
The Poison Sky

Outside the Nobles' home…

Hibiki and Tsubasa are under the car, struggling with the ATMOS.

"He's going to choke. Doctor! Jared!" Donna said.

"It won't open." The Doctor said, while Tsubasa took out her sword and Sylvia came out of the house with an axe.

"Of course it wouldn't." Tsubasa said, closing the hood when Hibiki and Jared moved out of the way. "You're taking the easy way out."

"He is." Jared said, watching Tsubasa break the windshield with her sword. "Wow."

"Well, don't just stand there. Get him out." Sylvia said, angrily.

ATMOS Factory…

"All soldiers to withdraw. Make the factory secure and take positions on the ground floor." The soldier said.

"Wicowsky, take the soldiers into the factory. Make the area secure. Seal off doors and windows." Mace said, as the troops push the vehicles out of the loading bay.

"Everything is going to plan." Yukine 2 said, looking at Martha 2.

"We've tried everything, it just won't stop." The soldier said.

Mobile HQ...

Mace goes to a female officer on the bank of computer screens, "What have we got?"

"ATMOS is running wild, sir. It can't be stopped, it's everywhere. The whole planet." Price said, as red blobs are covering the inhabited areas on the big map.

Martha 2 takes over from another computer user and enters 'her' security clearance code to get into the NATO Defence System, "We're in."

Outside the Nobles' home…

Wilf is being taken to safety, "Thanks."

"Nice work, Tsubasa." Jared said, looking at the Symphogear user.

"It was some quick thinking on my part." Tsubasa said.

"Get inside the house. Just try and close off the doors and windows. Tsubasa, Maria, look after them." The Doctor said.

Jenkins is driving a black cab with Maria in there.

"You heard him." Jared said, as Maria got out of the cab.

"Right." Maria said, as she and Tsubasa entered the house.

"Doctor. Jared. This is all I could find that hasn't got ATMOS." Jenkins said.

"Donna, Hibiki, you coming?" The Doctor asked.

"Yeah." Donna said.

"Today was interesting." Hibiki said, looking at Jared.

"Right, back home." Jared said, laughing a little. "It's Iroha Tamaki's birthday. On August 22nd. Will have to get this one a present later in the year."

"Really, what will you get her?"

"Don't listen to her, Donna. Don't listen to my daughter. You go with the Doctor and Jared. That's my girl." Wilf said, as Donna gets into the cab with Hibiki and Jared. "Bye."

Martha 2 finishes downloading NATO's Security Protocols onto a memory stick, and leaves Mobile HQ. Once outside with Yukine 2, she downloads it into her mobile phone.

Cab/Miku's home...

"Miku, is everything right over there?" Hibiki asked.

"There's smoke coming out of the cars." Miku said, her phone near her ear. "I'm inside."

"We'll fix this. There's no need to worry."

"That's when I worry the most. What do I do?"

"Seal everything." Hibiki said. "The gas is poisonous. Got it?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna use clothes to block out the poisonous air." Miku said, ending the call.

Industrial estate...

"The Government has declared a state of emergency. People are being told to stay away from all cars with ATMOS devices attached." Someone on News 24 said, on TV.

"The gas appears to be toxic. We are warning anyone and everyone, stay away from the cars. Repeat, stay away from your cars." Trinity Wells said, on TV.

"Ross, look after yourself. Get inside the building." The Doctor said.

"Will do. Greyhound Forty to Trap One. I have just returned the Doctor, Hibiki, and Jared to base safe and sound. Over." Jenkins said.

"Come on, let's save the day." Hibiki said, smiling.

Martha 2 and Yukine 2 hear the message on their walkie-talkies.

Mobile HQ...

"Trap One. Received. Over." Mace said.

"Sir. Message from the Doctor. He says Code Red Sontaran." Martha 2 said.

"All troops. Code Red Sontaran. Code Red Sontaran."

Industrial estate…

Jared is wearing his nanotechnology super suit with his helmet wrapped around his face and Hibiki is wearing her Gungnir armor.

"The air is disgusting." Donna said, annoyed.

"It's not so bad for me. Go on, get inside the Tardis." The Doctor said.

"Kirika and Shirabe are inside." Jared said, holding Hibiki's hand. "They'll keep you company, super temp."

"Oh, I've never given you a key. Keep that. Go on, that's yours. Quite a big moment really." The Doctor said, placing the TARDIS key in Donna's hand.

"Yeah, maybe we can get sentimental after the world's finished choking to death." Donna said.

"That's a good idea." Hibiki said, happily. "How does a fair sound?"

"One with food, drinks, and rides sound good." Donna said, as Jared squeezes Hibiki's hand. "Where are you lot going?"

"To stop a war." The Doctor said.

The Doctor, Jared, and Hibiki run to the ATMOS factory while Donna lets herself into the Tardis.

Mobile HQ…

"Right then, here we are. Good. Whatever you do, Colonel Mace, do not engage the Sontarans in battle. There is nothing they like better than a war. Just leave this to us." The Doctor said.

"And what are you going to do?" Mace asked.

"I've got the Tardis. We're going to get on board their ship." The Doctor said, as Martha 2 taps her phone, and Grey and Harris snap to attention.

"Come on, Martha, Yukine, we have a world to save!" Jared said, holding Hibiki's hand.

"Something feels off." Hibiki said.

