Chapter 21

Sarah's pov

"Here are your schedules" the Big Boss said holding up some files towards Daniel and I

Our plane landed few hours ago then a limo picked us up from the airport and drove us to another mansion that took my breadth away just like the one back home

The drive took about an hour and half and I was struggling so hard to keep my eyes open which was normal by the way because, we've literally spent hours on the plane though it was still bright out, I felt really tired and thought the most rational thing anyone would do was to sleep

But unfortunately the big boss thought that very moment was the best moment to educate us on the plans he has made for Daniel and I. But that wasn't sooo annoying for me, what irritated me was...

He didn't look affected by the long journey at all!!!

"Whereas Daniel and I..." I thought looking to my left towards him and I couldn't help but smile a bit

He had dark circles around his eyes and he looked like he was at war with his eyelids!!! He also kept swaying back and forth on his foot

I turned back to the big boss and saw that his arm holding the files was still stretch out because we hadn't taken them from him and he was also giving me a wierd look, one I couldn't decide what it meant

I reached out and took the file because Daniel didn't look like he would anytime soon. He didn't even look like he knew what was going on around him, he just looked like someone at war. Someone at war with sleep!!!

"You may have your seats, I have somethings that needs to be said" he said while he sat himself

'Really?' I thought to myself but sighed and sat down

It was only after I sat down that I realised that Daniel was still standing and swaying on his feet. I immediately took his hand and led him to sit in the couch beside me. Thankfully, his dad didn't notice that

"Its currently 11:41am now, so I'm giving you guys till 6pm to rest up. After that, we'll all have dinner and I'll take you guys to the house you'll both be staying. For now you can check the schedules given and then pick any room here to nap for the main time. I'll be travelling back first thing tomorrow morning and you both will begin school the day after. Is that clear?" He said before standing and heading towards the stairs

"Yes sir" I replied not knowing what else to say then something gently fell on my shoulder

I turned and saw that it was Daniel's head. I'm guessing he slept through what his father said

"Hey Daniel" I whispered trying to wake him up by nudging his head with my shoulder but that just made him sink his head deeper into my neck

"Oh boy" I thought with a sigh while putting his arm around my shoulder and bracing myself to lift him

When I lifted him up he weighed very little shockingly because I know for a fact that most teenagers his age usually weighed more than that but either way I managed to get him to a room upstairs and laid him on the bed.

After taking off my jacket and shoes, I helped him remove his. Then laid down beside him on the bed because I was really tired and I didn't feel like going all the way to the next room and for that reason only and nothing else

'Are you sure?' Was the last question my subconscious asked me before I slept off

*six hours later*

I woke to the feeling of soft breadth on my cheeks and arms around my waist. Hands that were about be amputated!

"Daniel let go!" I whisper yelled trying to wiggle out of his warm embrace but that just made him tighten his grip making the hug even warmer and me want to hug him back

What the heck am I thinking! I snapped at myself angrily and then tranfered the aggression to Daniel by pushing his arms of me with so much force that the fell off the bed

"Ow" he groaned waking up after his collision with the floor

I decided to ignore him as I stood from the bed. Luckily our suitcases had been brought to the room while we slept

So I opened mine and began bringing out the essentials for now wanting to move on and pretend like nothing happened but someone didn't think so

"Why did you do that?" He asked sounding confused but mostly irritated

"Because you needed to learn to keep your hands to yourself when sleeping" I fired back

"As you said, I was asleep! How am I supposed to be conscious of where my hand was?" He asked in exasperation

"You figure that out yourself!" I replied

"Well till I figure that out can you not push me off the bed?!" He asked angrily

"No, that'll serve as a reminder" I said defiantly

"Are you for real? Your method of reminder is to cause me pain?!" He asked in amused anger

"Yes, research shows it's the most effective method" I replied

"Whose research? Yours? Also why didn't you just use another room from the onset? This place is literally a mansion so there's no room shortage!" He shot back

"I was already tired carrying your already sleeping self into this room" I rushed out looking for an excuse

"I don't get why this is a problem now, we shared a room in Nigeria! And since you decided to not go to the other room, it really not my problem that I accidentally held you. And I think honestly you pushing me off the bed was irrational!" He replied annoyed

"Whatever! Just let it go!" I said dismissively

"Sure!!!! Let it go! You're not the one having the shoulder ache" he said glaring at me

"I'm over this" I said taking my things, walked to the bathroom door, opened it but I paused before entering

"And Daniel, go and get ready. Your dad will come get us soon, he said we'd go get dinner" I said without looking back then I walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me

Few minutes later I was out of the bathroom and thankfully Daniel was no where to be found, but I could see traces that he had taken his bath and was dressed.

His dirty clothes where on the floor! Once again! Right now, even though I know it's wrong to do so, I'm imagining ways to murder him and I'm not joking

It took a little while to pack up both our things back into our individual suitcases because it looked like someone didn't know exactly what to put on and thought scattering everything was the best means to decide.

Once I was done, I began taking them downstairs since according to the big boss we would go straight to the house Daniel and I would stay immediately after dinner

On my way down the stairs I happened to meet Daniel on his way up the stairs

"Oh I was just about to come help you pack up" he said

I just glared at him, looked him from his head to his toe and kept on walking down with the luggage. I was too angry to respond to him at that moment and in all honesty, I was sick of always talking

"I'm sorry, I know I made a mess" he said from behind me

Once again I just turned around gave him the look but remained silent, I heard him sigh but I really didn't care

We went to the limo and saw the big boss was already in it, we got in and was taken to a restaurant. After dinner, we were taken to a medium sized house. From the outside it looked really nice, but once we got in, I felt like dying

I didn't feel that way because the place looked horrible on the contrary, it was nicely furnish. It would have been perfect if not for the fact that Daniel's and I wedding pictures were hung in every wall!!!

I turned to look at Daniel as saw him looking around just as bewildered as was.

"The decorations were done by your mom" the big boss said and for the first time since I've been unlucky enough to meet his acquaintance, he had a small smile on his face

"Figures" Daniel whispered what I was thinking

"Either way, the both of you will obviously be staying here. Your school supplies has already been bought, it in your room. The papers you need and school location are in the file I handed to you, which I'm guessing you haven't gotten to reading yet. And I know you don't know where the schools are, they aren't so far from each other but I suggest you both leave early to avoid confusion. The car is in the garage, the key is right here on the table. Your smart phones and other needed gadgets are included in your school supplies, also credit cards have been provided. Any questions?" He asked when he was done with his speech

"Um I can't drive, so who would be driving the car?" I asked the most obvious question that came to mind

"Daniel can and he's had a license from the day he turned sixteen, so that isn't a problem. Anything else?" He asked once more

"No" I said but I thought 'And my dad wouldn't let me drive even at 18!'

"Also, be sure to keep a low profile. No unnecessary or unneeded attention. Understood?" He asked

"Yes sir" We both replied in sync

"Ok with that being said, bye. I have a flight to catch" he said, stood and walked towards the door

"I thought you were leaving tomorrow?" Daniel and I asked at the same time then looked at each other in surprise

"Change of plans" He answered and walked out the house

Leaving the both of us in stunned silence