The Idiot's Lantern

(Jared's POV)

ALFheim Online…

"Today is really peaceful." I said, lying down on the grass, as I'm playing Katamari Damacy Reroll on my Nintendo Switch. "I like this."

"What is that game about?" Kirito asked, walking over to me.

"You control this guy that's rolling a ball around. And said ball sticks things to it, stuff from Earth or other planets."

"That game is more laid back, is it? What other games do you have on there?"

"Super Smash Bros, Warframe, Paladins."

"Warframe. Sinon said that you played that game. What's it about?"

"I don't know exactly. I haven't beaten it yet."


"You really don't know anything about Warframe." Kirito said, walking around the TARDIS console room. "Neither do I. But England in the 1950s, that sounds like a lot of fun."

"You and I are pretty similar." I said, drinking some Mountain Dew. "We would do anything for our family and friends."

"You've got your family, the Doctor, the Tylers and Mickey. Teams RWBY and JNPR too. While I got my cousin, my friends, the ones who've been with me for years. I've got Asuna too."

"Hey, what are you guys up to?" Asuna asked, entering the room. "I changed my outfit, for the time period we're going to."

"Let's do this." I said, tossing my bottle of Mountain Dew off to the side. "I'm ready."

"You two are really going in there wearing a windbreaker and a hoodie? Even if the time period is different." Asuna said, looking at what Kirito and I are wearing. "I wonder if you two can not get noticed."

"Besides Rose wearing a pink skirt today."

"Rose looks good in pink. And you're an okay cook."

"Okay?" Asuna asked, taking out her sword. "I'm more than okay."

"Fine, you're amazing."

"Thank you." Asuna said, putting her sword away. "What's the villain today?"

"Oh, this entity that takes people's faces."

"It take people's faces?" Kirito asked. "Can we even beat that?"

"We will." I said, smiling. "I know we will."


A pair of pink high heels and layers of tulle step out of the Tardis.

Rose is in full 50's mod chick gear, "I thought we'd be going for the Vegas era, you know the white flares and the, grr, chest hair."

The Doctor has his hair in a Teddy boy quiff.

"You are kidding, aren't you? You want to see Elvis, you go for the late fifties. The time before burgers. When they called him the Pelvis and he still had a waist. What's more, you see him in style." The Doctor said, riding a scooter out of the Tardis.

"Elvis, we're seeing Elvis." Asuna said, sitting behind Kirito's motorcycle, as she is wearing full 50's mod chick gear like Rose's. "I could do with some music."

"I don't know why I'm in the side car." I said, wearing my hoodie and jeans. "It doesn't make any sense."

"My bike, my rules." Kirito said, as he and the Doctor are wearing white crash helmets and shades. "We're in the 50s, not the 80s."

The Doctor's a Mod, too.

"You going my way, doll?" The Doctor asked.

"Is there any other way to go, daddy-o? Straight from the fridge, man." Rose said, happily.

"Hey, you speak the lingo. "

"Oh well, me, mum, Cliff Richard movies every Bank Holiday Monday." Rose said, while she gets on the pillion and puts on a pink crash helmet.

"Ah, Cliff. I knew your mother'd be a Cliff fan." The Doctor said, and we drove off down the street.

(Open POV)


"You swapped the Monado and the Aegis sword for a lightsaber." Kirito said, looking at the weapon on Jared's belt. "What are you planning?"

"Something for you to use to deflect bullets with." Jared said, eating some mint chocolate chip ice cream. "I know how much you love to show off."

"Kirito is still gonna be reckless." Asuna said, wrapping her arms around Kirito's waist. "As usual."

"That's the one." The Doctor said, when a red London bus drives past the end of the street.

The Doctor and Kirito pull up by a red post box and they see lots of Union Flag bunting strung between the houses.

"The Doctor got his flying off." Asuna said, laughing. "We're in London! Like you said."

"Yup." Jared said, laughing along with Asuna.

"But the flags. What are they doing here?" Kirito asked.

"I don't know, I kinda forgot." Jared said, calming down. "Wasn't too fond of this adventure."

"Why not? It can't be different from any other adventure with the Doctor."

"It isn't. But I really don't like someone here."

"Who is that?" Asuna asked. "Is it someone we'll know?"

"Yeah. He's a jackass, that guy. You'll see. Not on the level of Sugou though."

"Good." Kirito said, smiling. "I never liked him. After what he made Asuna go through for a year or two."

"Neither did I. I saw it happen on your show."

"You and Kirito do fight similarly though." Asuna said, looking between Kirito and Jared. "It's especially prominent when you play Splatoon 2, Warframe, and Paladins, Jared. It has Kirito written all over you."

"What can I say? I like fighting on the front lines with flanks. Being reckless isn't that bad." Jared said, holding his phone in his hand.

