Ch. 10 Trust

"Neither did I... but I'm just guessing here, Al. There's still so much we don't know about Nova and what she can do... but I worry about her exhaustion..." Ed groaned, rubbing his eyes a bit. There was so much going on that he didn't even know what to think anymore. Al nodded and looked at his brother, knowing there were so many things they wanted to ask her. Running a lazy hand through his hair, Edward moved until he was sitting up properly. "Think we should get up? I don't know what the hell we'll be doing though..." he frowned. Al slowly got up. "Depends on how you're feeling. I'm sure we won't be doing much of anything today, unless the Colonel calls for us." Nodding his head, Ed got dressed in his usual clothes, minus his red coat.

"You're right Al, maybe we'll be lucky and he'll let us have a day of rest." He chuckled and quietly walked out of the room, following his nose to the dining room. Al watched his brother and nodded to his words, then followed him out of the room and to the dining room.

Nova woke that morning from a nightmare and sat up in the bed, then blinked and glanced down at the small girl snuggled up to her, her expression softening. Right.. They were at the Hughes' house, not fighting in the middle of the street. Elicia turned, snuggling into Nova, peacefully sleeping still as she grabbed onto Nova's top. Nova smiled and ever so lightly placed a hand on top of the girls head, not even really thinking if her beanie had come off or not while she slept.

Maes and Gracia were in the kitchen, making food for their guests, quietly conversing with one another. Nova lifted her head as she caught the faint scent of food and glanced down at the child, not wanting to wake her. She was so cute and looked very peaceful while she slept. What time was it anyway? Nova soon fell back asleep with the small girl in her arms.

"Morning." Ed greeted, sitting at the table with a smile. Seeing that Nova must be sleeping still, he relaxed with that. "Morning, boys." Maes greeted as he looked up from his paper. A cup of coffee sat in front of him. Food was spread out on the table, ready for anyone hungry. "Good morning, Hughes." Al greeted casually, sitting on the couch since he couldn't eat. Hearing faint chatter, Nova slowly opened her eyes and shifted some in the bed while being mindful of Elicia.

Maes smiled at Al, feeling sorry for the boy and his inability to not eat. "Well, help yourself to breakfast, Ed, there's plenty to go around." Ed thanked him and dug in, being mindful about his manners since he was known for being a slob at times

Nova gently rubbed the child's shoulder until she woke. "Elicia, breakfast is ready." She said softly, smiling down at the small girl. Elicia whined, curling into Nova with a mumble under her breath. She didn't want to wake just yet, but she knew she would have to get up. "Morning Nova..." she let out a yawn. Nova smiled and at the small girl. "Morning sweetie." She spoke softly. "Are you hungry?" She asked. Nodding her head, Elicia yawned once more. "How did sissy sleep?" She asked curiously, still sleepy herself. Nova chuckled and sat up as well before carefully picking her up and setting her down on top of her shoulders, thankful her beanie was still on. "Sissy slept just fine with her little guardian with her." She said softly as she slowly stood, holding her little hands to keep her steady, then left the room to join the others.

Elicia giggled happily, giving Nova's hands a gently squeeze as they went out. Hearing his daughter's laughter, Maes smiled, he was glad everyone was getting along. Al wore an invisible smile as he noticed Nova and Elicia coming into the living room, and chuckled. "Morning, you two." He greeted. Nova glanced at him and smiled, then at Maes as she set down the small girl. "Morning, everyone." She said, glancing at Edward and the table of food. Edward waved good morning, not saying anything since he had his mouth full. "Morning, Nova, Elicia. How did you two sleep?" Maes asked with a smile, greeting his daughter with a hug and a kiss to her temple.

Nova glanced at Maes. "Wonderful, thank you." She said, telling a little white and unnoticeable lie. She joined Edward at the table and got some good before beginning to eat. Maes was tempted to raise an eyebrow, but decided to humor her. "I'm glad to hear it, hopefully you'll be able to rest here." He told her honestly, sipping her coffee. Edward didn't hide his suspicion, but he wouldn't call her out on it. He knew she had her reasons, but he didn't like that she wasn't being honest.

