Chapter 24

Sarah's pov

Monday, School resumes today. Once we left the house, I became fidgety immediately Daniel started the car and we were on our way to school. It wasn't because I didn't trust Daniel's driving, it was the anxiety of the unknown.

I mean, This was my first time going to college. So getting getting nervous was allowed right?

Daniel had initially asked me for help with the Google map directions. But I was so distracted that I kept on giving late responses and directions to him causing him to miss so many turns and also making him have to take U-turns multiple times

He finally gave up and took the phone front me to do it himself. With nothing to do, I kept on sighing uncontrollably. This so unlike me! I would normally call myself confident but right now I was just a bundle of nerves!

"What is it?" He asked when he had finally had enough of the sighs

"Nothing" I replied playing with my fingers to distract myself

"Okay" he said nonchalantly

"Okay? You're not even going to ask what's wrong?" I asked in suprise. I mean, what the hell was, okay? Nothing was okay!

"You're wrong, because I did ask but you didn't answer" He replied not even sparing me a glance. He just looked straight at the road

"But if you really meant it, you could have asked again. Right?" I retorted

"Nope" he answered with a shrug making me cough out a gasp due to shock

"What?" I responded with a glare

"Yeah because you could have simply answered the question the first time I asked. Why must I ask over and over again before you finally respond?" he asked turning to look at me for a second before looking at his phone for the next direction

"Because that's the way it's done" I replied with exasperation

"Why?" He asked bringing his brows together

"Its just an unspoken rule" I answered my voice raising just a bit

"Well, I don't like the rule and I'm not having it. So you, from now on, learn to answer the first time I ask. Because I won't ask again." He said driving into a parking lott

"Why are we here?" I asked suspicious but also curious

He sighed before saying "If you had stopped worrying and yelling for five minutes, you'd know that we were in the parking lot between our individual educational institutions. Also, fear isn't really a good look on you" he finished with a smirk before turning his head to the side to look out the window

"Hey!" I said giving him a light punch on the shoulder "you knew what was bothering me all along, right?" I said with a nervous smile parting my hair. I was too stressed to do anything with my hair today so I put in a simple bun.

Wait, I put it in a bun! I don't remember gelling it down. Oh My God! My baby hairs must be everywhere by now. I must look crazy, I thought in panic.

I immediately started digging into my bag to find hair products but unfortunately I hadn't packed any! Now I was indeed in panic mode!

"Yes, I knew wha-" Daniel started to say but he cut himself off when he turned and saw me searching my bag madly.

Even though I knew nothing was in it, I still kept frantically searching and praying that a miracle happens and maybe an hairbrush, gel or heck even a toothbrush appears! Anything that could help arrange my hair would do!

"What happened?" He asked sounding concerned

"I can't find my hair brush?" I replied not looking at him but still searching the bag

"What do you need it for?" He asked

"I need to brush my hair down. It'll look unkept if I don't" I said with forced patience though I could feel my desperation rocketing

"So?" He asked sounding confused

"So? He asked so?" I said facing a different direct in the car and asking no one in particular

"So what if it looks unkept?" He repeated making feel like punching him in face and also believe he was either playing dumb or was just plain stupid

"Because looking nasty on my first day of school isn't what I want. I can't go to school looking bad. I simply can't!" I repeated and began searching the bag again

"Sarah!" He said trying to get my attention but I just kept at what I was doing "Sarah you've searched before and found nothing"

"I might have just I missed it" I replied my voice sounded shaky

"Hey!" He said grabbing my hand and turning me towards him before giving me a hug

"Sarah. This person that I see right now, obsessed with how she looks, isn't you. I know the situation our parents put us in is messing up your mind a bit but I need you to calm down and tell me what exactly is bothering you. Resuming school is part of it but there seems to be more. So spill" He said sounding more serious than I have ever heard him. I gave a brief not of agreement and let out a sigh before speaking

"I really don't know how to say this, Daniel" I replied backing up from the hug and looking at my hands

"Say it any how. Then we'll try solving it together" he replied giving me his full attention

"Daniel, I don't what to say something that might hurt you or make you feel bad in any way. So maybe I should just keep this to myself" I replied feeling unsure.