Florizel Street…

Another television set is delivered from the back of Magpie's van.

"There you go, sir, all wired up for the great occasion." Magpie said.

"The great occasion? What do you mean?" The Doctor asked.

"Where've you been living, out in the Colonies? Coronation, of course."

"What Coronation's that then?"

"What do you mean? The Coronation."

"Jared told us that today is the Queen's Coronation." Asuna said, smiling. "Queen Elizabeth the Second's."

"Oh! Is this 1953?" The Doctor asked, shocked.

"You know, the worlds the Cardinal system and Remnant is nice." Jared said, walking away with Kirito for a moment. "There's another world I want to visit someday, and that's the world from Dog Days."

"Dog Days?" Kirito asked. "Why do I have a feeling that it's similar to ALO, SAO, and GGO?"

"Because it is. And there's no deaths involved. The fights there are just for sport."

"No one dies in that world. Compared to this one, Remnant, and the virtual world."

"Someone help me, please! Ted!" Mrs Gallagher said, when two burly men in black suits bundle a person into the back of a car, with a blanket over his head. "Leave him alone! He's my husband! Please."

"What's going on?" The Doctor asked.

Tommy runs out of the house, "Oi, what are you doing?"

"Police business. Now, get out of the way, sir." Bishop said.

"Who did they take? Do you know him?" Rose asked.

"Must be Mister Gallagher." Tommy said, when the car drives away. "It's happening all over the place. They're turning into monsters."

"Tommy! Not one word! Get inside now!" Eddie said, angrily.

"Sorry. I'd better do as he says…"

The Doctor and Rose get back on the moped, while Kirito, Asuna, and Jared get back on the motorcycle.

"All aboard!" The Doctor said, happily.

Police car...

"Operation Market Stall, go, go, go!" The bishop said, and the car drives down an apparent dead end.


"Crap, they got away." Kirito said, when he, Asuna, and Jared are on his motorcycle.

A pair of gates with an Offices to Let on them open to let it in, then a couple of men push a vegetable barrow in front of it to block the way.

"What do we do now?" Asuna asked, when the Doctor and Rose caught up with them.


"Surprised they didn't turn back and arrest you and Kazuto for reckless driving. Doctor, have you actually passed your test?" Rose asked.

"Men in black? Vanishing police cars? This is Churchill's England, not Stalin's Russia." The Doctor said, angrily.


"I did hear that boy talk about monsters." Asuna said, her arms around Kirito's waist. "Rose, you thinking what I'm thinking?"


"Yeah, I am." Rose said, smiling. "Let's show these boys how its done. We should go and ask the neighbours for information."

"That's what I like about you. The domestic approach." The Doctor said, happily.

"Thank you. Hold on, was that an insult? Whoa!" Rose said, when the Doctor zooms off again.


"When it comes to that alien." Kirito said, driving his motorcycle. "Can we defeat it?"

"Yes, we can." Jared said, sadly. "The only question is…��

"What's the question?"

"Who will go with Rose to the shop?"

"I will." Asuna said, looking at Jared.

"Are you sure?" Kirito asked. "We know how dangerous it is when we travel with the Doctor."

"I'm sure."

"If that thing hurts Asuna in any way." Kirito said, angrily.

"It's either you or Asuna that goes with Rose." Jared said, smiling. "I would go with Asuna."

"Why is it always her? Why not me?"

"You think a woman can't investigate." Asuna said, when they arrived at the house. "If things get bad, Rose and I can just ditch."

Front door…

"I'm not leaving you ever." Kirito said, happily. "I lost you once, I'm never losing you again."

"What about the days when I save you?" Asuna asked. "We save each other."

"Asuna, I would rip all of time and space to save you."

"If there is a time when you need saving, I'll do it."

"And this is why you're my favorite couple." Jared said, smiling. "Next to Amy and Rory of course."

"Who?" Asuna asked.

"Who are they?" Kirito asked, when he rang the doorbell.

"Hi!" The Doctor and Rose said, at the same time.

"Who are you, then?" Eddie asked.

"Let's see, then. Judging by the look of you, family man, nice house, decent wage, fought in the war, therefore I represent Queen and country." The Doctor said, holding up the psychic paper. "Just doing a little check of Her forthcoming Majesty's subjects before the great day. Don't mind if I come in? Nah, I didn't think you did. Thank you."

(Jared's POV)

Living room…

"Not bad. Very nice. Very well kept. I'd like to congratulate you, Mrs?" The Doctor asked.

"Connolly." Rita said.

"Now then, Rita. I can handle this. This gentleman's a proper representative. Don't mind the wife, she rattles on a bit." Eddie said.

"Well, maybe your wife should talk a bit more." Asuna said, taking a cup of Starbucks coffee from inside her pocket. "Us girls we love to talk, basically about anything."

