Aliens of London

Powell Estate…

The Tardis materialises. Rose, the Doctor, Team JNPR, and Jared get out.

"How long have I been gone?" Rose asked.

"About twelve hours." The Doctor said.

"Oh. Right, I won't be long. I just want to see my mum."

"What're you going to tell her?"

"I don't know. I've been to the year 5 billion and only been gone, what, twelve hours? No, I'll just tell her I spent the night at Shareen's. See you later. Oh, don't you disappear." Rose said, and she runs up the stairs to her apartment.

"Twelve hours, you say." Pyrrha said, while she leads the Doctor, the rest of Team JNPR, and Jared to an old poster half stuck to a concrete pillar. "I think it might have been a lot longer than that."

"Doctor…" Jaune said, looking at the Doctor.

"What were you thinking?" Nora asked as the poster says: 'Police Appeal for Assistance. Can You Help?' "It wasn't twelve hours!"

The Tyler's flat...

"I'm back! I was with Shareen. She was all upset again. Are you in? So, what's been going on? How've you been? What? What's that face for? It's not the first time I've stayed out all night." Rose said, while Jackie drops her mug of tea.

It smashes on the floor.

Powell Estate...

"You should have checked the coordinates." Ren said, as the Doctor finishes reading the poster and runs towards the apartment complex.

"Oh, wait until the Doctor gets a flight wrong that ends up being 14 years late." Jared said, running towards the apartment complex with Team JNPR. "Man, was that Pond feisty."

"Who?" Pyrrha asked.

"Spoilers." Jared said, with a singsong voice. "Not saying."

The poster says:Rose Tyler has been missing from her home on the Powell Estate since 6th March 2005.

The Tyler's flat...

"It's you." Jackie said.

"Of course it's me." Rose said.

"Oh, my God. It's you. Oh my God." Jackie said, hugging Rose, who spots several different types of missing person posters on the table.

The Doctor runs in with Team JNPR and Jared.

"It's not twelve hours, it's twelve months. You've been gone a whole year. Sorry." The Doctor said.

"A whole year." Pyrrha said, looking at Rose and Jackie. "Wow…"

"He didn't check the coordinates on the way here." Jaune said.

"He never usually does." Jared said, laughing a lot. "I can't believe I get to see this slap live in person."

"What slap?" Nora asked.

"Nora, no coffee." Ren said, looking at Nora. "Especially if we're in a country that has Starbucks."

"Aww, you're no fun." Nora said, crossing her arms.

Outside, a young boy has spray-painted Bad Wolf on the side of the Tardis. Inside, astonishment has given way to fury, and a policeman has been called.

"So this won't end well for either of them." Pyrrha said, leaning against the wall. "What will it end with?"

"Oh, the Doctor getting slapped by Jackie." Jared said, smiling. "And the cop thinking this is a sexual relationship between Rose and the Doctor."

"We're put on the sidelines, due to us being on rotation." Jaune said. "And we're not involved with this argument."

"Isn't that good?" Pyrrha asked.

"But I want to be a part of the action!" Nora said, annoyed.

"You technically are." Ren said.

"I am a Doctor." The Doctor said, happily.

"Prove it. Stitch this, mate!" Jackie said, hitting the Doctor, hard.

Later, in the kitchen, mother and daughter are reconciled.

"Did you think about me at all?" Jackie asked.

"I did. All the time, but…" Rose said.

"One phone call. Just to know that you were alive."

"I'm sorry. I really am."

"Do you know, what terrifies me is that you still can't say. What happened to you, Rose? What can be so bad that you can't tell me, sweetheart? Where were you?"

Powell Estate…

Up on the roof of the block.

"I can't tell her. I can't even begin. She's never going to forgive me. And I missed a year. Was it good?" Rose asked.

"Middling." The Doctor said.

"You're so useless."

"You don't even want to tell her what happened in 2005!" Nora said, annoyed. "So, what happened in 2005?"

"Oh, one of the biggest hurricanes ever in the US, Hurricane Katrina, happened. Global emissions were supposed to go down with help from the Kyoto Protocols. YouTube was founded this year, one of my favorite websites ever. The Xbox 360 launched in North America. A new Narnia, Star Wars, and Harry Potter film came out this year."

"Wow, so a lot has happened this year." Rose said, sadly. "And I missed all of that."

"The Doctor did get his coordinates wrong." Jaune said.

"Well, if it's this much trouble, are you going to stay here now?" The Doctor asked, looking at Rose.

"I don't know. I can't do that to her again, though." Rose said.

"Well, she's not coming with us."

"No chance."

"I don't do families."

"Ruby and Yang are sisters." Jared said, looking back at the Doctor.

"Well that's different."

"Jackie slapped you!" Pyrrha said, recalling what happened. "But are you okay?"

"I'm not. Nine hundred years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother."

"Your face." Rose said.

"It hurt!"

"You're so gay. When you say nine hundred years?"

"That's my age."

"You're nine hundred years old." Ren said, looking at the Doctor. "That's"

"Yeah." The Doctor said.

"My mum was right. That is one hell of an age gap. Every conversation with you just goes mental. There's no one else we can talk to. We've seen all that stuff up there, the size of it, and we can't say a word. Aliens and spaceships and things, and we're the only people on planet Earth who know they exist." Rose said, and there is a deep horn and a spaceship, trailing black smoke passes overhead and heads for the city.

"Ooo, spaceship!" Nora said, while the spaceship misses Tower Bridge, weaves around St Paul's, then with a nasty back-fire and a splutter, dives for the Thames, taking out the Clock Tower at what at first glance looks like 9:58. "A spaceship!"

"Yeah, we know." Jaune said, when Big Ben chimes once and the spaceship crashes into the river. "It does look pretty cool, though."

"It does." Pyrrha said, looking at the rest of Team JNPR and Jared.

"But the spaceship caught on fire." Ren said, and there is a plume of black smoke rising into the air on the horizon.

"Oh, that's just not fair." Rose said, annoyed.


Naturally, the army have closed the roads, much to the annoyance of car drivers.

"Just my luck." A man said.

"Get back. Get back." A soldier said.

"It's blocked off." The Doctor said.

"We're miles from the centre. The city must be grid locked. The whole of London must be closing down." Rose said.

"I know. I can't believe I'm here to see this. This is fantastic!"

"The Doctor didn't know that this was gonna happen." Jared said, listing off the answers to the questions Rose has. "He doesn't recognize the ship, and he doesn't know why it crashed. But I do."

"Well, you do know everything about us." Ren said, crossing his arms. "And what will happen."

"Oh, I'm so glad I've got you." Rose said, looking at the Doctor.

"I bet you are. This is what I travel for, Rose, Jared, and Team JNPR. To see history happening right in front of us." The Doctor said, happily.

"Come on! Let's go and see the crash! We can just avoid the traffic!" Nora said, excitedly.

"We can use your ship and get to where it all started." Jaune said. "Right?"

"Better not. They've already got one spaceship in the middle of London. I don't want to shove another one on top." The Doctor said.

"Yeah, but yours looks like a big blue box. No one's going to notice." Rose said.

"You'd be surprised. Emergency like this, there'll be all kinds of people watching. Trust me. The Tardis stays where it is."

"So history's happening and we're stuck here."

"Yes, we are."

"Aww, we're stuck here! I want to see where the action is." Nora said, annoyed.

"There is always a next time." Pyrrha said, positively.

"And I know when that is." Jared said, smirking. "It'll be on Christmas Day."

"It's got to be Ken Livingstone, hasn't it." A man said.

"We could always do what everybody else does. We could watch it on TV." Rose said, coming up with an idea.

(Jared's POV)

The Tyler's flat…

News 24 is on the scene.

"Okay, so the news is what Rose had in mind." Jaune said, looking at me. "Why does it have to be so boring?"

"Because it's the news." I said, playing Splatoon 2 on my Nintendo Switch. "It's supposed to be boring. Me, I want to stop some aliens. But I'm stuck here."

"So, what's the plan?" Ren asked.

"Ren, I want you and Jaune to stay here when Rose, the Doctor, Pyrrha, Nora, and I go to Downing Street. I might need some backup to defeat some aliens there."

"You need electrical power and my polarity." Pyrrha said. "Where are you gonna get electricity for Nora's power?"

"Oh, the aliens have it covered. I'll just need to have Nora in that room. Well, long enough for us to run out of there in time."

"What do the aliens have that will power up Nora?" Ren asked.

"Electrical ID badges." I said, smiling. "They have a device that's deadly to humans. But I think it has enough charge for Nora to knock back the aliens a couple feet."

"Ooo, I like this plan." Nora said, happily. "Where does Pyrrha come in?"

"She'll delay this missile that will destroy Downing Street so we can all fit inside this cabinet."

"What's the size of the cabinet?"

"It's not big enough to fit six people. But we could manage somehow." I said, looking at Nora and Pyrrha.

"Oi, I'm trying to listen." The Doctor said, angrily.

Cut to outside 10 Downing Street.

"His current whereabouts. News is just coming in. We can go to Tom at the Embankment." The reporter said, on TV.

"They've found a body. It's unconfirmed, but I'm being told a body has been found in the wreckage. A body of non-terrestrial origins. It's being brought ashore." Hitchinson said, on TV.

