Moneyland: Book One

Moneyland: Book One

Sci-fi29 Chapters43.9K Views
Author: MichaelBotur
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Table of Contents

12 friends. 12 million bucks. 12 months.

No food. No adults. No backing out.


Eden Shepherd was promised a million bucks and a year with her best friends in a biodome experiment controlled by sinister artificial intelligence. No one told her there would be no food, no banks for her money, no law, and no backing out.

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Moneyland asks a hard question: what if the world in which you're reading this had a dome clamped over it. How would you eat? Who would you work with? Who would you watch out for? And what would it mean if you began a millionaire, then found your money worthless? Once you've enjoyed this book, check out Part 2 https://***

4 years ago

Here are responses from the first few readers from Wattpad: "I just want to thank you. It came just in time for a school essay and the ideas in the novel are so perfect for a teenager. It's an amazing book." - Bails AD "The concept of this book is amazing !! I loved it!! It's so different and to be honest it was like I'm in the book itself ! The characters are superb and the ending is so so so good!! All in all it was a spectacular read and I love your writing style!!!" - PeaceBunny101 "I really enjoyed this book, I couldn't turn away." - Megssss123Megssss123 "I thought it was a very good book. I liked the character progression of Eden, and I think your book was pretty accurate because most books are not realistic and everything ends up perfect." - Anastasia_1019 "I just completed reading MONEYLAND. Loved the concept and also the the ending which is quite rare for me." - RedheadNation201 "I personally thought it was brilliant!! I couldn't put it down, the book came across as very realistic in the terms of what could happen if people were to be cut off from the outside world." - reader unicorn_sparkles99 (thanks so much for the support, unicorn_sparkles99) "I loved it ! I've been recommending it to my friends .I read plenty of wattpad books and none that I've chosen at random so far this month have left an impression and this one has. *time to fan girl a bit* Pretty sweet writing and I liked how your ideas came to life on the page. I hated people and then loved them [...] A book that's made me look and my friendships and freak out a bit but otherwise as I stated earlier.I loved it !!" - reader Nai_Lanie (thanks Nai_Lanie, you rock!) "WOW! ... I found the connection to real life, with politics and class systems relatable. The messaging around value/money and people, very deep! I shed a tear as Eden came to the end of her journey in the dome... You told the uncomfortable scenes vividly. It wasn't obvious that something bad was about to happen, or at least how bad the death would be. I can't read this stuff usually, I'm more positive and fluff haha, but the way it was written you couldn't stop reading it!" - Kelly Stratford "I'm deffinitly absorbed in it now... It establishes the privilege or lack of that the characters have had most of their lives. Eden is very unlikable, thats what made it hard to get in to but once it moves forward you still hate her but you really want to know what happens next. Its intelligent to read and well written, each of the characters has their own voice and dont appear to fall under one tone of the "writers voice". The mumshine thing is great. Makes me want to call my mum that. It has everything a young ***** novel needs but its not shoved in your face. Like the love story goes in between side characters not the main one." - Aroha Bell "MoneyLand. Where to start? After jumping at the opportunity to "beta-test" this book, I should admit that I was expecting an interesting, but slightly mediocre read from local author Michael Botur, but I can happily report back and proclaim that I was wrong. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this (albeit slightly muddy, unfinished, and definitely dirty) piece of art. If I'm honest, the start of the book was where I struggled most. It felt long, difficult to read, and I got frustrated at the choices that the main character seemed to make, and the way she behaved towards others. I was worried that the whole book was going to be a bit of a flop, but fortunately, that was not to be. I noticed that when Michael had finished introducing the characters and setting the scene, things really picked up from there. The storyline took a great turn, and action was introduced! I loved the way Michael portrayed all the characters. He wrote in such a way that I quickly felt as if I knew them all very well, and could relate to each one individually. When a character got into a bad situation, I felt for him/her. It frustrated me when one of the teenagers persecuted another, and I laughed, cried, and felt just as desperate alongside each of them. Another thing I was most impressed with was that the story progression also shone through. As this book was set over the course of a year, obviously you cannot write a whole year's worth of action into one novel. I was expecting to feel as if I was losing track of the timing in the book, but was pleasantly surprised to find that I did not. Michael has done an excellent job of including timings at the start of each chapter, and making sure that the way the characters thought, felt, and deteriorated physically matched with the rest of the previous and future chapters. The conflict between characters was well thought out. The way they all interacted with each other was realistic, and what I would expect from privileged teenagers of that era, who were given everything they ever wanted. While I often didn't agree with the main character's choices, or her ideology, it wasn't serious enough that it made me put the book down, and I enjoyed seeing her thought processes change over time, as she matured into a person that thought about the greater good, instead of solely on herself constantly. This book also hit home to me with the fact that money is not everything. Michael took a few serious topics involving economics and money, and then went and wrote them in a way where it felt relatable... Conclusion: This book is a great read for anyone able to handle female sexuality, dark themes, and a good splattering of violence and death. Personally I thoroughly enjoyed it, and would recommend it to any teenager looking for a weekend read." - Zach Wendt-Smith "I'm on chapter 40 now and i absolutely LOVE it!!! I really don't know how it will end but the changes and struggle eden has endured is amazing. Having been a **** mom myself i really related to that but also could not imagine doing all the things she has done in that environment. Watson is so weird yet lovely but i hope he doesnt take hope and i hope eden and hope get to see mumshine again. I cried over omar! Ahhh i just really love it and know no matter what happens it will be great! I am such a fan of your writing style and storytelling! Loved it. Love it. Thank you for sharing!! I have been going through some rough stuff lately but having something good to read has helped a lot. I hope its okay i have recommended it to everyone i know haha! " - Haley O'Connor "Moneyland is a well-written, engaging and clever novel. As such, there is not much that needs to be improved on or changed. There are only minor inconsistencies with the novel. The story flows well and is written purposefully. The characters are well-developed and believable. The main character Eden follows the arc of a true protagonist [...] Esther, on the other hand, is quite a contradictory character, who at times acts as in a caring motherly way towards the group, but at other times can be quite cruel. I personally found them to be slightly confusing, but they do not in any way distract from the story and the other characters. The strongest part of the novel is perhaps the ending. It is clever and engages the reader well beyond the last page of the novel. 'Moneyland' is a novel that deserves to be published and should make the author proud of his accomplishment." - Irena Ljubobratovic

4 years ago