Love and Monsters

(Jared's POV)


Elton falls to his knees on the paving slabs.

"Oh, what's the matter? Have you given up so soon?" Victor asked.

"There's no point. Where would I go? Everything I ever wanted." Elton said.

"Has been absorbed."

"Oh, Elton. Don't say that." Ursula said, sadly.

"But it's true!" Elton said.

"Then join us. Join us, little man. Come on. It's everlasting peace. Come on. Join us. Dissolve into me." Victor said, reaching for Elton, then gets distracted by a wind and a familiar sound.

The Tardis materialises.

"Hello Elton." I said, exiting the TARDIS with Rika and Suguha. "Ursula, and the others. Meet Rika and Suguha."

"You just made a Tyler very angry." Rika said, crossing her arms. "Like, you don't ever want to do that."

"She's right. Someone wants a word with you." The Doctor said, frowning.

"You upset my mum." Rose said, angrily exiting the TARDIS.

"Great big absorbing creature from outer space, and you're having a go at me?" Elton asked.

"No one upsets my mum."

"At last. The greatest feast of all. The Doctor." Victor said.

"That thing is a bit gross." Suguha said, looking at the alien. "It absorbs things. What should we call this thing?"

"I don't know, but it's pretty interesting. A sort Absorbatrix? Absorbaclon? Absorbaloff?" The Doctor asked.

"Absorbaloff, yes." Victor said.

"Is it me or is he a bit Slitheen?" Rose asked.

"Not from Raxacoricofallapatorius, are you?" The Doctor asked.

"No, I'm not. They're swine. I spit on them. I was born on their twin planet." Victor said.

"Wait, those things are the equivalent to the Slitheen." Suguha said, her eyes widening. "The aliens that are weak against vinegar. I would rather take them over this thing."

"Same." Rika said, sadly. "So, what is the twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius?"

"Clom." Victor said.

"Clom." I said, smiling. "I wonder if that planet will end up lost someday."

"Clom. Yes. And I'll return there victorious, once I possess your travelling machine."

"Well, that's never going to happen." The Doctor said.

"Oh, it will. You'll surrender yourself to me, Doctor, or this one dies. You see, I've read about you, Doctor. I've studied you. So passionate, so sweet. You wouldn't let an innocent man die. And I'll absorb him, unless you give yourself to me." Victor said.

"Sweet, maybe. Passionate, I suppose. But don't ever mistake that for nice. Do what you want."

"He'll die, Doctor."

"Go on, then."

"So be it."

"Well, the other people you've absorbed has something to say." I said, holding Suguha and Rika's hands. "They're not happy with it."

"Others?" Victor asked.

"He's right. Jared's right. We can't let him. Oh, Mister Skinner, Bridget, pull!" Ursula said.

"That's not a pleasant sight." Rika said.

"I really think we should not watch this." Suguha said. "What should we do now?"

"I wish I chose a better adventure for you two." I said, sadly. "But this one was next on the list."

"Who are you leaving the London 2012 Olympics with?"

"Ruby and Blake."

"You choose Ruby and Blake for that." Rika said, angrily. "Why them?"

"Because that's the perfect adventure before meeting Zwei."

Elton snaps the cane across his knee. Energy comes out and the clasped hands on the top open.

"My cane! You stupid man. Oh, no!" Victor said, turning to liquid.

"What did I do?" Elton asked.

"The cane created a limitation field. Now it's broken, he can't stop. The absorber is being absorbed." The Doctor said.

"By what?"

"By the earth."

As Victor dribbled down the cracks, a face tries to appear on one of the slabs.

"Bye, bye, Elton. Bye, bye." Ursula said.

"That woman." Suguha said. "Who was she?"

"That was Ursula." Elton said, as Suguha hugs him.

"Doctor, we did something this morning." Rika said. "Or last night. We can't really keep track of time in the TARDIS. Tell him."

"You don't remember, do you?" The Doctor asked.

"He doesn't, I think he was just a kid." I said, leaning against the wall. "Recap what happened."

"There was a shadow in your house. A living shadow in the darkness. An elemental shade had escaped from the Howling Halls. I stopped it, but I wasn't in time to save her. I'm sorry."

"Love and Monsters with Leafa and Lisbeth." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Probably wasn't a good idea."

"Ya think?" Rika asked. "If we couldn't have gotten that. Then what could we have gotten?"

"Oh, Army of Ghosts, Doomsday, and the Runaway Bride. But I'm saving that for Coco and Velvet."

"Who's Coco and Velvet?" Suguha asked. "Are they friends of yours?"

"Yeah. Haven't seen them in a while. They're off in a mission."

"Doing what?"

"I don't know. I can't possibly remember everything."

"Neither do you want to forget the important details. Remember what happened with Asuna?"

"She forgot our time together in Old Aincrad." Rika said, pouting. "Because of what that guy tried to do."

"She got her memory back though. With our help."

The Doctor is aiming his sonic screwdriver at the paving slab where Ursula's face appeared, "If I can key into the absorption matrix and separate the last victim. It's too late for total reconstruction, but. Elton! Fetch a spade!"