"Owen was hungover the first week he was working for Torchwood." I said, laughing quietly. "Tosh had to cover for him, pretend to be a medic. And this is the day she meets the Doctor. And where the Space Pig comes into play."

The gathering is turning into a welcome home party for Rose, with wine being served.

"A body of some sort has been found inside the wreckage of the spacecraft." Hitchinson said, on TV.

"Oh, guess who asked me out. Billy Crewe." Jackie said.

"Brought to the nearest shore. Unconfirmed reports say that the body is of extra-terrestrial origin. An extraordinary event unfolding here live here in Central London. The body is being transferred to a secure unit mortuary, the whereabouts is yet unknown. The roads in Central London are being…"

The channel changes to Blue Peter.

"And when you've stuck your fins on, you can cover the whole lot in buttercream." Matt Baker said, on TV, where a toddler is on the Doctor's lap, wrestling for the remote. "Oh, look at that. Then ice it any colour you want. Here's one I made a little bit earlier. And look at that, your very own spaceship ready to eat. And for something a little extra special…"

News 24 returns.

"Albion Hospital. We still don't know whether it's alive or dead. Whitehall is denying everything." Hitchinson said, on TV. "But the body has been brought here, Albion Hospital. The road's closed off. It's the closest to the river."

"Go on." The Doctor said.

"I'm being told that General Asquith is now entering the hospital. The building's been evacuated. The patients have been moved out onto the streets. The police still won't confirm the presence of an alien body contained inside those walls."

The Tyler's flat...

Reporting from outside Number 10.

"Mystery still surrounds there whereabouts of the Prime Minister. He's not been seen since the emergency began. The opposition are criticising his lack of leadership, and. Hold on." Andrew Marr said, on TV, when an official car pulls up and a portly man gets out. "Oh, that's Joseph Green, MP for Hartley Dale. He's Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on the monitoring of sugar standards in exported confectionary. With respect, hardly the most important person right now."

"Yeah, I'm getting bored." I said, looking at Nora and Pyrrha. "Let's go."

"Okay." Pyrrha said, as we're walking towards the door. "Come on, Nora."

Outside the Tyler's flat…

"And where do you think you're going?" Rose asked, as the Doctor, Nora, Pyrrha, and I exited her apartment.

"Nowhere. It's just a bit human in there for me. And Jared was getting bored in there with Team JNPR. History just happened and they're talking about where you can buy dodgy top-up cards for half price. We're off on a wander, that's all." The Doctor said.

"Right. There's a spaceship on the Thames and the four of you are just wandering."

"Nothing to do with us. It's not an invasion. That was a genuine crash landing. Angle of descent, colour of smoke, everything. It's perfect."


"So maybe this is it. First contact. The day mankind officially comes into contact with an alien race. We're not interfering, especially Jared since he knows when to change or not to change events, he doesn't want to this time, because you've got to handle this on your own. That's when the human race finally grows up. Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay. Now you can expand." The Doctor said, and David Bowie is singing Starman in the background. "You don't need me. Go and celebrate history. Spend some time with your mum."

"Promise you won't disappear? Especially with them?" Rose asked, looking at the Doctor, then at me, Nora, and Pyrrha.

"Tell you what. Tardis key. It's about time you had one. See you later." The Doctor said, laying a TARDIS key in Rose's hand.

"You really want to see the alien." Pyrrha said, looking at me, as we walk away from Rose. "How come?"

"I mostly want to see Tosh." I said, grinning. "Don't know if she knows me yet."

"She might!" Nora said, excitedly. "Who knows?"

Powell Estate…

"Oi, gorgeous! Come back and join the party!" A woman said, angrily.

Mickey has gone out onto his balcony to check on the state of his trainers, and sees the Doctor, Nora, Pyrrha, and I walk back to the Tardis.

"Oh my God!" Mickey said, and he runs out of his apartment complex as the Doctor entered the TARDIS, with me, Nora, and Pyrrha behind him. It dematerialises. "Wait, Doctor! Doctor!"

Mickey crashes full pelt into the corrugated iron shutters of the empty shop behind where the Tardis was parked. He tries to walk away nonchalantly.


"Jared, you're having a full on adventure with Team JNPR…" Ruby said, looking at me. "Why can't we come?"

"Because I was with you and Weiss against ghosts in 1860." I said, walking towards Ruby. "I want to have Nora and Pyrrha by my side."

"While Ren and Jaune are by the sidelines." Weiss said, crossing her arms. "Why did they leave the TARDIS then?"

"Because they're needed with Jackie and Mickey."

"If only the Doctor knew how to fly this thing." Weiss said, as the Tardis is not happy in flight. "It is a bumpy ride."

The Doctor resorts to a large hammer to sort things out.

Albion Hospital...

