Breaking and entering.

I slowly creeped threw the forest, shaking the entire time. My body had still yet to calm down, but It was like my body just kept moving on its own. As I kept walking, everything felt like it was spinning, it wasn't like I was dizzy but, something felt really off. Suddenly it felt like I was losing my mind, I felt anger, rage, sadness, there was no emotion I didn't feel. Right after the sudden wave of emotions, they seemed like they were completely striped. Now I felt nothing, I felt empty. This cycle went on and on, it felt like time wasn't moving. I tried to move, but couldn't even get my leg to twitch. After a struggle of all the sorts, I saw my mother who died when I was younger, standing there looking at me in disgust.

Mother: Your a failure, why did a kid as weak as you get born into a family of proud martial artists.

Mother: Your a disgrace to this family, yet couldn't even listen to your father and came to this forest. He told you not to come here.

Those words hit me with pain I thought I could never feel, I dropped to my knees instantly; the tears flowed like a hurricane as I attempted to scream my sorrows away. My mother was standing right in front of me, but instead of love, all I could feel was the regret I shouldered all my life. Maybe if I had left my family and found my path, I could've gotten my mother's approval.

Before I knew it, she had disappeared. Once I stood up, she completely had left my sight. I got up and ran, but along the dark cloudy path there was nothing but dirt and fog. It was like trying to walk through heavy water; it felt like I was in a dream. As I progressed forward, I saw a puddle of blood, the confused me would have never expected to know what was next.

I looked ahead as some fog cleared and saw a pile of bodys; I ran over there to realize that it was everyone I cared about. My mother, my father, my siblings and cousins, all dead right before my eyes. The effects of entering the forest were still taking their toll, so emotions would only flow through my head for a few seconds before a clean slate of emotionlessness.. during the waves of emotion, I lost hope, everyone who was there to protect me is dead, I was weak so I couldn't even avenge them. I stood there looking at my family for a hefty chunk of time before finally biting the bullet and trying to see if anyone was with me. My best idea was to scream and get someone's attention.


I wasn't thinking properly because of my anger and despair; I wanted to find who did this and kill them. During my twisted train of thought, I felt a shiver down my spine, I quickly realized someone was behind me and jumped away, I ended up clearing several feet. When I turned around, I realized that the masked man I had seen earlier this morning was standing there. He had an aura that reminded me of the depths of hell. Rain began to downpour like a waterfall as he walked closer to me, I couldn't move my body in inch, I was too scared to fight; I saw something in him that screamed death; I truly believed he was going to kill me.

Masked man: So you really came to my domain, huh?

Me: ...

Masked man: you expect to become stronger with such a fail mind, you truly believe everyone hates you because your sick kid?

He spoke in a cynical voice that came off extremely creepy, but I was confused about what he was even talking about.

Masked man: Everything you just saw was the qualification to enter this forest. The forest will only let people with a strong will enter, even though you see the world around you as twisted and against you, you didn't break. I gotta give it to you, Your not so bad.

Me: Who are you?

Wozniak: My name is Wozniak, I'm the person in charge of assassination anyone who dare enter this forest. Sence passed 2 phases, I'll let you off easy this time, Ill just kick your ass for entering.

Me: Why were you trying to kill that girl earlier?

Wozniak: That lady puts this forest in danger day by day, If she can pass the trial and all its phases, she will set the demons sealed here free.

As I heard this, I was in shock. Demons? Before I could even ask anything else, He charged straight for me like a bull, there was no avoiding his immense speed so my best shot was to fire back, as he got in my face, I ducked and swung my hand trying to hit his kidney. Before my hand even came close to his body, his hand was in my stomach, I could immediately tell something ruptured. As a last resort, my body had brought out the white mark again, it was my only source of strength.

Wozniak: Even with that power spirit, you're not going to be strong enough

Me: What?

Wozniak: That white mark on ya, it's called a Power spirit. It's white and creates a short- or long-term boost in power, that's if you know how to use it.

When I heard this I felt hope, Maybe I finally stood a chance against him. I did a full on assault. I ran forward and threw my fist with all my might. To my huge surprise, he caught the punch; he lifted me up by the fist and slammed me headfirst into the ground. This time I had realized it's over.

Wozniak: It was a splendid effort, but you're not strong enough. Goodbye, kiddo, I hope I never see your twisted face again.

After saying this he picked my up and threw me in the sky, I was scared out of my mind but took a minute to realize I was out of the forest, apparently it was sunset now, I could see the clouds just feet above me, I looked below to see the town I live in; It shined like a star to me; I loved this place, I just wish the people didn't resent me for being so weak. As my emotions became normal, I cried as I looked down at my yard. As the tears flowed, I finally hit the ground and make an enormous hole in our yard. I didn't feel any pain, Just restlessness and sickness. I felt so angry with myself to where I didn't bother to wonder why my body remained perfectly fine. I just couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

Me: I Hate Myself.