"And I'm not convinced you're doing your patriotic duty. Nice flags. Why are they not flying?" The Doctor asked.

"There we are Rita, I told you, Get them up. Queen and country." Eddie said.

"I'm sorry."

"Get it done. Do it now."

"Wait." Kirito said, annoyed.

"Like the gentleman says."

"Hey, your wife shouldn't be doing that. You should, two big hands that has never done any work." I said, walking over to Eddie. "Why is it your wife's job?"

"Well, it's housework, innit?" Eddie asked.

"And tending to the house is a woman's job?"

"Of course it is."

"Mister Connolly, what gender is the Queen?" The Doctor asked.

"She's a female."

"And are you suggesting the Queen does the housework?"

"No. Not at all."

"You should get busy." Asuna said, annoyed. "Men deserve to help out his loving wife every once in a while."

"Right. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. You'll be proud of us, ladies and gentlemen. We'll have Union Jacks left, right and centre." Eddie said.

"Excuse me, Mister Connolly. Hang on a minute. Union Jacks?" Rose asked.

"Yes, that's right, isn't it?"

"That's the Union Flag. It's the Union Jack only when it's flown at sea."

"Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, I do apologise."

"Well, don't get it wrong again, there's a good man. Now get to it!"

"He's an asshole." Kirito said, sitting down on the floor with Asuna and I. "I really don't like him."

"Neither do I." Asuna said, looking back to see that the Doctor and Rose has settled on the sofa. "Where's the TV from?"

"Magpie." I said, snatching the cup of coffee from Asuna. "Ooo, pumpkin spice."

"I was drinking that."

"It's just a cup of coffee."

"Even if tea is as readily available as coffee. You should stock up on more tea."

"Please, tea is good for the stomach. To make you get over stomach aches. What's the point of having it, if you don't really need it?" Kirito asked.

"Yes, I am." The Doctor said.

"Can you help her? Oh please, can you help her, Doctor?" Rita asked.

"Now then, Rita. I don't think the gentleman needs to know…" Eddie said.

"No, the gentleman does." The Doctor said.

"Tell us what's wrong, and we can help." Rose said, and Rita bursts into tears.

"It's okay." Asuna said, walking over to Rita to comfort her. "You've been through a lot. I'm sorry with whatever happened to you. Come on, you'll be fine."

"Hold on a minute. Queen and country's one thing, but this is my house! What the?" Eddie asked, and he throws the bunting down. "What the hell am I doing? Now you listen here, Doctor. You may have fancy qualifications, but what goes on under my roof is my business."

"A lot of people are being bundled into…" The Doctor said.

"I am talking!"

"And I'm not listening! Now you, Mister Connolly, you are staring into a deep, dark pit of trouble if you don't let me help. So I'm ordering you, sir! Tell me what's going on!"

"Okay, that isn't a normal banging." Kirito said, hearing the thumping times. "What is that?"

"She won't stop. She never stops." Eddie said, sadly.

"Tommy, can you tell us what's happening?" I asked, sitting next to Kirito. "We would like to know."

"We started hearing stories, all round the place. People who've changed. Families keeping it secret because they were scared. Then the police started finding out. We don't know how, no one does. They just turn up, come to the door and take them, any time of the day or night." Tommy said.

"Show me." The Doctor said.

"We need to see this." Kirito said, angrily. "Because if I don't agree with it, then I'm gonna stop it. The Doctor and I will stop it."

Gran's room…

It is dark.

"Gran? It's Tommy. It's all right, Gran. I've brought help." Tommy said, turning the light on.

"This is messed up." Kirito said, looking at the old woman standing there with no eyes, nose or mouth. "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah." Asuna said, looking out of the window to see that a black car has pulled up outside. "But her face, it's gone."

"Her face is completely gone." The Doctor said, and he uses the sonic screwdriver. "Scarcely an electrical impulse left. Almost complete neural shutdown. She's ticking over. It's like her brain has been wiped clean."

"This is like being stuck in a virtual world but worse." Kirito said, when someone breaks down the front door.

"Guys, I hate to be the bearer of bad news." I said, tossing the Monado and the Aegis Sword to Kirito and Asuna respectively. "Thought you two might like these."

"Why do I have the Monado?" Kirito asked, looking down at the sword I gave him.

"And me, the Aegis Sword?" Asuna asked, looking down at the sword I gave her.

"Because Kirito, Asuna, you two are like Shulk and Rex." I said, looking between Kirito and Asuna. "Or more like Kirito is like Shulk and Rex, and Asuna is like Fiora, Mytha, and Pyra."

"Hold on a minute." The Doctor said, when the burly men in black burst into the room. "There are three important, brilliant, and complicated reasons why you should listen to me. One…" He gets punched in the face. "Doctor!"

The men throw a blanket over Gran and bundle her out while Rose tries to wake the Doctor up.

