Pepper came back from work. Tomorrow is Morgan and Harry' s 11th Birthday and after that, they will be going to Hogwarts. OH god, Pepper thought she hopes they'll be safe. She was gonna miss them.
As she entered the house with Happy, she saw Bruce (Professor Hulk) sleeping on the floor and beside them was Morgan, who was working on her suit again.
"Why do you always hack into my suit ?"Pepper asked.
"I don't maybe ...I Want to build a new suit for myself with some new technology?" Morgan said while drinking chlorophyll smoothie thing just like Tony. Like him, she wore his glasses.
"What a resemblance!!" Bruce said stretching his arms."Harry is sleeping inside as I was teaching them both self-defense 3 hours ago."Bruce said as we walked down the Avengers Compound.
Pepper gasped, "Why do you such things? I mean they are just kids."
"Oh shit, I forgot the cake!!" Bruce exclaimed.
"Don't worry, I got this one" old Steve said who was there with Sam. Wanda and Scott appear both in their hands holding tiny cakes.
"Sir, it's 11:55," Friday said. They all run down the corridor.
The door bang open, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!", they all shouted as Harry appears.
"Wheres's Morg?"Peter inquired.
"Maybe sleeping while working" Wanda reminded them. They entered her lab and "Boom" they all were shocked at that sound. It was Thor, Jean, Scott(Cyclops) and Morgan playing pranks on the others again.
Scott pressed a button and all the cakes turned into big eleven cakes. Morgan and Harry were shocked. Everyone present them with gifts and they cut the cake ' Together'. Everyone goes to rest except me, Bruce, Happy, Rhodey, Steve and Wanda.
~Few hours later~
Dumbledore and Minerva accompanied them. They sat together on the table.
"So, it's true that we need to hide their identity?" Wanda asked.
"Yes, they need to especially Morgan. She has to be Morgan Potter, James Potter's daughter. She must not use any technology and Stark name!" Albus exclaims.
"She will. I have told her before." Jean said.
" We have talked to Dursleys and told them that we will pay them for keeping their mouth shut. No one should know that Potters were living with us." Wanda explains.
"But how will they adjust," Harles said.
"They have to keep the secret hidden," Steve said, "They both are smart and I believe that they can do this."
"All communications between us and them will be a top-secret" Pepper assured.
"Everything you told me to tell them I have told but...."Wanda was interrupted
"But if that falls I shall take their memory for a while and return them after everything is over.." Charles said as he entered, hands full of gifts.
"No you can't do it, Charles," Pepper and Erik said together.
"We have no other option rather than..." Minerva was speaking but stopped as she saw both of them coming out."They are still awake?"
" Morgan is sleepwalking, isn't she" Erik exclaimed.
"Nope, we heard everything you people were discussing," Morgan said.
"We won't disclose anything but..." "what if someone penetrates our mind, like a mind reader our secret will be disclosed!!!" Morgan continued Harry's sentence.
"They won't be able to ..." Albus says,
" But how??" Morgan asks.
"Believe me, Miss Potter."
"I believe you."
"Okay twins see you at school" Minerva smiled and they said," See you soon too".
Everyone smiled.
Pepper knew her reaction after calling her 'Miss Potter' and their reaction after calling them ' twins ' was enough for Pepper to believe no one will know their secret.
Next days they spent their time training with Charles and Jean how to stop someone seeing their childhood memories. Charles had put a barrier causing their childhood memory hidden from everyone but not from them.
"Thanks, Charles," Pepper said when she went to pick them up.
"There is no need to say that Pepper. I am training my little student. " and he pointed out at Morgan talking to Jean.
"They have a very good bond of sisters," Pepper said.
"Indeed of Phoenix?" She heard him whisper in the thin air.
"Morgan!" Harley and Peter called as they ran into the living room. "There's a letter for you! "
"Who's the letter from?" Morgan asked, confused rubbing her eyes who was awakened by her brothers. "I don't get letters from anyone. More importantly, who still uses the mail these days?"
"NO IDEA!" Bruce remarked.
"Email is so much more efficient."
Seeing their angel speaking just like Tony, the group remained quite.
"I don't know who the letter is from, Morg," Harley replied as he took a seat.
Morgan and Harry began reading the letter, with Harley and Peter looking at them and back at the Avengers and X-Men who were trying to hold their chuckle.
After a few moments of silence, Harley and Peter saw that Harry and Morgan were staring, their mouth slightly agape, at the letter, they had opened. It was a thick, yellowish parchment which Harley that found odd.
"What does it say, Honey?" Pepper asked Morgan.
"Apparently, It says I'm a witch," Morgan replied. Harley chokes on his coffee whilst everyone started cheering.
Dear Miss Potter,
We are pleased to inform you that you both have place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a lost of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins in 1 September. We await your owl no later than 31 July.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress.