The Doctor Dances

Albion hospital…

The patients are almost within touching distance.

"Go to your room." The Doctor said, while the patients in the ward and the child in the house stand still. "Go to your room. I mean it. I'm very, very angry with you. I am very, very cross. Go to your room!" The child and the patients hang their heads in shame and shuffle away. The child leaves the Lloyd's house and the patients get back into bed. "I'm really glad that worked. Those would have been terrible last words."

"Yeah, it would have been." Jared said, smiling. "At least that scary moment is over, for now."

The Lloyd's dining room…

From the window, Nancy and Nora watch the child walk away down the street.

"Jamie." Nancy said, sitting on the floor and cries.

"You know what you can do to stay strong." Nora said, walking up to Nancy to comfort her. "Just stay strong! We can help! Me and you! We can help Jamie!"

Albion Hospital ward…

"Why are they all wearing gas masks?" Rose asked.

"They're not. Those masks are flesh and bone." Jack said.

"So, these are real." Ren said, looking at all of the patients. "What are they?"

"Gas mask zombies!" Jared said, frowning. "I like that. Well, not them asking for their mother. Just that title. Their name."

"They do look like gas mask zombies." Rose said, laughing. "Where did you get that name for them?"


"How was your con supposed to work?" The Doctor asked, looking at Jack.

"Simple enough, really. Find some harmless piece of space junk, let the nearest Time Agent track it back to Earth, convince him it's valuable, name a price. When he's put fifty percent up front, oops! A German bomb falls on it, destroys it forever. He never gets to see what he's paid for, never knows he's been had. I buy him a drink with his own money, and we discuss dumb luck. The perfect self-cleaning con." Jack said, recalling his plan.

"Yeah. Perfect."

"The London Blitz is great for self-cleaners. Pompeii's nice if you want to make a vacation of it though, but you've got to set your alarm for volcano day. Getting a hint of disapproval."

"Take a look around the room. This is what your harmless piece of space-junk did."

"It was a burnt-out medical transporter. It was empty."

"Rose." The Doctor said, looking at Rose.

"Are we getting out of here?" Rose asked.

"Yes, we are." Jared said, pacing around the room. "We're going upstairs."

"I even programmed the flight computer so it wouldn't land on anything living. I harmed no-one. I don't know what's happening here, but believe me, I had nothing to do with it." Jack said.

"I'll tell you what's happening. You forgot to set your alarm clock. It's volcano day." The Doctor said, a siren is blaring throughout the building.

"What's that?" Rose asked.

"The all clear." Jack said.

"I wish." The Doctor said, sadly.

"Same." Jared said, with the Monado in its holder, on his back. "This adventure is slow paced."

"Nora said that today would be exciting." Ren said, crossing his arms. "According to you. How is this exciting?"

"It just is. And it's October 31 back home for me. Halloween, and Ruby's birthday."

The Lloyd's hallway…

Nancy heads for the back door with Nora and is confronted by a boy in a gas mask. He takes it off.

"I thought you were Jamie." Nancy said, looking down at the boy.

The Lloyd's garden...

Nancy and Nora runs past him.

"Dad! Dad!" The boy said, terrified.

"Ruddy kids!" Lloyd said, angrily.

"Get off of me! Get your hands off me now!" Nancy said, while Mister Lloyd man-handles her back inside the house.

"Let her go!" Nora said, aiming her Magnhild at Mr Lloyd, in its gun form. "Like now."

"Oi, you! Get in! Get them in there. They're nicked!" Mrs Lloyd said, looking at her husband.

Albion Hospital…

"Mister Spock?" Jack asked.

"Doctor?" Rose asked, while they run past the staircase.

The Doctor is the next flight up, "Have you got a blaster?"

"Sure!" Jack said, handing the Doctor his blaster.

They run up to join him outside a secure metal door.

"The night your space-junk landed, someone was hurt. This was where they were taken." The Doctor said.

"What happened?" Rose asked.

"Let's find out." Jared said, leaning against the wall.

"So, open it." Ren said, nodding his head.

"What's wrong with your sonic screwdriver?" Rose asked, looking at the Doctor.

"Nothing." The Doctor said, while Jack's blaster disintegrates the lock. "Sonic blaster, fifty first century. Weapon Factories of Villengard?"

"You've been to the factories?" Jack asked.


"Well, they���re gone now, destroyed. The main reactor went critical. Vaporized the lot."

"Like I said. Once. There's a banana grove there, now. I like bananas. Bananas are good."

"Nice blast pattern." Rose said, happily.

"Digital." Jack said.

"Squareness gun."


"I like it."

"What's the real name for that?" Ren asked, looking at Jared.

"A sonic blaster!" Jared said, excitedly. "I need one!"


Filing cabinets, electronic equipment and a big mess. An observation window across the room is broken.

"What do you think?" The Doctor asked.

"Something got out of here." Jack said.

"Yeah. And?"

"Something powerful. Angry."

"Powerful and angry."

There are child's crayon drawings scattered on the floor and a Steiff teddy bear.

"A child? I suppose this explains Mummy." Jack said, sadly.

"How could a child do this?" Rose asked.

"I don't know. Let's find out." Ren said, turning on a tape machine and he hit the play button. "It's just an older version of a Scroll."

"Do you know where you are?" Constantine asked.

"Are you my mummy?" The child asked.

"Are you aware of what's around you? Can you see?"

"Are you my mummy?"

"What do you want? Do you know…."

"I want my mummy. Are you my mummy? I want my mummy! Are you my mummy? Are you my mummy? Mummy? Mummy?"

"Doctor, I've heard this voice before." Rose said.

"Me too." The Doctor said.

"It's kinda sad, actually." Jared said, frowning. "The child asking the same question over and over again."

"Mummy?" The child asked.

"Always are you my mummy? Like he doesn't know." Rose asked.


"Why doesn't he know?"

"Are you there, mummy? Mummy?

The Lloyd's dining room...

"The police are on their way. I pay for the food on this table. The sweat on my brow, that food is. The sweat on my brow. Anything else you'd like? I've got a whole house here. Anything else you'd like to help yourself to?" Lloyd asked.

"Yeah. I'd like some wire cutters, please. Something that can cut through barbed wire. Oh, and a torch. Don't look like that, Mister Lloyd. I know you've got plenty of tools in here. I've been watching this house for ages. And I'd like another look round your kitchen cupboards. I was in a hurry the first time. I want to see if there's anything I missed." Nancy said.

"The food on this table…" Lloyd said.

"It's an awful lot of food, isn't it, Mister Lloyd? A lot more than on anyone else's table. Half this street thinks your missus must be messing about with Mister Haverstock, the butcher. But she's not, is she? You are. Wire cutters. Torch. Food. And I'd like to use your bathroom before I leave, please. Oh, look. There's the sweat on your brow."

"Ooo, you're making him nervous." Nora said, excitedly. "We're going to the kids. Aren't we?"

(Jared's POV)


"Mummy? Please, mummy? Mummy?" The child asked.

"Doctor?" Rose asked, and Ren lifted his hand for a moment.

"Can you sense it?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes, I can." Ren said, holding his hand up with his eyes closed.

"At least one of us can sense it. How about the rest of you?"

"Sense what?" Jack asked.

"Coming out of the walls. Can you feel it?" The Doctor asked, looking at Rose, Jack, and I.

"Mummy?" The child asked.

"Funny little human brains. How do you get around in those things?" The Doctor asked.

"When he's stressed, he likes to insult species." Rose said, as I'm laughing a lot.

"Rose, I'm thinking."

"He cuts himself shaving, he does half an hour on life forms he's cleverer than."

"There are these children living rough round the bomb sites. They come out during air-raids looking for food."

"Mummy, please?" The child asked.

"Maybe they were there, when this medical ship landed." Ren said, leaning against the wall.

"So, it was harmless." Jack said.

"Yes, you keep saying harmless. Suppose one of them was affected, altered?" The Doctor asked.

"Altered how?" Rose asked, when the tape runs out.

"Altered as in its biology was changed." I said, walking around, trying to remember what happened. "I don't like this one bit."

"I'm here!" The child said, happily.

"It's afraid. Terribly afraid and powerful. It doesn't know it yet, but it will do. It's got the power of a god, and I just sent it to it's room." The Doctor said.

"Doctor." Rose said, scared.

"I'm here. Can't you see me?" The child asked.

"What's that noise?" Rose asked.

"The tape ended." Ren said, sadly. "About 30 seconds ago."

"I'm here, now. Can't you see me?" The child asked.

"I sent it to it's room. This is it's room." The Doctor said.

"At least we know that Nora is with Nancy." Ren said, calmly.

"But the Empty Child is here." I said, staring at the child. "Which is bad for us."

"Are you my mummy? Mummy?" The child asked.

"Doctor?" Rose asked.

"Okay, on my signal make for the door." Jack said.

"Mummy?" The child asked.

Jack aims his blaster at the child. Except it is a banana, "Now!"


The Doctor pulls Jack's blaster from his belt and makes a nice square hole in the wall.

"Go now! Don't drop the banana!" The Doctor said, angrily.

"Why not?!" Jack exclaimed.

"Good source of potassium!"

Albion Hospital...

"Give me that!" Jack said, grabbing his gun back from the Doctor.

"Mummy. I want my mummy." The child said.

Jack uses his blaster to repair the hole in the wall.

"Digital rewind. Nice switch." Jack said.

"It's from the groves of Villengard. I thought it was appropriate." The Doctor said.

"There's really a banana grove in the heart of Villengard and you did that?"

"Bananas are good."

The wall starts to crack.

"Doctor!" Rose said, terrified.

"Come on!" The Doctor said, but the patients are coming at us from the other direction.

"Shit!" I said, taking out the Monado and choosing an art. "Monado Shield."

"You created a force field around us." Ren said, noticing the yellow barrier around us. "Why?"

"Like the Doctor said, we can't leave from either side."

"Mummy. Mummy. Mummy." The patients said.

"He's right. It's keeping us here till it can get at us." The Doctor said.

"It's controlling them?" Jack asked.

"It is them. It's every living thing in this hospital."

"Okay. This can function as a sonic blaster, a sonic cannon, and as a triple-enfolded sonic disrupter. Doc, what you got?"

"I've got a sonic, er. Oh, never mind." The Doctor said, taking out his sonic screwdriver as I laughed a lot.

"You really are an idiot, Spaceman." I said, keeping the Monado out to have the forcefield still up. "Having that as your sonic device."

"At least I'm armed." Ren said, taking out StormFlower, his dual pistols.

"What? What do you have that is sonic?" Jack asked, looking at the patients.

"It's sonic, okay? Let's leave it at that." The Doctor said, holding his sonic screwdriver.

"Disrupter? Cannon? What?"

"It's sonic! Totally sonic! I am soniced up!"

"A sonic what?!"


The child breaks through the wall. Rose grabs Jack's blaster and points it at the floor.

"Going down!"

"Monado Armor!" I said, changing the art on the Monado from Shield to Armor, eliminating the forcefield around us.

Albion Hospital ward 2...

Jack repairs the hole in the ceiling.

"You changed the art to lessen the damage of the fall." Ren said, as I placed the Monado behind my back.

"Yup." I said, as Ren placed StormFlower inside its holster.

"Doctor, are you okay?" Rose asked, looking at the Doctor.

"Could've used a warning." The Doctor said.

"Oh, the gratitude."

"Who has a sonic screwdriver?" Jack asked.

"I do." The Doctor said, annoyed.

"Lights." Rose said, walking around the room.

"Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, ooo, this could be a little more sonic?" Jack asked.

"What, you've never been bored?" The Doctor asked.

"There's got to be a light switch." Rose said.

"Never had a long night? Never had a lot of cabinets to put up?"

Patients sit up in their beds, "Mummy. Mummy."

"Door." Jack said, aiming his sonic blaster near the door but it doesn't work. "Damn it!"


"It's the special features. They really drain the battery."

"The battery?" Rose asked.


The screwdriver gets them into the storeroom.

"That's so lame!" Rose said, annoyed.

"I was going to send for another one, but somebody's got to blow up the factory." Jack said, angrily.

"Oh, I know. First day I met him, he blew my job up. That's practically how he communicates."

"Okay, that door should hold it for a bit." The Doctor said.

"The door? The wall didn't stop it!" Jack said, looking at the Doctor.

"Well, it's got to find us first! Come on, we're not done yet! Assets, assets!"

"Well, I've got a banana, and in a pinch you could put up some shelves."

"There's barred windows with a sheer drop of seven stories outside." Ren said, looking at his surroundings. "And there's no other exits."

"Well, the assets conversation went in a flash, didn't it?" Jack asked.

"Yup, it did." I said, happily. "Today is gonna get better after we're out of here. I hope."

"So, where'd you pick this one up, then?" The Doctor asked, looking at Rose.

"Doctor." Rose said.

"She was hanging from a barrage balloon with Ren, I had an invisible spaceship. I never stood a chance." Jack said, recalling what happened.

"Okay. One, we've got to get out of here. Two, we can't get out of here. Have I missed anything?" The Doctor asked.

"Yeah. Jack just disappeared." Rose said.

(Open POV)

Nancy's hideout...

Jim is using a typewriter when Nancy comes in with Nora.

"Thought as much. What are all of you doing here? Different house every night, I told you." Nancy said, looking at all of the kids.

"We thought you were dead, or you'd run off." Jim said, looking at Nancy.

"I didn't. I knew you'd come back for us." Ernie said, while Nancy empties out her sack of loot. "Found that old thing in the junk. Thinks he can write now…."

"Anyone can write." Nora said, walking up to Ernie with her Magnhild. "Who are you writing to?"

"I'm writing a letter to me dad." Jim said, smiling.

"You don't even know where your dad is. And how're you going to send it?" Ernie asked.

"I don't know, stick it in an envelope?"

"You can't even read or write."

"I don't need to. I've got a machine." Jim said, typing away on the typewriter.

"Will you stop making that noise! I'm sorry, Jim. On you go. You write a letter to your dad if you want to." Nancy said.

"I know we should've went somewhere else, but we need you, see, for the thinking." Ernie said.

"And what if I wasn't here? What if one night, I didn't come back for you? There's a war on. People go out they don't always come back. It happens. What would you do then?"

"They're wire cutters." Ernie said, looking at what Nancy has in her hands.

"I need you to think about that. Someone's got to look after this lot."

"Why? Are you going somewhere with her?"

"We're going to the bomb site!" Nora said, raising her Magnhild. "That's where!"

"The one at the railway station." Nancy said.

"Why?" Ernie asked.

"The child. That's where he was killed. That's where it all started. And we're going to find out how."

"He'll get the both of you, and then he'll come for us. He always comes for us."

"No. Ernie, he doesn't. He always comes after me. There are things I haven't told you. Things I can't tell you. As long as you're with me, you're in danger. Even now, sitting here, you're in danger because of me."

"You're the one what keeps us safe."

"You think so, Ernie? Then answer this. Jim is sitting there right next to you. So who's typing?" Nancy asked, while the machine finally stops. Nancy takes the paper.

"Is he coming?" Ernie asked.

"Yes, he is." Nora said, sadly. "And Nancy, I think she's right. Jared told me stay with her. To protect her."

"Ernie, as long as you're with me, he's always coming." Nancy said, throwing the paper down. "Plenty of greens. And chew your food."

Nancy leaves with Nora. Ernie picks up the paper. Below Jim's gibberish is Are You My Mummy. Mummy.


"Okay, so he's vanished into thin air. Why is it always the great looking ones who do that?" Rose asked.

"I'm making an effort not to be insulted." The Doctor said.

"I mean, men."

"Okay, thanks, that really helped."

"At least we're safe." Jared said, when the radio crackles into life. "Safe from the gas mask zombies."

"Yeah." Ren said, taking out his Scroll to look at the aura gage of Nora, it still being full. "I think she's safe."

"I know."

"Rose? Doctor? Jared? Ren? Can you hear me? I'm back on my ship." Jack said, his voice over the radio.

Jack's spaceship...

"Used the emergency teleport. Sorry I couldn't take you." Jack said.


"It's security-keyed to my molecular structure." Jack said, his voice over the radio.

Jack's spaceship…

"I'm working on it. Hang in there." Jack said.

"How're you speaking…" The Doctor said, his voice over the communication system.


"To us?" The Doctor asked.

"Om-Com. I can call anything with a speaker grill." Jack said, his voice over the radio.

"Now there's a coincidence."

"What is?"

"The child can Om-Com, too."

"He can?" Rose asked.

"Anything with a speaker grill. Even the Tardis phone."