"Those two, they're not themselves." Jared said, looking back at Yukine. "Wouldn't she have transformed by now?"

"In front of Noise. Yeah, she would have."

"Sontarans, they're still aliens."

Donna opens the Tardis door, looks out, then closes it again.

"Why hasn't she spoken yet?" Hibiki asked.

Industrial estate…

"But where's the Tardis?" Yukine asked, looking around. "Wasn't that thing here?"

"Taste that, in the air. Yuck. That sort of metal tang. Teleport exchange. It's the Sontarans. They've taken it. I'm stuck on Earth like, like an ordinary person. Like a human. How rubbish is that?" The Doctor asked.

"Doctor, you're being rude." Jared said, leaning against the wall.

"Sorry, no offence, but come on."

"So what do we do?" Hibiki asked.

"Well, I mean, it's shielded. They could never detect it." The Doctor said.

"Hibiki, you know what I'm thinking." Jared said.

"I was thinking about us getting the TARDIS back." Hibiki said.

"Me, I could go for some milk tea right about now. But your plan works too."

"How are we gonna get the TARDIS?"


"Oh, she's gone home. She's not like you, Hibiki, and Yukine. She's not a soldier. Right. So. Avanti." The Doctor said.


"We've been here for a while." Shirabe said.

"It's not that bad, the three of us are together." Donna said, happily. "We're on an alien spaceship."

"And the TARDIS is the safest place in the universe." Kirika said, smiling.

Mobile HQ…

"There's been a change in our plans." Jared said, taking out some milk tea to drink it.

"Good to have you fighting alongside us, Doctor, Hibiki, and Jared." Mace said.

"We're not fighting." Hibiki said. "Even so, I'm not one for fighting. When we could talk."

"We're not-fighting, as in not hyphen fighting, got it? Now, does anyone know what this gas is yet?" The Doctor asked.

"We're working on it." Yukine 2 said.

"It's harmful, but not lethal until it reaches eighty percent density. We're having the first reports of deaths from the centre of Tokyo City." Price said.

"Which is where Miku is." Hibiki said, sadly. "I hope she didn't leave our house."

"And who are you?" The Doctor asked, looking at Price.

"Captain Marion Price, sir." Price said.

"Oh, put your hand down. Don't salute." The Doctor said, angrily.

"Saluting all the time makes your hands tired." Jared said, the cup of milk tea in his hand. "Until it becomes a bad force of habit."

"Jodrell Bank's traced a signal, Doctor, Jared, coming from five thousand miles above the Earth. We're guessing that's what triggered the cars." Mace said.

"The Sontaran ship." Hibiki said.

"NATO has gone to Defcon One. We're preparing a strike." Mace said.

"You can't do that. Nuclear missiles won't even scratch the surface." The Doctor said.

"Come on, please. Let us talk to the Sontarans." Hibiki said, frowning.

"You're not authorised to speak on behalf of the Earth." Mace said, looking at the Doctor.

"I've got that authority. I earned that a long time ago. And Hibiki Tachibana and Jared Shay has earned that right." The Doctor said, sticking his sonic screwdriver into the communications system. "Calling the Sontaran Command Ship…"


"Under Jurisdiction Two of the Intergalactic Rules of Engagement." The Doctor said, as a hologram.


The scanner briefly shows a picture of Rose Tyler, Kanade Amou, and Serena Cadenzavna Eve, then the Doctor, Jared, and Hibiki appeared on the screen.

"This is the Doctor, Jared, and Hibiki." The Doctor said, on the TARDIS scanner.

"Doctor, Jared, Hibiki, we're here. Can you hear us?" Donna asked.


"Doctor, breathing your last with your companions?" Staal asked, looking over at Hibiki and Jared.

Mobile HQ…

"Ahh, the Sontarans are still creepy." Hibiki said, looking at the image of the Sontarans.

"Tell me about it." Jared said, frowning. "I don't like them one bit."

"How dare you!" Staal said, on the monitor.

"Oh, that's diplomacy?" Mace asked.

"Doctor, you impugn my honour." Staal said, on the monitor.

"Yeah, I'm really glad you didn't say belittle, because then I'd have a field day." The Doctor said.

"Doctor, isn't poison gas the weapon of a coward?" Hibiki asked. "I don't like it."

"Neither do I." The Doctor said. "And Hibiki Tachibana has a point, and you know it."


"Staal, you could blast this planet out of the sky…" The Doctor said, through the hologram projection.

Mobile HQ...

"And yet you're sitting up above watching it die. Where's the fight in that? Where's the honour? Or…" The Doctor said.


"Are you lot planning something else, because this isn't normal Sontaran warfare. What are you lot up to?" The Doctor asked, on the hologram projection.

"A general would be unwise to reveal…" Staal said.

Mobile HQ...

"His strategy to the opposing forces." Staal said, on the monitor.

"I bet you guys are losing the war!" Jared said, laughing a lot. "A war much smaller in comparison to the one the Doctor has fought in."

"Such a suggestion is impossible."

"What war?" Mace asked, looking at Jared.

"Oh, a war that Jared told me about." Hibiki said, smiling. "One that shouldn't have happened in the first place. It involves the Sontarans and the Rutans."

"It's been raging, far out in the stars, for fifty thousand years. Fifty thousand years of bloodshed, and for what?" The Doctor asked.


"For victory. Sontar-ha." Staal said.

Mobile HQ...

"Sontar-ha. Sontar-ha. Sontar-ha. Sontar-ha. Sontar-ha." Staal said, on the monitor.

"Boring." Jared said, pressing a button on his Apple Watch to change channels to a promotional video by μ's.

"Cheers for the love! I'm glad to be here, our present exists right here. Cheers for the love!

It's only just begun, I'm counting on you again tomorrow, we've yet to reach our goal." μ's said, in the music video.

"Doctor, Jared. I would seriously recommend that this dialogue is handled by official Earth representation." Mace said. "Like me or Hibiki Tachibana."

"Smile when you're sad, let's blow it all away." μ's said, in the music video.

"I bet they're done by now." Jared said, changing the channel back to the Sontarans. "That chant is so stupid."

"You will not be so quick to ridicule when you'll see our prize. Behold. We are the first Sontarans in history to capture a Tardis." Staal said, on the monitor.

"Well, as prizes go, that's noble." The Doctor said.


"As they say in Latin, Donna nobis pacem." The Doctor said, on the TARDIS scanner.

"I do like a good death. Especially during the dawn of the cutting swords." Jared said, on the TARDIS scanner. "I'm also one for reading the moon phases, and listening to some tunes."

"Oh, my god." Kirika said, happily. "He didn't forget about us."

"He didn't." Shirabe said, smiling. "That's us!"

"It is." Donna said, agreeing with the two Symphogear users. "We're here."

"Did you never wonder about its design? It's a phone box. It contains a phone. A telephonic device for communication. Sort of symbolic. Like, if only we could communicate, you and I." The Doctor said, on the TARDIS scanner.

"All you have communicated is your distress, Doctor, you and your companion." Staal said, on the monitor.

"Oh, my God." Donna said, picking up Martha's phone.

Mobile HQ..

"Big mistake though, showing it to us." The Doctor said.


"But who do we phone?" Donna asked.

Mobile HQ…

"Because I've got remote control." The Doctor said.


"Cease transmission!" Staal said.


"Doctor, what number are you on?" Donna asked, as the scanner goes blank. "You haven't even got a number."

"Jared doesn't have a plan, does he?" Shirabe asked, looking at Kirika.

Mobile HQ…

"Okay, that was fun. Taunting Staal." Jared said, going back to sip on his milk tea. "I loved it."

"That achieved nothing." Mace said.

"Oh, you'd be surprised. It took me a while to figure out what the Doctor and Jared meant. Hehe, especially with Jared knowing a bit of Japanese." Hibiki said, smiling.


Donna, Kirika, and Shirabe, are jolted around as Sontarans move the Tardis.

"But what do we do?" Donna asked.

Yachiyo's house…

Yachiyo is busy placing towels around the house and closing the windows, she looked back at Felicia who is busy playing on her phone, "Felicia. What are you doing?"

"Just a bit of Bang Bang!" Felicia said, tapping away on her smartphone.

"What are we gonna do with the poisonous fog?" Iroha asked.

"Oh, I know! How about we stop whoever causing it?" Tsuruno asked.

"And how are we gonna get to London?" Yachiyo asked.

"Right…" Sana said, frowning.

"Why can't we teach the Sontarans a lesson?" Felicia asked. "Making us stay in here. I'm bored…"

"Because we would be exposing our existence as magical girls to an alien clone race. Who lives off of war." Yachiyo said, still blocking the open spots around her house where the gas could get in.

"Why aren't any Witches showing up?" Felicia asked, losing her patience. "I want to take some out now!"

"Maybe they know that it's not safe out there." Iroha said.

"Maybe. But I want to take out ten of them!"

"No." Yachiyo said. "We're not taking out Sontarans."

Mami's house…

"Um, Mami." Homura said, playing with her hands a bit.

"Yes Homura?" Mami asked. "What is it?"

The blonde magical girl is busy blocking out all of the vents around her house.

"Man, I don't know why we're tucked up in here." Kyoko said. "Yuma has to be taken care of."

"Not until the poisonous fog is cleared." Mami said.

"So, we're gonna sit here." Madoka said. "Until the fog is gone. That's easy!"

"Easy for you to say!" Kyoko said, angrily.

"Guys, guys." Sayaka said. "Don't fight."

"But what are we going to do?" Madoka asked.

"Nothing." Mami said. "We can eat cake and drink tea."

"That's all you do." Kyoko said.

Nobles' home...

"The United Nations has issued a directive worldwide, telling urban populations to stay indoors. Those in rural areas are being ordered to stay away from all major cities. There are reports from every country in Europe of thousands of people walking across country to escape. And on the Eastern seaboard of America it's said to be reminiscent of Dunkirk, with boats taking refugees out into the Atlantic." Someone on News 24 said, on TV.

"With the freeways blocked by ATMOS cars, populations of major cities are now walking across open country to escape the fumes. It is being likened to a Biblical plague. Some are calling this the End of Days." Trinity Wells said, on TV.

Miku's home…

Miku took out her smart phone when she received a call from Hibiki, she put the call on speaker mode, "Hibiki?"

"Miku. Are you okay?" Hibiki asked, her voice coming out of the phone.

"How long are you going to be out there?" Miku asked.

"I don't know. I'll be back soon. I promise."

"Magical girls are locked up in their homes. While this is going on." Miku said, sadly.

"I know. They can��t survive without collecting grief seeds. Jared told me."

