Chapter 2

Daniel's pov

Pretending to actually listen was an art that I had perfected. So it doesn't come as a surprise to me that the principal/self-proclaimed counselor thinks that I'm getting impacted by what he considers a life changing speech which he thought should be delivered to me on the first day of re-entrance to the school

Well, it's not like I'm not hearing what he's saying. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be able to give an appropriate shake of my head or an hum sound to reply his questions

But hearing and listening are two very different things.

Hearing is something that occurs naturally when your ears work but listening is to actually gain or retain the information your ears are taking in. But right now I can solemnly say that nothing was being gained by me, that is, in exception to an headache.

To avoid confusion let me give you a back story. Well, my family owns a business empire that has branches round the world and I'm going to be the heir one day, I suppose?

So my parents thought it was wise to withdraw me from school for months to receive training on how to run the family business and all. Well, I wouldn't say they did a bad thing, I actually learnt a lot

But the problem lays in the fact that I'm just turning sixteen next month, which makes me fifteen currently, and also they didn't think it was necessary to tell the principal that me not being in school was their fault and not mine

So now I have to deal with a principal and members of staff that thinks I'm a truant.

And that, my friends, is the reason I have to go through this torture. Some might think I'm stupid for not telling him my side of the story but no one in the school knows how wealthy my family actually is, because my dad likes us to keep a low profile. And exposing that will get me in deep trouble.

"So, Daniel do you promise to change from your dreadful ways" the principal said after he had finished his speech

Bowing my head, in other to roll my eyes, I gave a nod. I guess that convinced him and made him think I felt really bad for something I didn't even do!, because, his next words were

"Daniel, my boy, don't look so sad, I always knew you were a good boy. I'm sure it's just peer pressure or something" the principal said

'Yeah peer pressure from imaginary friends' I replied in my head but outwardly I just gave a nod

"Well then, you may leave, you know your way around the school right? so go to the administration office and get your locker and class numbers" he said, finally releasing me

"Yes, I do.... thank you sir..."I replied with my words for the first time since I entered the office.'... for wasting thirty minutes of my life that I can never regain again" I finished in my head.

I still can't believe I'm back in the hell-hole, where I got teased by almost every student because I was a bit short.

But coming back I had changed physically, puberty came, I grew taller and my voice is a little bit bolder than it was before. I'm not muscular or anything but I did gain a bit of flesh to my previously skinny body and my mom finally let me get a stylish haircut. So, all in all, I have changed though I don't expect this crappy place to change.

After going to the admin's office and taking the required information, I decided to go check out the locker assigned to me and then head to class after assembly

With my head bowed down I was rounding a conner when I was suddenly hit by a force that made me fall on my bottom

Looking up to the see who I had collided with I was shocked to see the one and only Sarah David! Oh My God! She still looks as lovely as she did before and I couldn't help but smile

Before I can register anything, she grabbed my arm and pulled me up in one swift move. Wow, she is strong!

I saw her bend down to pick somethings on the floor. And for the life of me, I couldn't seem to wipe that silly smile of my face, even when she looked up and saw me smiling!

I guess she was in a rush because she spilled out some words that I couldn't hear and took to her heels. I turned around still looking at her with the smile on my face.

She also turned around for a brief moment and saw me still looking at her with my stupid smile but she just looked forward and rounded a corner towards the direction of the school's library

Great! She officially thinks I'm a weirdo. I still couldn't stop smiling, but who would after seeing your biggest crush of all time. I guess she doesn't recognise me, but I don't blame her, since, she had only spoken to me like two times and she is also a senior so we technically had no business with each other

I had always thought she was pretty seeing her from afar, well, not just me, the whole school thinks she's pretty. But I didn't start having a crush on her till the first time she spoke to me.

It might have been a normal day for her but for me it was special.

The second time was when our maths teacher, after getting thoroughly frustrated with my class, called her to assist him and try explaining what he had been trying to teach us

I remember the way she spoke, she made it so simple that even the dumbest in our class understood, she related it to things around us. When we were given classworks, she walked around and explained again to anyone that was still having having difficulties

I didn't have any problem with the classwork but pretended to just so she would talk to me personally

My crush didn't develop because of how pretty she was but was based on how smart and nice she was. I'm sure she's still the same way.

"Yeah, definitely, otherwise she wouldn't have picked me up"I whispered to myself all the while nodding and smiling.

And with the luck I had, some students just happened to be passing by me at that moment and saw me. They gave me weird looks, because, even I have to admit what I was doing was creepy.

Now, more people think I'm a weirdo and I've barely been here for an hour. Well today is gonna be just great!!

This is me speaking ironically.