"Leave her alone! No!" Rita said, angrily.

"Doctor!" Rose said, terrified.

"You and me, Asuna, lets go over there." Kirito said, running out of the room with Asuna.

(Open POV)


"Don't hurt her!" Rita said.

Front door…

"Crap, we're letting them get away." Kirito said, looking back at Asuna. "Running around the 1950s with swords aren't practical."

"Especially if they're futuristic." Asuna said, agreeing with Kirito. "We should help her."

"Not like this." Kirito said, when Tommy's gran is bundled into the car.

Gran's room…

The Doctor suddenly sits up, nearly giving Rose a Glasgow kiss, "Ah, hell of a right hook. Have to watch out for that."

Front door…

"Crap, I wish we had Yui right now." Kirito said, looking at Asuna. "Where is she?"

"I don't know." Asuna said, sadly. "Do you think she's with Ruby and Silica?"

"Defeating Grimm? Maybe."

Rose, Jared, Kirito, and Asuna stops at the living room door and sees red energy coming from the television set.

"That's not normal." Rose said, holding Jared's hand.

"I know." Jared said, sadly. "Yui, are they getting away?"

Florizel Street...

"Rose, Jared, Kirito, and Asuna we're going to lose them again!" The Doctor said, angrily.

Front door…

The energy disappears.

"Yes, they are." Yui said, frowning. "We'll lose them."

"Come on, Kirito." Jared said, running off with Kirito. "We will really lose them!"

Living room…

The Doctor, Kirito, and Jared ride off. Rose and Asuna turn the set around to see the last of the energy disappearing into the aerial connection. They see the supplier's label, too.

"Magpie's Electricals." Asuna said, looking at the label. "Why do I have a feeling that's where it started?"

"Maybe you should check it out." Yui said, smiling. "You and Rose, mommy."

"We're going. We're done. Nice to meet you, Tommy, Mrs Connolly. And as for you, Mister Connolly, only an idiot hangs the Union Flag upside down. Shame on you!" Rose said, walking away with Asuna.

Outside the yard...

This time the Doctor, Kirito, and Jared are quick enough to see the tail end of Operation Market Stall.

"Oh, very good. Very good." The Doctor said.

"Breaking into a building." Kirito said, exploring the place with the Doctor and Jared. "What could possibly go wrong?"

"Not much." Jared said, as the Doctor used the screwdriver to open a small door in the big gates. "Let's split up and look for clues."

Holding area...

In the yard, they see the two burly men padlock a wire door and walk off.

"How will this work?" Kirito asked. "Who's going with who?"

"Me and Yui will see what's going on with the faceless people." Jared said, walking away with Yui on his shoulder. "You and the Doctor will look at evidence."

"How will you get in?" Yui asked, when Jared spotted an open window and moved boxes over. "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting in." Jared said, climbing the boxes and managed to make it to the window by grabbing the rims of the window. "Made it."

"You're breaking the law." Yui said, as Jared entered the room seeing the Doctor and Kirito there. "Daddy! Jared did it the old fashioned way!"

"Yui." Kirito said, and Jared fell down to the floor. "You okay?"

"Nope." Jared said, while he, The Doctor, and Kirito goes to an area with large cages and opens one. "Oh my god! That's more creepy in person."

"Who would do such a thing?" Kirito asked, looking the cage full of blank people, who occasionally clench their fists. "I really don't like this."

They turn towards the light of his torch, then someone switches on a pair of searchlights.

"Stay where you are." Bishop said.

Magpie's Electricals…

The weird test signal is on the sets. Rose and Asuna enter.

"Oh, I'm sorry, ladies. I'm afraid you're too late. I was just about to lock the door." Magpie said.

"So, we want to buy a TV." Asuna said, with the Aegis Sword on her waist. "Something in good old black and white."

"Come back tomorrow, please."

"You'll be closed, won't you?" Rose asked.


"For the big day? The coronation."

"Yes, yes, of course. The big day. I'm sure the two of you will find somewhere to watch it. Please go."

"Well, half of London has a TV." Asuna said, walking around the shop. "You're basically giving them away."

"I have my reasons." Magpie said.

"And what are those reasons?" Asuna asked, when a woman's face appears on just one screen.

"Hungry! Hungry!" The Wire said, angrily.

"What's that?" Rose asked, looking at the TV.

"It's just a television. One of these modern programmes. Now, I really do think you ladies should leave. Right now!" Magpie said.

"Not until you've answered our questions. How come your televisions are so cheap?"

"It's my patriotic duty. Seems only right that as many folk as possible get to watch the coronation. We may be losing the Empire but we can still be proud. Twenty million people they reckon'll be watching. Imagine that. And twenty million people can't be wrong, eh, so why don't you get yourselves back home and get up, bright and early, for the big day."

"We're not leaving until we've seen everything." Asuna said, standing next to Rose. "We've barely scratched the surface of it."