Toshiko Sato is looking over her notes when she hears a thumping noise coming from Body Cold Chamber number 5. The Tardis, meanwhile, has parked herself in a store room. The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver on the door lock.

"Ooo, you brought us to a closet!" Nora said, as she is getting a bit hyper again. "Can we see the alien? If not, then I'm gonna get bored to death."

"Nora, now is not the time to be hyped." I said, rolling my eyes. "I don't want you to cause a scene."

"Jared does have a point here." Pyrrha said.

"Shush!" The Doctor said, annoyed.

Toshiko moves towards the chamber, and the thumping turns into a knocking.

Meeting room…

The Doctor, Pyrrha, Nora, and I walk into a room full of Red Berets...the Parachute Regiment. They stare at each other in silence for a moment, then the soldiers grab their weapons and point them at the Doctor, Nora, Pyrrha, and I. Something bursts out of the cooler, and Toshiko screams. Everyone hears it.

"Oh, I now see the real reason why you wanted me with you today." Pyrrha said, looking at me. "Loads of metallic bullets."

"Yup. The aliens will use the soldiers against us later at Downing Street where we'll be bound to get shot at later." I said, nodding my head.

"I think this is the part where you shut up."

"Defense plan delta! Come on. Move! Move!" The Doctor said, as he leads the Marines out of the room at the double.


Toshiko is cowering by her desk. She has a cut on her head, "It's alive!"

"Spread out. Tell the perimeter it's a lockdown." The Doctor said.

"My god. It's still alive." Tosh said, terrified.

"Do it!"

(Open POV)

Albion Hospital...

"Mick, Terry, side rooms. Now!" Soldier 1 said.

"Clear!" Soldier 2 said.

"Front clear!" Soldier 3 said.

"Keep it moving!" Soldier 1 said.

"Clear!" Soldier 4 said.


"I swear it was dead." Tosh said, as Jared looked down at her.

"It's okay, Tosh." Jared said, happily. "I'm here. So, Owen's hungover, yeah?"

"Yeah. When are you? In your timeline with the Doctor?"

"Oh, I just started. But I can't wait to be with you again. You and the rest of the team."

"Maybe its best that you don't have Teams RWBY or JNPR with you when you see us. Especially since last time."

"What happened last time?" Nora asked intrigued.

"A food fight happened in the Hub. Torchwood was split in half that day. And someone used all of the meal in the lab to wreck it."

"Sorry!" Pyrrha said, sadly.

"Coma, shock, hibernation, anything. What does it look like?" The Doctor asked, and he heard metal clattering nearby. "It's still here." The Doctor gestures to a soldier outside the door to come in and kneel by Toshiko, Jared, Nora, and Pyrrha. Behind a filing cabinet is...a pig? "Hello." The pig runs out on its hind legs. It is wearing a spacesuit. "Don't shoot!"

"Pyrrha, jam the bullets!" Jared said, looking at Pyrrha. "Quickly!"


Another soldier shoots the pig.

"What did you do that for? It was scared! It was scared." The Doctor said, looking down at the dead pig.


"I just assumed that's what aliens look like, but you're saying it's an ordinary pig from Earth." Tosh said.

"It's definitely more like a mermaid." Jared said, frowning. "Half human, half fish. But this time, it's half pig, half human."

"How could it be half pig, half human?" Pyrrha asked.

"Victorian showmen used to draw the crowds by taking the skull of a cat, gluing it to a fish and calling it a mermaid. Now someone's taken a pig, opened up it's brain, stuck bits on, then they've strapped it in that ship and made it dive bomb. It must've been terrified. They've taken this animal and turned it into a joke." The Doctor said.

"A joke that doesn't deserve a fate like that." Jared said, walking away with Pyrrha, and he's pulling Nora away from Tosh.

"So it's a fake, a pretend, like the mermaid. But the technology augmenting its brain, it's like nothing on Earth. It's alien. Aliens are faking aliens. But why would they do that? Doctor? Jared?" Tosh asked, and she turned around to see that they're gone.


"Doctor?" Tosh asked, and the Tardis dematerialises.

The Tyler's flat...

"Here's to the Martians!" Jackie said, happily.

"The Martians!" Everyone in the room said, except Rose.

"I don't know why we're celebrating about aliens." Ren said, looking at Jaune.

"Neither do I." Jaune said, while Mickey entered the apartment.

"Crisis, with no head of state. Since the Royal Family have been evacuated…" Someone on TV said.

"I was going to come and see you." Rose said, looking at Mickey.

"Someone owes Mickey an apology." Ru said.

"I'm sorry."

"Not you."

"Well, it's not my fault. Be fair. What was I supposed to think?" Jackie asked.

"That Mickey didn't kill Rose." Jaune said, looking at Jackie. "If something happened to Pyrrha...I just, I don't know what I'll do."

"Designate, though she insists this was a matter for the electorate." Someone on TV said.

The Tyler's kitchen...

"You disappear, who do they turn to? Your boyfriend. Five times I was taken in for questioning. Five times. No evidence. Course, there couldn't be, could there? And then I get her, your mother, whispering around the estate, pointing the finger. Stuff through my letterbox, and all 'cos of you." Mickey said, angrily.

"I didn't think I'd be gone so long." Rose said.

"And I waited for you, Rose. Twelve months, waiting for you, the Doctor, Jared, Team RWBY, and Team JNPR to come back."

"Hold on. You knew about the Doctor? Why didn't you tell me?" Jackie asked.

Mickey shuts the serving hatch and the door, "Yeah, yeah. Why not, Rose? Huh? How could I tell her where you went?"

"Tell me now."

"I might as well, 'cos you're stuck here. The Doctor's gone with Jared and some of Team JNPR. Just now. That box thing just faded away."

"What do you mean?" Rose asked.

"They left you. Some boyfriend and mates they turned out to be." Rose said, running out of the apartment complex.

"Nora, Pyrrha, and Jared." Jaune said, following Rose with Ren and Mickey. "What were they up to?"

"I don't know, Jaune." Ren said. "But hopefully they're safe."

Powell Estate...

"He wouldn't just go with them, he promised me." Rose said.

"Oh, he's dumped you, Rose. Sailed off into space. How does it feel, huh? Now you are left behind with the rest of us Earthlings. Get used to it." Mickey said.

"He would have said." Rose said. "Well, Jared would have said before the Doctor did."

"Well, he did let us know as to what's to come." Ren said, looking at Rose. "Albeit, major spoilers. And who's needed where."

"He could have gave us more details. Especially about the spaceship crashing into Big Ben." Jaune said. "But he didn't, why?"

"What're you four chimps going on about? What's going on? What's this Doctor done now with Jared and you lot from Beacon?" Jackie asked.

"Ho, ho, ho. He's vamoosed with them." Mickey said, happily.

"He's not, because he gave me this. He's not my boyfriend, Mickey. He's better than that. He's much more important than…" Rose said, as the Tardis key begins to glow and the Tardis starts to materialise. "I said so. Mum! Mum, go inside. Mum, don't stand there, just go inside. Just, Mum, go. Oh, blimey."

The Tardis materialises.

"Huh?" Mickey asked.

"How'd you do that, then?" Jackie asked.


"All right, so we lied. We went and had a look. But the whole crash landing's a fake. We thought so. Just too perfect. I mean, hitting Big Ben. Come on, so we thought let's go and have a look…" The Doctor said.

"My mum's here." Rose said.

"Oh, that's just what I need. Don't you dare make this place domestic."

"You ruined my life, Doctor. They thought she was dead. I was a murder suspect because of you." Mickey said.

"You see what I mean? Domestic." The Doctor said, angrily,

"So, we messed up Mickey's life badly." Ruby said, sadly. "Why did we?"

"Because Jackie spread rumors of Mickey killing Rose." Jared said, letting out a sigh. "I call BS for that."

"Of course you would." Yang said, smiling. "You care about people you love and care about, like us."

"So, you want to stop these aliens." Weiss said, drinking a cup of coffee. "How will you do that, exactly?"

"Yeah, you can't do it without us." Blake said.

"I have Team JNPR this time around." Jared said, happily. "For this adventure. Even if I'm split up from them."

"Mum, don't! Don't go anywhere. Don't start a fight!" Rose said, angrily, looking at the Doctor and Mickey.

Powell Estate...

Rose follows Jackie out of the Tardis, "Mum, it's not like that. He's not. I'll be up in a minute. Hold on!"


"That was a real spaceship." Rose said, entering the TARDIS again.

"Yup!" Jared said, happily. "It was."

"It was cool too!" Nora said. "A!"

"So it's all a pack of lies? What is it, then? Are they invading?" Rose asked.

"Funny way to invade, putting the world on red alert." Mickey said.

"Good point! So, what're they up to?" The Doctor asked.

Jackie's bedroom…

"As the crisis continues and the government shows remarkable lack of leadership, paranoia sweeps the country. There've been at least three reports of public assaults on people falsely identified as aliens. Now back to Tom Hitchinson." Someone on TV said.

"Are there more ships to come? And what is their intention? The authorities are now asking if anyone knows anything. If any previous sighting has been made, then call this number. We need your help." Hitchinson said, on TV.

Jackie dials 08081 570980. It is 23:08. She gets the busy tone twice.

"Tonight, the London Institute of Psychology is warning that incidents of violence…" Someone on TV said.