"What, you mean the child can phone us?"

"Yeah, he can." Jared said, sadly. "Thank goodness I have my phone off. Don't want to hear him while listening to the SAO soundtrack on YouTube."

"Lately you've been into SAO more than us." Ren said, crossing his arms. "What happened to you having a thing for Teams RWBY and JNPR?"

"Oh, I still do. But once I'm done with us having adventures with the Doctor. And I enter unknown territory, that being Volume 6 of RWBY. I don't know what will happen next."

"In other words, you'll be beyond what you know. How about the Doctor here?"

"Same thing, Doctor number 13...I only watched the first two episodes of her."

Jack's spaceship…

"Remember this one, Rose?" Jack asked.


Moonlight Serenade comes through the radio.

"Our song." Rose said, looking down embarrassed.

Limehouse Green…

"Wait, I've been here before!" Nora said, while Nancy is cutting the barbed wire. "This is where the Space Pig was."

"Space Pig?" Nancy asked, looking back at Nora.

"It was scared stiff. Aww, I wanted to save it."


A little later, Rose is relaxing in a wheelchair, Jared is playing some Super Smash Bros Ultimate with Ren on the Nintendo Switch while the Doctor is at the barred window with the ever-versatile sonic screwdriver.

"What you doing?" Rose asked.

"Trying to set up a resonation pattern in the concrete, loosen the bars." The Doctor said.

"You don't think he's coming back, do you?"

"Wouldn't bet my life."

"Why don't you trust him?"

"Ren, you ass." Jared said, as Ren managed to win with Ike. "How the hell did you win?"

"There are strategy guides for the move set in the game itself." Ren said, as he held up the Neon Pink and Green Joy-Cons. "You didn't know that."

"I've been thinking about the future, Ren. I know there's not enough time left. Until that event happens."

"What happens?"


"What, are you telling me you do dance?" Rose asked, looking at the Doctor.

"Nine hundred years old, me. I've been around a bit. I think you can assume at some point I've danced." The Doctor said.



"Doesn't the universe implode or something if you dance?"

"Well, I've got the moves but I wouldn't want to boast."

Rose turns up the volume on the radio. It is still Moonlight Serenade, "You've got the moves? Show me your moves."

"Rose, I'm trying to resonate concrete."

"Jack'll be back. He'll get us out. So come on. The world doesn't end because the Doctor dances." Rose said, holding out her hands.

"The Doctor and Rose dancing." Ren said, looking back at Jared. "I believe that this is our time to sit back and watch."

"Yeah." Jared said, smiling. "It is. So, what do you want to do next?"

"You know the future. I don't."

"Time can be rewritten always."

"I've travelled with a lot of people, but you're setting new records for jeopardy friendly." The Doctor said.

"Is this you dancing? Because I've got notes." Rose said, trying to dance with the Doctor.

"Hanging from a rope thousands feet above London. Not a cut, not a bruise."

"Yeah, I know. Captain Jack fixed me up."

"Oh, we're calling him Captain Jack now, are we?"

"Well, his name's Jack and he's a Captain."

"He's not really a Captain, Rose."

"Do you know what I think? I think you're experiencing Captain envy. You'll find your feet at the end of your legs. You may care to move them."

"If ever he was a Captain, he's been defrocked."

"Yeah? Shame I missed that."

Jack's spaceship…

"Actually, I quit. Nobody takes my frock. Most people notice when they've been teleported. You guys are so sweet. Sorry about the delay. I had to take the nav-com offline to override the teleport security." Jack said, while Jared placed his Nintendo Switch inside his bigger on the inside fanny pack.

"You can spend ten minutes overriding your own protocols? Maybe you should remember whose ship it is." The Doctor said, looking at Jack.

"Oh, I do. She was gorgeous. Like I told her, be back in five minutes."

"This is a Chula ship."

"Yeah, just like that medical transporter. Only this one is dangerous."

The Doctor snaps his fingers and the golden glow envelopes his hands.

"They're what fixed my hands up Jack called them er…" Rose said, looking between the Doctor and Jared.

"It was nanogenes." Jared said, walking around the spaceship. "I do like nanotechnology."

"So Nora's safe where she is at." Ren said, as Jared nodded his head. "That's good."

"...all better now. They activate when the bulk head's sealed. Check you out for damage, fix any physical flaws. Take us to the crash site. I need to see your space junk." The Doctor said.

"As soon as I get the nav-com back online. Make yourself comfortable. Carry on with whatever it was you were doing." Jack said, looking between the Doctor and Rose.

"We were talking about dancing."

"It didn't look like talking."

"It didn't feel like dancing." Rose said.

"And you interrupted my win streak against Ren." Jared said, crossing his arms. "I would have had ten wins by now."

"I broke your streak, though. By using Ike."

"That's because I was thinking about Kirito and Asuna."

"Sword Art Online? In the middle of a war zone?"

Bomb site…

Nancy makes her way to the tarpaulin covered spacecraft with Nora. Just as she starts to pull it back, the spotlights come on and rifles are pointed at her and Nora.

"Halt! Don't move!" A soldier said, angrily.

"Aww man." Nora said, holding her Magnhild. "I want to break his legs."

Jack's spaceship…

"So, you used to be a Time Agent now you're trying to con them?" Rose asked.

"If it makes me sound any better, it's not for the money." Jack said.

"For what?"

"Woke up one day when I was still working for them, found they'd stolen two years of my memories. I'd like them back."

"They stole your memories?"

"I'm sorry." Jared said, walking up to Jack and feeling bad. "Two years of your life. Gone like that. I wish you didn't lose them."

"You're optimistic and caring." Ren said, as Jared nodding his head. "What did you do, Jack?"

