles.