Part 2

Alex Gabriel (Named after Gabriel The Angel) decided that enough was enough and ran off with her, Alice wasn't married, so she wasn't in sin if she left him.

Alex moved her in a little shed. A quaint cottage. A busy life was in that city they moved to as they had leave the entire country. Alex built her a house by the lake and they had three boys.

The sons were named:

Tom Jr.

Alexander Jr.

Michael (Named After Michael The Archangel)

They lived in The Country of Nilyte. They were finally free to do as they please.

Tom Jr. once asked his mom "Why can't people accept God as he is?"

Alice says "What are you saying?"

Tom Jr. Says "American Caucasians want him to be White.

African-Americans want him to be black,

Japanese people want him to be Japanese,

Koreans want him to be Korean,

Jewish people want him to be Jewish and he technically is if you use basic biology since his mommy was Jewish.

Girls want him to be a Girl.

Gays want him to be Gay, even though it is listed as a sin in the KJV Bible, and...

Guys want him to be a guy even though God refers to himself as a guy all the time, so that's a no-brainer."

Alice says "I mean, it makes them feel better.

It makes them feel God-like if God is something they identify with.

Some people are racist against Jews, so they don't believe God can be a Jew.

Some people don't like black or white people, so they make God their own race so they can feel like their race is special.

The gays don't want being gay to be a sin, so they try to paint God as gay.

Black people want being Black to be seen as good, so they try to make God look black to give encouragement.

This is RACIST white people only, and those type of people have a self-absorbed racism and it makes them feel Good to think of God as white.

They see white as the best and thus they think God is white."

Tom Jr. Asks "Why can't we accept him as he is?

Why do we have to make him us to feel better?

Why do we try to mold him in our image and not accept him?

Like... If he has Jewish blood or DNA, that's totally fine.

If he isn't black, Latino, white, Cherokee, that's fine.

It's okay if he's not a woman.

God doesn't have to be a woman.

Isn't it good enough to know God made women?

Why can't we feel good knowing God thought so highly of us to create us?

Why can't we feel good knowing we were created by a God?

That's good. That's awesome!"

Tom Jr. was only 7, but an educated boy.

Tom Jr. is the youngest of his brothers.

Alexander Jr. was 10 and Michael was 14.

Alice says "I taught you well.

God doesn't have to be like us, we need to be like him.

That doesn't mean we have to change our gender, race or skin color.

It means we need to change our behavior.

We must BEHAVE more like God to be like God."

To be continued...