"I don't know. No idea what I did. Your friend over there doesn't trust me, and for all I know he's right not to. Okay, we're good to go. Crash site?" Jack asked.

Bomb site HQ…

Nancy and Nora are escorted in. An unwell soldier tries to stand up.

"As you were. Feeling any better?" Algy asked.

"Just a touch, sir." Jenkins said.

"Chain them up where Jenkins can keep an eye on them."

"No, not in here. Not with him." Nancy said, while she has spotted the scar on Jenkins' hand.

"Great…" Nora said, as she and Nancy are handcuffed a chain wrapped around two table legs and sat in chairs opposite him. "Ren and the others! They can help! I know the can."

"But we can't here." Nancy said, and Nora nodded her head in agreement. "We have to get out."

"The both of you shouldn't have broken in here if you didn't want to stay." Algy said.

"You don't understand. Not with him."

"This is a restricted area, miss. You can just sit here for a bit. We're going to have to ask the two of you a few questions."

"Found these, sir." A soldier said, holding up the bolt cutters and the Magnhild.

"Very professional. A little bit too professional. Didn't just drop in by accident then, did you?"

"We didn't! Give that back!" Nora said, looking at the Magnhild. "That is my hammer!"

"It looks like a gun. How do you make it transform?"

"Like I would tell you that."

"My little brother died here. I wanted to find out what killed him." Nancy said, looking at Algy.

"Take the men, check the fence for any other breaches and search the area. They may not have come here alone." Algy said.

"Yes, sir." A soldier said, leaving the Magnhild on the ground.

"Please! Listen, you can't leave us here." Nancy said, looking at Algy.

"Watch them, Jenkins." Algy said.

"Yes, Mummy." Jenkins said.


"Sorry, sir. I don't know what's the matter with me."

"Look, lock us up, fine, but not here. Please, anywhere but here!" Nancy said, as Algy leaves the tent.

"You'll be all right, ladies. I'm just a little. Just a little, just a little. What's the matter with you?" Jenkins asked.

"You have to let us go!" Nora said, determined. "If it's for your own good. Please! I need my hammer back too."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you've got a scar on the back of your hand." Nancy said, and Nora looked at Jenkins.

"Well, yes, but I don't see what that's got to do with anything."

"And you feel like you're going to be sick, like something's forcing its way up your throat. I know because I've seen it before."

"What's happening to me?"

"In a minute, you won't be you anymore. You won't even remember you. And unless you let us go, it's going to happen to us too. Please."

"What're you talking about?"

"What's your mother's name?"


"You got a wife?"


"Wife's name? You got kids? What's your name? Please, let us go. It's too late for you. I'm sorry, but please let us go." Nancy said, sadly.

"What do you mmmmm…mummy." Jenkins said.

"Crap." Nora said, annoyed. "This is bad."

(Jared's POV)

Limehouse Green…

"There it is. Hey, they've got Algy on duty. It must be important." Jack said, happily.

"We've got to get past him." The Doctor said.

"But how?" Ren asked.

"I don't know, Ren." I said, eating some jelly babies. "I just don't know."

"Are the words distract the guard heading in my general direction?" Rose asked.

"I don't think that'd be such a good idea." Jack said, looking at Rose.

"Don't worry I can handle it."

"I've got to know Algy quite well since I've been in town. Trust me, you're not his type. I'll distract him. Don't wait up."

"Relax, he's a fifty first century guy. He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing." The Doctor said, while Jack walked away from us.

"How flexible?" Rose asked.

"Well, by his time, you lot have spread out across half the galaxy."


"So many species, so little time."

"What, that's what we do when we get out there? That's our mission? We seek new life, and, and…."


"Dancing, now that's something I like." I said, still snacking on my jelly babies. "I'll never get tired of it."

Bomb site...

"Hey, tiger. How's it hanging?" Jack asked.

"Mummy?" Algy asked.

"Algy, old sport, it's me."


"It's me, Jack."

"Jack? Are you my mummy?" Algy asked, starting to retch, then falls to his knees before his face turns into a gas mask.

Rose, the Doctor, Ren and I run forward from the sidings.

"Shit." I said, placing my jelly babies inside my fanny pack, and I took the Monado out from behind behind my back. "Stay back!"

"Everyone, stay back!" Ren said, taking out StormFlower.

"Stay back!" The Doctor said.

"You men, stay away!" Jack said.

"The effect's become air-borne, accelerating."

The air raid sirens start up.

"What's keeping us safe?" Rose asked.

"Nothing." The Doctor said, sadly.

"Ah, here they come again." Jack said, frowning.

"Yeah, I forgot that it's still the London Blitz." I said, carrying the Monado. "Would have preferred another time and place. Possibly the future. Another planet, maybe."

"You want to go somewhere else." Ren said, and I nodded my head. "Maybe you can figure out where after this."

"All we need….didn't you say a bomb was going to land here?" Rose asked, looking at the Doctor.

"Never mind about that. If the contaminants airborne now, there's hours left." The Doctor said.

"For what?" Jack asked.

"Till nothing, forever. For the entire human race. And can anyone else hear singing?" The Doctor asked.

"I can." I said, running off with Ren. "Come on, Spaceman!"

"Rock-a-bye baby, on the tree tops." Nancy said, singing nearby.

Bomb site HQ...

Jenkins is fully transformed and slumped across the table.

"When the wind blows, the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall. Down will come baby, cradle and all." Nancy said, when the Doctor enters with Ren and I and gestures to Nancy to keep singing. "Rock-a-bye baby, on the tree tops. When the wind blows the cradle will rock."

