Gehenna's Stigma

Regardless of what this power was gonna do to me, I had my selfish desires to figure out what was really happening.. I didn't really have any time to deal with stuff people tell me; I needed to see it all with my own eyes first; I needed to see the demons. I needed to see the loss of emotions I had. I couldn't believe the rumors unless I saw it with my own eyes.

I hate rumors, they always were the worst part of being around people, every person ends up seeing something different. I realized that every time someone tells me something, I would have seen it way differently. The way people see things are different, tainted by morals, religion, life experiences, and drama between different parties involved. Every situation becomes a turn point for anger and hatred, the splitting of groups. It's all because of what's behind rumors, a will to make something look bad.

After my thoughts in the darkness, I suddenly woke up hearing a loud bang. I was lying on the ground in an unfamiliar place. I was kidnapped me. Who did it wasn't really my worries at the moment, it was my body. I wasn't able to move. Something was binding me to the dark spot I lied in. I could hear droplets of water falling from the ceiling, I could feel the moisture and humidity. I was inside a rundown building for sure. My first thought was to just wait it out, I couldn't move at all. Even activating my power was hard, It activates by movements in my shoulders. I could barely move. I waited it out until I heard breathing; it was moving around me; it was looking for me. I immediately became frightened. I was awake for maybe five minutes and everything was completely silent, no footsteps, nothing. I listened closely, as I did the breathing became heavier and scarier, whatever was with me was not even close to a human. The instincts within would have usually said fight the second I break out of the bind. My burst of confidence at the time was enough for that, but I realized the first step to growing myself as a person was handling situations calmly, this was my first test. The first step was breaking the bind placed on my body, I needed to move. I decided that maybe if I could activate the power even at a reduced strength I could break it. My timer wasn't up today, I had passed out with just a few seconds left. Maybe the few seconds was all I needed. The only problem was the power itself, It creates a large white glow that illuminates even after its time expires. This could lead to whatever's with me figuring out where I am. I waited till the breathing got quieter and then activate it, my chances of escape would be higher the further away it is.

As the breathing became quieter, I activated it and could move freely again. I quickly de-activated the power and stood still. It didn't seem to notice as the power doesn't create noise. I tipped toe my way in the direction opposite of the breathing. As I was walking, I splashed my foot in a puddle and automatically knew I had a serious problem. To be expected, I felt a glare shooting right at me; It ran towards me. It showed itself and things just kept getting worse and worse. Razor-sharp teeth, glaring eyes and blood oozing from its eyes. It stood several feet above it and had dark purple skin. What scared me even more what was I sensed from it. It looked scary but the power I felt from it reminded me of the spirit that lives inside of me. What the hell was this thing, why did It remind me so much of my old pal. Why did it look so broken and withered.

Third Person POV

Within an instant, the monster attacked Hachi and landed a fatal blow to his head. It killed him in a matter of seconds.