From the current story I haven't talked much about the relationship between Yashiro and Keigo so let's change that! The first time they met was right after Yashiro got rescued from her parents and if you read the latest chapters of her story you can obviously tell Endeavor is the one that saved her from them. But if you read farther you can see that she was momentary taken in by the Hero public safety commission. Their plan was to simply turn her into another test subject or a "special" type of hero. The first time she stepped into their headquarters she met Hawks briefly b ut soon after she was taken in by her uncle as most of you know. But that was just the outside picture. Yashiro thought that Hawks was someone that she could admire and later she would find out she was wrong. Hawks on the other hand got the chills from Yashiro, he thought that he was seeing himself from the past but when he met her eyes he saw that he was mistaken. He at least had something to cling to while Yashiro had nothing to hold to or to seek hope from. Her eyes told a story as well he could see the regret and sorrow as well as the hopelessness he could tell that she wanted to yell or scream and even cry but she didn't. That's not mentioning the color of her eyes. That day was the day he fell in love with her eyes that were full of despair. So naturally when he ran into Yashiro once she was in middle school he held on to her only finding her when he was bored and surprisingly had time to spare. Yashiro was well aware that he was only here to keep himself entertained so while she was a first year in junior high, his motives changed he no longer saw Yashiro as a pass time they grew close to one another both sharing there painful pasts with one another as well as there shared admiration for the hero Endeavor and not idolizing All might. They shared their secrets, regrets as well as desires. This is when Hawks brought up the idea of dating. Yashiro was immediately against it saying "There is no need to change the relationship we have now" so Hawks kept on bugging her about it. He pushed past her many many walls that were around her heart until she caved and that was the beginning of their 2 years and 2 moths relationship. Hawks wasn't the best boyfriend….. He was always late for dates and forgot their anniversary for 1 month and a year. Yashiro could understand how he could be late for dates he was a rising pro hero making it into the top 10 but the coldness he showed while on his trip to their didn't go unnoticed by her. She tried her best to rationalize his actions for the time they were together and understanding when dates were cancelled because he was tired. But forgetting anniversaries? Hawks had a good memory. Yashiro knew this as a fact so why? "Maybe he doesn't care" "im the only one who has given presents" Which was true she had given him little presents every month for their anniversaries. The only date that really went well was their first one where they went to a fancy restaurant. Hawks no joke came to pick up Yashiro from her home, that's when her family became aware about their relationship her uncle said it was fine as long as he didn't hurt her because of her past to which he agreed immediately. Yashiros aunt had a blast dressing Yashiro up and doing her hair. Yashiro just let her enjoy the moment. Let's say that everyone was speechless once they left her room Hawks was already waiting and was left with flushed cheeks and a bouquet of vibrant blue cornflowers (for the people who don't know these types of flowers are rare and only now grow in the UK and in the wild they also symbolizes wealth and pride) this was meant to be a joke when she told him about it saying that "It looks like my old hair color". Yashiro snickers as he stood flustered saying "Cat got your tongue?" Hawks just hands her the bouquet and she receives it with a smile and smells them and they soon left the meal was delicious and soon Hawks offered her a fly around the city and Yashiro just said "I'm not helpless I can get melody to do i for me" she said as she smirked 'You always have to get the last word huh?" "Yup" the next second they were in the air with Yashiro hanging on for dear life. They soon landed at a rooftop and admired the stars. He then dropped her off and that was the end of their date. But that was in the past now Yashiro holds hostility towards Keigo she feels like she was betrayed by the closest person in her life and Hawks doesn't even know the extent of what is going threw Yashiro's head