The Doctor frees Nancy from the handcuffs she's in, while Ren does the same with Nora.

"Hi guys!" Nora said, picking up her Magnhild. "Took you guys long enough. How have you been?"

"Sorry, I forgot about that." I said, rubbing the back of my head. "I was too into the moment with the gas mask zombies."

Nora ran up to Ren for a hug, she then looked back at me, "Never do that again."

"I think he gets it." Ren said, while Nora lets go of him. "We need to fix this."

Bomb site...

We light up and uncover the spacecraft.

"You see? Just an ambulance." Jack said.

"That's an ambulance?" Nancy asked.

"It's hard to explain. It's from another world." Rose said.

"They've been trying to get in." Jack said.

"Of course they would." I said, walking around with the Monado. "Who wouldn't? This great big metal thing falling out of the sky."

"They think they've got their hands on Hitler's latest secret weapon. What're you doing?" The Doctor asked.

Jack is keying in the access codes, "The sooner you see this thing is empty, the sooner you'll know I had nothing to do with it." Bang! Sparks, and an alarm. The access panel has a red flashing light. "Didn't happen last time."

"It hadn't crashed last time. There'll be emergency protocols."

"Doctor, what is that?" Rose asked.

"It's the gas mask zombies." I said, selecting a Monado art that would come in handy. "God, which one can I use without hurting them?"

(Open POV)

Albion Hospital…

"Mummy?" The child asked.

All the patients get up.

Bomb site…

The patients start battering at the hospital doors.

"Doctor!" Rose said, terrified.

"Captain, Ren, Nora, secure those gates!" The Doctor said, looking at the ex-Time Agent and the two members from Team JNPR.

"Why?" Jack asked.

"There's no time to argue." Ren said, walking away with Nora and Jack. "Let's just do it, Captain Jack Harkness."

"Yeah!" Nora said, turning her Magnhild to its hammer form. "I got this."

"Nancy, how'd you get in here with Nora?" The Doctor asked, looking at Nancy.

"I cut the wire." Nancy said, sadly.

"Show Rose and Jared. Setting two thousand four hundred and twenty eight D." The Doctor said, tossing Rose the sonic screwdriver.

"What?" Rose asked.

"Reattaches barbed wire. Go!" The Doctor said, as Jared ran off with Rose and Nancy.

Bomb site fence…

As the patients leave the hospital, Rose mends the cuts in the barbed wire. Bombs fall on London again.

"Who are you? Who are any of you?" Nancy asked.

"You'd never believe us if we told you." Rose said.

"You really wouldn't." Jared said, looking down at the Monado. "It's still kinda incredible that I'm here. That Nora and Ren are here."

"Rose, you just told me that was an ambulance from another world. There are people running around with gas mask heads calling for their mummies, and the sky's full of Germans dropping bombs on me. Tell me, do you think there's anything left I couldn't believe?" Nancy asked, looking at Rose.

"We're time travellers from the future." Rose said, and Jared did some swings with the Monado.

"Mad, you are." Nancy said, laughing.

"We really are time travelers." Jared said, taking out his phone. "This, it's a smart phone. From the year 2014. It can do anything. It can send messages, it can make phone calls. It can play games, you can listen to music on it. You can watch films or television shows on it."

"Jared's right, we are from the future. He showed you a futuristic mobile phone. We have a time travel machine. Seriously!" Rose said, as Jared placed his phone back inside his pocket.

"It's not that. All right, you've got a time travel machine. I believe you. Believe anything, me. But what future?" Nancy asked.

"Nancy, this isn't the end. I know how it looks, but it's not the end of the world or anything…"

"How can you say that?! Look at it."

"Listen to me. I was born in this city. I'm from here, in like, fifty years time."

"From here?"

"Yes, she's from here." Jared said, holding the Monado. "I'm not, though."

"Jared, he's been dropping spoilers left and right today. Making Nora come with you, to protect you until now. Nancy, I'm a Londoner. From your future." Rose said, as Jared has a smile on his face.

"But, but you're not…" Nancy said, sadly.



"Nancy, the Germans don't come here. They don't win."

"They really don't come to the UK. Once Japan nukes Pearl Harbor, that harbor in Hawaii, the US swoops in to finally help their allies. The Allied forces win, the US, the UK, France, and so on. Just wait and see what happens." Jared said, laughing a lot. "The Axis forces lost, and because of World War I and World War II, the world is more technologically advanced."

"Don't tell anyone we told you so, but you know what? You win." Rose said, and Jared placed the Monado back in its holster on his back.

"We win?" Nancy asked.

"Come on!" Rose said, running off with Jared and Nancy.

Bomb site...

Jack gets the ambulance open, "It's empty. Look at it."

"What do you expect in a Chula medical transporter? Bandages? Cough drops? Rose?" The Doctor asked, looking at Rose.

"I don't know." Rose said, sadly.

"Yes, you do."


"It wasn't empty, Captain. There was enough nanogenes in there to rebuild a species." The Doctor said, looking at Jack.

"Oh, God." Jack said, realizing what he has done.

"Getting it now, are we? When the ship crashes, the nanogenes escape. Billions upon billions of them, ready to fix all the cuts and bruises in the whole world. But what they find first is a dead child, probably killed earlier that night, and wearing a gasmask."

"And they brought him back to life? They can do that?" Rose asked.

"I think so, yeah." Jared said, frowning. "I wish today could end. I want to throw vinegar at something."

"Spoilers!" Nora said, crossing her arms. "Don't reveal a future adventure."

"Especially one with a family like them." Ren said. "We know what they were like."

