*Medici Training Camp (1)

"You will have to choose one of those seven eggs to hatch first and you should do it soon, that way it can grow along with you and establish itself as the leader for when the other drakes hatch in the future"

Leonardo recalled his father's words while he was currently sitting in a waiting area after handing over the documents that proved he had awakened albeit late, it was not unnatural for one to awaken later in their lives since there were cases of people awakening when they were sixty years old which was a tad bit too late for them.

"Leonardo Medici, please come to the facility office" An intercom called out, following the orders Leonardo head out towards the direction where the Instructor Administration office was located at.

"Oh, so this is the son of Piero and Caterina, although he awakened late he still awakened nonetheless. At least he is no longer a waste" One of the instructors muttered softly,

"Hmph, he's still a waste. I heard he is but a Bronze tier awakened hero. Compared to his parents that are Adamantine Tier awakeners" Another instructor snorted at the previous instructor's optimistic view of this situation, he simply disdained such a failed child born from such excellent awakened heroes.

Each awakener is further divided according to four tiers which are known as the Bronze, Silver, Gold and Adamantine Tier which represents the number of professions each awakener have from One to Four or more. To this date there has been no publicity acknowledged awakened heroes with five professions like Leonardo, which was why his parents forbid him to mention this

The reason the government established these ranks was to display the level of potential each awakener has, for each profession the awakened has for level up would gain 5 free points to allocate to their status. Meaning those with four professions would gain 25 free points, hence they tend to be much stronger compared to their evaluation ranks.

This was also why the evaluation ranks were determined mostly by the total number of status points than levels.

Leonardo is naturally an Adamantine Tier awakened, however, his father had arranged things for his son to be a bronze tier to avoid being targetted by his enemies and competitors. With a low tier, Leonardo will be given some room to grow swiftly until he was strong enough to protect himself.

"So you're Leonardo Medici the newly awakened hero the main family has requested to join this training camp?" a young man with black military-style hair, fierce black eyes were currently looking up and down at Leonardo who flinched at the intensity this man was emitting casually.

"Yes" Leonardo answered and waited, he was not certain why but he felt if he said anything more this man would punish him. 'This man reminds me of the other family members in the Medici Family that harassed me numerous times, I best keep my guard against him'

"Hmmm, although it's late it will have to do. My name is Raimond, and I am your Instructor for the group you have been assigned to join before you are allowed to apply for the Hero Academy. It will be in your best interest to follow my rules unless you wish to experience my hell course during Combat Lessons" Raimond said while looking at Leonardo with a displeased expression, anyone would notice that he was not the least bit happy to have Leonardo join his group.

"Yes, sir" Leonard answered simply, even he felt like requesting to change groups. However, just a casual glance to his surroundings made him give up the notion since every single instructor in the office had "that" kind of look in their faces. 'It's going to be a rough time to get people to adjust their attitude towards me'

"Well, you can head to Spartacus Group 1A, also know that we abide strictly to seniority so do keep that in mind," Raimond said while waving his hand indication for Leonardo to leave and stop bothering him.

'Combat? But I am certain I told father I am production class... No, he knew, someone must have altered my documents since it was sent to this academy through the Medici Family.' Leonardo sighed the moment he guessed his current circumstances, it was not that difficult since more than 90% of all incidents that occurred to him was related to the family.

Which was why he wanted to break off relations with them, he only held on for his parents.

Following the direction according to the Medici Introductory Camp map in the introductory handbook, Leonardo managed to find Spartacus Group 1A that was located at the far northeastern encampment, it was quite shabby compared to other encampments and the equipment he spotted along the way was quite primitive compared to the second year camp.

There was another camp that had a similar appearance of the camp he arrived at, however, instead of combat training equipment, they were equipped with furnaces and other production type equipment. However, even those equipment were far too lacking compared to the second group equipment.

"Heh, as expected of the Production class. Even now you dragged down us first group during the last promotion exams, why not quit trying to enrol into the Hero Academy as a Hero and live your ordinary lives as ordinary heroes" An arrogant voice spoke loudly without caring whether he was heard by instructors or not, his training uniform was slovenly and his crimson coloured hair was messy. A classical Delinquent

"You---" The class leader of Phalanx Group 1B which was the production group, gnashed her teeth, black bob cut hair and a slender body, her appearance was average which could be found anywhere and not much about her stood out except for her scholarly aura.