"I need to close."

"Mister Magpie, something's happening out there. Ordinary people are being struck down and changed, and the only new thing in the house is a television. Your television. What's going on?" Rose asked.

"I knew this would happen. I knew I'd be found out." Magpie said, locking the shop door.

"Well, it's just the three of us." Asuna said, walking around the shop. "You have to come clean. Why are doing this? What's in it for you?"

"For me? Perhaps some peace."

"Peace, from what exactly?"

"From her."

"That's just a woman on the telly. That's just a programme." Rose said, looking at the TV.

"What pretty little girls." The Wire said.

"Oh, my God. Are you talking to me?" Rose asked.

"Rose, I think she is." Asuna said, looking down at the Aegis sword. "Is she alive?"

"Yes I'm talking to you, little ones. Unseasonably chilly for the time of year, don't you think?" The Wire asked.

"What are you?" Rose asked.

"I'm the Wire, and I'm hungry!" The Wire said, when energy lances out and grabs Rose's face and Asuna's face.

"Crap, I'm stuck!" Asuna said, annoyed. "I can't move!"

"Magpie, help us!" Rose said, terrified.

"Just think of that audience tomorrow, my dear, all settling down to watch the coronation. Twenty million people. Things will never be the same again. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Magpie said, sadly.

��Help us."

"Goodnight, children, everywhere." The Wire said.

(Jared's POV)

Bishop's office…

In the derelict building, with broken windows.

"Asuna hasn't come back yet." Kirito said, looking back at me. "And neither has Rose. Where are they?"

"Where's mommy?" Yui asked, flying towards me. "Is mommy okay?"

"I don't know, it's been a while since I watched this episode." I said, walking around the room. "God knows what happens to them."

"If something bad happened to Asuna." Kirito said, walking over to me. "Don't think I'll go easy next time we have a duel."

"Everything will be fine." I said, happily. "I know it will, Kirito."

"It's written inside your collar. Bless your mum. But I can't help thinking, Detective Inspector, you're not exactly doing much detective inspecting, are you?" The Doctor asked.

"I'm doing everything in my power." Bishop said.

"All you're doing is grabbing those faceless people and hiding them as fast as you can. Don't tell me orders from above, hmm? Coronation Day. The eyes of the world are on London Town so any sort of problem just gets swept out of sight."

"The nation has an imagine to maintain."

"But doesn't it drive you mad, doing nothing? Don't you want to get out there and investigate?"

"Of course I do. But, with all the crowds expected, we haven't got the man power. Even if we did, this is beyond anything we've ever seen. I just don't know anymore. Twenty years on the force, I don't even know where to start. We haven't the faintest clue what's going on."

"That can change." Kirito said, the Monado in his hand. "With us here."


"Start from the beginning. Tell us everything you know." The Doctor said, when two more people are delivered to the holding area.

"We started finding them about a month ago. Persons left sans visage. Heads just blank."

"Is this a running gag?" I asked, talking out my lightsaber. "People not having their faces anymore."

"Yes, spreading out from North London. All over the city. Men, women, kids, grannies. The only real lead is there's been quite a large number in."

"And it leads back to Florizel Street." Kirito said, feeling that something is wrong.

"Found two more one, sir." Crabtree said.

"Oh, er, good man, Crabtree. Here we are, Doctor, Kirito, and Jared. Take a good look. See what you can deduce." Bishop said, and the pink shoes and skirt, while the red and white tells us what's wrong.

"Mommy." Yui said, when Crabtree takes the blankets off.

"Asuna…" Kirito said, looking at the faceless body of his girlfriend.

"Rose." The Doctor said, frowning.

"Both of you know them?" Bishop asked.

"Yes, I do." Kirito said, walking towards Asuna. "Asuna, after all I did to save you…"

"What happened to mommy?" Yui asked, flying towards me. "Who did this to her?"

"I can't remember." I said, letting out some tears. "Rose and Asuna. God, why am I losing both of them?"

"They found her in the street, apparently, over by…" Crabtree said. "...Square, abandoned."

"That's unusual. That's the first two out in the open. Heaven help us if something happens in public tomorrow for the big day. We'll have Torchwood on our backs then, make no mistake." Bishop said.

"They did what?" Kirito asked, angrily.

"I'm sorry?"

"Where did they leave them?" Kirito asked, walking towards Bishop.

"Just in the street."

"In the street. They left them in the street. They took their faces and just chucked them out and left them in the street. And as a result, that makes things simple. Very, very simple. Do you know why?" The Doctor asked.


"Because now, Detective Inspector Bishop, there is no power on this Earth that can stop me and Kirito. Come on!"

Outside the warehouse…

"The big day dawns." Bishop said.

(Open POV)

Florizel Street…

Jared and Kirito are walking down along the street, with their controllers out, and their Augmas on their heads.

