Chapter 36

Daniel pov

"Twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty" I counted before finally dropping from the pole I had been doing pull up on to stand on my feet

"Nice" I heard Sarah's voice. I turned around and saw her entering our home gym

"I don't understand" I spoke in between pants

"You just did thirty pull ups and I was thought it was nice" she replied giving me a confused look

"What's so nice about it?" I asked coldly

"D, that was thirty pull ups without aid! Some people can't even do one with help. Also you now workout on your own without me having to wake you up. You've been making so much progress!" She replied with enthusiasm

"Sorry but I don't see that as progress, Sarah. I've been working out for a whole month now and all can I do is thirty pull ups" I responded feeling irritated with myself.