Zee's promise

One hour earlier...

"Hey zee, let's go to the mall." Jimmy messaged Zee.

"I am very lazy and have to go to hospital at 10." Zee replied.

"We have still one hour. Please..... I'll drop you at the hospital on the way." Jimmy begged to zee.

"Okay. Come pick me up then."

"I am here already. Come downstair." Message ended.

"What? Did he came by jet?" Zee surprisingly asked himself and rushed to downstairs and he saw jimmy in his car. He got on the car and they went to shopping. 

At the store...

"Are you done?" Zee asked jimmy annoyingly.

"Wait a minute. Why are you bothering me? Go find anything for yourself." Jimmy said.

"Are you kidding me. You are the one who dragged me here." Zee yelled  at jimmy but he looked like he doesn't care.

"I know I shouldn't have come with you." Zee told and turned to leave but he stood there without any movement. "Hey zee let's go I am done." Jimmy said Zee who stood like a statue. And Jimmy got confused. "Where is he looking at. Zee, hey zee." Jimmy screamed at zee's ear. And Zee startled by that voice. 

"What are you doing jimmy? Why are you screaming?"

"How many times I called you. Who are you looking at forgetting yourself?" Zee again stared at the same direction When jimmy asked that question. There are two boys stood at the counter. "Who are they? " jimmy asked excitedly. 

"He is the one I told you last night." Zee replied with a smile.

"Hooo is that the person who make my friend feel something in his rock like heart." Jimmy teased Zee.

"Jerk." Zee playfully scolded jimmy.

"Then why are you waiting? Go to him and talk." Jimmy pushed Zee.

"But what will  I talking about? I am nervous." Zee got nervous.

"Are you really a doctor? You are a cardiologist.  You can open others heart and do surgery but can't you open your heart to talk to your crush? Look like they are having a problem or something go and help. Then start your relationship with that cutie." Jimmy forced Zee. 

"Ok ok I'll go." Zee went to them and help them to pay the bill.


"How was it?" Jimmy asked Zee eagerly After got in to the car.

"It was good." Zee said with the bit sad face.

"Then why are you looking sad?"

"It's his friend who makes me sad. He is a foul mouthed and always get between us. He doesn't allowed me to close to Saint. (Zee knows his name because Saint his patient) I think he doesn't like me." Zee got furious.

"You like Saint or his friend? Why are you upset over that shorty."

"But look like they are very close." Zee worried.

"Don't worry. Next time I'll help you to get rid of him ok." Jimmy cheered Zee. Then they left.

Saint's pov...

"Why are you smiling suddenly? Tommy pretended like he doesn't know.

"Nothing." Saint said simply.

"I know the reason of your smile. You can't hid from me."

"The why are you asking?"

"You really like him don't you?"

"Err..." words stuck in his mouth.

"I know." Tommy looked a bit worried.

"Why are you sad. Don't you like P'Zee?" Saint asked with the sad face.

"Hey don't be sad na. It's not that I don't like him. But I told you earlier I want you in a good hands. And I don't know about the doctor, he looks like a player. But I want to know him better. Maybe I am wrong." Tommy said while driving.

"Can I ask you something?" Saint asked.

"Hmm.." tommy nodded his head.

"What make you think that, perth is good for me?"

"Err he looks genuine and caring person. I saw his sincerity when he talked about you. The day you bailed on me he gave me a ride to go home. And he asked me about yourself. What type of person you are, what type of person do you like, what you want to do in your free time even what is your favourite colour.  He wanted to know about your simple things. And I asked him that you want saint's number."

"What???" Saint got bit furious.

"But do you know what he said, "No P'. I don't want to get his number behind his back. He refused to give me. So I can't get it from you. If he ever feel to give me then I'll have it."  That's how he got my number instead of yours." Tommy finished.

"Yes he seems genuine but I can't force myself to love someone that I don't like in that way. I like him like a friend, I like his guts, I like his genuineness, he is a good boy, he has lots of potential that everybody to like him. But...."

"You said you don't like him but you complimenting him." Tommy interrupted Saint and smile through the words.

"You talking nonsense. Shut up and drive." Saint scolded tommy.

Perth's POV...

"Very boring. Where is P'Zee? He already left? What should I do then. Let's call yacht." Perth talked himself and called yacht.

Yacht: Hi buddy, what's up?

Perth: it's so boring here alone.

Yacht: Let's hangout then. Where you want go?

Perth: I don't want to leave home. Can you come over here please. Let's watch Netflix. 

Yacht: Netflix? I am on my way.

They hung up the phone.

At Perth's house..

"Hey perth look at that girl she's so pretty. She has a good body shape."

"Naaa I don't think so." Perth said like he had no interest. 

"WHAT??? Isn't her beauty not enough for you. Just Look at her." Yacht said like she is the most beautiful girl in the world. But Perth seemed not interested in her. "For me only one person is the most beautiful in this world. And that person, HIM." Perth show his phone screen wallpaper to yacht

"Haaa?? Are you two dating now? OMG." Yacht acted like fainted on the sofa.

"Drama queen." Perth said as he shake his head.

"You join the college only 5 days ago and now you dating the most hot studend in the university. God please save me from this world. They are so fast."

"Just shut the fuck up will you? I just edited it. We aren't dating yet. But I will make him fall for me." Perth said with his lovely smile.

"Oho, then what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know.  But my love for him is very true and sincere. I will give him as much of my hug and love as I can. He is a priceless treasure to me. I will protect this treasure as long as I live in this world." When he expressed his feelings a voice came by the door.

"Are you really love him that much? He is too lucky to have you as his boyfriend." When the voice came they stopped talking and looked at Zee.

"P'Zee. You have not yet gone to the hospital?" Perth asked Zee.

"Yes I had but I forgot an important file. So I returned to get it. It is indeed good actually . Because of that, today I found out that my brother is the most loveable person. If you love that person this much then he will be a good person. And I will pray to god that he will understand your feelings and i will support you no matter what.I PROMISE I will make it happen to you. But.... before that you have to introduce him to me." Zee teased Perth with yacht.

Perth got shy and emotional with his brother's wish. He smiled awkwardly. 

"I think Somebody is shy right now. His cheeks are so red no P'Zee?" Yacht asked Zee while teased Perth.

"I will introduce him to you but not now. I will make you meet him after he accepts my love. I will bring him here ok na P'." Perth said as he show the ok symbol with his hand cutely.

"But you have his photo no? Just show him. " Yacht insisted to show the photo to zee. But Perth refused to show. "When you first see him I want you to meet him in person, not in a photo." Perth said to Zee. "Ok, I'll go get the file and leaving then." Zee patted Perth's head affectionately and left.