"Ordinal Scale, activate." Jared and Kirito said, and swords appear behind their backs, with their clothes changed.

"How do we get in there?" Kirito asked, looking at Jared.

"We make ourselves holograms." Jared said, running over to Tommy's house with Kirito. "Yui, you watch over us."

"Okay." Yui said, as Kirito and Jared closet their eyes. "I'll do my best!"

"Link Start." Kirito and Jared said, getting transported to another world.

Living room…

"Look at him, thinking he's the man of the house." Kirito said, watching what's going on with Jared. "Thank goodness he doesn't know that we're here."

"Yeah." Jared said, standing behind Kirito. "I really don't like him."

"You said Asuna will be alright. Will she lose her memory?"

"No, she wouldn't. She'll be just fine."


"Oh, you know what they say about them. Eddie, you want to beat that out of him." Betty said.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do." Eddie said, when the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." Tommy said.

"Will first appear in about ten minutes time riding in the Gold Coach of State." Wilmot said.

Front door…

"Tommy, talk to us. We need to know exactly what happened inside your house." The Doctor said, when Jared and Kirito opened their eyes.

"What the blazes do you think you're doing?" Eddie asked.

"I want to help, dad." Tommy said.

"Mister Connolly…" The Doctor said.

"Shut your face, you, whoever you are. We can handle this ourselves. Listen, you little twerp. You're hardly out of the blooming' cradle, so I don't expect you to understand. But I've got a position to maintain. People round here respect me. It matters what people think." Eddie said, angrily.

"What will happen here?" Kirito asked, looking over at Jared.

"Tommy will help us." Jared said, happily. "I know he will."

"He will?" Yui asked, sitting on Kirito's shoulder. "What will be do?"

"Make a mix tape. Or a Betamax."

"Betamax, that's old." Kirito said, frowning. "Really old."

"Eddie is that true?" Rita asked.

"I did it for us, Rita. She was filthy. A filthy, disgusting thing!" Eddie said.

"She's my mother. All the others you informed on, all the people in our street, our friends."

"I had to. I, I did the right thing."

"The right thing for us or for you, Eddie? You go, Tommy. Go with the Doctor, Jared, and Kirito, and do some good. Get away from this house, it's poison. We had a ruddy monster under this roof, all right, but it weren't my mother!" Rita said, slamming the door shut on Eddie.


"Tommy?" The Doctor asked.

Florizel Street…

"We're saving Asuna and Rose." Kirito said, running next to Jared. "You made me lose Asuna, but whoever did this is gonna pay."

"Yeah, you won't like her." Jared said, looking over at Kirito. "The person who started this."

Trestle tables are being laid for the street party.

"Tommy, tell us about that night. The night she changed." The Doctor said.

"She was just watching the telly." Tommy said, recalling what happened.

"Rose said it. She guessed it straight away. Of course she did. All these aerials in one little street. How come?"

"Bloke up the road, Mister Magpie, he's selling them cheap."

"Is he, now?" Bishop asked.

"Come on!" The Doctor said, taking the lead.

Magpie's Electricals…

The Doctor breaks in.

"Here, you can't do that…" Bishop said.

"Shop! If you're here, come out and talk to me! Magpie!" The Doctor said.

"Maybe he's out." Tommy said.

"Looks like it…" The Doctor said, searching the drawers of the counter and finds the portable television. "Oh, hello. This isn't right. This is very much not right. Tastes like iron. Bakelite. Put together with human hands, yes, but the design itself. Oh, beautiful work. That is so simple."

"That's incredible. It's like a television, but portable. A portable television." Bishop said.

The Doctor raises his sonic screwdriver, "It's not the only power source in this room."

"Mommy!" Yui said, looking around at the television screen that each light up with a different face mouthing help me. "There's mommy!"

"Asuna." Kirito said, when Asuna is mouthing Kirito. "I'm on my way. Wait for me."

"And there's Rose." Jared said, walking over to Rose who is mouthing Doctor. "Rose and Asuna. The Wire will pay for this!���

"I'm on my way." The Doctor said, looking over at Rose's face.

Magpie comes in from the back, "What do you think you're doing?"

"We want our friends restored, and I think that's beyond a little backstreet electrician, so tell me, who's really in charge here?" The Doctor asked.

"Yoo hoo! I think that must be me. Ooh, this lot is smart as paint." The Wire said, happily.

"Is she talking to us?" Bishop asked.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, I'm afraid you've brought this on yourselves. May I introduce you to my new friend." Magpie said.

"Jolly nice to meet you." The Wire said.

"Oh my God, it's her, that woman off the telly." The Bishop said.

"It's just using her image." Kirito said, walking up to the image of the Wire. "What are you? Taking my girlfriend like that!"

"I'm the Wire, and I will gobble you up, pretty boy. Every last morsel. And when I have feasted, I shall regain the corporeal body, which my fellow kind denied me." The Wire said, and the black and white image transforms.

"Good Lord. Colour television!" Bishop said, shocked.

"So your own people tried to stop you?" The Doctor asked.

"They executed me. But I escaped in this form and fled across the stars." The Wire said.

"And they trapped you inside the TV." Jared said, walking around the room. "Crying for help, since you're now stuck there."

"Not for much longer."

"Doctor, is this what got my Gran?" Tommy asked.

"Yes, Tommy. It feeds off the electrical activity of the brain, but it gorges itself like a great overfed pig, taking people's faces, their essences. It stuffs itself." The Doctor said.

"And you let her do it, Magpie." Bishop said.

"I had to. She allowed me my face. She's promised to release me at the time of manifestation." Magpie said, sadly.

"What does that mean?" Tommy asked.

"The appointed time. My crowning glory." The Wire said.

"Crap, how could I forget? Doctor, the coronation!" Jared said, his eyes widening.

"For the first time in history, millions gathered around a television set. But you're not strong enough yet, are you? You can't do it all from here. That's why you need this. You need something more powerful! This will turn a big transmitter into a big receiver." The Doctor said.

"What a clever thing you are! But why fret about it? Why not just relax? Kick off your shoes and enjoy the Coronation. Believe me, you'll be glued to the screen." The Wire said, and energy lances out at them.

"Kirito, the Monado." Jared said, trying to grab his lightsaber.

"Right." Kirito said, trying to reach for the Monado.

"Daddy…" Yui said, and the Doctor starts to finger the sonic screwdriver.

"Ah! Armed. They're armed and clever. Withdraw! Withdraw!" The Wire said, and the five men collapse. "The box, Magpie! The box!" Bishop's face is blank. Magpie grabs the portable. "Hold tight." The Wire zaps herself into the portable television. "Conduct me to my victory, Magpie."

"Daddy!" Yui said, flying above Kirito. "Daddy! Wake up!"

"Yui?" Kirito asked, slowly opening his eyes. "Where did Magpie go?"

"I don't know." Yui said, looking down at Kirito. "He ran off. Jared's still out."

"Ugh, that's gonna leave a mark." Jared said, slowly waking up. "I'm sorry, Bishop."

The Doctor wakes, and sees the blank policeman.

"Tommy, wake up. Tommy, come on!" The Doctor said, annoyed.

"What happened?" Tommy asked.

"Where's Magpie?"

Outside the shop…

"We don't even know where to start looking. It's too late." Tommy said.

"It's never too late, as a wise person once said. Kylie, I think. The Wire's got big plans. It'll need. Yes, yes, yes, it's got to harvest half the population. Millions and millions of people and where are we?" The Doctor asked.

"Doctor, we're at Muswell Hill." Jared said, holding his lightsaber. "The Wire is heading towards Alexandra Palace. The biggest transmitter in North London!"

"Oh, that's why it chose this place. Tommy?" The Doctor asked.

"What are you going to do?" Tommy asked.

"We're going shopping."

Magpie's Electricals…

Tommy finds a big valve, "Is this what you want?"

"Perfect! Right, I need one more thing." The Doctor said, giving Tommy the collection of parts and runs outside.

Outside the Tardis…

"Got it. Let's go." The Doctor said.

Alexandra Palace…

As Princess Elizabeth arrives at the Abbey, Magpie makes his way up the transmitter mast. The Doctor is building a contraption while he, Jared, Kirito, and Tommy run through the streets.

"I can't do this! Please, please don't make me!" Magpie said, terrified.

"The time is at hand. Feed me! Feed me!" The Wire said, angrily.

"He's up there!" Kirito said, looking up at the mast. "That's a little risky."

"Come on!" The Doctor said, running into the building.

"Wait, wait, wait! Where do you think…" A guard said, as the shows him the psychic paper.

"Oh! I'm very sorry, sir. Shouldn't you be at the Coronation?" An official asked.

"They're saving me a seat." The Doctor said, smiling.

"Who did he think you were?" Tommy asked.

"King of Belgium, apparently." The Doctor said.

The Princess enters the Abbey.

Control room…

"Keep this switched on. Don't let anyone stop you and Kirito, Tommy. Everything depends on it. You understand?" The Doctor asked, taking a coil of copper wire.

Alexandra Palace…

The Doctor and Jared run to the transmitter as the Princess processes down the aisle.

"You'll get yourself killed up there! Your Majesty!" An official said.

(Jared's POV)


Magpie reaches the top of the mast and attaches the portable television.

"Feed me!" The Wire said, when Magpie plugs her in and red energy fills the little screen then streams out from the top of the mast to all the nearby aerials.

"Rose, Asuna." I said, when the Wire starts to suck off the happy faces of the viewers in the Connelly household. "I can't lose them…"

"Oh. Feast. Feasting The Wire is feasting." The Wire said, as the Doctor and I reached the top of the transmitter mast.

"It's too late! It's too late for all of us!" Magpie said.

"I shall consume you, Doctor, Jared."

"We won't let you do this, Magpie!" The Doctor said.

"Help me, Doctor, Jared. It burns. It took my face, my soul." Magpie said, sadly.

"You cannot stop the Wire. Soon I shall become manifest." The Wire said.

"No more of this. You promised me peace!"

"And peace you shall have." The Wire said, as Magpie is zapped into atoms.

"Been burning the candle at both ends? You've overextended yourself, Missis. You shouldn't have had a crack at poor old Magpie there." The Doctor said, and he managed to get hold of the portable television without being electrocuted. "Rubber soles, swear by them!"

"Now this is why I chose converse." I said, watching the Doctor plug in his cable, and valves blow down in the control room. "As my running shoes when traveling. Who knew rubber would come in handy?"

"Oh dear. Has our little plan gone horribly wrong, Doctor, Jared?" The Wire asked, as Kirito and Tommy gets a replacement valve from the store.

"Or coat of Chivalry of Cloth of Gold, lined with crimson satin." Dimbleby said.

Tommy and Kirito plug the contraption back in.

"Are you willing to do the same?" The Archbishop asked.

The red energy retreats back to the mast, and into the portable television.

"No!" The Wire said, when the people still have their faces.

"It's close down, I'm afraid, and no epilogue." The Doctor said, as the Wire screams, then the screen goes blank.

(Open POV)

Holding area...

Everyone has been restored to normal.

"Rose, where's Kirito?" Asuna asked, walking towards Rose.

"I don't know." Rose said, sadly. "You really love him, don't you?"

"I do."

"We'll wait for our heroes, yeah?"

"Yeah. I have faith in Kirito, I'll always have faith in him. And I'll wait for him to save me."

Control room…

The National Anthem is playing.

"We didn't miss much." Jared said, entering the room to see Yui on Kirito's shoulder. "Asuna is okay."

"I almost thought I lost her again." Kirito said, walking over to Jared. "Do you know what happened to the Wire?"

"Sorted. Electrical creature, TV technology, clever alien life form. That's me by the way. I turned the receiver back into a transmitter and I trapped the Wire in here." The Doctor said, and his contraption turns out to be a VCR. "I just invented the home video thirty years early. Betamax. Oh, look. God save the Queen, eh?"

Queen Elizabeth the Second waves at the crowd from the balcony of Buckingham Palace.


"Oh, it's my grandson, Oh, son!" Tommy's grandmother said, hugging her grandson.

"Kirito." Asuna said, looking at Kirito.

"Asuna." Kirito said, hugging Asuna. "Sorry about us leaving you like that."

"No, you saved everyone here. You and the Doctor. Don't worry about it." Asuna said, looking over to see the Doctor hugging Rose.

"What will you do next with the Doctor and Rose?" Kirito asked.

"I don't know." Jared said, smiling. "Maybe see the Devil. I don't know with who yet."

Florizel Street…

The street party is in full swing.

"We could go down the Mall, join in with the crowds." Rose said, excitedly.

"Nah, that's just pomp and circumstance. This is history right here." The Doctor said.

"The domestic approach."

"Can I spend some time with mommy and daddy?" Yui asked, looking at Jared. "It feels like forever since I saw them."

"Sure, you deserve a vacation." Jared said, drinking a bottle of Mountain Dew. "I like you Yui, you are adorable."

"You're gonna take down the Devil with who?" Kirito asked, walking next to Jared and Asuna. "It will be with the Doctor and Rose."

"You have to tell us who it is." Asuna said. "Is it someone we know?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking about maybe Weiss and Yang." Jared said, smiling.

"The ice queen and the pun queen. That would work."

"Tell you what, Tommy, you can have the scooter. Little present. Best, er, keep it in the garage for a few years though, eh?" The Doctor asked.

Eddie leaves the house in his overcoat.

"Good riddance." Tommy said.

Rita and her mother hug as Eddie walks off.

"Is that it, then, Tommy? New monarch, new age, new world. No room for a man like Eddie Connelly." The Doctor said.

"That's right. He deserves it." Tommy said.

"You should go after him, Tommy." Jared said, laughing a lot.

"What for?"

"Well, he is your dad."

"He's an idiot."

"We know he's an idiot, and an asshole. But he's also your dad."

"And you're clever. Clever enough to save the world, so don't stop there. Go on." Rose said.

Eddie runs over to his father and carries his suitcase for him. The Doctor hands Rose a glass of orange, and Kirito hands Asuna a glass of orange, while Jared get ran over to get a glass of orange juice too. And the five drink a toast.