Confusing Situation

The summer vacation went by just like any summer vacation would. With an extra shift at the Daily Delights, Ashton kept himself pretty busy. He ran into Caleb from time to time, mostly when he visited the cafeteria during his patrols. Things were a little different now that they were sort of mates and it was a little hard to act normal all the time. 

One day when Ashton returned from his job that too after a lot of culinary shopping he was surprised to find a not so unfamiliar scent in the living room. He looked around to find Caleb relaxing on the sofa with both the twins beside him as they watched the movie "The Incredibles"

"Oh my God, they trapped Bob" Ava muttered anxiously. 

"What are you doing here"? Ashton who was standing right behind Caleb asked him. Caleb looked above to see Ashton looking at him, "You mum invited me," he mumbled before getting back to the movie.