"Yes, I've seen one. I really have. An alien. And she's with him. My daughter, she's with him. And she's not safe. Oh, my God. She's not safe. I've seen an alien, and I know his name. He's called the Doctor." Jackie said, as someone or something types The Doctor into a database search. "It's a box. A blue box. She called it a Tardis."

Over in Downing Street, an alarm goes off. Ganesh's computer screen is flashing Red Alert - The Doctor.


"So, what're you doing down there?" Mickey asked.

"You're enjoying this way too much." Blake said, looking at Jared. "Like way too much."

"Maybe because I've watched this on TV already. And I don't want to stop the arguments between the Doctor and Mickey." Jared said, laughing a lot.

"So, you like it when Mickey is fighting with the Doctor over his name." Weiss said.

"Well, the Doctor is only making Mickey angry to taunt him. It's like how you would taunt Ruby whenever she does or says something stupid."

"I don't do things stupidly." Ruby said, annoyed.

"Do I have to bring up the Nevermore? And you making me mess up in class against a Grimm?" Weiss asked.

"What will you do now?" Yang asked. "Are you gonna kick some bad guy butt? Without us? Like, that is really rude."

"I said that I'll come to Beacon with you guys after we stop the aliens here." Jared said, smiling. "That's what I want to do next."

"Oh, you want to see what life is like in Beacon." Blake said. "And what we do over there, instead of hanging out in here."

"Yeah, I do."

"Every day, I looked. On every street corner, wherever I went, looking for a blue box for a whole year." Mickey said, looking at Rose.

"It's only been a few days for me. I don't know. It's, it's hard to tell inside this thing but I swear it's just a few days since I left you." Rose said.

"Not enough time to miss me, then?"

"I did miss you."

"I missed you."

"So, er, in twelve months, have you been seeing anyone else?"



"Mainly because everyone thinks I murdered you."

"Right." Rose said.

"So, now that you've come back, are you going to stay?" Mickey asked.

"Got it! Ha, ha! Patched in the radar, looped it back twelve hours so we can follow the flight of that spaceship. Here we go. Hold on. Come on." The Doctor said, looking at the trajectory on the monitor. "That's the spaceship on its way to Earth, see? Except. Hold on. See? The spaceship did a sling shot round the Earth before it landed."

"What does that mean?" Rose asked.

"It means it originated from Earth, right?" Weiss asked, coming up with a theory. "The spaceship went up into the sky, do a full loop around the Earth, before landing. It means the aliens didn't come here. They've been staying on Earth for a while."

"So, what have they been doing here?" Jaune asked.

"You know, if we had Zwei here…" Jared said, happily. "We could be having some fun with him!"

"Now who is Zwei?" Blake asked.

"Whoops, shouldn't have said that."

"You really need to know when to put on a filter for things." Weiss said, looking at Jared. "Especially if they're regarding the future."

"You're right, you know." Yang said, smirking. "Zwei here would have been nice."

Mickey and Rose are channel-hopping on the scanner.

"How many channels do you get?" Mickey asked.

"All the basic packages." The Doctor said.

"You get sports channels?"

"Yes, I get the football."

"And football is?" Blake asked.

"Soccer." Jared said, frowning. "I just don't like the pacing of this adventure. I think being at Beacon for a while would be better."

"Hold on, I know that lot." The Doctor said, looking at the TARDIS scanner.

"It is looking likely that the Government's bringing in alien specialists...those people who have devoted their lives to studying outer space." A woman said, on TV.

"UNIT. United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. Good people." The Doctor said.

"How do you know them?" Rose asked, looking at the Doctor.

"'Cos he's worked for them. Oh yeah, don't think I sat on my backside for twelve months, Doctor. I read up on you. You look deep enough on the Internet or in the history books, and there's his name, followed by a list of the dead." Mickey said.

"That's nice. Good boy, Ricky." The Doctor said.

"If you know them, why don't you go and help?" Rose asked.

"They wouldn't recognize him." Jared said, letting out a sigh. "The Doctor has changed a lot since the 70s, or was it the 80s? Maybe a mix of both. I watched your good old days on TV, Spaceman."

"Besides, the world's on a knife-edge. There's aliens out there and fake aliens. We want to keep this alien out of the mix. I'm going undercover. And er, I'd better keep the Tardis out of sight. Ricky, you've got a car. You can do some driving." The Doctor said.

"Where to?" Mickey asked.

"The roads are clearing. Let's go and have a look at that spaceship."

Powell Estate…

They walk out of the Tardis, leaving Team RWBY behind in the console room, and straight into a helicopter spotlight.

"Do not move! Step away from the box and raise your hands above your heads." A policeman said.

