12. Bond

Roy stifled a frown. Picturing the wolf as a little girl was quite difficult. "Cut me some slack, Nova.." He murmured, only to get growled at again because of his tone. He was really starting to think she wasn't going to budge with him, and he was about ready to give up. No, he couldn't do that if he was going to keep his word.. Roy had to do this his way, or they weren't going to get anywhere. Slowly, he rose and looked at Nova, which of course got a growling response, but he ignored it. "Listen, I'm not great at being soft or lowering myself down to where I need to be to handle this, but I'm a man of my word and I gave my word to protect you." He tried acting like himself instead of forcing another behavior. This was either going to work, or fail horribly. Riza rolled her eyes as Roy did what he wanted. She should have expected this sooner, but in the end he was who he was. "Well, I should have expected this." She sighed, but laughed all the same. It was hard to show people how to interact with animals when they weren't use to it, but when she mentioned children, she meant the way he acted in kindness.

But from what she knew of him, he always did do everything his own way. He didn't seem to show any other side than his soldier self when in front of people. But he allowed himself to relax when it was her or Maes, even if it was just a little. Roy was quite the mystery. Nova lowered down as the man stood and spoke to her in an opposite way the woman had, still growling of course. Now she really feel threatened, and before anyone could have stopped her, she went for the attack. Roy frowned as she came at him, and dropped to the ground, with his hands over his head, keeping his face low to the ground, knees bent, and his back up.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Edward called as he watched the wolf circle Roy as if looking for an opening, ready to act of this went south. Riza knew though, he was protecting his head and face, even if she did attack him. "Stay back, this is between the Colonel and Nova." She said to the older of the brothers, who grit his teeth.

Watching the man, Nova slowly bumped his hand with her muzzle, sniffing him. "I'm not going to hurt you.. If I'm going to protect you, you have to trust me." He spoke calmly. Nova sounded a quiet growl, stepping back from him and waiting. Roy slowly lowered his hands and lifted his head to look at her before slowly raising up just to his knees. "You don't have to like me to put up with me." He mused as a light hearted joke, as he slowly held out his hand. Nova stifled a growl as she bumped his hand with her nose, then made a quick get away towards the brothers. She made a circle around Edward, now all she had to do was change back.

Edward relaxed as things blew over. He couldn't believe how reckless the Colonel was, but it seemed Riza had things taken care of. Seeing Nova come over to them, he knelt down and gently ruffled her fur. "We all good now?" he smiled with a tease, and waited for her to transform again. Nova sneezed when he ruffled her fur, wagging her tail before trailing off a bit and she shifted back into herself, sitting on her knees afterwards and gently holding her side. Even if It was somewhat healed, it still hurt like hell. Especially after her bones shifted each time she went between forms. She was surprised it didn't open back up.. Edward laughed softly at her, and when she returned to her human form, he relaxed more. "How you feeling?" he asked softly, seeing her holding her side.

 "My muscles hurt more than usual after shifting like that.. I'm glad it didn't open back up though.." Nova murmured, slowly inhaling before standing, gripping her side a bit tighter. "Colonel.. " She called, gaining his attention. "Why didn't you fight back? I still could've taken an arm off!" She spoke. He smirked lightly, but didn't look at her. "You're not one of my dogs I can kick around. Besides, you recognized me. Didn't you? That's why you didn't attack once I was on the ground." He said quietly, glancing at her. "You were testing me." He noted with a smirk still across his lips. Edward chuckled softly, smiling at her as he helped her stand. Watching the interaction between Nova and the Colonel with a smirk. Both of them were going to test each other, but it did seem like a form of trust had formed between them.

Riza dusted her uniform off a bit as she listened to the two. "And that's enough testing for both of you today." She sighed. "Edward, Alphonse, take Nova back so she can rest properly, don't forget to ice your side a little." She instructed Nova in a motherly tone. She couldn't force her to go see a doctor, but she'd make sure she at least iced her wound. Nova smiled at his response. "Thank you, Colonel." She murmured quietly, and Roy was a little baffled. Al nodded to her words and used alchemy to make a new doorway in the wall around them. "Yes ma'am." He spoke, waiting for his brother. Nova nodded as well, heading her just as she followed Edward.