"He tells us lots of things."

"That's because he trusts us a lot, huh." Hibiki said, her voice over the phone.

"Yeah." Miku said.

"I'm using Jared's phone right now. He wants to chat with Ruby Rose, see how she's doing." Hibiki said, ending the call. "Bye."


Ruby woke up with a fright when her Scroll started ringing in the middle of the night, she saw it was Jared and she answered it, "Hello?"

"Ruby!" Jared said, his voice over the Scroll. "Things are going rather rough over here."

"How so?" Ruby asked.

"Poisonous fog all over the world. Well, this world, not your world."

"You mean our world, you feel more at home with us." Ruby said, smiling.

"Same thing. I still feel guilty over not telling you and Jaune about what happened at Beacon."

"It's fine. You tried, we all tried. But Pyrrha and Penny died. We can't change it."

"I wanted to hear your voice at this hour."

"Is that why you called me?" Ruby asked.

"Pretty much, yeah." Jared said, ending the call. "Sorry, got to go. I don't want the military to do something stupid."

Ruby lets out a sigh, and she went back to sleep.

Mobile HQ...

The Doctor reads Martha 2's clipboard.

"There's carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, but ten percent unidentified. Some sort of artificial heavy element we can't trace. You ever seen anything like it?" Martha 2 asked.

"It must be something the Sontarans invented." Hibiki said.

"Yup, from what I can remember, it isn't just poison." Jared said, pacing back and forth.

"They need this gas for something else. What could that be?" The Doctor asked.

"Launch grid online and active." Price said.

"Positions, ladies and gentlemen, Defcon One initiatives in progress." Mace said.

"What? They can't!" Hibiki said, running back to Mace with the Doctor and Jared. "They're going nuclear! We told you not to launch."

"The gas is at sixty percent density. Eighty percent and people start dying, Hibiki. We've got no choice." Mace said.

"Launching in sixty, fifty nine, fifty eight, fifty seven, fifty six. Worldwide nuclear grid now coordinating. Fifty four, fifty three." Price said.

"Why is UNIT going nuclear?" Hibiki asked.

"I don't know." Jared said, sadly. "I forgot."


"Yeah. It's been a long day."

"You're making a mistake, Colonel. For once, I hope the Sontarans are ahead of you." The Doctor said.

"North America, online. United Kingdom, online. France, online. India, online. Pakistan, online. China, online. North Korea, online. All systems locked and coordinated. Launching in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five…" Price said.

"God save us." Mace said.

"Four, three, two, one." Price said.

Martha 2 activates her phone hack. Launch yes/no? She presses No.

"Zero." Price said, as nothing happens.

"Yukine Chris, you've been really quiet." Jared said, when the world map goes blank. "No comment about me and Hibiki Tachibana being idiots and all that."

"What is it? What happened? Did we launch? Well, did we?" Mace asked.

"Negative, sir. The launch codes have been wiped, sir. It must be the Sontarans." Price said.

"Can we override it?"

"Trying it now, sir."

"Missiles wouldn't even dent that ship, so why are the Sontarans so keen to stop you? Any ideas?" The Doctor asked, looking between Martha 2 and Yukine 2.

"How should I know?" Martha 2 asked.

"It's not like we're alien experts and all." Yukine 2 said, annoyed.

ATMOS factory...

"It's stinking out there. Shush. Keep it down lads." Jenkins said, when Sontarans come around the corner. "Enemy within. At arms. Greyhound Forty declaring Absolute emergency."

Mobile HQ…

"Sontarans within factory grounds. East corridor, grid six." Jenkins said, over the speaker.

"Absolute emergency. Declaring Code Red. All troops, Code Red." Mace said.

"Get them out of there." Hibiki said, frowning. "They're gonna die."

"All troops, open fire." Mace said, as Jared used his nanotechnology to make a sling ring.

ATMOS factory…

Multiple portals appeared in front of many UNIT soldiers.

"Guns aren't working. Inform all troops, standard weapons do not work." Jenkins said, as the energy blasts heading for the troops went through the portals. "Tell the Doctor, Jared, and Hibiki, it's that cordolaine signal."

Mobile HQ…

"They're the only ones who can stop them." Jenkins said, and the energy blast going for him went through the portal. "What the?!"

"Ross! Get the hell out of there! I'm using a bit of my energy, my Aura, to open up these portals. I save you all!" Jared said, his voice coming through the portals in the hallway Jenkins is in. "Now run."

"Like he said." Hibiki said, her voice also coming through the portals. "He's buying you guys time. The portals only go one way. Now get out of there!"

"Trap One to all stations. Retreat. Order imperative. Immediate retreat." Mace said.

ATMOS factory…

"Retreat. Retreat." A soldier said.

It is a massacre.

"Reporting for duty, sir." Gray and Harris said, at the same time.

A helmeted Sontaran shoots them.

"This is too easy. They're running like slimebait from a speelfox. This isn't war, this is sport." Skorr said, as the loading bay doors come down.

Mobile HQ…

The UNIT soldiers that were in the hallway that Jenkins was in have made it through the portals, and Jared closed all the portals he had made.

"That was way too much Aura." Jared said, out of breath. "I used up a lot."

"They've taken the factory." Hibiki said, handing Jared a thermos of Earl Grey tea. "And Jared's exhausted for a bit. Even so, he saved all of these people."

