The Jolly Roger

As I walked out of the cabin, where I changed my clothes, I collided with someone.

"Pardún" I said.

"Lass ye don't apologise here" Wylie said

"You know Irish?"

"Only the few words me needed to know lass"

"Hmm, does anyone here speaks Irish, fluently?"

"Cap'n himself and Thomas. He is tha one who keeps the lookout."

"Lookout for what? Land?"

"Aye, and some nearby ships. So m'lady what languages ye speak?"

"English, Irish...." I was interrupted by someone yelling "AVAST YE WYLIE" and handed Wylie a telescope.

(A/N avast ye- pay attention and look at this)

"Aye, it iz truly a Red Ensign, ALL HAND HOY!" Wylie said, or yelled.

(A/N Red Ensign- British flag, all hand hoy- everyone get on deck")

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"It's a bloody British flag. It's the same ship that took Cap'n. But it's still a few yards away. It'll take us a few hours to catch up with them" said the man who interrupted us.

"Aye, wench me hope ye got yer plan ready"

I just nodded and went over to the side to watch the other ship up ahead of us.

Right now I have two options.

I can save their Captain and stay with them if they let me, or I can leave with Roger.

And taking to consideration that Roger is a privateer and probably knows Don Diego. Not probably, I am sure he knows him. Anyway that means he would take me straight to him.

Hmm, Lord help me.

I hope that they let me stay.


In every hour we got closer and closer.

"M'lady hope ye not afraid of a little canon power"

"No! Don't shoot at the ship. I can get you the Captain without the shootings"

"It ain't up to me M'lady"

"Damnit Wylie" I said and turned but the man said

"M'lady it ain't up to 'im aither"


"It be a warning shot. Aye its normal"

"You pirates live a weird life. What is your name, if I may know"

"Thomas M'lady"

So he is Thomas. He looked as if he was in his middle age. Around twenties I suppose. He was a bulky guy too. With his hair in a headscarf I couldn't comprehend which color is it.

"Please it's just Adelaide"

"Alright Adelaide, first lesson while yer on tis ship, yer don't say may I nor do yer apologize"

I let out a giggle and nodded my head.

"ALL HAND HOY!" The same elder voice of Wylie said.

"What does that mean Thomas?"

"It'z a call for everyone to get on deck"

"Hm, interesting" I said as I came closer to where Wylie and the crew stood.

"LISTEN UP YE SCURVY DOGS! On me mark yer going to shoot the warning shoot and then no more. Our guest here said she's gonna negotiate. SO YER GONNA SHUT YER A'HOLES. SAVVY?" Wylie commandant.

(A/N savvy?- do you understand)

Like a thunder the ship echoes with a bunch of 'aye, aye-s'


When everyone scattered and there was only Wylie and me left, I asked "What is a 'Jolly Roger'?

"Look up and yer gonna see" he said and left.

Well isn't that a tad bit rude. So I looked up only to see a big black flag with skeleton bones on it, being raised all the way to the end.

The crew was doing it jobs, and I just stud there. Feeling a bit useless.

I'll have to see and ask for a job to do at least.

As Wylie shouted 'FIRE!' the ship shook as if struck by an earthquake. And while the crew didn't seem to feel it I shook like a branch to a gust of wind.

Steadying myself on my feet, I looked over to make sure that the canon ball didn't hit the opposite ship.

But they just stopped and you could see and feel the tension in the air.

After what seemed like an eternity are waiting. The privateers ship, or shall I dare say, Rogers ship just stayed as if awaiting for us to come closer.

And we did.

We were soon at the same range as them.

Wylie stood at the broadside of our ship so he could be on the opposite way of Roger.

I just approached him.

"WYLIE, CAME HERE TO FIGHT?" The all to familiar voice of Rogers resounded in the air.

Wylie looked at me waiting for my reaction.

I looked back and nodded at him.

"NAY, I HAVE A PROPOSITION" he said trough what seemed like a horn.

Roger sheepishly looked at Wylie with squinted eyes, then turned around and said something I couldn't comprehend. But I soon saw the same man running to the opposite side of the ship with more men.

Wylie took that as a sign and said to the crew behind us

"Put the bloody anchor down and set up the board so me and m'lady can get there. Thomas yer going as well"

Some of them nodded and some of them, like Thomas said 'Aye, aye'

After everything set up in place, and after both ships had boards that went along each other from the end of one ship to the other.

Wylie showed me a gesture with his hand and said "M'lady yer first"

"Why thank you" I said with a little smile.

It beat the bloody hell in me so walk ob these. So I took slow and steady steps.

It took a while but I did hear no complaints from both sides, which I am truly grateful for.

Sighing in relief as I finally stepped off those deadly boards I lifted my head off the ground to look directly at Rogers widely open eyes.

"Ah Roger isn't this a pleasant surprise" I stated.

"Lady Adelaide, what are you doing here?"  He said as he swallowed the dumpling made of pure sea air.

"Why that's a silly question dear Roger. I'm here for the Captain of the ship behind me" I exclaimed.

"You? You are here for The Captain of Crimson Mist?" Roger said furrowing his thick black brows.

"Why yes, of course" I said ecstatically