Ch. 5 Red Water

Russel would've said something if not for Fletcher coming to him and holding his hand. He didn't give a damn about his father's approval, he just didn't want anyone else taking credit for his life's work. Mugear set them up, and he'd be talking to him very soon. Nova glanced back briefly as she followed the brothers. "And you won't get rid of us that easy.. I promise." She said, jumping from the window as well. Ed and Al waited for Nova before they headed back to town. "So, how are we going to get to the bottom of this?" he asked, looking at the other two to see if they had any ideas. It would be tricky, he knew that much, but he understood the elder brother. He knew that look in his eyes when he mentioned the boys father. It was the same look he often felt when someone spoke about Hoenheim.

Nova sighed some. "We'll just have to go back, tonight." She said with a smirk. "Anyone feel like a break-in?" She asked. Edward laughed, grinning at her. "Oh, you read my mind well." He teased, glad to have her along like this. Al sighed, looking at the two, they were so similar to each other it was scary sometimes. But he wondered if they could talk to the little brother at all, and see if he could help them..

Nova chuckled, and grinned as well. "For now, let's see if we can talk to Belsio. I remember what he looks like from seeing him leave the inn." Ed nodded his head. "Sounds like a good idea. Maybe they can clear some things up for us too." He agreed, and the trio went to find the guy. Hopefully they can understand what was going on better. Nova nodded and thought about what was said that morning, to see if she could figure where the guy was staying. "The guys said he lived in a farm, so let's see if we can't find one." The brothers agreed and once they got back to the town, began wandering to find the farm. Hopefully it was nearby. Al ended up asking someone, who reluctantly told them where it was at, and to be careful of the 'crazy man'.

Belsio was outside up on a latter, picking fruit off of a tree while little Elisa held a basket down on the ground. Nova placed a hand on Ed's shoulder when she saw him. "That's him." She said. Ed nodded when Nova pointed them out and called Al over as they walked to them. "Hey, how's everything going today?" he asked with a smile. Hopefully he would be willing to talk with them more. Belsio and Elisa both glanced at the trio and Elisa smiled. "Big brothers!" She chirped, remembering them as the ones that helped her when she was stuck under the minecart. The man came down from the ladder. "Everything is going well, thank you." He said with a small smile. "Can I help you with something?"

Ed shifted a bit, smiling at the girl who looked at them, she was looking better. "Yeah, mind if we talk about the mansion up there and the stone?" he asked awkwardly, not knowing how to be subtle about this. Belsio blinked, then nodded lightly. "Let's go in the house and talk." He said. Nova relaxed some and nodded. Edward nodded and walked inside with Nova, leaving Al to play with the girl. He was always good with kids after all, and this was a serious talk that wouldn't be good for her to hear. "Thanks." The man sat down at the table, and began telling them who those boys were, and how he and their father started this research, but his friend suddenly wanted to stop and then he vanished after Mugear started getting involved. He was worried that the man was now manipulating Russel for the research.

Edward listened with a frown, not liking any part of the story. "What do you think this Mugear guy is doing with this -red water stuff?" he asked cautiously. If the answer was what he thought it was, then this entire town was in big trouble and they would need to stop them. Nova listened quietly, trying very hard to keep quiet and keep herself in check. Belsio shook his head some. "I'm sorry, I don't know. Nash wouldn't even tell me.. But I can bet it's nothing good." He said calmly. "All I do know, is Nash knew what trying to create this stone would do, and I believe that's why he stopped and vanished." Edward nodded again, rubbing his head a little. "Thank you. I know if must have been hard to talk about this, but we do appreciate it." He told the man honestly.

"We're going to figure out what how to stop this mess, but I am sorry if it means you don't get a stone out of it." He added knowing what could happen in a situation like this. Belsio shook his head. "I'm glad I could share it with someone, and not get called crazy. This needs to be stopped, before anyone else gets hurt." He said calmly, glancing at Nova. "I'm sorry you and your friends were pulled into this mess." He said. "I can look at you and tell this is messing with you, too." He said sadly. Nova shook her head. "I'm alright.. Russel gave me an herb drink when we went to talk to them." But it was true that she wasn't feeling totally better. She then got up and went outside to think.

Edward found himself smiling a little at the man. "I'm glad you were willing to tell us, I'm just sorry that it took so long for someone to come down here…" He spoke softly, shaking his head a bit. When Nova got up, he looked at her sadly, he wanted to help her feel better. "Why do you think those brothers are so desperate to finish what their father started?" he asked. Belsio smiled some, then shook his head. "I couldn't tell you, you'd have to ask them." He said quietly, noticing when Elisa came inside. "Elisa, you should be going home. It's getting late." He said to her. She pouted some. "I don't wanna leave." She murmured, then she glanced at Edward. "I'll go back if you promise to help the town get better." She said with a grin. Ed let out a sigh at the answer, nodding his head. He figured that was the answer he'd be given. Looking down at the girl he gave her a smile, holding out his pinkie. "I promise, that's why we're here, to help." He told her softly, knowing they had to save them.

They were the one's danger without realizing it. Elisa giggled and wrapped her pinkie with his, then stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek. She then waved at the man and grinned. "Bye-bye, uncle Belsio." She giggled, heading out of the house to go home. Belsio smiled softly at the little girl as she left. "Elsia, is one of the many infants that were born sick because of this red water.. Tim Marcoh was the doctor who stopped by our town, and saw the children. He healed them, and saved them, but he couldn't stop the sickness." He murmured quietly. "Be careful, alright?" Belsio said, glancing at Edward.