Edward couldn't help but chuckle as he followed Al out of the area. "See ya later, Colonel, First Lt." He waved to the adults and headed back to Hughes' home with his brother and Nova. He still couldn't believe everything that happened. Nova relaxed some as the three of them headed back. "I wonder if he's going to scold for running off without saying anything.." Al wondered a loud. Nova blinked and lowered her head. "Speaking of.. I'm sorry, for running out on you like that." Wincing, Edward rubbed the back of his head. "I guess we'll find out when we return." He mused. Looking at Nova, Ed smiled at her softly. "Well at least now we know why you ran off... but next time this happens, just... let us know?" he asked with some hope.

Al nodded in agreement with his brother, then also glanced at Nova. "Nothing will change the fact that you're our friend." He stated. Nova took hold of Edwards hand without much thought, and nodded. "I promise, I'll try to. I can't always stop it from happening." She murmured. Edward smiled, nodding as he agreed with Al. "We know, but try to be around people you trust when it does. We'll worry otherwise." He said softly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Nova nodded as she walked with the boys, and took the liberty of knocking on the door when they made it back to the Hughes' house.

Maes opened the door with a relieved smile and nodded for the trio to come in. "I'm glad you three are safe." He told then honestly. He had been worried when he discovered all three of them had disappeared from the house without a word. "Sorry Hughes, we didn't mean to run off without saying anything." Edward apologized for all of them and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. He was glad Hughes wasn't mad at them, but he still felt bad for running off like they did. Al bowed some before entering the house.

Nova gave Edward's hand a squeeze, about to speak before feeling small arms around her leg. She slowly lowered down and lightly placed her other hand on top of Elicia's head. "Did I worry you, too?" She asked softly, giving the small girl an apologetic smile. She glanced at up Maes and nodded lightly in agreement with Edward. "I had some..complications..and didn't want to endanger your family. I'm sorry.." Maes nodded his head, smiling at the trio. "It's fine, I'm glad you're feeling and looking better, Nova. Come on, Gracia has lunch started for everyone." Elicia nodded her head, happy that everyone was back safe.

Edward smiled at this, happy to know they were always welcomed here, and that their small act hadn't given them a negative outlook. Nova slowly stood and placed a hand on her side side. "Maes, before that.. There's something I need to tell you." She spoke softly, hoping he caught on that she would rather Elicia not be present. Just so she didn't frighten the young girl. Maes heard the underlying words that Nova didn't speak and nodded his head. "Sweetie, why don't you go see if mommy has lunch ready, okay?" he gently urged his daughter. "I'm sure Nova will be happy to sit next to you when it's done." Elicia's eyes sparkled and she rushed off to the kitchen. "What's up?" he asked with a gentle smile.

Al went and sat on the couch to give them some space, getting an idea on what she wanted to tell him. Nova offered him a thankful smile, then slowly inhaled through her nose and summarized what had happened while they were gone, and why she ran off. Maes listened as Nova explained everything that happened, smiling a but at Roy's actions. "Thank you for telling me, Nova. I'm glad you found more people to trust." He ruffled the girls hair playfully. Nova blushed as the man ruffled her hair, adjusting her beanie afterwards. "It's funny, I've gotten so used to being treated as an animal, I almost forgot how to act human..or trust anyone." She murmured, sighing quietly.

"Well, you started with us, that's the first step in recovering. Trust me, it won't be easy, but taking small steps is the way to go." Maes spoke softly, giving her another smile. "Come on, let's get something to eat." Nova smiled and nodded lightly, then headed to the dining room with Edward. She felt better, being able to freely open up to those around her, even if they were military. Being military didn't always make the person wearing the uniform. That was becoming clear to the wolf hybrid. Maes smiled and sat next to his wife, who greeted them warmly. Elicia, like Maes promised, had a seat open for Nova, a toothy grin on her face. Edward sat next to Nova, smiling at her as they all ate lunch, making sure to keep Al part of the conversation, even if he wasn't there at the table with them.