"Why? Why would they need the factory? They don't need it. Why attack now? What are they up to? Times like this, I could do with the Brigadier. No offence." The Doctor said, looking at Mace.

"None taken. Sir Alistair's a fine man, if not the best. Unfortunately, he's stranded in Peru." Mace said.

"Launch grid back online." Price said, as Martha 2 taps No again and the grid goes blank. "They're inside the system, sir. It's coming from within UNIT itself."

"Trace it. Find out where it's coming from, and quickly. Gas levels?"

"Sixty six percent in major population areas, and rising."

Mami house/Yachiyo's house…

"It looks a lot worse out there." Madoka said, looking out of the window.

"It does." Yachiyo said, her voice over the phone. "Did Jared call you?"

"No, he didn't." Mami said.

"Things, um, must have been tense in London." Homura said.

"I don't think that's it." Sana said.

"Why didn't he call us for help?" Kyoko asked.

"This is an alien invasion. Not a Witch outbreak!" Tsuruno said. "Why would he need us?"

"She does have a point." Sayaka said, smiling. "S.O.N.G's purpose was to defend the planet. Like UNIT and Torchwood, everything's fine."

"They are sure taking forever, though." Felicia said.

(Jared's POV)

Mobile HQ…

The Doctor, Mace, Hibiki, and I are in his tiny office.

"Why are they defending the factory only after we were inside?" Mace asked, as I'm sipping on some milk tea.

"Well, they want UNIT and Hibiki here." I said, lowering my cup of milk tea. "Moving soldiers and the sheer force of Symphogear out of the way was their plan."

"That means we gave them something they needed." Hibiki said, sadly.

"It's something now hidden inside the factory. Something precious." The Doctor said.

"We've got to recover it. This cordolaine signal thing, how does it work?" Mace asked.

"It's the bullets. It causes expansion of the copper shell."

"Excellent. I'm on it."

"For the billionth time, you can't fight Sontarans." The Doctor said, as I tossed him my iPhone X. "Thanks."

"You're welcome, Spaceman." I said, looking at Martha 2 and Yukine 2. "Now call them."

"What happened?" Shirabe asked, her voice over the phone. "Where are you?"

"We're still on Earth." Hibiki said, smiling. "Don't worry."

"She's right." The Doctor said. "We've got our secret weapons."

"What are they?" Kirika asked, her voice over the phone. "What are the secret weapons? Are they here?"

"Yeah, you three." I said, going back to sipping my milk tea.

"Oh. Somehow that's not making us happy. Can't you just zap us down to Earth with that remote thing?" Donna asked, her voice over the phone.

"Yeah, I haven't got a remote, though I really should. Jared and I need you, Kirika, and Shirabe on that ship. That's why we made them move the Tardis. I'm sorry but you've got to go outside." The Doctor said.

"But there's Sonteruns out there."

"Sontarans. But they'll all be on battle stations right now. They don't exactly walk about having coffee. I can talk you through it."

"But what if they find us?"

"I know, and I wouldn't ask, but there's nothing else we can do. The whole planet is choking, Donna."

"And you've got Shirabe and Kirika. Two capable Symphogear users." I said, sending a wink at Hibiki Tachibana.

"What do you need us to do?" Shirabe asked, her voice over the phone.

"The Sontarans are inside the factory which means they've got a teleport link with the ship, but they'll have deadlocked it. We need you lot to reopen the link." The Doctor said.

"But I can't even mend a fuse." Donna said, her voice over the phone.

"Donna, stop talking about yourself like that. You can do this." Hibiki said, happily. "I know you can. I promise."

Donna peeks outside the Tardis with Kirika and Shirabe. It is being guarded.

"There's a Sonterun. Sontaran." Donna said, her voice over the phone.

"Did the Sontaran see one of you?" I asked, leaning against the wall.

"Nope, he's looking away from us." Kirika said, her voice over the phone. "His back is turned."

"Right, Donna, Kirika, Shirabe, listen. On the back of his neck, on his collar there's a sort of plug, like a hole. The Probic vent. One blow to the Probic vent knocks 'them out." The Doctor said.

"And Donna, he's not going to kill you. Shirabe, Awanami's Sweeping Phantasm." I said, happily.

"You sure?" Shirabe asked, getting a text from Jared on her phone.

The text said 'Yes! Do it!', and that was the response the wielder of the Shul Shagana needed.

Shirabe sneaked outside the TARDIS, covering the Sontaran with foam, before launching her Armed Gear towards him, it then multiplied before circling the target, covering him with more foam. She then throws a kiss, hitting the back of the Sontaran's neck with it. The alien goes down like a sack of potatoes.

"Back of the neck." Donna and Kirika said, over the phone at the same time.

"Now then, you got to find the external junction feed to the teleport." The Doctor said.

"What, what's it look like?" Donna asked, her voice over the phone.

"A circular panel on the wall. Big symbol on the front, like a, like a letter T with a horizontal line through it. Or, or, two Fs back to back." The Doctor said.

"Oh, there's a door." Shirabe said, her voice over the phone.

"Is there a switch there?" I asked, sipping away on my milk tea. ���It's usually by one."

"Yeah there is. But it's Sontaran shaped, you need three fingers." Donna said, her voice over the phone.

"You have three fingers." Hibiki said, happily.

"Oh, yeah. We're through."

"Oh, you are brilliant, you are." The Doctor said.