Nova rather quietly ate her breakfast, figuring the both of them caught her fibbing. She'd hear it later, probably. After the table was cleaned and the dishes were washed, Nova sat down on the couch next to Al. Edward plopped down on Nova's other side, he honestly wasn't sure what to do now. Usually he and Al would be off to look at a clue about the Philosopher's stone. Maes shook his head a little as he thought about what to do that day. It was rare for him to take a day off, and since they also had guests, it would be a good day to just relax. "You know, you three don't have to stay here all day. I can't say that it will too exciting here, unless you want to take Elicia to the park?" he offered.

"We can let you borrow some of Gracia's clothes and give you a headwrap. We can change your appearance just enough that no one will be able to recognize you."

Edward frowned a bit at Hughes, but his plan seemed rather easy. "What if she's found out?" he asked. "Then come straight back and we'll deal with it." Maes told him simply. "Most who saw were my men, and I told them yesterday to forget they saw you, plus you were hidden behind Al and the rest of the group pretty well." Nova blinked at his easily he thought of something, and nodded. She trusted him. "Alright, sounds easy enough." She smirked some, having faith in her ability to blend in with others and her surroundings. Al nodded lightly, glancing at his brother. "It'll be okay."

Maes smiled and motioned for her to follow him. "I'll apologize now, some of these clothes are older, my wife was about your size, and never cleaned out the closet. Gracia will lend you a head wrap before you leave." He told her as they entered his room, where a box of clothes was set for Nova. "Go ahead and look through it and try something you like on." He lightly patted her shoulder, leaving her in the room and closed the door behind him. Nova followed Maes to the room and blinked when seeing the box, nodding her head and opening the box to see the clothes inside. She glanced at the door once it was closed and started going through the clothes. She found a shirt and some pants that seemed to fit her style, and even a cool hat.

Getting up to change, her head pounded like it did last night and she had to keep herself steady, only this felt different. Her eyes widen. That was it! Last night she didn't fully turn into a wolf and this was the rebound.. Shit! In her distraught, she noticed a window and silently opened it before climbing out, closing it back and running. 

Ed sighed as they waited for Nova to come out again. He was stretched out on the couch with Al, while Maes was off in the house doing something. Al looked up at the ceiling. "Maybe we should check on her.. She might've had another dizzy spell." He murmured out of concern, glancing at his brother. Something didn't feel right. Nodding in agreement, Edward stood up and headed to Hughes' room with Al. Knocking on the door, Ed waited for something. "Nova?" he called. When he didn't get an answer, he knocked on the door again. "Nova?!" Al got up and followed his brother to the bedroom. After Edward didn't get a response, he slowly reached for the door handle and turned it opened. "We're coming in. ." He warned before slowly entering the room, gasping when the room was empty, aside from the clothes she had set aside. "Brother!"

 "Not yet.." Nova murmured to herself as she ran, searching for an ally of someplace where she wouldn't be around a lot of people. Restraining herself from shifting forms was almost too painful to bare, but she knew what would happen if she changed now. Nova finally stopped and lowered down, wrapping her arms around herself. She hadn't gotten very far, but she wasn't exactly around the corner.

"Right." Al agreed and quickly followed after his brother. "Why would she run out on us all of a sudden?" He asked a loud, not really expecting an answer. Going into the streets, Ed and Al began looking for any signs of their friend. "Nova!" he called, hoping she'd at least respond to them. Even if she didn't, they would find her. Al paused when he noticed faint signs of alchemy. "Brother!" He called, lowering down to inspect the carving of an array, like she used the dirt under the concrete to make an escape. If they followed it, they'd find her for sure. Nova had drawn a few of her arrays, looking like a kind of celtic design, and used her alchemy to attempt to make more of a hiding spot for herself, but every time she went to do so she was overcome with pain and couldn't get anywhere with it. Ed paused when Al called him, and noticed the arrays. "Nice going, Al!" he grinned. "Now let's see where they take us." He nodded and began tracking the arrays.

