One last time

When Christian arrived at Sebastian's apartment after taking a quick shower, he was surprised to see bags packed in the living room. "Wait, you are leaving now?" He was amused.

"What? No" Sebastian laughed. "My flight is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Why would you think I am leaving right now?" he was taken aback.

"You are already done with the packing, so I thought…." he trailed off. Shaking his head, Sebastian approached Christian. 

"I am just preparing ahead, you know… so that I can leave tomorrow and still get to spend tonight with you." Sebastian shrugged.

"Okay…" Christian let out an amused smirk. "What do you have in mind?" he asked.

"Well, I was thinking we can go out… we haven't been on a date yet so that would be nice…" Sebastian mumbled.

"I'd love that.." Christian smiled. "I wish I wasn't this exhausted…"