Police cars and Saxon armoured personnel carriers surround them. Mickey, Jaune, and Ren run. Jackie comes out of the block of flats.

"Rose!" Jackie said, as soldiers grabbed her, Ren, and Jaune. "Rose!"

"I don't think that this is what Jared meant." Jaune said, looking at Ren.

"I think this is what exactly he meant, when we should stay near Jackie and Mickey." Ren said, and Mickey hides behind some dustbins and the soldiers run straight past. "Don't know why though, maybe because we're the two members of Team JNPR who are strategists."

"Raise your hands above your head. You are under arrest." The policeman said.

"Take me to your leader." The Doctor said.

"Aww, I wanted to say that!" Nora said, disappointed. "Why did it have to be you?"

"Because this is my world, not yours." The Doctor said, looking at Nora. "And besides, you'll have plenty of opportunities in the future."

"I still wanted to say it though."

"So, you knew that this was gonna happen." Pyrrha said, looking at Jared.

"Yeah, I did." Jared said, laughing a lot. "I wanted something to spice things up. And I am gonna go back to Beacon with you guys for a little bit."

"When?" Nora asked.

"After this, I promise."

Police car…

"This is a bit posh. If I knew it was going to be like this, being arrested, I would have done it years ago." Rose said.

"We're not under arrest." Jared said, as he took out a bottle of Coke to drink it. "We're being escorted to somewhere. Somewhere else."

"Where to?"

"Where'd you think? Downing Street." The Doctor said, looking at Rose.

"What is Downing Street anyway?" Pyrrha asked.

"Think of it like the equivalent to Beacon Academy. Basically the capital." Jared said, smiling.

"Now that sounds to be pretty cool." Nora said, happily. "Is the place big?"

"Not really. Not as big as Beacon. But it's pretty much the size of an office building, I think."

"Well, let's just wait and see the size of the place." Pyrrha said.

"I hate to say it, but Mickey was right. Over the years I've visited this planet a lot of times, and I've been, er, noticed." The Doctor said.

"Now they need you?" Rose asked.

"Like it said on the news. They're gathering experts in alien knowledge. And who's the biggest expert of the lot?"

"Patrick Moore?"

"Apart from him."

"Oh, don't you just love it."

"I'm telling you. Lloyd George, he used to drink me under the table. Who's the Prime Minister now?"

"How should I know? I missed a year."

Downing Street...

The Doctor mugs for the cameras outside Number Ten.

"Oh, my God." Rose said.

The Tyler's flat…

"So, she's all right then? She's not in any trouble?" Jackie asked.

"Well, all I can say is, your daughter and her companions might be in a position to help the country. We'll need to know how she made contact with this man, if he is a man. And if those people are from this world." Strickland said, and when the fat policeman sits down, and his stomach makes an unpleasant noise. "Oof. Right, off you go then. I need to talk with Mrs Tyler on my own, thank you."

A policeman and woman leave.

Waiting room…

Harriet comes downstairs and shows her ID to an armed policeman, "Harriet Jones, MP Flydale North."

Harriet mingles with the UNIT officers and large people in the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, can we convene? Quick as we can, please. It's this way on the right, and can I remind you ID cards are to be worn at all times." Ganesh said, and he hands an ID card to the Doctor. "Here's your ID card. I'm sorry, your companions don't have clearance."

"I don't go anywhere without them." The Doctor said.

"You're the code nine, not them. I'm sorry, Doctor. It is the Doctor, isn't it? They'll have to stay outside." Ganesh said.

"They're staying with me."

"Look, even I don't have clearance to go in there. I can't let them in and that's a fact."

"Hi, I'm Jared Shay. Just wondering, do you happen to have my name on your list. Under the association of Torchwood?" Jared asked, walking to Ganesh. "And can I bring Nora Valkyrie with me?"

"Oh, um..." Ganesh said, looking at the list to see Jared's name on the list, and he gave the fanboy and Nora ID cards. "You are on the list, with a suggestion from Captain Jack Harkness."

"Thank you Jack." Jared said, smiling. "So, can you let Rose and Pyrrha in there?"

"Sorry, I can't."

"It's okay." Pyrrha said. "I'll be fine."

"It's all right. You three can go." Rose said, looking at the Doctor, Jared, and Nora.

"Excuse me. Are you the Doctor and Jared?" Harriet asked, looking between the Time Lord and fanboy.

"Sure." The Doctor said.

"Not now. We're busy. Can't you go home?" Ganesh asked, looking at Harriet.

"I just need a word in private." Harriet said.

"I suppose so. Don't get in any trouble." The Doctor said, entering the room with Nora and Jared.

"You haven't got clearance. Now leave it." Ganesh said, now looking at Rose and Pyrrha. "I'm going to have to leave you two with security."

