Chapter 40 (final Chapter)

Daniel's pov

Getting up everyday with Sarah by my side was something that I'd never get used to. I mean, it's Sarah! Even with her messed up hair and tear stained cheeks I still thought she was the most beautiful person ever

I raised my head by resting on my palm and kept looking at her sleeping face. Thoughts of all the problems in our lives that need solving came to my mind but I pushed them aside, they could all get in line behind my wife

Yes, I know my priorities needed to be straightened out but I guess that's what happens when teenage boys are in love

"You know that's creepy right" Sarah said without opening her eyes. I would have taken her seriously if she hadn't been smiling while she said that whole statement

I wanted to reply with something playful but on second thoughts, might as well mess with her a little

"Oh I'm sorry. Didn't know you wouldn't like it" I said, fabricating an hurt voice. I got up and began walking slowly to the bathroom