"...this lot have never seen a human being before. Don't know what a human being's supposed to look like. All they've got to go on is one little body, and there's not a lot left. But they carry right on. They do what they're programmed to do. They patch it up. Can't tell what's gasmask and what's skull, but they do their best. Then off they fly, off they go, work to be done. Because, you see, now they think they know what people should look like, and it's time to fix all the rest. And they won't ever stop. They won't ever, ever stop. The entire human race is going to be torn down and rebuilt in the form of one terrified child looking for its mother, and nothing in the world can stop it!" The Doctor said.

"I didn't know." Jack said.

The Doctor works on the ambulance while the patients approach.

"Mummy. Mummy." The patients said.

"Rose!" Nancy said, terrified.

"It's bringing the gas mask people here, isn't it?" Rose asked.

"Yup." Jared said, while he is pacing around the bomb site. "It is."

"The ship thinks it's under attack. It's calling up the troops. Standard protocol." The Doctor said.

"But the gas mask people aren't troops." Rose said.

"They are now. This is a battle-field ambulance. The nanogenes don't just fix you up, they get you ready for the front line. Equip you, programme you."

"That's why the child's so strong. Why it could do that phoning thing."

"It's a fully equipped Chula warrior, yes. All that weapons tech in the hands of a hysterical four year old looking for his mummy. And now there's an army of them."

The patients surround them, outside the barbed wire.

"Why don't they attack?" Jack asked.

"Good little soldiers, waiting for their commander." The Doctor said.

"The child?"

"Yeah." Jared said, sadly. "Their commander is Jamie."

"What?" Jack asked.

"Not the child. Jamie." Nancy said.

"How long do we have until the bomb falls?" Ren asked, looking at Jack.

"Any second." Jack said, looking at his watch.

"What's the matter, Captain? A bit close to the volcano for you?" The Doctor asked, looking at Jack.

"Way too close!" Nora said, her Magnhild in its hammer form.

"He's just a little boy." Nancy said, frowning.

"I know." The Doctor said.

"He's just a little boy who wants his mummy."

"I know. There isn't a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy. And this little boy can."

"So what are we gonna do?" Nora asked. "Are we gonna stop him or what?"

"I don't know.�� The Doctor said.

"It's my fault." Nancy said, guiltily.


"It is. It's all my fault."

"How can it be your…"

"Doctor, think about what I've been saying all day." Jared said, recalling what I said. "Ruby Rose's birthday. It's on Halloween. She gets older by one year."

"Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Mummy." The patients said.

"Nancy, what age are you? Twenty? Twenty one? Older than you look, yes?" The Doctor asked, as the bombs get closer.

"Doctor, that bomb. We've got seconds." Jack said, looking at his watch.

"You can teleport us out." Rose said, happily.

"Come on, a quick teleport can be easy!" Nora said, agreeing with Rose.

"One zap, and we'll be on your ship." Ren said.

"Not you guys. The nav-com's back online. Going to take too long to override the protocols." Jack said.

"So it's volcano day. Do what you've got to do." The Doctor said, looking at Jack.

"Jack?" Rose asked, and Jack vanishes.

"How old were you five years ago? Fifteen? Sixteen? Old enough to give birth, anyway. He's not your brother, is he? A teenage single mother in 1941. So you hid. You lied. You even lied to him." The Doctor said, while the bomb site gate opens and Jamie stands there.

"Are you my mummy?" The child asked, looking at Nancy.

"He's going to keep asking, Nancy. He's never going to stop."


"Tell him. Nancy, the future of the human race is in your hands. Trust me and tell him."

Nancy and Jamie walk towards each other.

"Are you my mummy? Are you my mummy? Are you my mummy?" The child asked, looking at Nancy.

"Yes. Yes, I am your mummy." Nancy said.


"I'm here."

"Are you my mummy?"

"I'm here."

"Are you my mummy?"


"Are you my mummy?"

"I don't think he gets it." Ren said, sadly. "I think he's almost gone."

"I am your mummy. I will always be your mummy. I'm so sorry. I am so, so sorry." Nancy said, hugging Jamie and a cloud of nanogenes surround them.

"What's happening? Doctor, it's changing her, we should…" Rose said.

"Shush! Come on, please. Come on, you clever little nanogenes. Figure it out! The mother, she's the mother. It's got to be enough information. Figure it out." The Doctor said, excitedly.

"What's happening?"

"See? Recognising the same DNA." The Doctor said, when Jamie lets go and Nancy falls on the ground. "Oh, come on. Give me a day like this. Give me this one." The Doctor removes Jamie's gas mask. "Ha-ha! Welcome back! Twenty years till pop're going to love it."

"So, what happened?" Nora asked. "It looked cool. So tell us!"

"The nanogenes recognised the superior information, the parent DNA. They didn't change you because you changed them! Ha-ha! Mother knows best!" The Doctor said, looking at Nancy.

"Oh, Jamie." Nancy said, looking down at her son.

"Doctor, that bomb." Rose said, recalling what happened.

"Taken care of it." The Doctor said.



The bomb hurtles towards them, and gets caught in Jack's light beam just before impact.

Jack is sitting astride the bomb, "Doctor!"

"Good lad!" The Doctor said, happily.

"The bomb's already commenced detonation. I've put it in stasis but it won't last long."

"Change of plan. Don't need the bomb. Can you get rid of it, safely as you can?"

"Rose?" Jack asked, looking down at Rose.

"Yeah?" Rose asked.

"Goodbye." Jack said, disappearing with the bomb, before reappearing again. "By the way, love the tee-shirt."

And Jack vanishes again. The spaceship sucks up the light beam and flies off. The Doctor summons some nanogenes to himself.

"What are you doing?" Rose asked, looking at the Doctor.

