At the Scene: Part 2

"Are you okay"? The message from Ashton read. Caleb was surprised to see Ashton text instead of simply linking and asking, so Caleb linked his mate instead.

[How come you texted?] Caleb asked.

[I knew you were busy, so I didn't wanna bother you. I felt this surge of…. I dunno how to describe this emotion, but it was highly unpleasant.] Ashton declared. 

Turns out, the scene had freaked out Caleb so much that even Ashton could feel it. [It's not much. Just some disturbing work. Job of a sheriff you know] Caleb shrugged.

[Oh my God… that… looked horrible] Ashton declared. Ashton didn't seem so sure of himself, but what was certain is that Ashton did get a peak at whatever Caleb saw a moment earlier.

So Caleb did the next thing he could think of. [Have you ever seen something like this?] Caleb asked his mate genuinely. He was very wary of the answer he could have gotten. 

[Not that I know of.] Ashton recalled and declared honestly.