"You're amazing, super temp." I said, laughing a little. "That's why I rely on my friends. I can't do things on my own!"

"Shut up. Right." Donna said, her voice over the phone. "T with a line through it."

"Got to go. Keep the line open." The Doctor said, placing my phone in his pocket.

"Counter attack." Mace said.

"I said, you don't stand a chance." The Doctor said, as Hibiki and I are behind him.

"Positions. That means everyone." Mace said, tossing gas masks to the Doctor, Hibiki, and I.

"You're not going without me." Martha 2 said.

"Or me." Yukine 2 said.

"Wouldn't dream of it." The Doctor said, happily.

Up on the spaceship, Donna, Shirabe, and Kirika hide as more Sontaran troops march past.

Industrial estate…

"Latest firing stock. What do you think, Doctor, Jared, Hibiki?" Mace asked.

"Are you my mummy?" The Doctor asked.

"What is that referencing?" Hibiki asked.

"Oh, something during the London Blitz." I said, laughing a lot. "Gas mask zombies would have taken over the world. If the Doctor and I didn't stop it. Rose Tyler and Captain Jack Harkness was there too."

"Anyone from Team RWBY there?"

"No, but Flower Power was. That's Ren and Nora."

"If you could concentrate. Bullets with a rad-steel coating. No copper surface. Should overcome the cordolaine signal." Mace said, taking out a gun.

"But the Sontarans have lasers!" Hibiki said, angrily.

"And you can't even see in this fog. The night vision doesn't work." The Doctor said, agreeing with Hibiki.

"Thank you, Doctor, Hibiki. Thank you for your lack of faith. But this time, I'm not listening." Mace said, removing his gas mask. "Attention, all troops. The Sontarans might think of us as primitive, as does every passing species with an axe to grind. They make a mockery of our weapons, our soldiers, our ideals. But no more. From this point on, it stops. From this point on, the people of Earth fight back, and we show them. We show the warriors of Sontar what the human race can do. Trap One to Hawk Major. Go, go, go."

"Yes!" I said, and there is a sudden massive downdraft, blowing the gas away. "Yes! Hahaha!"

"It's working. The area's clearing. Engines to maximum."

"It's the Valiant." Hibiki said, looking up at the sky.

"UNIT Carrier Ship Valiant reporting for duty, Doctor, Hibiki. With engines strong enough to clear away the fog." Mace said, while the gas masks can now be removed. "Whoa, that's brilliant."

"That's awesome."

"It is." I said, smiling.

"Valiant, fire at will." Mace said, as six green beams from the Valiant converge to form one that hits the ATMOS factory.

I used my sling ring to open a portal to the Noble house, and Tsubasa and Maria stepped through, in their Ame no Habakiri and Airgetlám Symphogear armor, respectively.

"So, it's our time to shine." Tsubasa said.

"You sure took a while." Maria said.

Meanwhile, UNIT soldiers use rocket launchers to blast away the loading bay doors. Tsubasa and Maria then went in to slice and dice the Sontarans, backing up the UNIT soldiers. It is the Sontaran's turn to be massacred.

ATMOS factory…

"Okay, those two exits are secured." Tsubasa said, holding her sword. "The east and the north."

"The Sontarans don't have a way out." Maria said. "Come on."

"Donna, Shirabe, Kirika, hold on. We're coming." The Doctor said, putting my phone near his ear.

"Shouldn't we follow the Colonel, Tsubasa, and Maria?" Martha 2 asked, as Mace ran off with Maria and Tsubasa.

The Doctor scans the area with his sonic screwdriver, "Nah, the three of us, Martha Jones. Just like old times."

"More like new times, with Hibiki Tachibana and Yukine Chris by our side." I said, as Martha 2 stops the nuclear strike again. "I love me some Symphogear."

"Alien technology, this-a way." The Doctor said, leading the way.

Skorr shoots a couple of soldiers, "The honour of battle. The glory!"


"There's no Sontarans down here." Hibiki said, and the corridor lights come on.

"Well, they can't resist a battle. Here we go." The Doctor said.

Clone laboratory…

"Oh, Martha, Yukine, I'm so sorry. Still alive." The Doctor said, as Martha 2 points a gun at his head, while Yukine 2 points a gun at Hibiki's head and another gun at my head. "Are we supposed to be impressed?"

"Now do you wish you three carried guns?" Yukine 2 asked.

"Nope." Hibiki said, happily.

"I've been stopping the nuclear launch all this time." Martha 2 said.

"You're doing exactly what we wanted."

"Yup, I'm not a fan of missiles. But they're effective. We just needed to stop the nuclear ones, like the Sontarans." I said, smirking. "And just so you know, in there is Rena Minami. Not Yukine Chris."

I removed the helmet that's on top of Rena's head, and I cleansed her Soul Gem by placing a grief seed on it.

Yukine Chris then showed a face of determination, "First off you're a triple agent. And we worked so hard to not have Earth have a war with aliens."

"When did you know?" Martha 2 asked.

"Oh, I've always known." I said, happily. "I was plotting away as much as you. Bringing Rena in, having her disguise herself as Yukine Chris here."

"Just so you know, the Relic I had on me was a fake." Rena said, blushing a lot. "It was easy to pull off. Due to my wish."