"Damn it.." She murmured, now laying near a large abandoned building, unable to move. She could faintly hear the older of the brothers. Nova grit her teeth as her form slowly shifted into that of a brown wolf as she tried to fight it. Al nodded and quickly followed him, eventually leading them to their downed friend. She looked hurt, but there was no signs of a fight or struggle. "Nova!" Her eyes widen when she heard him and she balled up some "No.. Don't come any closer!" She warned, gritting her teeth.

Edward's eyes widen when he saw Nova and after hearing her words, placed a hand in front of Al. "Nova, what's going on?" he asked, worried about her. He didn't understand what was happening. Al glanced down at the arm Edward had extended in front of him. "Remember.. When you told me I changed, when we were in Xenotime?" She managed to answer, strain in her voice. "I stopped myself yesterday.. when we were fighting Scar, it was the reason I didn't let go of him right away." She said, gritting her teeth. Looking around them, Edward used alchemy to create a wall around the three of them. "Do you still trust us, Nova?" he asked seriously. Al watched as his brother did so, only half understanding why he made a wall. Was this, a rebound? He wondered.

"Edward.." Nova looked at him. "Why.. Wouldn't I?" She asked wearily, noticing the wall he created. "What're you up to?" She asked wearily. "I know you're not going to hurt us. We're staying right here until this passes." Edward stated and sat on the ground. "This form is still you, Nova. And just like with your ears, we'll accept this form too." Al nodded in agreement with Edward and stepped forward some before sitting down as well. "You don't have to fight it, isn't that why you're in so much pain?" Nova stared at the brothers, reaching her limit as far as fighting back the change. Slowly, she pushed herself off of the ground and propped up against the wall made through alchemy. Was it really that easy?

She grit her teeth as another wave a pain flooded through her and didn't have the strength to push it back anymore. Her bones shifted as her form changed and when it was over, a mid sized brown wolf stood before the boys as if ready to attack them. Edward watched as Nova began to shift. He watched in amazement as a wolf now stood in front of them. Instead of trying to go towards her, he stayed still, motioning for Al to do the same. He stared at Nova, keeping eye contact her, and stayed calm. "Nova, its us, Ed and Al. You can trust us. We're here for you." Al mimicked his brother motion and sat. Nova watched the brothers like a hawk, baring her teeth and growling low as she slowly moved towards them.

Feral instincts were much harder to control then just her wolf instincts. Everything was clouded by the instinct to hunt. Edward motioned for Al to stay standing as he shifted slightly, making sure his metal arm and leg were set between him and Nova, causing Al to pause as he watched his brother and Nova. "Come on, Nova, you know who we are. You need to settle down." He spoke gently, trying to show her they weren't a threat.

Al shifted some, listening to his brother. "Brother.." He murmured softly. He didn't like this. Nova slowly came up and sniffed the sleeve of his jacket of his metal arm. The growling subsided and she slowly touched her muzzle to his automail hand. Edward didn't move as Nova came closer to them and sniffed his jacket. "Easy Al," he spoke softly and slowly extended his hand in a nonthreatening way. He had to move slowly and carefully. He needed to get this version of Nova to trust them and recognize them. Al nodded lightly as he watched the wolf. Was this really still their friend? He was a tad weary about the idea, but he wouldn't question his brother. A low growl sounded from her throat as Ed began to move, but it wasn't threatening.

Out a of nowhere, a gunshot fired from above the wall Edward had created and Nova yelped before slumping over. Al gasped and his attention shifted to an MP on the roof of the building next to them, holding a shaky gun and eyes wide with fear. As much as he wanted to go up and clock him, he knew better than to attack a military officer.

Hearing the gunshot, Roy paused and lifted his head. "Gun fire?" He murmured, glancing at Riza. Roy had gotten a call from one of his subordinates who were out on a patrol, about the Elric brothers running around the area looking for someone, and the two were out to investigate. Edward's smile didn't last long when Nova fell to her side. Rage bubbled inside him as he turned to the MP. "You idiot! What the hell were you thinking!" he yelled angrily. He rushed over to Nova's side, cursing himself. "Come on, stay with us!" he cried to Nova, fearing for her life.