Get used to

"You don't think your character is way too rude" On their way back to the hotel Christian mentioned.

"Of course," Sebastian agreed. 

"Then why did you agree to play this charecter"? Christian asked. 

"Why not? Someone sould portray him. There are people like that out there for real, I'm just portraying one" Sebastian shrugged.

"Still, it doesn't make you… feel bad"? Asked Christian. 

"Why should it? I'm not that Character. Sure I might punch him in the face if I meet this character face to face, but no, it doesn't make me feel bad for portraying him". Sebastian informed him. 

"Well, I know you don't wanna hear this but I hate your character" Christian grunted.

"Why won't I?"Sebastian chuckled. "I played that character. The fact that I managed to make you hate him is a victory for me. What's the point of playing a villain if people don't hate him." Sebastian shrugged.