So Goddamn much

Seeing Ashton next to him brought up some old memories from two years ago. Like how Caleb believed he almost lost Ashton for real this time when he failed to feel their connection and see nothing but darkness when Caleb tried to link his mate…connect with him on a deeper level in order to find him.

He remembers the darkness, and the feeling of hopelessness that he would never see his mate again, until…

Caleb heard whimpers in the dark that were familiar and yet not so familiar. Caleb recalled how Alvaro was capable of severing the mate link or something similar, and somehow he hoped that those whimpers were the proof of the same. Caleb ran, focusing his ears in order to follow the sound. He could see nothing. He could feel nothing and in the dark nothingness Caleb followed his ears (and his heart) in order to find his mate.