He glared at me like I did something very wrong, those dangerous green eyes sent chills all over my body,

*you're hurting me*I mumbled out

*what in fu.... *I suddenly remembered the last thing he told me,

*choose your next words carefully* it rang again in my tiny little brain, I was a bloody maid I might as well be refered to as a fucking slave,

He shove me aside and walked pass me to pick up the boxers that had fell to the ground earlier,

*I'm sorry sir*since that was the only thing I was good at as a maid apologizing again and again

*can you stop apologizing for just one bloody second*

And I was mute again

*get out*he added

I quietly walked out of the closet and out of room, this was the last time I was entering his room,

Mama doesn't know shit about the crap I get to take each fucking time,

I walked down the stairs, I couldn't see my face but with the way I was feeling I was sure it was red as hell,

*Alicia!!!*what is it now,

How in the hell did she know I was at the bottom of the stairs,

I pretended not to hear so I slowly walked pass the kitchen


*yes mama* there was no use trying to escape from her, I walked Into the kitchen

*come help set the table*she said, she handed me a tray of chicken

*why the face?*I thought she'd never ask,

When I open my mouth to complain it never closes,

*ok.....I'm sorry I asked*she said shuting me up,

*so you're just going to shut me up without listening to everything I have to say*

*listening to you takes a lot of brain activity, why I always send you to his room is because you grew up with the boy, no one can handle him more than you, trust me he didn't destroy your life when you were ten he can't do it now you're go place that tray of chicken on the dinner table and stop thinking about it so much, its slowing you down and there are a lot of things to be placed on that table*she tapped me by the back as a form of her encouragement and pushed me out of the kitchen.

*just stand as still as you can*mama said as we arranged ourselves outside the mansion, waiting for the car to come to a stop,

The car pulled to a stop in front of us and a butler rushed down to open the door,

Those slender legs were the first things that came out of the car before the extremely tiny body and long blonde hair,

Why was she so tiny, I wondered but I was too afraid to lean towards mother to ask her, so I just let it be not everybody were destined to have fleshy body parts like me, I always thought of myself as average considering body types but seeing her I was starting to think otherwise,

*young miss*mama said with the most  unrealest smile on her face,

She walked towards Kathryn and embraced her, like welcoming a long lost daughter of hers,

*maria*she smiled back returning the gesture,

*you look younger than the last time I saw you*she exclaimed,

*and you go tinier by the day*mama replied still smiling fetishly,

I walked down towards the trunk of the  car to see if there were anything else to be carried but they had cleared everything,

I watched from a distance as the ma'am of the house embraced her daughter warmly with her husband, sir lugard standing beside her,

Where was he?

He couldn't even welcome his own sister, the difference between him and his father was very disturbing,

His father was not so cocky, hard sometimes but never cocky,

I stood and watched as she went from arm to arm greeting the maids she could still recognized,

If I didnt know better I would say she wasn't so bad but the children seem to be quite different from their parents that gave them life.