Royal Chapter 12

"I should have not come."

Eulalie once more stared at how Audette dressed up for today's party. Just as her usual attires, the 4th Blanchard princess dressed up in her long sleeves and high neck plain navy blue bustle gown and tied up hair in a ponytail. It took hours of arguing with her maids about what they should do with her hair before they leave and the princess ended up winning, as rightfully just, because she insisted of a ponytail, which is not considered that classy and elegant among the fashion standards of women at her time.

Still, she mustered up her courage of going out together with her three sisters just to attend a tea party at the Matias Kingdom.

"No, you should," Mirella, the 2nd Blanchard Princess disagreed at her whining sister who she is aware of not fancying tea parties ever since they were young.

"Princess Luana and I are not even that acquainted enough to be friends, to begin with. Let alone be in her exclusive tea party."

"Exactly the reason why we bring you here! Now just be quiet, be friendly with the other guests and don't do any foolish acts," advice by Annaliz, the 1st Blanchard Princess, strictly.

Audette heaved a deep sigh and gave up on considering of sneaking out when they reach the palace the soonest their carriage drop them off. But now, she is definitely will end up not doing anything unnecessary.

On the other hand, it's a bright sunny day and the whole Great Palace maids and butlers are busy for party preparation. Two days ago, Luana miraculously felt much better and finally accepted the engagement proposal from the King and decided to host an announcement tea party for selected friends and acquaintances. Even the only princess of Scotland will arrive and join for a tea.

It might be a great opportunity for both of Matias Princesses to speak about their personal lives and discover about each other the letters can't handle but there is one thing they want to prove before this day ends. That would be impossible to happen if their guests won't show up today.

Last night, Luana was feeling excited about this tea party as she is ready to witness such low-class behavior she and Kadline talked about in her bedroom. But as soon as the day started and she felt nervous instead of serene. Not because of how she saw the hardworking and running around of maids holding things for preparation but because of Dominique, who she accidentally encountered on her way to Kadline's bedroom.

The prince joyfully approached her, looking good in his brown tunic and pants, absolutely fresh from an early outdoor activity. Even though he wore simple clothes only, Luana can't deny the fact at how this prince is still alluring and charming. If the guests might see him, his name would spread around the entire palace once again, preaching how gorgeous he is and try to flirt him with a battle of glancing. Perhaps, might ask if he's married already or not.

'I doubt that will happen.' Luana thought before hearing Dominique's question.

"How are you feeling today, Ana?" said within his smiles.

"I am well and confident for the guests today. Where have you been? You are perspiring obviously."

"Oh, apologies for my appearance today since I had a sword fight with Merovecho. We just took a rest for a while before we continue. Your brother is excellent at any combats, I must say. He was impressive. I'm learning a lot from him," he proudly said without feeling offended. He was happy that Luana didn't mind him after all his overthinking earlier before he approached her. Thinking of maybe he would look unpleasant to her and wouldn't even speak to her.

"Yes, I agree with you. It is not surprising if he becomes the next general of the army. I am glad you are learning from him. He is not that serious all the time." Luana chuckled at the memory she remembered when Erov was correcting her stance for a sword fight. Well, that activity was initiated secretly by them only as it is forbidden for a princess to hold such dangerous weapons ever since.

But as her living saying is, 'I am a princess and no rules can stop me.'

"Indeed," now both of them are all smiles and not speaking a thing, just staring at each other when a maid finally interrupted them.

"I am sorry for disturbing, your highnesses but Princess Luana, the guests arrived at the garden. Princess Kadline asks for your presence immediately." Luana nodded and dismissed the maid, whom she was sure Kadline's, before she turned to bid the prince goodbye.

The prince genuinely gives her farewell and watch her walk away. A minute later when she was out of his sight, he suddenly remembered how foolish he was for not complimenting her about how beautiful she looks today. He brushed his hair with frustration and walks back to the training hall feeling down.

'I need to find her when the party is over and say it. She must have been disappointed in not hearing it from me.' he sighed and went back to his self when he arrived at the training hall and discovered an unfamiliar man who is talking with Merovecho and Alfonso.

"You are back, Prince Dominique!" Erov cheerfully said as they all turned around to face him.

"I am sorry for arriving late. I just encountered my fiancee along the way," he proudly said to them. He never knew how overwhelming it feels like to finally call Luana as his fiancee with no more doubts and dissatisfaction from her. It feels good when you are in love.

"Bonjour, your highness." The unfamiliar man in his formal coat and pants bowed at him and he smiled to acknowledge him.

"Groeten ook, (Dutch: Greetings too)" says Dominique from his native language.

"Your highness must be the Prince of the Netherlands?"

"Yes, I am."

"Then let me introduce myself to your highness. My name is Francis Percival Delvaux, Duke of Brussels. I am honored to meet you," Francis bowed once again.

"I am Prince Dominique Lavemruse of the Netherlands. Pleased to meet you, Duke Delvaux," then slightly bowed too.

"What a good addition to your long list of acquaintances, Dominique, because Francis was a great friend of ours," Merovecho said, introducing him. He is wearing the same clothing to Dominique but in black color. He also tied his medium length hair to not disturbed him while practising.

"What brought you here, Francis?" Alfonso asked him. Alfonso also joined the sword fighting minutes before Francis arrived and followed by Dominique.

