Break Free!

It was almost past dinner time. Slowly, sipping up his chicken breast soup along with grilled salmon slices placed before him on the plate, Zeus was seated still on his bed with his back supported against the giant cushion. However, his mind was crowded with countless perplexed thoughts. From his facial gestures, he didn't seem to be at ease. Rather than, he looked like he was deeply worried about something, alone in his room.

"I feel pissed off so bad! I...I can't control my heart anymore... I definitely can't wait till my entire healing. I gotta think of a way to escape outside for my Eva... Damn! I miss her... I wanna see her so bad... I miss her warm smile... I miss her tiny pouty face... Ahhh...damnit!" Mumbling inside his mind, he stared sharply at the soup bowl with anticipation and a heavy sigh.

Knock Knock!