Hearing that, he relaxed back on the driver's sit, took a deep breath before responding

"Just speak" he replied

"Okay" I took a deep breath before rushing out "Daniel, I'm scared of resuming first year in college married. No offence but I'm not just married, I'm married to you. A sixteen year old. I don't usually care what people think but this is just too much. I don't want you nor I to get in trouble. But there is nothing we can do!" I finished breathing hard

"Hmm" was all the sound Daniel made

"Is that all you're saying? Hmm?" I asked frantically

"No. And you'd know that if you kept quiet once in a while!" He replied

"Okay" was all I said even though I had a lot more to say but I wasn't going to give him the liberty to scold me like a toddler that couldn't remain silent, so I swallowed all my protests

"I've been thinking about that too and I've also been trying to think of a solution" he said looking serious

"How long have you been thinking of this?" I asked squinting my eyes at him

"Not quite long" he responded with a shrug

"How long is not quite long" I asked, suspicious of him

"Once, when my dad announced the marriage. But I didn't think so deeply until dad dropped us off and said to keep a low profile" he replied nonchalantly

"Daniel! That long! I just started thinking of this... whatever this is, this morning! Have you really not wanted any association with me that much and that long?" I asked sounding angry but actually feeling hurt

"It not even like that! My mind just thinks of multiple problems and solution before hand! It's a business man prospective, nothing personal" he said and I'm guessing in his own wierd way that suffices as a perfect explanation

I scoffed before saying "So what was the solution?" I asked genuinely curious

"This" he said bringing out a ring box

"Your solution is to propose to me?" I yelled looking at him like he was stupid.

"What? No, ew. Gross." he said with a look of disgust

"You didn't have to say it like that! A simple no, would have been fine" I said whacking him on the side of his head "and besides, dummy, we are already married" I said this time giving him a flick of his forehead

"Ow! stop doing that!" He complained before saying "true we're maried but technically I didn't propose" he said giving me a look that made me want to slap his handsome face... Hard

This boy is making me become a violent person! And did I just call him handsome? After he just told me he didn't propose to me to my face? Before this boy kills me, I might as well just kill him first. This part of my thought I voiced out

"I'm going to kill you" I said and was about to pounce on him

"Hey. I'm sorry!" He rushed out when he saw my fist heading to his face and on reflex closed his eyes and looked really scared

"You sure need to watch that mouth of yours Daniel, you might get a beating one of this days" I said glaring and shaking my head at him

"I get those even with my mouth closed" I heard him whispered

"What was that?" I asked concerned

"Nothing" he said smiling brightly at me

I wondered if what I heard was just my imagination but I decided to let it go for now

"So back to the topic, what is the box for?" I asked

"Its empty" Danie said while opening it "I decided we'll keep both our rings here during school to avoid questions" he finished

"Okay?" I said reluctantly taking off my ring because deep down I kinda have an attachment to it now. He took his off, kept our rings in the box and shoved it somewhere in the car

"What of our surnames? Friends might ask" I asked remembering that my surname had also been chamged to his. It was so weird to think that my name was now Sarah Morgan

"Sarah I doubt I'll have friends and also, even if I do by some miracle, I doubt our friends would know each other. You're in college remember?" He answered

"True, okay let's to class. I need to get settled first. Bye" I said grabbing my bag and getting out of the car. "My lectures will be over an hour after your school closes today. Can you wait for me?" I spoke to him through the window

"No problem" he replied coming out of the car with his things "I'll just hang out with my invisible friends" he replied sarcastically

"Don't say that, if you'd start lifting up your head more often you'd make friends easily" I said walking away after flashing a smile

"I'll try" he yelled back "oh and sarah" he yelled again, catching my attention before throwing something to me which I caught smoothly

I looked at my hand and saw he had thrown an hair brush to me. He winked when I looked up at him and walked towards the other direction to his high school

This boy! I thought before I quickly brushed my hair, smiling like I won a lottery

Once I was in front of the campus administrative building and was about to open the door, I took the deepest breath I have ever taken in my life in a bid to calm my throbbing heart

Here goes nothing, I thought nervously before walking into the building.