"Gentlemen!" Bali's voice echoed through the conference room. "The Parsian war is about to end. And in our favor. Allow me to introduce. CDP-23. A plane designed to destroy cities. I and a couple of friends have made huge leaps in development. Whether military or civilian development it does not matter. The CDP-23 can carry up to 60 ADE-4-25 bombs. The bomb isn't big but there are a lot of them. We also have developed the SUDP-1. This one can carry an ADE-2-100FD. Not heavy but the plane is designed to destroy targets like ships and bridges. Back to the CDP-23. It can reach deep inside Parsian territory. Meanwhile I am going to present a plan to you to destroy the Parsian fleet. I call it operation barrel-fishing. The Swarmer and it's sister ship the Launcher are going to carry SUDP-1 planes to catch them by surprise. Sink all ships, destroy infrastructure to prevent the Parsians to rebuild their fleet. But. In order to deploy this attack, I need men. And you gentlemen are going to recruit some for me. Any questions?" Bali looked around to see a single hand raised. The hand belonged to Carl Gundel, Bali's other brother. "I say I recruit and train men. We strike. But, how are we going to not alert the Pasians?" "We are going to alert the Parsians. Just this alert will be a diversion. I have 24 men trained and 12 CDP-23s ready to fly. As I said a CDP-23 can reach deep into Parsian territory. And by deep I mean their center of production Roné." Bali responded with a devilish grin on his face.
"Mission time." Adrel Ciná a trained pilot grinned as he reached for his helmet. The mission wasn't a training mission. It was finally a real one. A mission that would result in terror on the other side. Three months. That's how long ago the first aircraft were made. The steam engine came another two months before it. All in all, Bali Gundel has turned the country from the early 17th century to mid 20th century in about five months. Not that it was a bad thing. Civilians and soldiers alike had easier lives and way more free time. Adrel climbed into the cockpit of the CDP-23 which was loaded. His navigator René Shelkom also entered the plane and took his seat. The two engines sputtered to life as did two other CDP-23s' engines. The three heavy bombers lined up and took off. Heading towards the channel between Egnerland and the Parsian empire, the three planes took a V formation and got right below the clouds. Roné would burn that night. There was no radio so the three bombers had to navigate via map and compass, as well as stay within seeing distance. The trio of bombers got closer to Parsian lands, and René grinned. Below them the Bearer was also steadily getting closer to Normadiat. The beach they would take by surprise.
"So… When Roné will be burning the Parsians won't be focusing on Normadiat giving us easy landing?" Nicholas Ironfist, asked Bali who nodded. Nicholas laughed heartily. A few days before he would've been hesitant to talk to the quiet noble, but after the war conference he learned that even though Bali was quiet, he was happy to talk to people. "The way things are going, we could take the entire Parsian empire within a week. The problem is the high civilian casualty." Bali said his expression changing into a frown. While Bali wasn't exactly merciful he wasn't a savage. He needed those Parsian civilians. Perhaps he could make the Parsian empire into a puppet state instead of annexing it? Then he could make civilian lives easier there too. "The bombers should reach Roné in a few hours. Then when they dropped all of the bombs, they turn back, and land safely at Monisk port airbase." Bali commented as he turned away from the other noble who was deep in thought. The young man was a strategist, and a ruthless one at that. But most importantly he was a genius and an inventor. And a man like that was not someone you would want as your enemy. That day the Parsian empire learned to fear Egnerland.