"I had a meeting with the Duke Van Hofwegen and decided to stop here. Might as well, visit you, my friends." They all chuckled at the respectful Duke of Brussels.

Francis recently became a duke when his father died of heart failure. At the young age of 20, he was given a great responsibility he must carry for the rest of his life. Being a duke is somehow both exhausting and an amazing rank but he was not ready for it now that he is still recovering from a family member loss.

"Thank you for your kind thoughts but we are very well. As you can see, we are practising a sword fight. Do you wish to join?"

"If that is what you please, Erov."

"We know how you are coping with the recent passing of Senior Delvaux. Why don't you spend time with us for the rest of the day?" Alfie suggested that lighten up Erov's face after thinking of a great idea.

"Right! Afterwards, I will tour you to one of the greatest coffee shops in the entire Beaumont."

"Why do you like that coffee shop so much?" Dominique finally returns back to the conversation.

"I... I just love the aroma of a freshly brewed coffee. That is all. Nothing else." Erov was caught off guard about Dominique's question but he immediately thought of a great excuse he knew no one would suspect him about his true intentions.

"You sound defensive to me but it's not my business so I won't meddle. I think we can do those things today. Fortunately, I have nothing else to do for the day before I go back to Brussels tomorrow morning." Francis genuinely smiled. They all nodded about it.

He will make the best out of this day before he returns to a never-ending workload back in Brussels. For sure, Havien, will be angry at him out of jealousy for not bringing him today with him if he will tell him about the bond they will be having.

"Also, spending my entire day here would probably give a chance to see my princess." From looking at Francis, Erov swift his gaze to Dominique who cluelessly doesn't know what he means.

"Oh, you have a little sister with you?" Dominique smiling asked. He likes children and he would love to meet his younger sister.

"No, your highness," Francis shook his head.

"Apologies for my ignorance. You can drop formalities with me here. Then who is your princess? Is she the love of your life?"

"Yes, my childhood love. Princess Ce--" Alfonso suddenly jumped in their little conversation before Francis completely drop a name. He thinks it is unnecessary to know who is who at their first meetings.

'No, shut your mouth, Francis. Dominique must not know!' he screams in his head.

"I feel that we should start now! Right, Erov?" Alfonso almost shouted and faced Erov, convincing him to ride with him in this play before it creates chaos.

"Ah… Y-Yes, I felt it too. I am all worked up for this--" but then neither of them stopped Francis of saying it out loud with pride and joy, expressing how much he loves saying her name.

"--Cecilia. Her name is Cecilia, my princess." Alfonso left speechless and wished to heavens that Dominique never knew Luana's second names.

"I beg your pardon?" Dominique frowned hearing a familiar name.

'Isn't that supposed to be one of Ana's second names if I am correct?' he confusingly thought. He asked him to confirm if what he said was true.

"I mean, Princess Luana. I am used to calling her Cecilia since we were young."

Francis joyful face is exactly the opposite of Dominique's. He started to feel bad and something arising from him within. He is unhappy at what he heard from this Duke. He went silent and just nodded and shifted his gaze on to his sword.

"Bloody hell and earth for you, Francis." Merovecho slightly smiled to give him good luck remarks and sighed as Dominique became serious and hold his sword tight all of a sudden.

Erov just shook his head but he can't deny that this would be entertaining to watch. Two love birds hitting one stone. He knows well that someone needs to step down and find another stone for world peace.

"Why?" Francis innocently asked.

"I think for the first time, you finally messed up big." Alfonso tapped his shoulder and focus on picking a good sword.

When Francis turns to Dominique, who has now a gloomy aura and almost frightening cold face, he demanded, "Let us duel, Duke Delvaux. I will make sure you will have a great fight with me."


"Where have you been, Audette? You said it will be quick!"

Mirella finally found Audette after it asked her that she need to get something very quickly but it took her almost 20 minutes before she returns to their table at the gazebo. Audette finds ways to tell her nosy sister of her excuses when it fact, it was because of a girl why she was late.

"I-I… had a little hard time finding the bracelet I dropped while on our way. So, I really went back to find it." She didn't know why she feels nervous as her stop can't stop beating in her chest since earlier.

"Have you found it?"

"Obviously," as she raises her arm to show Mirella the bracelet she is wearing that never actually slipped off her wrist.

"Good. The part is about to begin in a couple of minutes, I heard Princess Luana will announce something. Would it be her eng---" Audette's attention was snatched by a familiar lady who entered the gazebo.

The lady looks around and stopped when she met Audette's eyes. It is like a connection they both cannot explain. All Audette knows is her heart keep racing every time she remembers their first meeting 20 minutes ago on the entrance of Garden of Fleur.

The lady broked the staring competition with her when someone called her name,

"Lady Eleina!"

She turns around to see, Nathaly, smiling at Eleina and gestured her to sit beside her and the rest of Luana's friends. Audette blinked and return back her attention to Mirella who is talking nonstop about the fascinating decorations on the huge gazebo of Garden of Fleur. There are lots of white roses and flowers too scattered around in the decorations which really led Mirella on thinking, 'The princess has definitely engaged already to some royalty.'

"What did you say?" Audette asked Mirella about what she was talking about when she is not paying full attention because she still glances towards Eleina's direction.

Audette just didn't know the reason why she is feeling like her heart can leave out her body. All that she knew was, she needs to be friends with that lady before this day ends.