"And you've got reduced iris contraction, slight thinning of the hair follicles on the left temple. And, frankly, you smell. You might as well have worn a T shirt saying clone. Although, maybe not in front of Captain Jack. You remember him, don't you? Because you've got all her memories. That's why the Sontarans had to protect her, to keep you inside UNIT. Martha Jones is keeping you alive." The Doctor said, taking the device off Martha's head, and the clone collapses. He kicks the gun away. "It's all right, it's all right, I'm here, I'm here. I've got you, I've got you."

"There was this thing, Doctor, this alien, with this head." Martha said, and she looked over at Rena. "When did Rena swap places with Yukine?"

"Jared did it a while ago." Yukine said, while my iPhone X rang. "A portal appeared from my behind. When those two UNIT soldiers were gonna link me with a clone. Jared grabbed me, and he swapped my place with Rena's."

"Oh! Blimey, I'm busy. Got it?" The Doctor asked, placing my phone near his ear.

"Yes. Now hurry up." Donna said, her voice over the phone.

"Take off the covering. All the blue switches inside flick them up like a fuse box, and that should get the teleport working."

"Oh, my God. That's me." Martha said, looking at her clone.

"Yup, Rena, you can go home now." I said, creating a portal for the magical girl to go through.

"Thanks. It was fun." Rena said, walking through the portal and I closed it. "Bye."

"What the hell was that about?" Yukine asked, looking at me.

The Doctor has put his coat around Martha and is working on the teleport.

"I, um, kinda have a thing for Rena Minami." I said, laughing a little.

"But I thought you had a thing for Ruby Rose." Hibiki said, her eyes widening.

"I do. But Rena is a good friend of mine."

"While Ruby is your girlfriend."

"Yeah. I suppose you could say that."

"Yes. Remember that?" Martha asked.

"The gas. Tell us about the gas." Hibiki said, happily. "What's in there?"

"They're the enemies." Martha 2 said.

"Then tell me. It's not just poison, what's it for? Martha, please." Martha said.

"Caesofine concentrate. It's one part of Bosteen, two parts Probic five."

"Clonefeed. It's clonefeed!" The Doctor said, excitedly.

"What's clonefeed?" Yukine asked.

"Like amniotic fluid for Sontarans. That's why they're not invading. They're converting the atmosphere, changing the planet into a clone world. Earth becomes a great big hatchery. Because the Sontarans are clones, that's how they reproduce. Give them a planet this big, they'll create billions of new soldiers. The gas isn't poison, it's food." The Doctor said.

"My heart. It's getting slower." Martha 2 said.

"There's nothing I can do." Martha said.

"In your mind, you've got so many plans. There's so much that you want to do."

"And I will. Never do tomorrow what you can do today, my mum says, because…"

"Because you never know how long you've got. Martha Jones. All that life." Martha 2 said, and she dies.

Martha takes back her engagement ring.

Donna's voice comes out of my phone, "Doctor. Blue switches done, but they've found us."

"Now!" The Doctor said, zapping the teleport with his sonic screwdriver, and Donna disappears from the spaceship just in time.

I opened up a portal from under Shirabe and Kirika for the two to fall down into the pool of the Rattigan Academy.

"Have I ever told you how much I hate the both of you?" Donna asked.

"Hold on, hold on. Get off me, get off me. Got to bring the Tardis down." The Doctor said, as the Tardis returns to the alleyway.

I opened a portal and sent it to the direction of Hibiki Tachibana and Yukine Chris, bringing them back to Tokyo, "Those two are back home, safe and sound. While Kirika and Shirabe are in the pool."

"Right, now. Martha, you coming?" The Doctor asked, as I entered the teleport.

"What about this nuclear launch thing?" Martha asked.

"Doctor Martha Jones, keep pressing no. All of those nuclear missiles have to stay on the ground." I said, smiling.

"There's two of them." Donna said, looking at the clone of Martha.

"It's a...long...story."

"Here we go. The old team, back together. Well, the new team." The Doctor said, as Donna and Martha joined us in the teleport.

"We're not going back on that ship!" Donna said, angrily.

"No, no, no. No. I needed to get the teleport working so that we could get to…" The Doctor said.

Rattigan Academy…

"Here. The Rattigan Academy, owned by…" The Doctor said.

Rattigan points his gun at us, "Don't tell anyone what I did. It wasn't my fault, the Sontarans lied to me, they…"

The Doctor takes the gun and throws it away, "If I see one more gun…"

"Kirika, Shirabe." I said, running towards one of my favorite duo. "Enjoyed the splash?"

"Better than face down." Shirabe said.

"Yeah." Kirika said. "Death!"

(Open POV)

Miku's home…

A portal opened up in her home with Hibiki Tachibana and Yukine Chris stepped out of it, the portal closing behind them.

"Hibiki." Miku said, walking up to her for a hug.

"Miku." Hibiki said, laughing a little "Hehe, this is all on the Doctor and Jared now."

Mami's home…

The Earth's atmosphere turns orange-brown. The gas is getting into the houses.

"It looks bad out there." Madoka said. "Jared said he can handle it with the Doctor. I know they can. Come on, fix the atmosphere, okay?"

Academy laboratory...

The Doctor is building a gizmo, "That's why the Sontarans had to stop the missiles. They were holding back. Because caesofine gas is volatile, that's why they had to use you to stop the nuclear attack. Ground to air engagement could spark off the whole thing."

"Wait, are you making an explosion happen?" Shirabe asked. "Is the atmosphere going to ignite?"