"Software patch. Going to email the upgrade. You want moves, Rose? I'll give you moves." The Doctor said, throwing the nanogenes to the waiting patients, who fall to the ground. "Everybody lives, Rose, Jared, Ren, and Nora. Just this once, everybody lives!" The patients stand up again, back to normal. "Doctor Constantine. Who never left his patients. Back on your feet, constant doctor. The world doesn't want to get by without you just yet, and I don't blame it one bit. These are your patients. All better now."

"Yes, yes, so it seems. They also seem to be standing around in a disused railway station. Is there any particular reason for that?" Constantine asked.

"Yeah, well, you know, cutbacks. Listen, whatever was wrong with them in the past, you're probably going to find that they're cured. Just tell them what a great doctor you are. Don't make a big thing of it. Okay?"

The Doctor leaves them and an old woman hobbles up.

"Doctor Constantine." Harcourt said.

"Mrs Harcourt. How much better you're looking." Constantine said.

"My leg's grown back. When I come to the hospital, I had one leg."

"Well, there is a war on. Is it possible you miscounted?"

"Right, you lot. Lots to do. Beat the Germans, save the world. Don't forget the welfare state! Setting this to self-destruct, soon as everybody's clear. History says there was an explosion here. Who am I to argue with history?" The Doctor asked.

"Usually the first in line." Rose said.

"Now this was a fun adventure." Jared said, skipping with Nora. "I loved it."

"Well, besides the gas mask zombies!" Nora said, as Jared nodded his head. "Just seeing the Doctor happy…"

"I know." Ren said. "It makes you happy. Because no one died."


"The nanogenes will clean up the mess and switch themselves off, because I just told them to. Nancy and Jamie will go to Doctor Constantine for help, ditto. All in all, all things considered, fantastic!" The Doctor said, excitedly.

"Look at you, beaming away like you're Father Christmas." Rose said.

"Who says I'm not, red bicycle when you were twelve?"


"And everybody lives, Rose, Jared, Ren, and Nora! Everybody lives! I need more days like this."


"Go on, ask me anything. I'm on fire."

"What about Jack? Why'd he say goodbye?"

"So, you guys just met Jack." Yang said, entering the console room. "What's he like?"

"He's a massive flirt." Rose said, sadly. "I think he's gonna die…"

"You have to save him." Yang said, looking at the Doctor. "From what Jared told us. He's a good man. You not saving Jack, I can guarantee you that this isn't a life hack."

"And Yang will guarantee you won't get your life back." Jared said, holding Yang's hand. "Everybody lives, yeah?"

Jack's spaceship…

"Okay, computer, how long can we keep the bomb in stasis?" Jack asked.

"Stasis decaying at ninety percent cycle. Detonation in three minutes." The computer said.

"Can we jettison it?"

"Any attempt to jettison the device will precipitate detonation. One hundred percent probability."

"We could stick it in an escape pod."

"There is no escape pod on board."

"I see the flaw in that. I'll get in the escape pod."

"There is no escape pod on board."

"Did you check everywhere?"


"Under the sink?"


"Okay. Out of one hundred, exactly how dead am I?"

"Termination of Captain Jack Harkness in under two minutes. One hundred percent probability."

"Lovely. Thanks. Good to know the numbers."

"You're welcome."

"Okay then. Think we'd better initiate emergency protocol four one seven."


A martini appears.

Jack drinks it, "Oo, a little too much vermouth. See if I come here again. Funny thing. Last time I was sentenced to death, I ordered four hyper-vodkas for my breakfast. All a bit of a blur after that. Woke up in bed with both my executioners. Mmm, lovely couple. They stayed in touch. Can't say that about most executioners. Anyway. Thanks for everything, computer. It's been great."

Moonlight Serenade plays. Jack looks down the spaceship and through the open doors of the Tardis, where the Doctor and Rose are dancing.


"Well, hurry up then!" Rose said, and Jack runs in. "Okay. And right and turn. Okay, okay, try and spin me again, but this time don't get my arm up my back. No extra points for a half-nelson."

"I'm sure I used to know this stuff. Close the door, will you? Your ship's about to blow up. There's going to be a draught." The Doctor said, while Jack shuts the door and the Time Lord starts up the engine. "Welcome to the Tardis."

"Much bigger on the inside." Jack said, looking around the TARDIS.

"You'd better be."

"Captain Jack Harkness, and who are you?" Jack asked, walking up to Yang.

"Yang Xiao Long." Yang said, blushing.

"Nice to meet you Yang Xiao Long."

"Nice to meet you two, Jack. So, you almost died."

"Yeah I did. What's a girl like you doing around these blokes?"

"Well, I am a part of a team. Team RWBY. We do go all out with a Yang."

"Ooo, puns. I think I like you."

"I think what the Doctor's trying to say is you may cut in." Rose said, interrupting the flirting between Yang and Jack.

"Rose! I've just remembered!" The Doctor said, happily.

"What?" Rose asked.

The music changes from waltz to swing...Glenn Miller's In The Mood.

"I can dance! I can dance!" The Doctor said.

"Actually, Doctor, I thought Jack might like this dance." Rose said, looking at Jack.

"I'm sure he would, Rose. I'm absolutely certain. But who with?"

"Dibs on Jack!" Yang said, as she ran up to Jack.

"I have a feeling that I need to Schnee this in action." Jared said, leaning against the TARDIS console. "Jack and Yang, two massive flirts in the TARDIS. Both of them being badasses. God, I love this."

Rose dances with the Doctor while Jack dances with Yang and Jared watches the two couples dance. This style the Doctor can do, and Rose loves it when he dips her. Jack is also doing it with Yang.