The Reason behind

Ashton tried once more to link Caleb and see if he could be there, but all he did was disturb him causing him to delay further. Ashton tried to talk to Connor as well, but it turned out to be hopeless as well. Instead Connor was now dead set on not going to the school party at all.

Ashton groaned, unsure of what to do, so he called another person who might actually know how to help him. He explained his situation properly before groaning, "What should I do"?

"What do you want to do"? His mum, Mrs Parker, asked.

"I want to go with him. I don't want him to miss out on an important school event like this" Ashton sighed.

"Then take him." Mrs Parker said as a matter of factly. "Talk to him, ask him why can't you go with him". Mrs Parker urged.

"Because he hates me," Ashton declared.