"Yeah. They need all the gas intact to breed their clone army. And all the time we had Luke here in his dream factory. Planning a little trip, were we?" The Doctor asked, looking at Luke.

"They promised me a new world." Rattigan said.

"You were building equipment, ready to terraform El Mondo Luko so that humans could live there and breathe the air with this. An atmospheric converter."

Yachiyo's home…

"Come on! I'm getting even more bored." Felicia said, as she is lying down on the floor. "I want to hunt down some Witches already."

Rattigan Academy…

"That's London. You can't even see it. My family's in there." Donna said.

"If I can get this on the right setting." The Doctor said.

"Doctor, wait! You said the atmosphere would ignite." Kirika said, looking at the Time Lord.

"Yup, he did." Jared said, smiling. "He totally did."

The Doctor activates the atmospheric converter, and an energy pulse zooms up into the grungy clouds. KaBOOM!

The Doctor crosses his fingers as the fireball spreads in the upper atmosphere, "Please, please, please, please, please, please, please."

"Come on…" Jared said, as he is looking down at a photo of Ruby Rose on his Apple Watch. "Please work…"

"It has to." Shirabe said, sadly.

The flames race around the world, consuming the gas without damaging any buildings, and leaving a clear blue sky behind. The people come out of their houses to celebrate. Captain Price kisses Colonel Mace. Tsubasa grabbed Maria's hand, and they looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

"He's a genius." Rattigan said.

"Just brilliant." Martha said.

"Now we're in trouble." The Doctor said.

"A lot of trouble. I do love it." Jared said, running away with the Doctor.

Recreation area…

The Doctor carries the atmospheric converter into the teleport, and Jared is standing next to him, "Right. So, Donna, thank you for everything. Martha, you too. Oh, so many times. Luke, do something clever with your life."

"Shirabe, Kirika, thank you for saving the world." Jared said, looking at the two Symphogear users. "Hibiki and the others too. Tell my magical girls in Kamihama City, good luck. Let them hunt down Witches and Rumors, and save people. And Donna, you're my bestest friend ever."

"The both of you are saying goodbye." Donna said.

"Sontarans are never defeated. They'll be getting ready for war. And, well, you know, I've recalibrated this for Sontaran air, so…" The Doctor said.

"We're gonna to ignite them." Jared said, grabbing the Doctor's hand. "We're let one Boom!"

"You'll kill yourselves." Shirabe said.

"Just send that thing up on it's own. I don't know. Put it on a delay." Martha said.

"We can't." Jared said, sadly.

"Why not?" Donna asked.

"We've got to give them a choice." The Doctor said.

The Doctor and Jared teleport.


"Oh, excellent." Staal said.

"General Staal, you know what this is." The Doctor said, with Jared next to him.

"It's an atmospheric converter, or in this case, a bomb. It'll go Bang! and they we're all gone. Every single person on this ship." Jared said, looking at Staal.

"But there's one more option. You can go. Just leave. Sontaran High Command need never know what happened here." The Doctor said.

"Your stratagem would be wise if Sontarans feared death, but we do not. At arms." Staal said.

"I'll do it, Staal. If it saves the Earth, I'll do it."

"A warrior doesn't talk, he acts."

"Come on, please. We're giving you the chance to leave. Just leave Earth, this Earth alone. It's not my version of home, but it's still amazing." Jared said, frowning.

"And miss the glory of this moment?" Staal asked.

"All weapons targeting Earth, sir. Firing in twenty." Skree said, over the speaker.

"We're warning you, please leave." Jared said, taking out some chocolate chip cookies to eat them. "Please…"

"And I salute the both of you. Take aim." Staal said.

"Shoot me or shoot Jared, one of us is still going to press this. You'll die, Staal." The Doctor said.

"Knowing that you two die too."

"Firing in fifteen." Skree said, over the speaker.

"For the glory of Sontar. Sontar-ha. Sontar-ha. Sontar-ha." Staal said.

"I really don't like that chant." Jared said, eating the final cookie in the box. "My last meal. What a shame."

Rattigan is working on the teleport.

"Come on, Spaceman." Jared said, his hand on top of the Doctor's. "Let's do it together."

"Yeah." The Doctor said, looking back at Jared.

"Then do it!" Staal said.

Recreation area…

"What are you doing?" Kirika asked.

"Something clever." Rattigan said, teleporting away.


The Sontarans are still chanting.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven…" Skree said, as the Doctor and Jared vanish and Rattigan appears, catching the converter control. "Six, five, four, three…"

"Sontar-ha!" Rattigan said, angrily.

"Two, one."

The Sontaran spaceship goes KaBOOM! taking out the just launched clone pods. The Doctor and Jared drop into the Academy teleport, breathless.

(Jared's POV)

Mami's home…

I walked through the portal by myself after dropping Maria, Tsubasa, Shirabe, and Kirika, back to Tokyo.

Sayaka ran up to me for a hug, "What were you thinking? Almost killing yourself."

"It was my choice." I said, with Sayaka looking up at me. "I felt like it was time."

"Except it wasn't." Mami said. "You had us all worried."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"The hell happened in London?" Kyoko asked.

"Luke Rattigan, he saved my life. And the Doctor's." I said, sadly.

"Um, never do that again." Homura said.

"Why don't we have a party?" Madoka asked. "We should."