Chapter 33

Sarah's pov

I couldn't stand all the things he was saying about himself because I knew they weren't true and every word just felt like nails in my heart for some reason

I tried telling him to stop a lot of times but he just kept at it. Finally, I had enough and without even giving it a second thought I pulled him in and pressed my lips to his to shut him up

We stood still for a whole minute with Daniel eyeballs almost bulging out of their sockets and my head going totally blank for the time being

Then before he had a chance to move away I closed my eyes and leaned into the a kiss a little more. I raised my hand and placed it on his cheek. My lips started to move on their own and began playing with Daniel's lips

After a few minutes, I felt his lips join in and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders pulling him much closer than he initially was

We both had no clue what we were doing but we just went with what felt right and what felt right also felt really really good