Nova offered the woman a small smile, and thanked her for the meal. She smiled and sat next to Elicia and placed a hand on her head briefly, then turned to the lunch Gracia had made for her. She mostly stayed quiet as she ate and listened to the others converse. The meal went by comfortably, Maes was glad to see everyone enjoying themselves, even if Nova was quiet for most of it. "You look as if you could use a nap, Nova. Why don't you lay down?" Gracia offered the girl as she and her husband cleared the dishes and leftover food. Al was enjoying himself, just being part of the conversation.

Nova blinked when she heard her name and glanced at Gracia, nodding lightly. "Yes ma'am, thank you." She murmured as she began to get up from the table. She lightly tugged on Edward's sleeve as if asking if she could use their room, and if he'd go with her. Edward nodded his head, and followed Nova. When they entered the brothers room, Edward led her to the bed he was using. "You okay?" he asked softly. Nova sat on the bed and nodded lightly to his words. "I just don't want to be alone.. I'm scared this is all a dream and eventually I'll wake up." She murmured, brining her knees up and hugged them close to her chest. Edward smiled softly and gently wrapped his arm around her. "This is real, Nova. Get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up, confirming that you're not dreaming at all." He whispered softly to her.

Nova felt her ears lower under her beanie when he did so, wanting to just hug him and cry, but she wouldn't. She wasn't the type to fall to pieces.. She managed a small nod and laid down on the bed, allowing herself to slowly drift to sleep. Edward adjusted himself, kicking off his shoes and after slipping Nova's beanie off, ran his fingers through her hair. He wanted to show her that it was okay to let go when she needed to. At some point while she slept, she had curled up next to Edward for how ever long he would be there. A silent strand of tears wetting her cheeks as she mostly dreamed of the hell she went through in Eastern city. Edward didn't move from his spot next to Nova, wanting her to know that everything happening was real. When he saw her tears, he gently wiped them away. "Oh, Nova…" he murmured quietly.

Nova shifted some when he did and slowly opened her eyes. With a sniff and feeling the wetness around her eyes when she went to rub them, she saw Edward still right there next to her and the tears returned. She buried herself in his jacket and let the tears go. She had gone through hell when she was captured by the Eastern military. Edward had dozed off next to Nova, only waking when he felt her burry herself into him. He felt her tears and wrapped both arms around her, rubbing her back soothingly. Nova blinked when she felt him shift and his arms came around her. He was there, just like he had promised. This was real.. Even if she had a hard time convincing herself. Everything up until now was real. Nova slowly calmed down and nodded lightly to his words, unaware that he had taken her beanie off of her head when she fell asleep. "You've always been there for me, you an Al both. No matter how many times I try and run, you guys always find me.." She murmured quietly.

"That's because you're important to us, we'll always be here when you need us the most. And even if we're not here physically, we're in your heart, just like you're in ours." Edward spoke softly, running his fingers through her long hair. Nova rested against him lightly as he spoke, closing her eyes when he ran a hand through her hair. "Well.. I want to be there for you, as you've been there for me. I want to help you get your bodies back.." She murmured. Edward smiled at her words, giving her a gentle squeeze. "We want you there too, Nova. And no matter what, you will be, you'll be the first to see us with our bodies in tact." He promised her softly. Her ears lowered some at his words, her brown eyes opening with a softness deep within them. The first to see them.. He was putting her before Winry, even after she left? "Edward.. I don't intent to become a state alchemist, but I will be there. No matter what." She promised as well. "Just.." She murmured quietly, burying her head into his jacket some. "Don't act too recklessly.. You have to stay alive, Ed."