Edward blushed when the little girl kissed his cheek, rubbing the back of his neck with a laugh. "We'll get to the bottom of this and save the town. I hate seeing people like this… this is wrong on so many levels." He whispered, determined to get everything over with. Hearing the name of the doctor, he blinked a bit. "Tim Marcoh… huh?" he mused. "Maybe he can help Nova… " he murmured, wanting to find a way to help her. "We will." He promised. Belsio nodded some. "If any one can, it's him. But no one knows where he is." He said, lowering his eyes. "Anyway, you boys should have enough cover to make your break-in, and the guards won't be as active." He said, offering Ed a small smirk.

Edward smiled, nodding his head. "We'll stop by after it's done. Take care till then. Thanks for all your help." He stood from his chair and shook the man's hand, even more determined now to get things done.


Al looked up when the little girl went inside and saw Nova. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked concerned, wondering what was on her mind. Nova lowered down some and held her chest, feeling it tighten some. "Al, listen.. If I ever lose myself, please, don't hold back." She murmured quietly. Al frowned at her request and knelt down. "What do you mean? Nova, talk to me… what's going on?" he asked, becoming even more worried now. Nova tried to calm down. "Sometimes.. I change.. And I don't always have control.." She murmured, not looking at him. "So promise me, Al.. You won't hold back if that happens." She said softly.

Al didn't know what to say to what she told him and stared at her in a loss. "I don't think you'll attack us, Nova. No matter what form you're in, I know you'll still know us." He told her firmly. "But, if you try to attack an innocent person, I'll stop you, and I won't let you kill anyone either. I know that would hurt you the most." He compromised. Nova nodded. "Alright.." She murmured, after quietly listening and taking in his words. "Thank you.." She said quietly, before slowly standing. "Ed should be coming out soon.. If we're doing this, we need to go."

Heading outside, Ed met up with Al and Nova. "Let's finish this." He told them and led them up to the mansion again. Nova glanced at Ed when she heard him coming, and smirked some. "Ready to do this?" Ed nodded his head. "Yeah. We need to, for this town. And all the children who were born sick because of this." He spoke softly. Unlike before, it didn't take them long to get to the mansion and find a way inside without being spotted, just like the guy said, the officers weren't active. Nova thought it would be a good idea to try to find the source of the red water, while the boys went inside the mansion, and opened a tunnel with her alchemy. She'd probably get an earful for sneaking off on her own like that, but she felt it was worth it. They'd cover more ground like this.

Al noticed Nova missing before his brother did, but stayed silent as they got to the library and split up, trying to figure out what they could about the water and why it was making everyone sick. Ed found some old research notes and began reading them, finally understanding what they were trying to do.

Nova headed into the tunnel, and soon regret it as she came to the red water. It was so strong there was a vapor coming off of it, and Nova held her chest as it tightened. "This is.." She murmured softly as her consciousness slowly faded. "Edward.." She whispered before everything went dark.

Ed paused a little, something felt off, he had noticed too late that Nova disappeared, and he knew something was wrong. He was about to leave the library when the kid saw them. "We know what you're trying to do, but it's hurting the villagers… I can tell you understand this." Ed said quietly. "Where is the underground chamber? Our friend, the girl from before night be there…" "Please, you have to stop, if you and your brother continue down this path… you can never return." Al pleaded softly, hoping he would listen and help them. Fletcher's eyes widen when Edward asked about the chamber, then told him Nova might be there. He nodded lightly and handed Edward a spare mask.

He needed to talk to his brother, but he was scared he'd get mad at him. "It's this way. Put that on." He said, putting his own on as well before running off. If she was there.. She wouldn't have much time without the mask. It gave them protection from the fumes the water put off. "We have to hurry." "Thank you." Ed said gratefully as he put on the mask and followed he kid. He prayed they got there in time. Al followed behind, he didn't need a mask due to having no living body but he was more concerned about Nova and what this stuff could be doing to her. Fletcher ran as fast as his legs would carry him down to the chamber, and pulled in the door to get it open, then headed down the tunnel. He paused when he found her, and looked back at the brothers. "She's here!" And she wasn't looking good..

When Fletcher called to them, Ed ran passed the kid and went over to Nova. Without thinking he took off his mask, putting it over her and took her in his arms. "Brother!" Al called in surprised, he should have been the one to go in and help her! He watched as his brother came back, coughing and looking worse for wear as he stepped out of the basin. "That… that place is horrible…" Ed panted, having held his breath and looked at the kid. "And you go in there every day?" he asked sadly. Fletcher watched with worry as Ed ran into the basin, then shared a sad look with him, before pushing the door closed and taking off his mask. "I'm not allowed down here, but brother.. He goes down there." He said.

"Fletcher, what are they doing here?" Russel asked, slightly annoyed. Fletcher blinked and looked at his brother, surprised. "Brother!" He said. "Help her, please. She was down in the chamber, and I don't know for how long." He said in a panic, and worry lit the eyes of the older brother as he came over, despite his he was trying to act like a hard ass. "Set her down on the couch." Russel said quietly. While Edward didn't care for the older brother, thinking him arrogant, he followed the two brothers upstairs where he set Nova on the couch like instructed.

"I hate doing this a second time, but thanks." Ed stated blandly, his eyes focused on Nova more worried about her than anything. "Why do you have an entire basement filled with that horrible stuff? You do know its flowing into town through the river, right? So many children have been born sick…" Al asked quietly. Russel gently took the mask off of Nova's face and checked her over, then lowered his ear to her mouth and nose. Just like he thought, she wasn't breathing. But he didn't want the other brothers to panic. Damn it.. She was exposed too long!

Fletcher shook his head. "Brother tried telling Mugear he didn't want to do this anymore, after you guys left, and he got really mad. They had a fight, and and Mugear left. I think he went into the mines.." Fletcher murmured quietly. Russel blinked when Nova's appearance started to change, and her bones started shifting. "..the hell?" He whispered.