"It's all right. I'll look after them. Let me be of some use." Harriet said, walking away with Rose and Pyrrha. "Walk with me. Just keep walking."

Entrance hall…

"That's right. Don't look round. Harriet Jones, MP Flydale North." Harriet said.

Briefing room...

"Nora, take off your ID card." Jared said, as he took off his ID card. "Like, right now?"

"Why?" Nora asked, as she studied Jared's face closely. "Oh, I get it. You want to hide the fact that you know what will happen."

"Pretty much, yeah." Jared said, and Nora removed her ID card. "These are filled with electrical power. That is what I meant when I said I needed you."

"So, you want me to beat up the bad guys in here?" Nora asked, while the Doctor rapidly scans the prepared papers. "Where are they?"

"Not here yet."

Entrance hall...

"These friends of yours, they're experts, is that right? They know about aliens?" Harriet asked.

"Why do you want to know?" Rose asked, and Harriet starts crying.

"Oh, it's okay." Pyrrha said. "I'm sorry about something that you might have saw. We could help. Just show us what scared you."

Briefing room…

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention, please. As you can see from the summaries in front of you, the ship had one porcine occupant." Asquith said.

"Of course, the really interesting bit happened three days ago, see, filed away under Any Other Business. The North Sea. A satellite detected a signal, a little blip of radiation, at one hundred fathoms, like there's something down there. You were just about to investigate and the next thing you know, this happens. Spaceships, pigs, massive diversion. From what?" The Doctor asked.

Cabinet Room...

"They turned the body into a suit. A disguise for the thing inside!" Harriet said, terrified.

"It's all right. I believe you. It's, it's alien. They must have some serious technology behind this. If we could find it, we could use it." Rose said, as she starts searching the room.

"We could use it to stop the aliens." Pyrrha said, and Rose opens a different cupboard and a man's body falls out. "What the..."

"Oh, my God! Is that the…" Rose said, looking down at the body too.

"Harriet, for God's sake. This has gone beyond a joke. You cannot just wander. Oh, my God. That's the Prime Minister!" Ganesh said, angrily.

Briefing room...

"If aliens fake an alien crash and an alien pilot, what do they get? Us. They get us. It's not a diversion, it's a trap." The Doctor said.

Cabinet Room...

"Oh! Has someone been naughty?" Margaret asked.

The Tyler's flat...

"It was bigger on the inside. I don't know. What do I know about spaceships?" Jackie asked.

"That's what worries me. You see, this man is classified as trouble. Which means that anyone associated with him is trouble. And that's my job." Strickland said, as the police commissioner removes his cap to undo the zip across his forehead. Blue light fills the flat. "Eliminating trouble."

"I think this is the reason why Jared wanted us split up today." Ren said, looking at Jaune. "Or the big one. He knew that the aliens would be here."

"Which is why he is off somewhere with Nora. Pyrrha might be with Rose. And we're here with Jackie." Jaune said, as he managed to figure it out. "And where is this electrical power that he mentioned?"

Cabinet office...

"That's impossible. He left this afternoon. The Prime Minister left Downing Street. He was driven away!" Ganesh said, angrily.

"And who told you that, hmm? Me." Margaret said, and she reaches up to her hairline.

Briefing room...

"This is all about us. Alien experts. The only people with knowledge how to fight them gathered together in one room." The Doctor said, while Green farts. "Excuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?"

"Would you rather silent but deadly?" Green asked.

General Asquith removes his cap and unzips his forehead. As Green laughs, the room fills with blue light and an alien starts to wriggle out of the skin suit. In the Cabinet office, Margaret does the same, flexing her three long fingers in relief.

The Tyler's flat...

Jackie comes out of her kitchen to see a similar sight. The aliens stand nearly eight feet tall with incongruous large black eyes in small baby faces.

"Okay, this look bad." Jaune said, taking out his Crocea Mors. "How do we take them down?"

"He never explained how, though!" Ren said, taking out StormFlower. "Why bring us into a fight blind?"

Briefing room…

"We are the Slitheen." Asquith said.

Cabinet office...

Margaret grabs Ganesh in her massive talons and pushes him up the wall.

"Jared must have not think things through." Pyrrha said, sadly.

"Ya think?" Rose asked, annoyed.

Briefing room...

"Thank you all for wearing your ID cards. They'll help to identify the bodies." Green said, holding up a remote activation switch, and the ID cards emit electric shocks to their wearers, including the Doctor.

"Okay Nora, pick yours up now." Jared said, looking down at the red-head. "They won't see this coming!"

Nora picked up her ID card, and it shocked her for a moment for the electricity to charge up throughout her entire body, giving her a power boost, "Let's do this!"