"Quit it, Edward" a young boy approached the crimson-haired delinquent, it was quite surprising how the latter flinched at the former while obediently pulled back.

"It's best you keep your dog's leash tightened, Carol," The young girl said with a cold voice while fixing her glasses back in place, her eyes glared at Carol who approached with his signature handsome boy smile.

"Haah, when are you going to relax that temper of yours, Susan. But he is not entirely wrong, your group did indeed drag down our average by half during the last promotion exam preventing us from upgrading our encampment to the second level." Carol said, his blonde hair barely touching his shoulders.

Leonardo who did not want to get involved silently went pass them while heading straight for Spartacus Group 1A encampment to inspect the area in the meantime, Edward who was frustrated that he was being "tamed" by Carol but he did not dare resist the latter due to his extraordinary background caught the sight of a young blonde hair feminine boy walking pass them.

"Hold it" Edward called out to Leonardo who stopped for a moment before reluctantly stopping, just as he turned to look at Edward the latter was taken aback at seeing the Aqua Blue eye and Pale Green eye of Leonardo.

Although Heterochromia was rare, it was already commonly known since many across the world was born with it. However, Edward was taken aback at how handsome this little boy looked like and his eyes did not disrupt the view, in fact, it made him even more handsome causing the former to feel jealous.

"Who are you and what do you think you're doing without saying your greetings?" Edward spoke with a haughty tone while walking towards Leonardo, his eyes narrowed when he noticed that Leonardo did not flinch at his approach which meant the latter should be skilled so he did not want to provoke a genius and get his ass kicked, so he kept his guard up.

"My name is Leonardo, and I was told by Teacher Raimond to head for Spartacus Group 1A" Leonardo answered honestly, he did not feel scared of Edward because compared to monsters and Raimond, Edward was like a little puppy baring his teeth.

"You're the new trainee?" Edward asked feeling curious about this new trainee, not much information was provided even for families who are supporting the academy so there was not much known about Leonardo other than his transfer.

"Yes, although I feel the administration made a mistake," Leonardo said while turning around entering the classroom, Edward did not follow after him due to Carol who placed his hand on his shoulder and whispered.

"Investigate him, thoroughly. Got it?" Carol said with a low threatening voice while smiling, his face did not express his ill intentions however he too was curious why Leonardo said that the administration made a mistake. If Leonardo were to recall what he said, he would not care even if more people looked down on him. One more won't make a difference, even two.

"That boy gives off the scent of a production type" Susan whispered in a tone no one could hear, she was chosen as the group leader for two reasons. Her academic score was at the top of her class, and she had a unique ability that allowed her to "sense" high potential production class profession holders which made her an incredible asset for the Medici Family.

"I will have to investigate him" She muttered while turning around ignoring Carol who just turned around to chat a bit more.

Seeing this, Carol's face furrowed while his countenance became gloomy. He had a sudden urge to punch Leonardo for ruining his 21st attempt to approach Susan whom he had chosen as his main wife candidate. Although he found her appearance lacking, her ability could allow his parents and him to rise from a branch family to the Main Family member. All for the sake of better resources.

'I wonder what Magical Beast I should hatch' Leonardo muttered while rubbing his right arm, he was currently wearing a long sleeve school shirt to hide the magical beast contract tattoo he gained from contracting all seven Magical eggs allowing the eggs to be absorbed into each tattoo that formed a tribal tattoo of a Crimson blood-soaked skeleton in front of a golden cross with seven coloured stripes.

Once a contract is established between Humans and Magical beasts, the human would gain a tattoo in which the beast will be absorbed and could be summoned at any time or place. The same happens when a contract is signed with an egg that had yet to hatch, however, to hatch the egg a drop of blood is required. Not to determine the master, but the guardian. So when the magical beast hatches it will have the ability to sense its guardian and share a telepathy link.

"Who is that?"

"He's so handsome, I want to pinch his cheeks"

"He looks even more beautiful than a woman, are you sure it's not a girl that is cross-dressing?"

The surrounding younger generation trainee's all began to boisterously chat with one another while Leonardo entered the encampment and was current walking past the bonfire area, he looked around and see on the left side were several wooden houses with three floors and on the right was a single floor massive building with only two doors.

Right up ahead was a sealed area surrounded by ten-metre tall walls blocking off the sights from outside, and towards the back from where Leonardo came from was the open training field with several buildings and weapon racks stacked neatly.

'This is more like a military camp' Leonardo commented as he glanced at most of the trainee's, and from the looks of it, everyone's average level was several times higher than his. Yet he did not feel envious, he remembered his father that levelling up is something to consider for the future and right now he should focus on levelling up his skill ranks as a priority which was why he agreed to join the trainee camp that would last for six months before he would be allowed to enrol into the Hero Academy if he passed.

"Get in your formation! I told you before that flirting is not allowed during the course of your six months of training unless you intend to give up enrolling into the Hero Academy all together!" Raimond's voice could be heard from the corridor, causing everyone in the bonfire and training area to scramble towards where Raimond was.

Following the example of the other trainees, Leonardo took a stance at the back where he would not easily be spotted and hoped to hide his existence. If it was not for his strong desire to gain more information about monsters, plants, minerals and other information that could aid his profession growth he would rather go register for a Monster Hunter identity and hunt monsters.

"Now that everyone is here, I am sure you noticed that a new face has joined us today after being confirmed an awakened hero a few days ago," Raimond said without caring that exposing that Leonardo was an ordinary person until a while ago would invite disdain looks from his fellow trainee's,

"Hah? He was an ordinary person until now?"

"Such a shame, even with beautiful looks my parents won't allow a relationship with a boy with low potential"

"Hmph, another weakling. We already have our hands full with Phalanx 1B"

"Quiet down! anyway, Leonardo, you best train hard not to drag down your teammates. Now then..." Raimond said without even looking at Leonardo.

"Before I start with the homeroom I will review the promotion exams you all managed to pass the standard of not being kicked out by the family, however, just barely which is unacceptable! You all should understand that this is the era of power, if you are weak you will only drag down your comrades!" Raimond roared at the trainees who all nodded, not a single person felt what Raimond said was wrong except for Leonardo, he agreed with some while, not with everything.

"That's why when it comes to promotion exams you should simply discard the weaklings and only work with powerful comrades, only with power can you rise to the top!" Raimond said while slamming his palm on the podium, the surrounding trainees all had their eyes glittering with stars filled with confidence.

'This man's ideology is strange' Leonardo thought while glancing at each trainee, although he could not tell which Branch family, Main family or Lifelong Contracted Corporation heirs, they are all affiliated with he knew they were all high ranking trainees which meant there was not a single commoner here.

Although this was an era where power was all that mattered, High School? College? University? That was for ordinary people who were responsible for managing the administration, labour, another other work that could be done by ordinary people. hench many awakened heroes especially high born ones would look down upon ordinary people.

Even after working tirelessly updating the country laws and regulations, discrimination was something that could never be erased and the relationship between ordinary and awakened has already become quite strained.

High ranks were always occupied by awakened heroes, especially when they had abilities that could sign in specific positions which were why most production positions were occupied by awakened heroes and ordinary people could only hope to become assistants if their lucky, or manual labour workers.

This caused many ordinary people to raise complaints since promotion for them was as difficult as surmounting Mt. Everest without gears and Awakened could easily get a high ranking position from the start even without practical experiences.

'Although I can understand such logics, however, during a war, such actions are against military law. Won't he get in trouble for openly teaching such idealogy to younger generations that are expected to carry the fate of the Medici Clan in the future?' Leonardo thought while listening to the contents that went in one ear and exit the other.

"Now then, let's start the theoretical class and today's subject is about Skills, how to activate them and how to improve them, if anyone of you can put it to practical use, I will leak out some intel you would only learn during your first few years when you manage to enrol into Hero Academy" Raimond baited the trainees to become focused and greedy, a smirk appearing on his face.